EdTechWeekly#25 - Jaiku, Podcamp, SOA, Moblogging, MyMaps, & Peep Abuse

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Jaiku , PodcampNYC, MyMaps, Social Netowrking Degree, & Peeps
April 8, 2007

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Chat Log Below

 18:46:28  JohnSchinker ->  Hey Jeff
 18:48:40  jeff ->  Hi John
 18:49:12  JohnSchinker ->  What are the technologies tonight? SK, yugma?
 18:49:25  jeff ­->  having some trouble with skypecast
 18:49:41  JohnSchinker ->  again -- blech
 18:49:43  jeff ->  Here's the link +99001110009906227
 18:49:50  jeff -&­gt;  yeah
 18:50:42  jeff ->  http://www.yugma.com/app/loading.php?user=&role=0&collsession=109832809
 18:51:20  JohnSchinker ->  Hmm... That's new. The skypecast conntect, I get no audio, and then it disconnects after about 20 seconds
 18:51:51  JohnSchinker ->  Stream sounds pretty good
 18:55:02  jeff ->  http://www.yugma.com/app/loading.php?user=&role=0&collsession=109832809
 18:57:09  jeff ->  come on in Arvind - skype 'worldbridges'
 19:00:00  dave ->  greetings
 19:00:07  ElenaW ->  Hello!
 19:00:27  ElenaW ->  Yes.
 19:00:42  jeff ->  http://edtechtalk.com/ETTatPodcampNYC.jpg
 19:03:14  CathyE ->  I had good teachers
 19:04:07  sroseman ->  on Easter yet
 19:04:24  ElenaW ->  Elena Williams, in Eagan, Minnesota
 19:04:29  JenMad ->  http://www.techmeme.com/070408/p21#a070408p21
 19:04:30  jeff ->  http://www.yugma.com/app/loading.php?user=&role=0&collsession=109832809
 19:04:31  dave ->  Hi Elena
 19:04:34  sroseman ->  Sue in Ottawa
 19:04:39  dave ->  hi sue...
 19:04:48  Durff ->  Do we get a doorprize?
 19:04:52  dave ->  yes
 19:04:55  dave ->  you win lisa
 19:04:57  ElenaW ->  Hi Dave, I've been a listener since January
 19:05:02  Durff ->  yea!
 19:05:04  dave ->  cool!
 19:05:08  jeff ->  http://joi.ito.com/archives/2007/04/08/jaiku_vs_twitter.html
 19:05:45  Durff ->  hi Elena
 19:05:55  jeff ->  http://worldbridges.net/podcampnyc
 19:05:55  ElenaW ->  Hi Durff
 19:08:55  JohnSchinker ->  Welcome, Elena
 19:09:01  ElenaW ->  Thanks JOhn
 19:10:01  dave ->  http://weblogg-ed.com/2007/a-degree-in-social-computing-ohthe-irony
 19:10:05  jeff ->  http://www.flickr.com/search/?w=all&q=PodCampNYC&m=tags
 19:10:38  dave ->  http://davecormier.com/edblog/?p=98
 19:11:09  JenMad ->  http://www.mychingo.com/
 19:11:46  Durff ->  oh, you're cool too...
 19:13:11  jeff ->  http://maps.google.com/help/maps/userguide/index.html
 19:13:25  arvind ->  crowdabout.us allows text, audio and video comments
 19:14:07  jeff ->  thanks arvind
 19:15:18  Durff ->  Flickr pics need names of the people
 19:18:00  JoseR ->  What's happening on tonight's show?
 19:18:09  dave ->  edtechweekly
 19:18:14  JoseR ->  cool
 19:19:06  dave ->  http://www.jisc.ac.uk/media/avfiles/programmes/eframework/eframework_soa...
 19:19:16  Durff ->  some do record voice lectures
 19:19:38  arvind ->  nice flickr pic of jeff: http://www.flickr.com/photos/framesmedia/451096052/
 19:20:16  Durff ->  thank you for a name!
 19:21:02  JohnSchinker ->  So the server has to know about EVERYTHING
 19:21:21  sroseman ->  now that is clever
 19:21:42  JenMad ->  http://www.comvu.com/
 19:21:48  Durff ->  who else went to podcamp aqnd smiled for the camera?
 19:21:51  JoseR ->  Is that like teacher tube
 19:22:06  dave ->  teachertube would be an example of SOA
 19:24:12  dave ->  yes John... the server is a genius :)
 19:24:19  jeff ->  http://www.redhatmagazine.com/2007/03/23/inside-one-laptop-per-child-epi...
 19:24:27  arvind ->  http://popurls.com
 19:25:12  dave ->  http://loomware.typepad.com/loomware/2007/04/moblogging_vre.html
 19:25:58  JenMad ->  http://www.cnn.com/2007/EDUCATION/04/05/education.technology.ap/index.html
 19:27:09  JenMad ->  http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/pubs/20074005/
 19:28:08  ElenaW ->  SuccessMaker here too.
 19:28:21  ElenaW ->  It is engaging.
 19:28:45  JohnSchinker ->  It is, but it's expensive, and not necessarily any better
 19:28:51  dave ->  do you see it improving your students competencies/literacies?
 19:29:07  ElenaW ->  In some math areas, yes.
 19:29:11  JohnSchinker ->  we're using a really old version, too, which is less engaging
 19:29:35  ElenaW ->  We used Microsoft settlement $$ to get the most recent version.
 19:30:12  dave ->  microsoft settlement?
 19:30:17  JoseR ->  Most schools out here are using accelerated reader
 19:30:31  jeff ->  https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/3615
 19:30:46  JoseR ->  We got monies also from the microsoft settlement
 19:30:53  ElenaW ->  Yes, a few years ago, schools with high free/reduced population got some $$.
 19:31:15  dave ->  still don't get it...?
 19:31:21  JoseR ->  Has anyone used Brainpop
 19:31:21  dave ->  http://www.archimuse.com/mw2007/papers/urban/urban.html
 19:31:39  ElenaW ->  JoseR, How do you feel about AR? I am down on it. I feel it drives book selection too much.
 19:31:45  JohnSchinker ->  we have -- pretty cool -- pain to use in the schools
 19:31:52  ElenaW ->  YEs I have used BrainPOP for a whole year now.
 19:32:23  JoseR ->  Same here. My daughters middle school uses it religiously. I don't see the real benefit
 19:32:40  JenMad ->  http://www.radiolingua.com/cbs/home.html http://frenchpodclass.com/ http://eslpod.com/website/index.php
 19:32:40  JohnSchinker ->  pain to use = login problems in labs, when you want to log in more than once a day
 19:32:59  ElenaW ->  It takes key concepts and reinforces it.
 19:33:10  dave ->  John... any software you like? :)
 19:33:26  JohnSchinker ->  not really :-)
 19:33:37  JoseR ->  It gives a reading comprehension score.  You read 20min a day and take test
 19:33:43  JohnSchinker ->  I like Rails this week.
 19:33:46  ElenaW ->  Yes, a new subscription service I have had for a year, TeachingBooks.net
 19:33:49  jeff ->  http://podfeed.net/feedburner_rankings.asp
 19:33:50  CathyE ->  Have you seen StudyIsland or Eduss?
 19:33:57  arvind ->  jeff's wife: http://www.flickr.com/photos/cc_chapman/451327762/in/set-72157600050708740/
 19:34:18  jeff ->  http://oreillyschool.com
 19:34:21  JoseR ->  I use eslpod all the time with adult esl students
 19:34:34  Durff ->  pretty wife, Jeff how did you sng her?
 19:34:40  Durff ->  snag
 19:35:11  JoseR ->  eslpod offers resources for a fee.  I use all the free stuff
 19:35:31  dave ->  http://www.sociallibraries.com/course/node
 19:36:26  ElenaW ->  This looks good to me.
 19:36:29  JenMad ->  http://www.speedofcreativity.org/2007/04/01/podcast142-rethinking-teachi... http://designedtoinspire.com/drupal/node/473
 19:38:28  JoseR ->  I  listened to podcast this week. It was great
 19:38:48  arvind ->  http://ozimodo.rubyforge.org/ Ruby on Rails tumblogging software
 19:39:07  JoseR ->  pod141 and 142 were from the SITE conference
 19:39:16  arvind ->  thanks for listening in Jose
 19:39:17  JenMad ->  http://www.marshmallowpeeps.com/
 19:39:25  JoseR ->  sure
 19:39:42  JenMad ->  http://www.peepresearch.org/
 19:39:53  arvind ->  peeps freak me out
 19:40:36  ElenaW ->  Not my holiday. Funny stuff.
 19:41:11  Durff ->  Mojiti?
 19:41:15  arvind ->  and if you haven't seen lord of peeps http://www.lordofthepeeps.com
 19:41:45  jeff ->  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peeps
 19:42:22  Durff ->  http://mojiti.com/
 19:42:59  ElenaW ->  Nuke the Peeps!
 19:43:21  dave ->  http://peepresearch.org/smoking/peep07.jpg
 19:43:49  Durff ->  it si cool!
 19:44:08  Durff ->  so cool I can't type!
 19:44:51  Durff ->  Happy Easter! :D
 19:45:58  CathyE ->  Jeff- do you want me to post the audio from last Thurs?
 19:46:16  CathyE ->  mu edtechtalk username is cwe
 19:47:13  JoseR ->  same here.  I on wireless from one of my sister-in-laws neighbors
 19:47:29  CathyE ->  I also have the audio from yesterday- last hour
 19:48:03  cheryl ->  sounds like you are winding down
 19:48:09  CathyE ->  yep
 19:48:13  cheryl ->  okay
 19:48:28  cheryl ->  happy Easter
 19:48:39  arvind ->  http://www.flickr.com/photos/angusmci/450247151/
 19:48:51  cheryl ->  has your cold snow storm stopped Cathy?
 19:49:09  JenMad ->  http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmaddrell/sets/72157600056437142/
 19:49:33  cheryl ->  great photos
 19:50:04  cheryl ->  must leave , have to play webkinz with my neice. bye
 19:51:42  JenMad ->  http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmaddrell/451011506/in/set-72157600056437142/
 19:57:23  CathyE ->  Do you want the audacity file not the mp3??
 19:57:58  sroseman ->  Thanks all..great show