Jennifer Maddrell

IHAQ#5 - Why does Sugata Mitra anger so many educators?

I Have A Question#5
May 4, 2014 
Featured Question:
From +Benjamin L. Stewart     
*Why does Mitra anger so many in education? 

Related Links

Possible Upcoming Questions

  • I think it would be interesting to hear about peoples productivity workflow, what are the ways you work? How does tech help or interfere, are there best practices for curating, organizing and how can we best teach students to form good productivity habits online? This is something I think about every day. With so many choices of tools, how do we narrow down the field and choose the essentials that really help us be more productive, better communicators etc.
  • Do the students have a PLN have they mastered social networking; are they prepared to lead others? How are they forming relationships?
  • How do you find out about cool conferences?
  • Why are fewer people participating in free online conferences, webinars and moocs? over saturation or????
  • What potential does social media have for professional development in education?
  • How about the fight to stay relevant or cutting edge in your field? Anyone feel that it's more challenging by the day?






I Have A Question#5
May 4, 2014 
Featured Question:
From +Benjamin L. Stewart     
Why does Mitra anger so many in education? 


Related Links

Possible Upcoming Questions

  • I think it would be interesting to hear about peoples productivity workflow, what are the ways you work? How does tech help or interfere, are there best practices for curating, organizing and how can we best teach students to form good productivity habits online? This is something I think about every day. With so many choices of tools, how do we narrow down the field and choose the essentials that really help us be more productive, better communicators etc.
  • Do the students have a PLN have they mastered social networking; are they prepared to lead others? How are they forming relationships?
  • How do you find out about cool conferences?
  • Why are fewer people participating in free online conferences, webinars and moocs? over saturation or????
  • What potential does social media have for professional development in education?
  • How about the fight to stay relevant or cutting edge in your field? Anyone feel that it's more challenging by the day?
  • What's New?  (old style ETW link dump)

Visit our Google+ Event Page for details and discussion about next week's question.

If you have thoughts on this  or questions of your own, please share them on...

  Twitter:  @eduquestion    #eduquestion
  Google+:  EdTechTalk Google+ Community
  Facebook: EduQuestion  EdTechTalk

Chat Log Below

EdTechSomething#0 - The EdTechWeekly Gang Rides Again @Eduquestion

While the EdTechWeekly Show has been 'on hiatus' for quite a while, our  group Skype chat has remained active. Yesterday Dave posted...

I just had an idea for resurrecting edtechtalk...
twitter hashtag #Edneeds (or something better)
use ifttt to automagically get it to post to a wordpress account
carry other tags as category
encourage people (through sharing service on the wordpress) to volunteer answers
do  a weekly review show going over some of the cooler problems/solutions
would take an hour to build
15 minutes of prep before show
done and done

Jen & Jeff were on board right away and John had his curmudgeonly doubts, but we were all quite pleased to gather together again on a Sunday Night/Monday Morning and discussion possibilities. 



@eduquestion possibilities for show reboot

March 30, 2014

While the EdTechWeekly Show has been 'on hiatus' for quite a while, our skype group chat has remained active. Yesterday Dave posted...

I just had an idea for resurrecting edtechtalk...
twitter hashtag #Edneeds (or something better)
use ifttt to automagically get it to post to a wordpress account
carry other tags as category
encourage people (through sharing service on the wordpress) to volunteer answers
do  a weekly review show going over some of the cooler problems/solutions
would take an hour to build
15 minutes of prep before show
done and done
Jen & Jeff were on board right away and (of course) John had his curmudgeonly doubts, but we were all quite pleased to Hangout together again on a Sunday Night/Monday Morning and discuss possibilities. 

Links Mentioned

Designers for Learning Webcast 12

This Designers for Learners webcast was broadcast live on Wednesday, December 4, 2013. The webcast focused on opportunities to develop service-learning and Open Educational Resource (OER) projects to support General Educational Development (GED) test preparation. Jennifer Maddrell was joined by guests with extensive experience in OER development, including Ronda Neugebauer of Lumen Learning, and Quill West, OER Director at Tacoma Community College (

This Designers for Learners webcast was broadcast live on Wednesday, December 4, 2013. The webcast focused on opportunities to develop service-learning and Open Educational Resource (OER) projects to support General Educational Development (GED) test preparation. Jennifer Maddrell was joined by guests with extensive experience in OER development, including Ronda Neugebauer of Lumen Learning, and Quill West, OER Director at Tacoma Community College (

Designers for Learning Webcast 11

Jennifer Maddrell was joined in this webcast by Dr. Monica Tracey, Associate Professor of Instructional Technology in the College of Education at Wayne State University. Monica discussed her experiences designing and facilitating service-learning projects in her classes. In addition, she will shared her perspectives on the practice of instructional design and designer decision-making based on her research and current design projects, as well as from her prior experience as the owner of a performance consulting and instructional design firm.

Jennifer Maddrell was joined in this webcast by Dr. Monica Tracey, Associate Professor of Instructional Technology in the College of Education at Wayne State University. Monica discussed her experiences designing and facilitating service-learning projects in her classes. In addition, she shared her perspectives on the practice of instructional design and designer decision-making based on her research and current design projects, as well as from her prior experience as the owner of a performance consulting and instructional design firm. See Monica’s bio at

The text-chat transcript appears below the video. Please connect with us at:

Designers for Learning Webcast 10

Jennifer Maddrell was joined by Maureen Barry, a librarian at Wright State University Libraries in Dayton, Ohio. Maureen is on the planning committee for a 2014 colloquium about libraries and service-learning to be held in Santa Clara, California. Maureen discussed the colloquium, as well as other service-learning initiatives she has designed. 

Jennifer Maddrell was joined by Maureen Barry, a librarian at Wright State University Libraries in Dayton, Ohio. Maureen is on the planning committee for a 2014 colloquium about libraries and service-learning to be held in Santa Clara, California. Maureen discussed the colloquium, as well as other service-learning initiatives she has designed. 

Find out more about the Designers for Learning project at

Find us on twitter: Jennifer Maddrell @jenm and Maureen Barry @sllibrarian


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