Chat Transcripts

EdTechTalk#22 - Chat Transcript

 EdTechTalk#22 - Chat Transcript
October 30, 2005

[daf] hi Jeff
[JeffLebow] Hi Daf
elderbob has joined the chat.
[daf] hi bob
[JeffLebow] Hello Elderbob
[elderbob] The early crew
[daf] whose nervous?
dave has joined the chat.
[elderbob] Nervous?
Sus_Nyrop has joined the chat.
[daf] hi Dave
[daf] hi Sus
[dave] greetings
[dave] we're sound testing
[Sus_Nyrop] Granny's here!
[Sus_Nyrop] I can hear you but you sound awful
[elderbob] I hear you.
[daf] the sound is great here
[elderbob] but only once
[Sus_Nyrop] or rather, you make a lot uf scratchy sizzly noise
[elderbob] But I have heard this part before, is this a podcast
[Sus_Nyrop] perhaps the virual audio cable IS missing
[dave] nope
[Sus_Nyrop] you were so nice <yesterday guys
[dave] we're live
[Sus_Nyrop] no echo
[dave] the show starts in 47 minutes
[elderbob] I think it sounds pretty good.
[daf] I have no echo
[daf] the sound is fine here in Caracas :-)
[elderbob] If anything, its a good mike....maybe you need to alter the filters on the mike.
[elderbob] What is the soft ware you are using.
[JeffLebow] EdTechTalk_22_Show_Notes
[Sus_Nyrop] but if you have been using virtual audio cable all the time, how do you think you could do this without?t
[JeffLebow] Info about our set up there
[Sus_Nyrop] do you have a hot air fan?
[elderbob] No, I mean through your soundcard.....are there filters.
[Sus_Nyrop] I think Jeff, your voice is more metallic than usual
Sus_Nyrop has left the chat.
[elderbob] The links in the Show notes for that first entry, dont work.
leeb has joined the chat.
[daf] :hugs Lee
[daf] a new literacy, Jeff,
[leeb] hugs too
[elderbob] Cool.
[daf] well, both sounds are good, but the old sound was much better
[elderbob] I dont see a problem with this way, but maybe if I hear d the other....
[elderbob] DO a test, then vote.
Sus_Nyrop has joined the chat.
[daf] good idea, bob
[daf] M-CH test
[Sus_Nyrop] Hi again
[daf] wb sus
[daf] he he, not messier than my office, I am sure
[Sus_Nyrop] I am waiting to hear some better sound!
[daf] a = old sound
[daf] b= new sound
[leeb] I like the sound fine.
[Sus_Nyrop] C= quality sound
[leeb] b
[Sus_Nyrop] a
[leeb] b
[daf] no, Sus we are voting for old sound and new sound
[elderbob] Boy that was scary.
[daf] lol
[daf] it's halloween!
[elderbob] Time for a toilet break...
derli1212 has joined the chat.
[leeb] :o
[leeb] That was sceeaaary.
[derli1212] hi. how are you all?
[dave] very good
[leeb] *harp*
[dave] how goesit...
[derli1212] :D
[daf] hi deril
[daf] derli, sorry
[elderbob] Is sound still off?
[derli1212] hi. daf, later any workshop?
[daf] no idea
[derli1212] I don't hear voice.
[daf] trrying sound
[leeb] what chat are they looking at?
[Sus_Nyrop] that gave enen more noise, a new moise!
[Sus_Nyrop] flutter flutter knitz knitz
[daf] lol
[Sus_Nyrop] deli is in Taiwan
[Sus_Nyrop] Derli
[derli1212] yes. Taiwan zone pm 10:40
[daf] do you know Aiden, Derli?
[leeb] hi derli
[derli1212] hi. Sus!
[derli1212] yes. I know Aiden.
[daf] :-)
teacherruth has joined the chat.
[dave] hi ruth!
[teacherruth] Hi!
[teacherruth] I don't know how to listen to the live streaming
[derli1212] I hear machine sound "welcome" ? I am too.
[teacherruth] The icons on the right don't seem to help
[daf] hi ruth
[teacherruth] Hi!
[daf] they are trying the sound, Ruth
[leeb] daf, where are jeff and dave looking at chats
[dave] who
[dave] dave and jeff
[dave] we're here
[derli1212] so you said I press live stream! I got it! I am listening it. it's good. Dave and Jeff are talking online!
[dave] yes
[dave] derli... the show starts in about 29 minutes
[derli1212] thanks!
[dave] we're doing sound checks and a pre-show
[leeb] yes, I have both.. I just thought they were seeing things I was not seeing...
[daf] wel, I am having sound again
[teacherruth] IMaybe all the fiddling yesterday muted my sound?
burgosm has joined the chat.
[teacherruth] But I can't even get any player
[leeb] ohhhh. I also keep that open.. i will get it on a floating window so I can watch it as well.
[daf] that is a good idea, Lee
Bee has joined the chat.
[daf] brb
[Bee] cackling and typing witches and warlocks
[burgosm] brb
[Bee] Hi Ruth
[Bee] Long time no see
[Sus_Nyrop] Hello here Ruth!
[Bee] Maybe it is a problem with configuring her speakers
[Bee] is she on a PC?
[daf] back
suriawang has joined the chat.
[elderbob] I am making lots of comments, but no one can hear them.
[Sus_Nyrop] hello Suria
[daf] in Skype, Bob?
[elderbob] No, just here in my living room.
[suriawang] Hello, sus...
[suriawang] Am I late?
[elderbob] Im just talking outloud, and no one hears.
teacherruth has left the chat.
[elderbob] but then no one is arguing either.
[Bee] I hear you
[Sus_Nyrop] you're so welcome, Suria!
[Bee] read you
[suriawang] Is there a Webcast happening, or fixing to happen. I have a really hard time with timezones.
[daf] you can hear the conversation of the pre-show
[elderbob] Suria, you are just in time.
[suriawang] Should I listen at 24kbs or 64kbs?
[Bee] It depends on your connection
[suriawang] K
[elderbob] Are you on a low bandwidth or high bandwidth, Suria.
[burgosm] Is there some way to see which are the 5 people who can talk?
[Bee] Hi Maryanne...are you listening to the webcast as well
[suriawang] So we're listening to pre-show?
[burgosm] Yes, I'm listening.
[Bee] great
[suriawang] :sitting back to listen...
leeb has left the chat.
[Bee] Halloween in the air
[Bee] I must time here
burgosm has left the chat.
[elderbob] I thought this was the Naughty Boys chat....then i find out its the Nordic Voice Chat.
[elderbob] What a disappointment.
[Bee] See you...good luck with the Nordic conference Sus...I will be here next will try to log in
Bee has left the chat.
[elderbob] BYe Bee
burgosm has joined the chat.
[Sus_Nyrop] Hi Maryanne
[burgosm] Hi Sus
[daf] Jeff, ask Vance about the WiAOC conference
[daf] he is the conference man
[JeffLebow] anything specific about wiaoc?
[Sus_Nyrop] Vance is telling al about it now
[daf] yes
[burgosm] What is the regular EdTechTalk time?
[suriawang] elderbob, so what's converging in the "convergence"?
[elderbob] Im still trying to find a way to get ANdy Carvin to call in on that Sunday.
[elderbob] But it doesnt look too likely.
[Sus_Nyrop] Bob - why don't you jump into Skype & I can make room for you
[elderbob] He had them on the Global Learn Day last year.
[suriawang] So What's it about?
[suriawang] Oh, so people are converging?
[daf] The occurrence of two or more things coming together
[elderbob] It came to me in a vision.
[Sus_Nyrop] people, and the technologies connecting us
[elderbob] Converging of technology, societies, humans, etc.
[suriawang] Got it! Very good...
[daf] coming closer
[suriawang] Where is the moodle page?
[elderbob] We might get several people to take turns doing it once per monthr.
tkanders has joined the chat.
[elderbob] YOu are coming through niceand clear Ruth
sroseman has joined the chat.
[tkanders] HEllo everyone
[dave] greetings
[tkanders] Bob do I understand you correctly, can you here Ruth?
[dave] yes, ruth is talking now
[tkanders] Ok then is Ruth using a microphone?
[dave] yes
[burgosm] Is this Ruth Vilmi?
[dave] yes
[dave] tkanders - she is in the skype conference
[dave] which is on the live stream
[burgosm] Wow. I've used her web project with me former ESL students. This is cool.
[tkanders] Dave I have been looking for skype, hard to locate
[dave] tkanders... the program?
[dave] it's at
[Sus_Nyrop] Ruth Vilmi is talking about her conference session for the Nordic voice conference
[burgosm] Hi, Ruth. Yes I can hear you. Yes, Burgos
[burgosm] I'm a retired teacher. I usesd Ruth's page with my hs students in Buffalo, NY
[Sus_Nyrop] Maryanne, jump into Skype
[burgosm] No, thanks. I'd rather hear you.
[tkanders] Thank you Dave, for the tip I am downloading now.
[dave] great
[burgosm] I taught in Buffalo, NY but now will do online courses from Maryland, USA
[burgosm] Yes, that's what we used.
[burgosm] Maybe I should try to skype in.
[Sus_Nyrop] now tereh's room for you maryanne
[JeffLebow] you can skype 'worldbridges'
[Sus_Nyrop] My webcast player is loading SO slowly
[burgosm] the International writing project. I don't know how to get in. I logged on the Skype and and signed in.
[suriawang] What's wrong with American voices? ;-)
[burgosm] Now what?
[burgosm] American voices rule!
[suriawang] What about southern american voices?
derli1212 has left the chat.
[Sus_Nyrop] Maryanne, do I have your skype name?
[burgosm] It's burgosm
[Sus_Nyrop] ok
[Sus_Nyrop] I'll need a reboot, thins are freezing
Sus_Nyrop has left the chat.
[burgosm] Sorry I don't know how to join you.
sroseman has left the chat.
[burgosm] I hear a ring but I need more specific instructions on how to join you.
lbaber has joined the chat.
[tkanders] I am ready to use skype with the group. burgosm can I log your name as well. Just to experience how to manage skype.
[suriawang] Where is the moodle for the convergence?
burgosm has left the chat.
burgosm has joined the chat.
burgosm has left the chat.
Sus_back has joined the chat.
[Sus_back] I hat to reboot
[Sus_back] what IS cop cakes?
[daf] I see you are back
[Sus_back] yes, I am definitely back
[daf] cakes made out of police officers ;-)
teacherruth has joined the chat.
[Sus_back] they always need some cake for their coffee
[Sus_back] Hi Ruth!
[teacherruth] Hi! I'm back
[daf] wb ruth
[Sus_back] so good to see you here & there
[teacherruth] Thanks, you too!
[daf] I am on and off because my dad is not feeling well
burgosm has joined the chat.
[teacherruth] We must learn about this new recording software they mentioned.
[teacherruth] can u type the name of the software?
[Sus_back] "an experience whiwh we should pick up in a quite different way!!!" Sounds entertaining indeed
[Sus_back] niicecast on mac?
tkanders has left the chat.
[Sus_back] kids being sick should NOT be haunted by school teachers intruding their pirvate space; those were my best days
tkanders has joined the chat.
tkanders has left the chat.
[teacherruth] the URL please?
[burgosm] Allen who? Where is that located
[teacherruth] thanks
[teacherruth] Is this yours Jeff
[Sus_back] Did you ever use a traditional telephone bridge call and converge it into podcast?'
[teacherruth] mulitiuser worlscast?
[JeffLebow] No, it's James Farmer's
[teacherruth] thanks
[teacherruth] elg? elk?
[JeffLebow] We have used traditional phones in webcasts - audio quality is usually not as good
buthaina has joined the chat.
[burgosm] Hi Buth
[teacherruth] Hi Buth! Long time no see!
[dave] the new post describes elgg
[teacherruth] thanks sue
[buthaina] orry for being late, Jeff and Daveand all of course
[Sus_back] I'm trying to become a regular user of elgg to find out how I like that
[buthaina] orry=sorry
[elderbob] and I have to run....see you all next week end.
[teacherruth] bye
[elderbob] 'Remember "Web 2.0 -Appetizers" on Knowplace, next weekend...starting Friday.
[elderbob] bye.
[suriawang] That happened to me this week -- splogging!
[teacherruth] OK. Will do!
[teacherruth] Must get to know u
elderbob has left the chat.
[daf] it is happening to my students blogs at blogger
[daf] not so at LiveJournal
[suriawang] I'm finding that info from my blog are appearing on other blogs, which also include lots of unrelated content.
[suriawang] It looks like it's all machine sifted...
[teacherruth] That is very bad.
[suriawang] What's the URL of the blog map?
[burgosm] The EVO sessions are using Frapper for their sites.
[Sus_back] frappr is cool. you can zoom down all the way to local level
[buthaina] Hi Professor Ruth, how are you..glad to meet you here
[teacherruth] Thanks Daff
[daf] :hugs Buth
[Sus_back] we have had the good old Bravenet map for years
[buthaina] I am really happy to meet with my First Online Mentor, Ruth Vilmi today :)
[burgosm] Is there a program similar to Frapper for smaller areas - within counties or cities?
[teacherruth] Thank you Buth! :D
[Sus_back] - our old Bravent webheads map from 2002
[daf] the only thing I don't llike about frappr is that you cannot take a screenshot of the whole map
[buthaina] Thanks to Worldbridges for providing such wondwerful educational meetings for all teachers and students in the globe
[teacherruth] You are doing great work now. I'm following you!
[Sus_back] Frappr can zoom in to local level
[daf] Bravenet, Maryanne
[burgosm] Thanks.
[daf] she is, Ruth
[teacherruth] Yes. This is my first time here.
[teacherruth] But Dave and Geoff have been helping me a lot this week.
[teacherruth] Right!
[Sus_back] we want easy tools!
[Sus_back] they have indeed been most helpful with the two od us, Ruth
[burgosm] Where will Siemens and Cross be? here?
[Sus_back] yes , here in edtechtalk on Thursday
[burgosm] Cost? Kost?
[burgosm] Thanks.
[Sus_back] Jay Cross
[teacherruth] I agree Sue
[burgosm] OK
[teacherruth] Must come on Thursday
guitarfreak has joined the chat.
[teacherruth] Yes, welcome to my livecast at 15 GMT
[teacherruth] om Moday
[suriawang] What's the Convergence URL?
[buthaina] Jeff, are they back..LOL
[teacherruth] Thanks all of you for this session. I presume this chat is logged.
[Sus_back] IS the chat logged, J & D?

osm] Yes, that's what we used.
[burgosm] Maybe I should try to skype in.
[Sus_Nyrop] now tereh's room for you maryanne
[JeffLebow] you can skype 'worldbridges'
[Sus_Nyrop] My webcast player is loading SO slowly
[burgosm] the International writing project. I don't know how to get in. I logged on the Skype and and signed in.
[suriawang] What's wrong with American voices? ;-)
[burgosm] Now what?
[burgosm] American voices rule!
[suriawang] What about southern american voices?
derli1212 has left the chat.
[Sus_Nyrop] Maryanne, do I have your skype name?
[burgosm] It's burgosm
[Sus_Nyrop] ok
[Sus_Nyrop] I'll need a reboot, thins are freezing
Sus_Nyrop has left the chat.
[burgosm] Sorry I don't know how to join you.
sroseman has left the chat.
[burgosm] I hear a ring but I need more specific instructions on how to join you.
lbaber has joined the chat.
[tkanders] I am ready to use skype with the group. burgosm can I log your name as well. Just to experience how to manage skype.
[suriawang] Where is the moodle for the convergence?
burgosm has left the chat.
burgosm has joined the chat.
burgosm has left the chat.
Sus_back has joined the chat.
[Sus_back] I hat to reboot
[Sus_back] what IS cop cakes?
[daf] I see you are back
[Sus_back] yes, I am definitely back
[daf] cakes made out of police officers ;-)
teacherruth has joined the chat.
[Sus_back] they always need some cake for their coffee
[Sus_back] Hi Ruth!
[teacherruth] Hi! I'm back
[daf] wb ruth
[Sus_back] so good to see you here & there
[teacherruth] Thanks, you too!
[daf] I am on and off because my dad is not feeling well
burgosm has joined the chat.
[teacherruth] We must learn about this new recording software they mentioned.
[teacherruth] can u type the name of the software?
[Sus_back] "an experience whiwh we should pick up in a quite different way!!!" Sounds entertaining indeed
[Sus_back] niicecast on mac?
tkanders has left the chat.
[Sus_back] kids being sick should NOT be haunted by school teachers intruding their pirvate space; those were my best days
tkanders has joined the chat.
tkanders has left the chat.
[teacherruth] the URL please?
[burgosm] Allen who? Where is that located
[teacherruth] thanks
[teacherruth] Is this yours Jeff
[Sus_back] Did you ever use a traditional telephone bridge call and converge it into podcast?'
[teacherruth] mulitiuser worlscast?
[JeffLebow] No, it's James Farmer's
[teacherruth] thanks
[teacherruth] elg? elk?
[JeffLebow] We have used traditional phones in webcasts - audio quality is usually not as good
buthaina has joined the chat.
[burgosm] Hi Buth
[teacherruth] Hi Buth! Long time no see!
[dave] the new post describes elgg
[teacherruth] thanks sue
[buthaina] orry for being late, Jeff and Daveand all of course
[Sus_back] I'm trying to become a regular user of elgg to find out how I like that
[buthaina] orry=sorry
[elderbob] and I have to run....see you all next week end.
[teacherruth] bye
[elderbob] 'Remember "Web 2.0 -Appetizers" on Knowplace, next weekend...starting Friday.
[elderbob] bye.
[suriawang] That happened to me this week -- splogging!
[teacherruth] OK. Will do!
[teacherruth] Must get to know u
elderbob has left the chat.
[daf] it is happening to my students blogs at blogger
[daf] not so at LiveJournal
[suriawang] I'm finding that info from my blog are appearing on other blogs, which also include lots of unrelated content.
[suriawang] It looks like it's all machine sifted...
[teacherruth] That is very bad.
[suriawang] What's the URL of the blog map?
[burgosm] The EVO sessions are using Frapper for their sites.
[Sus_back] frappr is cool. you can zoom down all the way to local level
[buthaina] Hi Professor Ruth, how are you..glad to meet you here
[teacherruth] Thanks Daff
[daf] :hugs Buth
[Sus_back] we have had the good old Bravenet map for years
[buthaina] I am really happy to meet with my First Online Mentor, Ruth Vilmi today :)
[burgosm] Is there a program similar to Frapper for smaller areas - within counties or cities?
[teacherruth] Thank you Buth! :D
[Sus_back] - our old Bravent webheads map from 2002
[daf] the only thing I don't llike about frappr is that you cannot take a screenshot of the whole map
[buthaina] Thanks to Worldbridges for providing such wondwerful educational meetings for all teachers and students in the globe
[teacherruth] You are doing great work now. I'm following you!
[Sus_back] Frappr can zoom in to local level
[daf] Bravenet, Maryanne
[burgosm] Thanks.
[daf] she is, Ruth
[teacherruth] Yes. This is my first time here.
[teacherruth] But Dave and Geoff have been helping me a lot this week.
[teacherruth] Right!
[Sus_back] we want easy tools!
[Sus_back] they have indeed been most helpful with the two od us, Ruth
[burgosm] Where will Siemens and Cross be? here?
[Sus_back] yes , here in edtechtalk on Thursday
[burgosm] Cost? Kost?
[burgosm] Thanks.
[Sus_back] Jay Cross
[teacherruth] I agree Sue
[burgosm] OK
[teacherruth] Must come on Thursday
guitarfreak has joined the chat.
[teacherruth] Yes, welcome to my livecast at 15 GMT
[teacherruth] om Moday
[suriawang] What's the Convergence URL?
[buthaina] Jeff, are they back..LOL
[teacherruth] Thanks all of you for this session. I presume this chat is logged.
[Sus_back] IS the chat logged, J & D?
[buthaina] sorry, I missed your talk , teacherRuth
guitarfreak has left the chat.
[buthaina] I will tune to the Webcast, oif course
[teacherruth] I will talk on Mon 7th
[teacherruth] at 15 GMT
[teacherruth] Good
[burgosm] Thanks guys. I learned a lot and apprecite your inivitation to talk with Ruth and you both.
[Sus_back] and I will join you indeed
[buthaina] Great! thanks teacherRuth
[suriawang] What has new literacy become a more popular topic these days.
[buthaina] Unfortunately, I cannot show anyone the Project My students and I did When we Joined Vilmi's IWE project..I was not a Webhead in
[Sus_back] Dave, the link to the Nordic voice conf in your blog is not valid
[dave] k
[buthaina] action then and didn't have the skill to document that project
[suriawang] That's High Tech High School....
[teacherruth] That sounds great.
[Sus_back] pls correct it bwhen you can, it is
[daf] I added my students podcasting blog to the frappr blog
[suriawang] But the difference is that students are working the information, not just consuming it.
[daf] frappr map, I meant
[teacherruth] What should I do if I want to Skype in?
[suriawang] kids are widgets...
[daf] just add people's skype ID's to your skype, Ruth
[buthaina] Ruth, just add, the skype name: "worldbridges"
[daf] mine is dafnegon939
[JeffLebow] EdTechTalk_22_Show_Notes
[buthaina] Hayyyyy..good to hear your voice live online here today..
[daf] lol
[buthaina] Judt love this English Accent..:)
[dave] the link is ok... what are you talking about?
[Sus_back] looks like an internal url Dave
[dave] really? where?
[Sus_back] oops, nopw it DOES work, sorry
[dave] hee hee :) i fixed it
[dave] thanks sus
[Sus_back] lol :?
[buthaina] heheh..dave, :)
[buthaina] is this Sus, from the Nordic moodle project?
[buthaina] hehehe, Sus..)
[buthaina] Yes, Ruth a great idea
[daf] our Sus, Buth :-)
Tammy7229 has joined the chat.
[daf] hi Tammy
[Sus_back] at least this gave me another opportunity to mention the URL for http://www.edtechtalk
[Tammy7229] hello, I have just downloaded oddsock software. I am trying to fiqure this whole thing out.
[Tammy7229] This is my first time here.
[burgosm] Thanks for everything. Gotta go.
[Tammy7229] HEllo Sus_back
burgosm has left the chat.
suriawang has left the chat.
[Tammy7229] I can here your voice and Teacherruths, what a greta tool this is.
[daf] nice listening to French
[dave] merci
[dave] Sa fait longtemp d la derniere fois que j'ai parle en francais
[Sus_back] c'etait excellent, vraiment!
[dave] merci bien!
[Sus_back] I recall you were talking often about Ruth's work when you started as a webhead, Buthy
[daf] it all sounds so familiar to me, Ruth and Buth :-(
[Sus_back] Daf, would you like to jump in now, I could jump out
[daf] no, dear, stay where you are ;-)
[JeffLebow] We can kick Dave out... he doesn't mind
[dave] i'll drop out
[JeffLebow] Here we come Daf
dave has left the chat.
[daf] jeff, I was turning off the webcast
[JeffLebow] I knew I wouldn't have to say anything to you. You are a veteren
[JeffLebow] veteran
[JeffLebow] Do you have a headset?
[Sus_back] Daf
[Sus_back] s not got any headset today
[daf] no, my headset is not here, my son took it ;-)
[JeffLebow] Daf, if possible you can mute your mic while not speaking... although the echo isn't so bad now
[Sus_back] this means we can hear sweet bird's twittering from your garden!
[daf] better now?
[JeffLebow] yes
[daf] :-)
[Sus_back] almost perfect!
[JeffLebow] Where did you go Daf?
[daf] I was not listening, so I hang up to be able to listen ;-)
[JeffLebow] Please skype back in whenever you like... I like the bird song background
[daf] lol
[daf] I am listening while preparing some web pages for the Becoming a Webhead session 2006
[teacherruth] matrix?
Jason has joined the chat.
[JeffLebow] Hello Jason
[Jason] hi there :)
[daf] hi Jason
[JeffLebow] Are you listening to the show?
[Jason] is it still on?
[JeffLebow] The 'post-show'
Jason has left the chat.
Jason has joined the chat.
[Jason] i am now :)
[Jason] i wanted to tune in today but i woke up too late... :)
[Jason] too much age of empires III last night...
Jason has left the chat.
Jason has joined the chat.
[Sus_back] hello Jason, I am Sus in denmark
[Jason] hi. :) this is Jason....I am a high school history teacher from Helena, Montana, USA
[Sus_back] and, are you listetning to the post edtechtalk?
[Jason] i am
[Sus_back] you're listening to TESOL teachers Ruth Vilmi in Finland and Buthaina Alothman in Kuwait
[Jason] i wanted to tune in earlier, but it started rather early in the morning for me on a sunday :)
[Jason] are they using skype?
[Jason] the sound quality is wonderfully clear
[Sus_back] yes, we're on a Skype conference talking
[Jason] hello :)
[Jason] i am not on a machine with skpe at this point, but i am happy listening for now
[daf] thanks Buth, Ruth, Sus, Jeff and Dave
[daf] bye everybody
[teacherruth] M<ny thanks to our losteniners and most of all to Geoff and Dave
daf has left the chat.
[Sus_back] this cwas the craziest session!
[teacherruth] Right! But again it was great, esp. great to meet Buth here. Sad to hear her stories though.
[Sus_back] bye for now, hubby is grumpying from the kitchen region!!
Sus_back has left the chat.
[teacherruth] Now I must eat and prepare for tomorrow's workshop
[teacherruth] Not sure how to quit.
[buthaina] Tank again, Jeff and Dave for your effort, time, and great support, as always.
[buthaina] Tank=Thanks
[JeffLebow] Thanks to everyone... a great marathon show
[teacherruth] I guess I just close the window?
[buthaina] Look forward to listening to the webcast done earlier today. And to the coming one with Ruth and Sus.
[teacherruth] Luckily I live alone and have no one to boss me any more!
[buthaina] Bye Bye, all..
[JeffLebow] It's being re-webcast now
[teacherruth] Bye Buth
[JeffLebow] Bye Buth 

EdTechTalk#21 - Chat Transcript

EdTechTalk#21 - Chat Transcript
October 23, 2005

[it_s_me_dave] crazyness
[daf] this is a typical webheads experiment
cbsiskin has joined the chat.
[daf] welcome, Claire
[elderbob] Hi CBSiskin.
cbsiskin has left the chat.
[bob] what is the experiment? what is "alloto?" <is that right?>
[it_s_me_dave] a place to win money?
[bob] ah
[elderbob] Is this Bob, from Texas?
[bob] no... bob sprankle from maine
[it_s_me_dave] ah, that bob.
[elderbob] Ok, there is another Bob from Texas I know, besides myself.
[it_s_me_dave] hi bob
[bob] hi dave
cbsiskin has joined the chat.
cbsiskin has left the chat.
daf has left the chat.
[aiden] for newbies
daf has joined the chat.
[daf] I had to leave alado
[it_s_me_dave] bob, we're trying to run two different platforms at the same time...
[it_s_me_dave] but you've probably caught on to that by now...
[it_s_me_dave] are you listening to the stream?
[bob] ah. what's the link for alado?
[daf] I could not have alado, the chat room, and the webcast
su_on_mac has joined the chat.
[Rita] ive muted Alado
[Rita] but can see the chat window
[elderbob] I think sound is good.
[Rita] very good, yes, but voice comes and goes
[bob] yes. listening to the stream... unfortunately I have only a few moments... of to visit relatives in a matter of minutes
[bob] off
cbsiskin has joined the chat.
[aiden] what are you using to chat in edtech, jeff, skype?
[bee] are you typing from a different window outside Alado or are you typing fromthe central window in Alado?
[daf] now I have this chat, the webcast and alado in different browsers and it is ok
[su_on_mac] >I lost Alado when I tried to open the real Player
[aiden] i'm typing from Alado
[su_on_mac] sol now I went over to my mac
[su_on_mac] and the delays are difefrently timed
[aiden] i just hope no one projects any other webpage in alado or i'll lose edtech
bee has left the chat.
[daf] I had to leave alado, could not type into this chat from alado and listen to the webcast at the same time
bee has joined the chat.
Rita has left the chat.
aiden has left the chat.
bee has left the chat.
bee has joined the chat.
aiden has joined the chat.
it_s_me_dave has left the chat.
Rita has joined the chat.
[Rita] (been kicked off)
dave_on_air has joined the chat.
[daf] I left alado
sroseman has joined the chat.
[aiden] lol
[bee] I am tyyping directly from the Alado central window
[su_on_mac] su-on_mac is alias Sus Nyrop
[aiden] me, too, bee
[sroseman] I am on a Mac as well
[daf] I left alado and now the sound of the webcast is better
[aiden] only moderators in alado can do that
[cbsiskin] i left alado too
[su_on_mac] my PC froze competely when Itried to stream the cast from RealPlayer, - but it was fun to try
[bee] I can hear Jeff well...and was not kicked out
[aiden] me too bee
[bob] well... I have to go... I love the work you guys are doing and will try and come back next week...
[bob] I'll catch this on the podcast!
[sroseman] what is the url for ALDO
[Rita] i can also hear well, but ned to leave now, good experiment ;-)
bob has left the chat.
[su_on_mac] bye to you Rita!
Rita has left the chat.
[daf] this is a screenshot of what happened when I was trying to get a screenshot of alado-worldbridges chat and my screen froze:
[dave_on_air] ?q=node/115
[su_on_mac] and what was the name of that reader?
[dave_on_air] rssowl
[su_on_mac] type it here pls
[su_on_mac] hm hm
ElizabethHS has joined the chat.
[bee] edu ubuntu?
[dave_on_air] edubuntu
[ElizabethHS] What does Access do?
[dave_on_air] database stuff
[ElizabethHS] thanx
[aiden] what's the site again?
[cbsiskin] and the educational prices for the video ipods are even lower
[aiden] can you type it here?
[ElizabethHS] Mobility is the issue, though
[bee] see you...must go and vote in the referendum now
[ElizabethHS] Good luck to Brazil, Bee!
[ElizabethHS] Got it--like Excel
[bee] let's see what happens..whether they prohibit the sale of ammunition and arms here or not
[cbsiskin] no not like excel -- excell is a spreadsheet
[bee] see you
[ElizabethHS] Won't stop violence--see Pinker, The Blank slate
[bee] I know
[bee] education is the solution
[cbsiskin] well pinker is highly controversial
[bee] and satisfying people's basic them a chance...empowering them
[ElizabethHS] yes, Bee--and econ development
[bee] anyhow...see you
[ElizabethHS] C;ya
[cbsiskin] see you bee
bee has left the chat.
[daf] that would be a great gift: a video ipod :-)
[cbsiskin] daf, you are moving to spain?
[daf] yes, i hope I can do it early next year
[cbsiskin] why, if I may ask?
[sroseman] good for previewing photos and watching videos
[daf] well, I don't like in a dictatorship :-(
[sroseman] nice sized screen
[daf] living in a...
[cbsiskin] understandable, daf
[cbsiskin] i understood what you meant
[daf] :-)
[ElizabethHS] Address for the Yahoo search?
[ElizabethHS] video search?
[dave_on_air] ?q=node/115
[dave_on_air] show notes
Jeff_in_Ann_Arbor has joined the chat.
[cbsiskin] so many jeffs :-)
[daf] yes, a jeffy world ;-)
[aiden] lol
[Jeff_in_Ann_Arbor] Yes so many Jeff and so little time
jo has joined the chat.
[ElizabethHS] Good notes--thanks for pointing to this excellent resource. You guys have this well organized!
[elderbob] Great advice.
ElizabethHS has left the chat.
[su_on_mac] I get such emails phishing for passwords, titled : You recently changed your password (which I did not)
[Jeff_in_Ann_Arbor] Dave do you think it is because of all the links on other blogs linking to your feedbook
[daf] just delete them, Sus
[elderbob] I wonder if blog spam raises your google ranking?
[su_on_mac] you bewt I do Daf :-)
[dave_on_air] probably
[Jeff_in_Ann_Arbor] Yes Flock I am using it right now
[dave_on_air] skype in to tell us about it jeff!
[aiden] yes, i got those comments. I always tell my students they can delete these kind of comments
[daf] my students are annoyed by the spam on their newly-created blogger blogs
ElizabethHS has joined the chat.
[elderbob] I think I will stay with Firefox and extensions for now.
[cbsiskin] wb elizabeth
[daf] yes, they delete them, and they have activated the word verification feature
[su_on_mac] Daf - do your students ask for resctricted comments in Blogger, where you need to verify the comment user?
[ElizabethHS] Yeah--I checked the blog and used Back--so got lost.
[daf] but having 5 nasty comments in a row is not nice
cbsiskin has left the chat.
[elderbob] Of course maybe firefox will join with flock and then it will be fireflock
[sroseman] we have OPERA and SAFARI and FIREFOX installed
[dave_on_air] the problem was that they were VERY nice comments
[dave_on_air] "i love your blog, it's great, buy my stuff"
[daf] yes, Dave that's what those messages are about
[sroseman] how many browsers can you have?
[dave_on_air] zillions
[dave_on_air] i run 3 regularly
[dave_on_air] konqueror, opera and firefox
[aiden] how can jeff in ann arbor join the voice chat?
[dave_on_air] skype
[su_on_mac] when you have eventual problems with using both Elluminate and Horizon Wimba, it can be a good idea...
[su_on_mac] to have one browser for each system'
[dave_on_air] all you need to do if you want to talk is skype 'worldbridges'
[dave_on_air] hi jo...
[aiden] thanks, dave
[dave_on_air] sleepy this time of night?
[jo] Hi, Dave
[dave_on_air] thanks for staying up!
[elderbob] Jeff will you describe how that is done.
[jo] I tried to go to bed but then got up again
[dave_on_air] lol
[ElizabethHS] NiceCast? ShoutCast?
[sroseman] 50 in a conference call ..a plus for the Mac
[ElizabethHS] OK--Shoutcast?
ElizabethHS has left the chat.
[dave_on_air] shoutcast is...
[dave_on_air] oh. she left
sus_back_on_mac has joined the chat.
[sus_back_on_mac] why am I hearsing such echo?
[dave_on_air] we fixed
[dave_on_air] it
[sus_back_on_mac] yes, I hear that now :-))
[elderbob] The echo is because Jeff is listening over speakers.
Elizabeth_H-S has joined the chat.
[Elizabeth_H-S] Trying out any links from the Notes seems to bump me from the Chatroom.
[jo] Elizabeth, try having another window open to try out the links
[sroseman] nicecast
[Elizabeth_H-S] I just figured that out, Jo, thankx
[jo] :D
[Elizabeth_H-S] From here a new window opens--it's just from the notes that I have the problem.
su_on_mac has left the chat.
[sus_back_on_mac] I'd like to learn more about how you can Skype in an analog phone call, suah as we plan to do with Etienne for the Nordic voice
[Elizabeth_H-S] Do people here in the chatroom have speaking ability?
[dave_on_air] yes
[sus_back_on_mac] NV online conference
[elderbob] So that would mean that with Gizmo, you could increase the number of voice participants.
[dave_on_air] you can skype in at 'worldbridges'
[elderbob] and it adds video
[sus_back_on_mac] Elizabeth, you would need to call on Skype
[Elizabeth_H-S] ic
[daf] skype: worldbridges
[Jeff_in_Ann_Arbor] which usb mike do you use?
[elderbob] Jeff and Dave, why do you prefer Skype over Gizmo.
[elderbob] Another words, a training class or time for Gizmo users might be nice
[Jeff_in_Ann_Arbor] same one I have
[daf] Skype sound is great
[sus_back_on_mac] I got a beautiful new headset, Sennheiser 160
[elderbob] If I were doing a limited class, have folks take a class in how to use the Gizmo set up or the Skype set up.
[elderbob] Gizmo is open source, Skype is ont.
[elderbob] not
[Elizabeth_H-S] Skype works well over my cell phone. I assume Gizmo does too?
[Elizabeth_H-S] Makes the call in free.
[elderbob] I had trouble in earlier versions but now it seems to have improved.
[sus_back_on_mac] sounds like great corporate fun
[Jeff_in_Ann_Arbor] any mac folks us iChat much?
[sus_back_on_mac] nope, not me Jeff
[Jeff_in_Ann_Arbor] I did a little but the audio is much less than skype
[elderbob] My thoughts exactly.
[Jeff_in_Ann_Arbor] we use the text IM in iChat at my schools and work much than
[elderbob] Thanks very much for looking into my Gizmo question.
[daf] I use YM with my students
[sus_back_on_mac] popTech?
[jo] YM?
[daf] Yahoo Messenger
[jo] Oh, thanx
[daf] for group work
[daf] and consulting hours
[sus_back_on_mac] hehe
[Jeff_in_Ann_Arbor] web cast and pod cast "Moving at the speed of Creativity"
[daf] :-)
[aiden] thanks, that's a compliment :-)
[daf] interesting!
[sus_back_on_mac] Webheads are activists, homegrown virtual nomads
[Elizabeth_H-S] Reading is beyond words, too. You need to subconsciously understand contextual properties.
[daf] pragmatics
[sus_back_on_mac] that's why score testting does not really reveal if kids are ready to put their knowledge into action
[sroseman] need alot of real world experiences before you read
[Elizabeth_H-S] Depends on the test, Sus.
[sus_back_on_mac] perhaps I understand teh term "test" in a narrow sense
[sus_back_on_mac] in Danish education testing is still pretty controversial
[Elizabeth_H-S] skimming and scanning were always taught--but in higher level classes.
[daf] tests should be learning experiences
[Elizabeth_H-S] I disagree Daf--it would be mixing two modes--learning and assessing
[aiden] got to go folks, thanks and good night, from taiwan
aiden has left the chat.
[Elizabeth_H-S] g'nite, Aiden--see you at EVO
[daf] of course they are part of the assessement process, but they should let the students learn
[daf] what they know and what they have to go back to. Tests should not be given just for grades
[elderbob] Robert Horn's Visual Language.
[Elizabeth_H-S] I agree there, Daf
[daf] as they do in my university. Teachers then, teach to the test
[daf] I mean they test for a grade
[sus_back_on_mac] yay
[daf] and teach for the test
[Elizabeth_H-S] Chris will be demonstrating to newcomers.
[elderbob] In Dallas, yahooo.
[daf] I will present with her at alado
[Elizabeth_H-S] I hope to join in LT.
[daf] Buth will present at LT with Chris
[elderbob] Communities of Practice?
[Elizabeth_H-S] We have presence.
[daf] it will be MVP session
[daf] lol
[daf] that was sus' description
[Jeff_in_Ann_Arbor] What will be the screen sharing or will it all be audio?
[daf] there will be page pushing at alado
[daf] and PPT slides at LT
[Elizabeth_H-S] Too loud, Sus
[daf] yes
[Elizabeth_H-S] Sounds great to me!
[Elizabeth_H-S] Sus--you faded out.
Sus_back has joined the chat.
[Sus_back] sorry but I was cut off skype
[Jeff_in_Ann_Arbor] I apologize for my lack of knowledge but I don't know alado nor sure what LT stands for
[Elizabeth_H-S] Elluminate is easier to make work than Alado.
[daf] I find alado very easy
[Sus_back] the Nordic Voice conference page is at
[daf] I had problems trying to get all my grad students to LT
[daf] even though I created a tutorial for dummies using Camtasia
[Sus_back] it is free of charge and anyone with an interest in language and ICT is welcome
[daf] I spent almost 45 minutes in YM herding them to the Elluminate room
[daf] maybe because they don't speak english and they got scared when faced with a all-english site
[Elizabeth_H-S] don't forget Video Online -- Mike Marzio and I will be talking about some video resources for teachers and Mike's new video
[Elizabeth_H-S] Video Online will be in the Webheads convergence conference.
[JeffLebow] Elizabeth, are available to skype?
[Elizabeth_H-S] I guess I'd say, no--I'd have to go dig out my skype account, eh?
[Elizabeth_H-S] Not worth--keep up Sus
[Elizabeth_H-S] Conference site is up with times!
[Elizabeth_H-S] Sorry--I was referring to the Webheads' conference.
sus_back_on_mac has left the chat.
[daf] VAnce is going to Skype to talk about our WiAOC
[Elizabeth_H-S] Great!
[daf] but can talk about EVO, Eliz,
[daf] you
[Elizabeth_H-S] OK--hang on 2 secs--the household is just waking up.
[daf] lol
[Elizabeth_H-S] 916-524-6988
[daf] that was fast, eliz
[Elizabeth_H-S] Cross-talk...
[Elizabeth_H-S] Did want to mention the EVO in Jan-Feb
[daf] We want to hear about our WiAOC, Vance ;-)
Jeff_in_Ann_Arbor has left the chat.
[elderbob] Now I am hearing myself on the delay.
[daf] nice to hear Elizabeth
[Sus_back] yes, Elizabeth has a very clear and fine voice call!!
[daf] when Sus starts talking she won't stop, Jeff, she might take your place ;-)
[Sus_back] Vnace is not in here and he cannot hear US in the Skype room
[Sus_back] oh Daf!!!
[daf] lol
elderbob has left the chat.
[Sus_back] I have stopped talking!
[dave_on_air] oh no!
[daf] lol
[Sus_back] a roundtable discussion sounds very interesting
[Sus_back] sounds like a cool session Elizabeth, can you invite Webheads for that particular session, we promise to be good
[Sus_back] i will jump out so someone else can get into Skype
[daf] yes, just like this year
[daf] Tere and I will be delivering Becoming a Webhead in its third round
[Sus_back] <i just jumped out from the Skype room without saying goodbye, perhaps very impolite'
[Elizabeth_H-S] [email protected]
[Sus_back] actually I would need to start some cooking dinner!
[Elizabeth_H-S] Sus--it's breakfast time for us!
[daf] almost lunch time for me
[Sus_back] and I am in a team of three co-moderators preparing an EVO blog course with Jane and Anna
[Sus_back] we do hear you so well Vance
[daf] the sound is great here
[Elizabeth_H-S] I agree, Vance
[Sus_back] i just found out I will be in Spain for the TESOL week
[Sus_back] so I will probably have to do with recorded podcasts
[Sus_back] the TESOL 2005 Webheads Fiesta was audioblogged live from Austin
[daf] I hope to be in Tampa
[Sus_back] so you will not be in Spain that week :-(
[daf] I have not been to TESOL for 3 years in a row
[daf] he he, the TESOL Alado session
Sus_back has left the chat.
Sus_back has joined the chat.
[daf] well,I think we need to be critical when a tools is not used in the best way
sroseman has left the chat.
[daf] are
[daf] they could have recorded a video-conference
[Sus_back] I found out I was not able to text chat because I wanted to know the name of the presenter and I would have asked someone in p¾r
[daf] and then people would have asked the questions in a forum
[daf] Vance cannot read these comments
[Elizabeth_H-S] Did anyone give them feedback??
[daf] well, we have discussed this issue in the WiA list
[JeffLebow] Would anyone else like to skype in to offer feedback?
[JeffLebow] We like interactivity!
[daf] Andy said that they had not want to rehearse
[jo] Well, guys, I guess I'm off to bed now. See you next time.
[daf] they had no time to rehearse
[JeffLebow] Thanks for staying up JO
jo has left the chat.
[JeffLebow] Sleep well
[daf] and to get to know how to use Alado
[Sus_back] This is indeed a problem I am also experiencing with the Nordic voice conference; presenters/discussion leaders are not aware...
[Sus_back] how much they would need to train with a new online environment
[Sus_back] the idea of having personal coaches sounds very heloful'
[daf] yes
[Elizabeth_H-S] TESOL isn't really on our WiA list, so maybe Vance should summarize for John?
[Elizabeth_H-S] Alado just gives Mac users so many problems, for some reason.
[Sus_back] I agree, John and Margo should know we have had this dsicusssion
[Elizabeth_H-S] Can you have more than one chatroom at a time, Dave?
[JeffLebow] yes
[daf] Christine B-R is in the list and she mentioned that the TAC should let them know
[dave_on_air] hey.. that was my question!!!
[dave_on_air] yes.
[Elizabeth_H-S] But will Christine do that?
[daf] no idea
[Elizabeth_H-S] (the should part...)
[daf] Susan G. is the TAC chair now
elderbob has joined the chat.
[Elizabeth_H-S] Dave was so neat on the phone--I felt it was a conversation, not a broadcast.
[dave_on_air] that's the goal
[daf] yes, Eliz. I had the experience in spain
[elderbob] and I have lost the sound somehow.
[elderbob] Now the sound comes on.
[daf] Jeff phoned me while I was by the swimming pool, and having lunch with family
[elderbob] Im listening to Vance, so I think this is quite delayed.
[Elizabeth_H-S] It has to make the connection.
[daf] they could even hear the spanish accent of my family and friends there
[daf] VAnce is speaking
[elderbob] So maybe it is not delayed.
[Elizabeth_H-S] I had that problem for a minute, Vance.
[Elizabeth_H-S] But I just started over with the address.
[daf] he he
[elderbob] I am listening to Vance, but I h ave a picture of Bush on my TV.
[daf] :-(
[elderbob] \Im pretending Bush is actually Vance.
[daf] lol
[elderbob] I iike Bush much bettter that way.
[Sus_back] Webheads can be very very tough!!
[Elizabeth_H-S] Oh Bob :D
[Elizabeth_H-S] You see, we are talking out of turn again....
[elderbob] Im always out of turn....
[Elizabeth_H-S] To Skype in--do we go to Skype or what?
[Sus_back] thank you everyone - this was another great Sunday afternoon
[daf] lol
[elderbob] But I m listening to the conversation.
[elderbob] Maybe its a left brain, right brain thing.
[elderbob] My left brain is text messaging.
[Elizabeth_H-S] Maybe a Skype link could be put in the list?
[elderbob] Right brain is listening.
[Sus_back] yes, open Skype and make a call for worldbridges or dave_cormier
[Elizabeth_H-S] Definitely!
[Sus_back] interesting split brain case, eBob
[Sus_back] virtual T-shirts?
[Sus_back] we can print our own shirts
[elderbob] Actually in my case, I think it has been subdivided, by my categorries.
[elderbob] Thats a great idea.
[elderbob] and what about theme music.
[daf] this is our map for the BaW-06 session
[Elizabeth_H-S] Thanks, Dave--great 'cast
[Sus_back] :puts on her good old invisibility cloak
[elderbob] It was fun....
[dave_on_air] cool
[Sus_back] :vanishes in cyberspace
[elderbob] bye all.
[Sus_back] Bye bye dear edtdechers
[elderbob] More coffe...
[daf] we should have webheads-worldbridges t-shirts
[Sus_back] wow
[Elizabeth_H-S] I'm curious how you accept multiple Skypes?
[daf] thanks, Jeff and Dave
[Elizabeth_H-S] At TESOL Tampa, that will be true, but they WILL tell you.
[Sus_back] did you try to make a call yet Eliz?
[elderbob] They are on a conference call in skype
[Elizabeth_H-S] That
[dave_on_air] thanks for coming
[dave_on_air] nice to have you as always
[Elizabeth_H-S] 's why we need to arrange this beforehand with TESOL and CALL-IS.
[elderbob] But they did say earlier, that there was a way to include even more participants on a MAC
[Elizabeth_H-S] Vance--whoa!--there may be guards at the door of the conference this year.
[Elizabeth_H-S] We do need to make some arrangements.
[daf] well, hope not to get busted as I got in the airport of my own country :-(
[Elizabeth_H-S] The EV is Tom Robb and Susan Gaer as Chair and Chair-elect
[Elizabeth_H-S] But Steve will be there too.
[Elizabeth_H-S] OK--at least register.
[daf] ;-)
[Elizabeth_H-S] I think it would be better both for CALL IS and for EdTech to be "official" however.
[elderbob] In Florida, they will be considered to be broadcasting to Cuba
[Elizabeth_H-S] Yes--think of Daf's experience!
[Elizabeth_H-S] Of course Dave isn't as cute.
[Elizabeth_H-S] We'
[Elizabeth_H-S] d like to get official sponsorship and help in setup, etc.
[dave_on_air] we like being aofficial
[elderbob] And you fellows could help set up the Live Webhead party.
[Elizabeth_H-S] CALL IS will be all for it--and it's only courteous to let them know in advance what will happen.
Sus_back has left the chat.
[dave_on_air] yes... and who's saying i'm not cute
[Elizabeth_H-S] We'd like to gather interviewees, not interfere with the pre-advertised schedule, etc.
[JeffLebow] Absolutely. We want to make sure everyone knows what we have in mind and is OK with it
[elderbob] We did that in San Antonio.
[Elizabeth_H-S] Yes
[Elizabeth_H-S] Many times at the EV, they have limited access and you have to take a number.
[daf] I prefer a pub
[daf] with some beer samplers
[Elizabeth_H-S] We'd want to be a star show--like Garrison Keiler.
[elderbob] Are you going to be there, Daf?
[daf] hope to, Bob
[elderbob] THen you can host the 2nd annual Cyber Celebration for webheads.
[daf] I have not been able to make it to TESOl since Salt Lake
[Elizabeth_H-S] Gotta to attend to family--but stay in touch guys. I really would hate to see this totally "on the wing"--should be official.
[elderbob] Dave and Jeff will help you.
[Elizabeth_H-S] Bye all! Thanx for a great session--sorry I missed Downes last week.
[elderbob] Bye Elizabeth.
[daf] I would love to do it if I can make it there, bob
[elderbob] I would be happy to help in the virtual sense.
[elderbob] You need to get with Vance and Elizabeth and see what the best date and time might be.
[elderbob] I can tell you how I did San Antonio, and I am sure those who were there, may have some of their own suggestions
[elderbob] Take the web presence class in January.
[daf] you are a born webhead, Jeff
[elderbob] Well, I lost audio again so I am going too.
[elderbob] I will talke to you all on another time.
[elderbob] \bye.
elderbob has left the chat.
[daf] back to work, guys, nice being here again :-)
[daf] thanks!

EdTechTalk#21 - October 23, 2005

October 23, 2005

 The latest EdTech News, updated webcasting resources,  discussions of technical 'literacty' and the virtue of interactivity in synchronous presentations, and info about upcoming virtual conferences and events. 

Download mp3 (21.1MB, 1:32:23)

EdTechTalk#20 Chat Transcript

EdTechTalk#20 Chat Transcript
October 16, 2005

[daf] hi everybody!
[daf] yes, nice sound
[dave] hey daf
[dave] how goes it
[daf] :-)
[daf] fine, tons of work but surviving
[daf] wb, Will
buthaina has joined the chat.
[dave] hi buth!
[daf] hi Buth
[buthaina] Hi Dave, :-)
[buthaina] Hi Daf..
[buthaina] Hay, are you..
[buthaina] I use Hay as this good Dave,
Daf..I noticed it was used like that in a movie
[daf] Hay?
[buthaina] Yes
[daf] Ola is wave
sroseman has joined the chat.
[buthaina] The movie: Spanglish, Daf
[daf] in Spanish, hello in portuguese
[daf] never heard of it
[daf] but you know the Spanishes of the world ;-)
[buthaina] Ola/Hola
[daf] yes
[buthaina] Yep, that was Spanglish , Daf
[daf] Hay = heno in spanish
Dennis has joined the chat.
[buthaina] have you heard of it
[daf] hi Dennis
elderbob has joined the chat.
[sroseman] -9
[daf] no, Buth, maybe Dennis who is exposed to other spanishes
[Dennis] Hi, Daf. I had to change my screen display before I could see the typing window.
[buthaina] thanks, Daf..Never mind will ask Dennis later
[sroseman] wonders if there will be talk about Apple's new announcements
[daf] we are waiting for the talk to start :-)
[Dennis] Which announcements, SR?
[daf] I am a PC user
Stephen_Downes has joined the chat.
[daf] hello Stephen, welcome!
[Dennis] Stephen Downes here!!! Incredible!!!
[elderbob] Hello all, and welcome Stephen.
[buthaina] or the announcement about iTune
[Stephen_Downes] Hiya Folx
[Dennis] Yes, I thought it might be about iTunes or about the ROKR cell phone.
[buthaina] Hi Stephen and welcome, :-)
[Dennis] Ditto!
[willrich] Hey everyone!
[daf] I have taken a screenshot :-)
[Dennis] Terrific, Daf!
[daf] hi Will
[buthaina] Me too..Daf..great minds think alike..heheh
[daf] lol, buth
Rita has joined the chat.
[Dennis] And Will Richardson here, too!!! Equally incredible!!!
[daf] yes, 2 gurus :-)
[sroseman] I am googling both names
[sroseman] Stephen ..born in Montreal
[sroseman] me too
[buthaina] 2 great thinkers and teachers, happy to be hear to learn from them and others of course, :-0
[Dennis] I feel exactly the same, Buth.
[daf] it is so exciting to be listening to them LIVE
[Dennis] (another ditto from me!)
[buthaina] clap, clap, clap..
[Rita] (this is fantastic!)
[daf] :D
[Dennis] I agree, Rita.
Rickpr38 has joined the chat.
[daf] you are a philosopher, Stephen
[Stephen_Downes] My web page is
[daf] lol
[daf] I heard of Stephen back in 2002 at the Networking 2002 conference (Australia)
[Rita] me too, Daf
[daf] yes, we were there together, Rit
[sroseman] what area of Montreal*-+
[buthaina] I learned about Stephen from the Webheads in Action community in 2002
sus has joined the chat.
[buthaina] provbably it was you who reported it to us, Daf..:-)
[Dennis] And I learned about Stephen and Will this year. Before this year, I only knew about ESL figures:
[Rita] "being online changes everything"...., how very true!
[daf] didn't you attend that conference, Buth. We presented with Michael C.
[daf] right, Rit
[daf] joining webheads is a door to the world, Dennis
[Dennis] Charles Kelly, Ruth Vilmi, Randall Davis, Dave Sperling, Elaine Hoter
[willrich] My weblog is at
[buthaina] Not sure, Daf..I attended the one in Hawii, was it that one?
[Dennis] It certainly is, Daf.
[daf] no, much before that one
[sroseman] Worldbridges is opening up a new frontier for me in terms of tech innovation
[Rita] once you open that door you are out into the whole world
sus has left the chat.
[Dennis] Ditto, SR--Worldbridges and the Webheads are doing that.
[daf] I have learned about podcasting thanks to JeffL
[buthaina] And I learned about Will from Worldbridges; maybe eBob too earlier..
[Dennis] I have your weblogg in my feed list, WR.
[daf] didn't will give a talk about RSS at LT?
[Dennis] I remember when the Web was mostly read.
[Dennis] And this is an incredible learning opportunity for us as well!
[sroseman] oops..another blip
[sroseman] I did use the web when it was text based
[daf] yes, he did: Recording: "RSS: The New Killer App for Educators" with WillRichardson
[daf] you can find it at the Webheads room in LT
[Dennis] Hear, hear, SD!
[sroseman] Thanks Daf
[daf] :-)
[Rita] thanks, Daf
[daf] it is really good if you want to learn how to RSS
[Dennis] "It changes everything because it eliminates those barriers." Hear, hear.
[daf] a borderless world
[Dennis] Definitely!
[elderbob] Wikibooks.
[Dennis] Traditionally, though, textbook publishers are the last to adopt something new.
[Dennis] I was a textbook editor.
[dave] no offense dennis
[Dennis] I remember when few publishers used desktop publishing. Now, of course, that's common.
[Dennis] No offense taken--none at all.
[daf] publishers only think of the money they will get out of something
[daf] in general
[Dennis] Yes--and they also have a great deal invested in hard-copy machinery.
[daf] they "control" education in schools
[sroseman] I have an art text with web references throughout..a grabber for me purchasing the text
[Dennis] Yes, definitely, Daf.
[Dennis] I wonder how soon we'll "get there."
[daf] Viva Moodle!!!
[elderbob] sroseman, there are several companies in computer training that have sheeeese interactive books and websites working in
[elderbob] conjunction with each other.
[sroseman] of course, elderbob
[Dennis] The whole idea of holistic learning will be a challenge.
[Rita] and thare are already books including sites for consultation, at least...
[daf] my case
[Dennis] The educational establishment resists change and is also heavily invested in a "controlled learning" model.
[daf] right, Dennis
[Rita] true
[Dennis] It's too bad, isn't it?
[elderbob] EVonline is an informal classroom?
[Rita] people are not ready yet
[daf] I am a weirdo in my university
[Dennis] Definitely, EB.
[daf] I think it is, Bob
willrich has left the chat.
[Dennis] Yes, I imagine you are, Daf, but that doesn't matter, because you're also a visionary.
[sroseman] what happens to all those traditional architectural school spaces?
[daf] I really don't mind, I feel happy not to follow the crowd
[Dennis] Why does that not surprise me, Daf?
[buthaina] Yaodong says hi to all of you and tells you that he is sad since his "new home is not connected to the net"and cannot join us u
[Dennis] :D
[daf] say hi to him, Buth
[Dennis] the smilie was for Daf, not Yaodong!
[daf] lol
[Dennis] <<chuckle, chuckle, chuckle>>
[buthaina] done already Daf..Was clear to me Dennis, haven't confused things..:-)
[Dennis] Good, Buth!
[buthaina] :-)
[Rita] ;-)
[Dennis] :o)
[Dennis] The fact that people want to "see it" is encouraging.
[sroseman] *
[Dennis] It's folly to think that everything will change overnight, so the fact that people want to know
[Dennis] what Web 2.0 can do is very encouraging indeed.
[buthaina] It's break fasting time here..My children are calling me to have Iftar now..Will have this window open and volume higher to hear
[Rita] yes, Dennis, but some still dont want to know...
[Dennis] Here are some virtual dates, Buth.
[Dennis] Oh, I agree, Rita.
[buthaina] thank god we have the talk recorded too; thanks to worldbridges..:-)
[daf] I love dates
[Dennis] Definitely, Buth!
[buthaina] thanks, Dennis
[Dennis] In many places, they're a traditional way to break the fast. Am I correct about that, Buth?
[Dennis] Afwan, Buth.
LangLabDirectrix has joined the chat.
[Dennis] Hi, LLD.
[LangLabDirectrix] hello
[daf] wb, LLD
[elderbob] But didnt we have similar issues years ago, when Sony wanted to release tape recorders.
[Dennis] And both publishing and education are power-based.
[LangLabDirectrix] sorry, closed a window, and lost connection
[Dennis] I think we always have similar issues when the paradigm shifts, EB.
[daf] definitely, Dennis
[Dennis] Do you remember, for example, when calculators first became available?
[daf] students are amazed when we want them to be autonomous
[Dennis] :o) Daf
[Dennis] Definitely!
[Rita] yes, and so many other things this generation ahs been lucky to appreciate !
[Dennis] Hear, hear, Rita!
[Dennis] An appreciation for diversity has been a wonderful paradigm shift since I was a child.
[LangLabDirectrix] my son is trying to do an opinion piece for school on whether technology should be a requirement for graduation. He is 13 and
[Dennis] That's not to say that North American culture has no xenophobia, of course.
[LangLabDirectrix] has never known the world w/o it
[Rita] you are fortunate to have the gift for that, Dennis, not everybody has it!
[Dennis] Interesting question, LLD.
[daf] I had a discussion with my graduate students about that, LLD
[LangLabDirectrix] and what did they think?
[daf] my architecture students think that what they are doing in my classes should be done in al their other courses
[Dennis] It was obviously designed by someone who's much older--and has experienced the times when technology was NOT a heavy part
[Dennis] of school work.
[Dennis] I'm sure they do, "Daf.
[Dennis] Rita: My family is a mixed one and I've always felt more comfortable in diverse groups.
[daf] both grad and undergrad students think they should learn about tech as part of their curriculum
[LangLabDirectrix] If you require it will they learn it any better? Use it?
[elderbob] Flat earthed.
[Dennis] Flat-earthed indeed!
[Dennis] I wonder, LLD. Sometimes I think they learn it better informally and on their own!
[daf] venezuela has always been a melting pot
[daf] I agree, Dennis
[Rita] being in the middle of the continent, yes, Daf
[Dennis] The U.S. is often described as a melting pot, but it may be more of a salad than a melting pot!
[LangLabDirectrix] yes but then shouldn't we try to tap into that and help them express themselves through that medium?
[LangLabDirectrix] Or is that too teacher centered
[daf] that's what we are trying to do, LLD
[Dennis] Yes, LLD, I think we should, but they have less fear of it and are more willing to discover their own ways of managing it.
[Rita] first teachers should be convinced and knowledgble
[Dennis] We who have learned to use technology learned it in a different way.
[daf] we give the means, LLD
[LangLabDirectrix] (can you tell I entered late?) :? :?
[Dennis] Right, Daf--but not in a step-by-step way.
[daf] and allow students to go on their own
[Dennis] Definitely!
[daf] lol, Jeff
[daf] I feel a citizen of the world
[elderbob] Im not giving up my Texas citizenship.
[elderbob] No more countries, just networks.
[Dennis] A Texican forever!
[daf] lol
[LangLabDirectrix] Elder Bob: that is a great slogan!
[sroseman] How will web 2.0 impact the K to 6 curriculum/classroom
[daf] thanks, Dennis
[Dennis] Hear, hear, EB ("No more countries . . . .")
[Dennis] :o)
[LangLabDirectrix] Well, given that my 10 year old's first complete sentence was "double click mommy, noit single click" I think Web 2.0 NEEDS to b
Sus_Nyrop_ has joined the chat.
[daf] welcome Sus
[Dennis] Hugs to Sus!
[LangLabDirectrix] needs to be here for these kids
[daf] :hugs Sus
[Rita] welcome, Sus!
[Sus_Nyrop_] hello dear webheads, I am listening to the conversation
[Sus_Nyrop_] whould I like to live in Webheadsland; intriguing question
[elderbob] Stephen, what is the Web 2.0 language or are we there yet?
[Rita] we do, Sus, when we are together....
LangLabDirectrix has left the chat.
[Dennis] "I'd like to live in Webheadsland"
[Sus_Nyrop_] I would also like to know more about the so called web 2.0
[Dennis] "in perfect harmony"
Rickpr38 has left the chat.
[daf] that would be a good topic for a film
[Rita] we are blesed people
LangLabDirectrix has joined the chat.
[daf] wb LLD
[Dennis] "Where all's networked and inter-knit"
[Dennis] "in one community"
[LangLabDirectrix] no countries just networks...I am printing the bumper stickers tomorrow
[Sus_Nyrop_] why not have community by choice
[Rita] reminds me of John Lennon's words..
[Dennis] (Do you remember the Coca Cola commercial with "I'd like to teach the world to live . . ." as the theme song?)
[daf] webheads utopia
[LangLabDirectrix] I could send the mp3 of that.... beware
[elderbob] Im of a John Lennon thought process
[Sus_Nyrop_] Oops
[Dennis] Use that tune for "I'd like to live in Webheadsland"
[daf] you can record it for the WiAOC
[Sus_Nyrop_] I would like to jump in and out from differnt "countries" or contexts
[Dennis] Not with my voice, Daf!
[Rita] we should tell Michael C
[Dennis] Hear, hear, Sus!
[elderbob] More wiki like.
[daf] right, Rita
jo has joined the chat.
[daf] hi Jo
[Dennis] Hi, Jo.
[Rita] hi, Jo
[jo] Hi, all
[daf] our web presence
[Sus_Nyrop_] My local family life could not easily be incorporated in the webheadsland
[elderbob] Very much web presence.
[sroseman] I guess I am using web 2.0..not ware of it RSS flikr..delicious..
[Dennis] "Your locus . . . your personal VLE": what a wonderful concept. I wonder when it will become commonplace?
[Sus_Nyrop_] love that call voice!!
[elderbob] Power failure=political coup.
[daf] I remember when Jeff phone me when I was in Spain having lunch by the swimming pool
Rickpr38 has joined the chat.
[daf] HI Ric
[Sus_Nyrop_] yes, that was a hilarious lunch!
[Rickpr38] Hi! I am still working on getting sound....
sroseman has left the chat.
[daf] click on one of the icons below the chat window
[Sus_Nyrop_] Rick, hello
[daf] I am using WMP
[daf] yes, I love audacity, too
[Rickpr38] I get beeps and a welcome message....
[Rita] click on the icon in the middle
[Dennis] Audacity: a fantastic tool--and a free one!
Rickpr38 has left the chat.
[daf] I am using Audacity, and iTunes
[daf] iTunes to RSS podcasts
[Sus_Nyrop_] blogging rules
Rickpr38 has joined the chat.
[daf] wb, Rick
[Sus_Nyrop_] social tools will change community collaboration in and outside the classroom
[Rickpr38] Hi again! I got the sound to work. It is on another browser....
[daf] tablet PC?
[Sus_Nyrop_] bravo Rick!!!
[Sus_Nyrop_] you passed teh webheads test, we never give up
[Rickpr38] Thanks, sus! I couldn't have done it without eveeryone's help. {:-{>}
[elderbob] Is this similar in concept to the $100. PC on Andy Carvins list?
[Rickpr38] Sus, My skype name is rickpr38. I couldn't find or call you....
[Sus_Nyrop_] :hands Rick todays' Wild Webheads pin"
[Rickpr38] : puts it on with pride and a smile
sroseman has joined the chat.
[Dennis] leads the applause: Hip, hip . . .
[daf] that's great!
[Rickpr38] This is new for me. Who uses this forum? Is it open to all educators?
[Rita] incredible this tablet they are describing....
[daf] my architecture students would love it!
[buthaina] Í'm back
[daf] wb, buth
[sroseman] reminds me of the Apple eMate project..which I was involved in sometime ago
[Rickpr38] How can we see who is talking?
[buthaina] thanks, daf
[daf] you don't see, just listen, rick
[buthaina] You cannot see, Rick..
[jo] Dennis, your going great with all the sites. Thank you
Sus_Nyrop_ has left the chat.
Sus_Nyrop_ has joined the c
[Rickpr38] I see. I mean, I don't.... [:-{>}
[daf] Dennis is a treasure
[Rita] wb Sus
[Rita] he is, Daf!
[Rickpr38] Are tablets more expensive than regular laptops?
[LangLabDirectrix] yes they are...and they are heavy
[LangLabDirectrix] we use them for teaching stroke order in japanese and chinese
[elderbob] The MIT $100. laptop has a tablet self contained.
[LangLabDirectrix] we use Gateways
[Rickpr38] 100? 1,000?
[elderbob] 100
[Rickpr38] Wow!
[elderbob] Dont get too excited, its still experimental.
[LangLabDirectrix] and not available...yet
[Sus_Nyrop_] I am being haunted, my real player started to play something else (a samba I think)
[sroseman] used this one in a pilot project
[Rickpr38] I would love to be able to get 100 laptops into schools with few resources...
[elderbob] Correct.
[dave] we talked to someone who's using 20dollar thin clients in a computer lab
[dave] Kathy in New Hampshire
[LangLabDirectrix] what is Kathy's email?
[elderbob] Now you got me....Ive not heard of a 20 thin client, is that like a palm or phone device.
[Sus_Nyrop_] the thin client for school use is cool; you can recycle old machines; only teh server need to be a really strong working horse
[elderbob] Ill have to look that up, I dont think I have heard of it before.
[Rickpr38] recycling old machines? Tell me more!
[sroseman] training and professional development is essential with new tech..modeling is the key factor
[Sus_Nyrop_] no - you use any PC, but let them be connected to the server, I think programs are stored centrally
[Rickpr38] Can anyone speak?
[sroseman] speechless
[daf] ys, Rick just contact them in skype
[Rickpr38] {:-{>}
[Rickpr38] I am doing my first skype on my own account today....
[Sus_Nyrop_] I know a school that made this thin client project and they used all their old outdated pcs with succes
[daf] the EVO sessions do a great job for TPD
[daf] and for free
[Dennis] Here's some pricing info on tablet PCs:
[buthaina] interesting, Sus..
Sus_Nyrop_ has left the chat.
[daf] the skype name is Worldbridges, Rick
[elderbob] So you havent met invivo, but you have virtually met.
[buthaina] thanks, Dennis
[Dennis] Afwan!
[buthaina] :-)
Sus_Nyrop has joined the chat.
Sus_Nyrop has left the chat.
[Dennis] This is also interesting on tablet PCs:
[daf] sus seems to be having problems
Sus_Nyrop has joined the chat.
[elderbob] Do you think there are common areas in the long tail of their tag clouds.
[Dennis] <<chuckles>>
[elderbob] Dennis, it is always nice to have you around....
[sroseman] a PC or tablet on every two students dream..classrooms with students sitting in pods working collabiratively
[daf] That is a great idea, Dave
[Dennis] SR: And this works very well--even though students often think there needs to be one PC per student.
[daf] Teachers are action researchers
[Dennis] Or they SHOULD be!
[Dennis] Can be?
[daf] we always look for ways to solve problems, and then look at the results
[daf] the only cycle most teachers miss is the publishing
[Dennis] And many teachers generate reams of customized classroom materials--so they are still publishing, but on a local level.
LangLabDirectrix has left the chat.
[Rita] need to leave, folks, it's been a great pleasure!
[daf] yes, or sometimes they do not even share it with colleaagues
[elderbob] Bye Rita.
[Dennis] It's been good to share time together, Rita.
ChrisC has joined the chat.
[Dennis] Take care, OK?
[jo] Bye Rita
[daf] bye, Rita, see you on Wed
[buthaina] Bye, Rita
[Rita] as usual, Dennis, when we are together, thank you!
[Dennis] <<blushing>>
[daf] un abrazo
[Rita] yep, Daf ;-)
ChrisC has left the chat.
[Dennis] Y otro abrazo!
[Rita] uno para cada uno!
[daf] gracias!
[Rita] :D
[Dennis] ÁMil gracias!
Rita has left the chat.
Rickpr38 has left the chat.
[buthaina] What is hapenning on Wed, Daf? Am I missing anything?
[Sus_Nyrop] rick, I just added you as my skype friend
[Dennis] "Making priorities . . . is an important skill." Yes, but not an easy one to develop!
[Sus_Nyrop] Andy has a TESOL something session on Wednesday
[Dennis] Where, Sus?
[Sus_Nyrop] in Alado
[Dennis] Is it an open session?
[Sus_Nyrop] you can get a pass if you send email to andy
[Sus_Nyrop] webheads don't pay!!
[Dennis] Thanks, Sus. Do you know what the schedule is?
[Sus_Nyrop] "no child left behind"
[Dennis] Terrific!
[Sus_Nyrop] :listens to Rick!
[daf] Tuesday at 19:00 GMT or 15:00 Eastern Standard Time.
[Dennis] Thanks, Daf.
ChrisC has joined the chat.
ChrisC has left the chat.
[daf] nice to hear Rick
[buthaina] Sus, I think Andy's TESOL seminar is on Tuesday , Oct 18 not Wed.
[daf] hi Chris
[Dennis] Hi, Chris.
[sroseman] like for catching relevant tidbits of info
[Dennis] Definitely, SR!
[daf] that would be great!!
[Sus_Nyrop] I may be wrong Buth
[jo] Wow, that would be great. Real learning
[daf] yes, it is on Tuesday, Sus
[sroseman] tell him to quit Real Player
[Sus_Nyrop] once we do get the shared wb, we will feel more at home here
app has joined the chat.
app has left the chat.
[daf] hi app
[Dennis] Hi, App.
[Sus_Nyrop] we need to develop podcasting literacy!
[buthaina] If you were at Tapped In today, just wait for the Chatlog where you can find all the info by Andy, Rick, Sus and all
[Dennis] Hear, hear, Sus.
[buthaina] My Remedial English classes are 110 minutes, and students like to stay more, Daf especially if we are at the c-lab.
[buthaina] It's good here , Rick
[Rickpr38] I had no sound for about a moment (my hearing perhaps?)
[Sus_Nyrop] it is such fun when kids get sop immersed that they wist to stay in the computer lab
[sroseman] I am from Onterio ..just noticed this
[daf] yes, Buth, that is the problem they want to keep working on the computer
[Sus_Nyrop] sometimes you will have a time lag Rick
[daf] and some of my students attend classes from home
[Rickpr38] sus, I think that must be it. In the archives on Worldbridges is the sound feed also saved?
[buthaina] Yeah, like my hair now, full of Gel and Spiky..heheh
[daf] this is my class podcasting blog:
[daf] my students will start podcasting next week
[buthaina] If I did that, Daf, have students join the class from home, I could have got fired..
[Rickpr38] daf, how quickly did your students take to podcasting?
[daf] so far they are listening to podcastings made by webheads
[buthaina] It doesn't matter now..I resigned..
[daf] I am step by step, Rick
[Rickpr38] I am new to it myself....
[daf] first they are listening to others' podcasts (recorded especially for them)
[daf] and they have activiites to complete,
[buthaina] Happy, Vance is able to skype the globe now..Bravo UAE
[Rickpr38] daf, what is the time limit of the podcasts
[daf] and next step is for them to do the podcasts
[daf] what do you mean, time limit?
[Rickpr38] yes.
[daf] around 5-7 minutes, I think
Sus_Nyrop has left the chat.
Sus_Nyrop has joined the chat.
[JeffLebow] Dave, just wanted to let you know I can't read your skype chat. My skype window is really scary looking
[dave] Jeff: mine is fine
[Sus_Nyrop] I lost you, am back
[JeffLebow] how many people do you see in the conference?
[dave] 6
[daf] I am having problems with spam on my students blogs in blogger :-(
[JeffLebow] Wow!
[Sus_Nyrop] spell it here pls
[Stephen_Downes] manila
[Stephen_Downes] rss2javascript
[jo] daf, have you got them to turn on word verification?
[Sus_Nyrop] who is now talking?
[Sus_Nyrop] thank you
[daf] yes, they have done that
[Rickpr38] There is a size limite for the casts, no? sounds like vance?
[JeffLebow] skype conferences are limited to 5 participants....somehow we've overcome that
[Sus_Nyrop] Is that Will Richardson speaking?
[Rickpr38] I am getting some feedback from Vance. Anyone else. sounds metallic
[Stephen_Downes] yes
[Rickpr38] (if it was Vance)
[sroseman] our school district disallowed the use of blogs due to some bullying practices
[sroseman] among students
[daf] since my students topic is architecture or urban planning they are getting messages with adds about arch. stuff
[Sus_Nyrop] instead of teaching blog culture and avoid bullying
[sroseman] replaced by Ontario Blogs
[buthaina] Yes, Rick, me..I'm getting metalic when waslistening to Vance,minor though
[daf] Vance always have that problem in LT and Alado
[Sus_Nyrop] yes, some blog comment spam seem to be generated by some sort of tag tracking
[daf] LiveJournal is free of spam, so far
[buthaina] oh, Why don't suggest the use of BlogMeister to your school, Sroseman
[sroseman] we are using blogmeister
[buthaina] Blogmeister. by David Warlick are very secured and no one can post a comment without a password provided by a class teacher
[daf] but that is too restricted, Buth
[daf] the idea of a blog is to be read
[buthaina] does David knows about this; if you join his YG you can report this to him
[Sus_Nyrop] smartasses from obscure corporate bizniz have grabbed the RSS for their spread of links to ad sites they hope people will click
[daf] and get comments from others, not only your classmates. For that you don't need a blog
[buthaina] Daf , I used it in Fall 2004, ad it worked very good
[daf] yes, but for that kind of activity we don't need to use a blog
[daf] you can use a forum
[sroseman] Blogger and xanga seem to be blocked by our school district
[buthaina] I agree, Stephen, so far it''s the best for me and my students..easy and simple
[sroseman] we have to go with Blogmeister
[Sus_Nyrop] elgg is an interesting option, but still in the making - I like the FOAF feature
[buthaina] Where are you located, sorseman
[Sus_Nyrop] that's Sue Roseman
[sroseman] Ontario, Canada
[sroseman] yep..that's me
[daf] yes, I love buzznet
[buthaina] I'm sorry to hear that, soresman
[buthaina] Yes, I agree, Vance..Buzznet is so cool, easy and simple and we can do lots of things with it
[Sus_Nyrop] Strongly agree on this point
[daf] I have been having problems connecting to buzznet in the last few days
[Sus_Nyrop] that we do need to support developing communicative internet skills
[daf] it says that there is too much traffic
[sroseman] a controlled envirnment with blogmeister here in Ontario
[buthaina] Maybe they're maintaining their site, Daf..
[sroseman] environment
[buthaina] sroseman, maybe you could have the management in your school listen to today's talk in order to convinc them to unblock Blogger.
[jo] I'm really enjoying this but I've got to go. Have a good week all. Goodnight
[sroseman] possibly..but the guidelines have been set
[Sus_Nyrop] :/
[Sus_Nyrop] goodnight Jo
jo has left the chat.
[buthaina] I agree, sroseman about blogmesiter, but it's good for kids in order to provide a secure environment
[Sus_Nyrop] you should also consider the democratic potential that the internet may have for students
[buthaina] FYI, blogmeister has started Podcasting too
[sroseman] I agree
[Sus_Nyrop] which factor please?
[Sus_Nyrop] I did not understand the term
[buthaina] which term, Sus?
[Sus_Nyrop] the something factor
[buthaina] Sorry, I think I've missed that
[buthaina] Thanks, Vance and Sus
[Rickpr38] something?
[Sus_Nyrop] elgg is structured a bit differently
[daf] I finally got to my students buzznet on rhythm
[Sus_Nyrop] but I still find I need to use it for a while to become familiar with the ideas
[Sus_Nyrop] I got an elgg blog and found many likeminded friends to link to
[daf] I have an elgg account but have not started a blog yet ;-)
[Sus_Nyrop] so I can read my FOAF stream
[daf] I am exploring a new wiki with my grad students:
[buthaina] Yeah, it's the Wiki announced by Jay Cross, Daf..I like it
willrich has joined the chat.
[Sus_Nyrop] it is a formalized learning paradigm, BB & WEbCT are promoting the more traditional trivial classrom lecture standards
[Sus_Nyrop] I like
[willrich] Power is on!
[daf] Sus I have just written the first entry to the Elgg blog:
[buthaina] Hi, Will, and welcome to the chat room
[Rickpr38] Who is actually on, has access to, Internet 2?
[daf] Hi Will, wb
[daf] I had forgotten I had that account
[buthaina] No sound here
[daf] I have sound
[buthaina] Anyone is talking now?!!
Sus_Nyrop has left the chat.
Sus_Nyrop has joined the chat.
[daf] wb sus
[buthaina] Dave..Help..No sound is here
[daf] Sus, sent you the link to my elgg blog:
[dave] checking now...
elderbob has left the chat.
[buthaina] Thanks
[JeffLebow] Still no sound for anyonE?
[Sus_Nyrop] You can find my comment daf and click on that
[daf] I have sound
[Sus_Nyrop] I hear well
[dave] k. is there sound...
[buthaina] Yes, Jeff, no sound here
[Rickpr38] Jeff, click onthe links below.
[dave] mmm
[Rickpr38] :one of them anyway
[buthaina] Ok, Now..
[Sus_Nyrop] We plan to promote elgg at our online conference for Nordic language educators in November followed by a webheads effect
[Sus_Nyrop] Anne fox is using elgg a lot
[buthaina] Anyone's talking now..Heard Sus saying : are y hearing me? and that was the last thinh i heard..
sroseman has left the chat.
[buthaina] I closed the webcast and opening it again now
[buthaina] ok, it works now
[daf] This has been awesome!!
[daf] Thanks Will and Stephen for a great talk!!
[buthaina] gone, it me or you Jeff? I lost the sound again
[Sus_Nyrop] Sus saying something - was I???
[buthaina] Ok, the sound is back now
[Sus_Nyrop] I really have coem to feel Sunday is my best day of the weel!
[Sus_Nyrop] week
[buthaina] not's gone
[Rickpr38] Thanks for sharing and for providing such an engaging intro to this platform.
[buthaina] ok, hear you now
[daf] I will be listening again to the podcast, for sure. and I will have my graduate students listen to it
[Sus_Nyrop] Dave & Jeff, I will get back to you two for getting some more ideas for our Nordic Voice conference podcast
[dave] great
[Rickpr38] How can we find this podcast?
[Sus_Nyrop] yes, lots and lots of inspiration! Thank you again, Will & Steve
[daf] at the home page, Rick
[Rickpr38] Thanks daf
elderbob has joined the chat.
[Rickpr38] Hi bob
[buthaina] Sus, I tired to join your Nrdic Moodle, but was stuck with some words I couldn't understand in Nordic Language..:-) But will try
sroseman has joined the chat.
[buthaina] again
[Sus_Nyrop] Buth - choose English language from the login Moodle
[daf] claps, claps, claps
[buthaina] Rick, you can always come back to worldbridges to find recent and old Webcasts..They are all archived
[daf] claps, claps
[Rickpr38] buth, can you save the webcasts too?
[daf] thanks Jeff, Dave, Will and Stephen
[buthaina] I couldn't find that feature, sus
[Rickpr38] Thanks everyone!
[Sus_Nyrop] default language on this moodle servef is Danish <sigh>
[daf] you can use the RSS feed, Rick
[elderbob] I have no sound, it appears that this was the end.
[buthaina] thanks Sue..We will
[daf] and save them to your iTunes
[Sus_Nyrop] I will try to write a help note for that problem
[Rickpr38] Thanks, daf. I need to start to use RSS. I have just been reading about them so far....
[Sus_Nyrop] buy bye all of you dear Webheads and guests
[elderbob] Bye all.
[elderbob] later.
[sroseman] waves bye
[daf] this has been a great sunday morning!
sroseman has left the chat.
[Sus_Nyrop] Rick you will need the Becoming a Wehweads 101
[daf] lol,sus
[Sus_Nyrop] course in January - february
[buthaina] Thank you Jeff and Dave for such great Webcast..and to your Awesome Guests, Stephen and Will..
[daf] he has to join the BaW'06 session
[Sus_Nyrop] yes, great indeed, in webheradsland
[Rickpr38] Thanks, sus. It is amazing how fast one becomes rusty. I can barely type....
[Sus_Nyrop] now back to reality kitchen
[daf] it is noon here
[Sus_Nyrop] hehe my fingertips are glowing too
[Sus_Nyrop] dinner time here
[Sus_Nyrop] we have an early dinner in Denmark
[daf] I wished it were dinner time for me ;-)
[Sus_Nyrop] bye bye bye
[Sus_Nyrop] HUgs
[Rickpr38] I mean I have almost forgotten how.... Been doing too much admin stuff
[daf] bye everybody it has been apleasure as usual
[Sus_Nyrop] we're going tob eat our daily Hot Potatoes!
[daf] with True and Falso or scrambled sentences, Sus?
[Sus_Nyrop] hot boiled potatoes,summer and winter
[Sus_Nyrop] hehe
[Rickpr38] Bye daf!
[daf] bye bye
[Sus_Nyrop] with scrambeld eggs today perhaps
Sus_Nyrop has left the chat.
[buthaina] My Remedial English classes are 110 minutes, and students like to stay more, Daf especially if we are at the c-lab.
[buthaina] It's good here , Rick
[Rickpr38] I had no sound for about a moment (my hearing perhaps?)
[Sus_Nyrop] it is such fun when kids get sop immersed that they wist to stay in the computer lab
[sroseman] I am from Onterio ..just noticed this
[daf] yes, Buth, that is the problem they want to keep working on the computer
[Sus_Nyrop] sometimes you will have a time lag Rick
[daf] and some of my students attend classes from home
[Rickpr38] sus, I think that must be it. In the archives on Worldbridges is the sound feed also saved?
[buthaina] Yeah, like my hair now, full of Gel and Spiky..heheh
[daf] this is my class podcasting blog:
[daf] my students will start podcasting next week
[buthaina] If I did that, Daf, have students join the class from home, I could have got fired..
[Rickpr38] daf, how quickly did your students take to podcasting?
[daf] so far they are listening to podcastings made by webheads
[buthaina] It doesn't matter now..I resigned..
[daf] I am step by step, Rick
[Rickpr38] I am new to it myself....
[daf] first they are listening to others' podcasts (recorded especially for them)
[daf] and they have activiites to complete,
[buthaina] Happy, Vance is able to skype the globe now..Bravo UAE
[Rickpr38] daf, what is the time limit of the podcasts
[daf] and next step is for them to do the podcasts
[daf] what do you mean, time limit?
[Rickpr38] yes.
[daf] around 5-7 minutes, I think
Sus_Nyrop has left the chat.
Sus_Nyrop has joined the chat.
[JeffLebow] Dave, just wanted to let you know I can't read your skype chat. My skype window is really scary looking
[dave] Jeff: mine is fine
[Sus_Nyrop] I lost you, am back
[JeffLebow] how many people do you see in the conference?
[dave] 6
[daf] I am having problems with spam on my students blogs in blogger :-(
[JeffLebow] Wow!
[Sus_Nyrop] spell it here pls
[Stephen_Downes] manila
[Stephen_Downes] rss2javascript
[jo] daf, have you got them to turn on word verification?
[Sus_Nyrop] who is now talking?
[Sus_Nyrop] thank you
[daf] yes, they have done that
[Rickpr38] There is a size limite for the casts, no? sounds like vance?
[JeffLebow] skype conferences are limited to 5 participants....somehow we've overcome that
[Sus_Nyrop] Is that Will Richardson speaking?
[Rickpr38] I am getting some feedback from Vance. Anyone else. sounds metallic
[Stephen_Downes] yes
[Rickpr38] (if it was Vance)
[sroseman] our school district disallowed the use of blogs due to some bullying practices
[sroseman] among students
[daf] since my students topic is architecture or urban planning they are getting messages with adds about arch. stuff
[Sus_Nyrop] instead of teaching blog culture and avoid bullying
[sroseman] replaced by Ontario Blogs
[buthaina] Yes, Rick, me..I'm getting metalic when waslistening to Vance,minor though
[daf] Vance always have that problem in LT and Alado
[Sus_Nyrop] yes, some blog comment spam seem to be generated by some sort of tag tracking
[daf] LiveJournal is free of spam, so far
[buthaina] oh, Why don't suggest the use of BlogMeister to your school, Sroseman
[sroseman] we are using blogmeister
[buthaina] Blogmeister. by David Warlick are very secured and no one can post a comment without a password provided by a class teacher
[daf] but that is too restricted, Buth
[daf] the idea of a blog is to be read
[buthaina] does David knows about this; if you join his YG you can report this to him
[Sus_Nyrop] smartasses from obscure corporate bizniz have grabbed the RSS for their spread of links to ad sites they hope people will click
[daf] and get comments from others, not only your classmates. For that you don't need a blog
[buthaina] Daf , I used it in Fall 2004, ad it worked very good
[daf] yes, but for that kind of activity we don't need to use a blog
[daf] you can use a forum
[sroseman] Blogger and xanga seem to be blocked by our school district
[buthaina] I agree, Stephen, so far it''s the best for me and my students..easy and simple
[sroseman] we have to go with Blogmeister
[Sus_Nyrop] elgg is an interesting option, but still in the making - I like the FOAF feature
[buthaina] Where are you located, sorseman
[Sus_Nyrop] that's Sue Roseman
[sroseman] Ontario, Canada
[sroseman] yep..that's me
[daf] yes, I love buzznet
[buthaina] I'm sorry to hear that, soresman
[buthaina] Yes, I agree, Vance..Buzznet is so cool, easy and simple and we can do lots of things with it
[Sus_Nyrop] Strongly agree on this point
[daf] I have been having problems connecting to buzznet in the last few days
[Sus_Nyrop] that we do need to support developing communicative internet skills
[daf] it says that there is too much traffic
[sroseman] a controlled envirnment with blogmeister here in Ontario
[buthaina] Maybe they're maintaining their site, Daf..
[sroseman] environment
[buthaina] sroseman, maybe you could have the management in your school listen to today's talk in order to convinc them to unblock Blogger.
[jo] I'm really enjoying this but I've got to go. Have a good week all. Goodnight
[sroseman] possibly..but the guidelines have been set
[Sus_Nyrop] :/
[Sus_Nyrop] goodnight Jo
jo has left the chat.
[buthaina] I agree, sroseman about blogmesiter, but it's good for kids in order to provide a secure environment
[Sus_Nyrop] you should also consider the democratic potential that the internet may have for students
[buthaina] FYI, blogmeister has started Podcasting too
[sroseman] I agree
[Sus_Nyrop] which factor please?
[Sus_Nyrop] I did not understand the term
[buthaina] which term, Sus?
[Sus_Nyrop] the something factor
[buthaina] Sorry, I think I've missed that
[buthaina] Thanks, Vance and Sus
[Rickpr38] something?
[Sus_Nyrop] elgg is structured a bit differently
[daf] I finally got to my students buzznet on rhythm
[Sus_Nyrop] but I still find I need to use it for a while to become familiar with the ideas
[Sus_Nyrop] I got an elgg blog and found many likeminded friends to link to
[daf] I have an elgg account but have not started a blog yet ;-)
[Sus_Nyrop] so I can read my FOAF stream
[daf] I am exploring a new wiki with my grad students:
[buthaina] Yeah, it's the Wiki announced by Jay Cross, Daf..I like it
willrich has joined the chat.
[Sus_Nyrop] it is a formalized learning paradigm, BB & WEbCT are promoting the more traditional trivial classrom lecture standards
[Sus_Nyrop] I like
[willrich] Power is on!
[daf] Sus I have just written the first entry to the Elgg blog:
[buthaina] Hi, Will, and welcome to the chat room
[Rickpr38] Who is actually on, has access to, Internet 2?
[daf] Hi Will, wb
[daf] I had forgotten I had that account
[buthaina] No sound here
[daf] I have sound
[buthaina] Anyone is talking now?!!
Sus_Nyrop has left the chat.
Sus_Nyrop has joined the chat.
[daf] wb sus
[buthaina] Dave..Help..No sound is here
[daf] Sus, sent you the link to my elgg blog:
[dave] checking now...
elderbob has left the chat.
[buthaina] Thanks
[JeffLebow] Still no sound for anyonE?
[Sus_Nyrop] You can find my comment daf and click on that
[daf] I have sound
[Sus_Nyrop] I hear well
[dave] k. is there sound...
[buthaina] Yes, Jeff, no sound here
[Rickpr38] Jeff, click onthe links below.
[dave] mmm
[Rickpr38] :one of them anyway
[buthaina] Ok, Now..
[Sus_Nyrop] We plan to promote elgg at our online conference for Nordic language educators in November followed by a webheads effect
[Sus_Nyrop] Anne fox is using elgg a lot
[buthaina] Anyone's talking now..Heard Sus saying : are y hearing me? and that was the last thinh i heard..
sroseman has left the chat.
[buthaina] I closed the webcast and opening it again now
[buthaina] ok, it works now
[daf] This has been awesome!!
[daf] Thanks Will and Stephen for a great talk!!
[buthaina] gone, it me or you Jeff? I lost the sound again
[Sus_Nyrop] Sus saying something - was I???
[buthaina] Ok, the sound is back now
[Sus_Nyrop] I really have coem to feel Sunday is my best day of the weel!
[Sus_Nyrop] week
[buthaina] not's gone
[Rickpr38] Thanks for sharing and for providing such an engaging intro to this platform.
[buthaina] ok, hear you now
[daf] I will be listening again to the podcast, for sure. and I will have my graduate students listen to it
[Sus_Nyrop] Dave & Jeff, I will get back to you two for getting some more ideas for our Nordic Voice conference podcast
[dave] great
[Rickpr38] How can we find this podcast?
[Sus_Nyrop] yes, lots and lots of inspiration! Thank you again, Will & Steve
[daf] at the home page, Rick
[Rickpr38] Thanks daf
elderbob has joined the chat.
[Rickpr38] Hi bob
[buthaina] Sus, I tired to join your Nrdic Moodle, but was stuck with some words I couldn't understand in Nordic Language..:-) But will try
sroseman has joined the chat.
[buthaina] again
[Sus_Nyrop] Buth - choose English language from the login Moodle
[daf] claps, claps, claps
[buthaina] Rick, you can always come back to worldbridges to find recent and old Webcasts..They are all archived
[daf] claps, claps
[Rickpr38] buth, can you save the webcasts too?
[daf] thanks Jeff, Dave, Will and Stephen
[buthaina] I couldn't find that feature, sus
[Rickpr38] Thanks everyone!
[Sus_Nyrop] default language on this moodle servef is Danish <sigh>
[daf] you can use the RSS feed, Rick
[elderbob] I have no sound, it appears that this was the end.
[buthaina] thanks Sue..We will
[daf] and save them to your iTunes
[Sus_Nyrop] I will try to write a help note for that problem
[Rickpr38] Thanks, daf. I need to start to use RSS. I have just been reading about them so far....
[Sus_Nyrop] buy bye all of you dear Webheads and guests
[elderbob] Bye all.
[elderbob] later.
[sroseman] waves bye
[daf] this has been a great sunday morning!
sroseman has left the chat.
[Sus_Nyrop] Rick you will need the Becoming a Wehweads 101
[daf] lol,sus
[Sus_Nyrop] course in January - february
[buthaina] Thank you Jeff and Dave for such great Webcast..and to your Awesome Guests, Stephen and Will..

EdTechTalk#19 Chat Transcript

[scott] I just heard about K7 -
[scott] might be something to address the functionality Jeff Flynn was looking for with voicemail
[scott] It emails you a wav file from the voicemail message
[dave] ah.
[scott] haven't tried it yet, just heard about it on a podcast today
[dave] Jeff is already using it apparently
[JeffLebow] Flynn that is
[dave] Jeff said "so... what's scott doin'?
[JeffLebow] Greetings Scott
[scott] Hello Jeff
[scott] I'm trying to encode the latest Tokyo Calling on the other computer episode 028


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