
EdTechTalk#62 - Welcome (back) to EdTechTalk


Welcome (back) to EdTechTalk 

Download mp3 (20.7MB, 45:21)
As a new school term begins for many, Dave and Jeff welcome everyone to
This season of EdTechTalk

We will atempt to provide the always evolving answer to the ever challenging question,
"What is EdTechTalk"

and discuss what's ahead this season, including

Major Issue Coverage of DOPA & The Blackboard Patent
Projects EdTechTalkers are involved with

 Chat Transcript Below

Ed Tech Talk #61 - No interview with Steve Dembo

Ed Tech Talk round table

Download mp3 (26.0MB, 56:52)

We had a very interesting impromptu webcast. Bud Hunt, Eric Langhorst, Cathy Evans, Jen, Kathy Schrock, jeff lebow and a few other folks all showed up and shared some of their ideas about education, writing, DOPA, blackboard and a bunch of other interesting issues.

EdTechTalk#59 Post show

Post Show - Finding a voice for Edublog/ EdTech community

Download mp3 (11.1MB, 24:13)


July 16, 2006

Download mp3 (17.78MB, 38:50 )

A good old fashion edtech news roundup. Jeff and Dave talk about Conroe and flash chats (see show notes below) and Dave does a preliminary roundup of the world of Mobile Education.
Show Notes & Chat Transcript Below

EdTechTalk#53 - LibraryFest with Joyce Valenza

EdTechTalk#53 - LibraryFest
July 9, 2006
Download mp3 (30.7MB 1:06:37)

We had a very entertaining conversation with School Librarian Extraordinaire Joyce Valenza this week. We talked about the place of librarians and libraries in 2006, about all the great work that librarians are doing and about how libraries may evolve in the future. It's a great introduction to what's happening in the world of Libraries 2.0.


Chat Transcript Below


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