EdTechWeekly #179

Post-Show description: 
It's just Dave and John this week, as they take a closer look at Alec Couros' Ten Reasons Why Networked Learning Matters
EdTechWeekly #179
January 9, 2011

It's just Dave and John this week, as they take a closer look at Alec Couros' Ten Reasons Why Networked Learning Matters

Chat Log:
18:47:39 [email protected]: Hi, I am Zuleika from Panama.
19:00:03 gary: Hello all
19:01:05 [email protected]: I am an English teacher in Panama.
19:02:39 JohnSchinker: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CFYCVWBKLE8ZA9U-8Kd9VyMwCP8Qg3TrbgMN...
19:06:29 dave: #1 the tools make it 'possible' (or easy)
19:07:36 JaneBozarth: Well and products do 'upgrades' that the designers like but make harder for users constantly having to adapt
19:07:45 dave: @jane agreed.
19:07:51 dave: skype upgrade comes to mind
19:07:57 JaneBozarth: yes skype's what I had in mind
19:08:03 gary: Apple - except when you use MS products
19:08:35 JaneBozarth: But... I have never had a learner ask questions like how to upload a picture to Facebook. Can't say that about any other platform I've asked learners to use (moodle, bboard)
19:08:38 nadia: hi
19:09:00 nadia: Please could you tell me
19:09:14 nadia: at what time are we supposed
19:09:22 nadia: to be online tomorrow
19:09:29 nadia: I am really lost
19:09:51 dave: hi nadio
19:09:54 dave: nadia :)
19:09:55 dave: lol
19:09:58 nadia: YES
19:10:05 nadia: I am very beginner
19:10:10 dave: http://edtechtalk.com:8000/listen.pls
19:10:11 nadia: at these tools
19:10:12 dave: try that
19:10:12 [email protected]: I would like to have the same information as Nadia. I am in Canada right now, so I am not sure about the time we will share time tomorrow.
19:10:38 nadia: And things become confusing
19:11:22 jomcleay: Hi everyone
19:11:37 JaneBozarth: you said that...
19:11:39 dave: hi jo
19:11:53 ED-MAN: So what is the topic for the hour?
19:11:55 dave: @nadia can you be a little clearer about the source of confusion
19:12:08 nadia: First
19:12:10 nadia: time
19:12:22 JaneBozarth: Depends on the people; helps to have a broad pln of ppl you know/trust
19:12:25 nadia: at what time are we supposed to be online
19:12:33 jomcleay: Sorry I'm late. I must have missed the document you are discussing
19:12:35 nadia: How to acess to session
19:12:37 gary: Smater together - In the world of perr-reviewed science very little purblished research has a single author
19:13:45 gary: purblished? ;)
19:13:47 JohnSchinker: This is what we're talking about: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CFYCVWBKLE8ZA9U-8Kd9VyMwCP8Qg3TrbgMN...
19:14:21 [email protected] -> Room 2: Hello, somebody can help me? I need to know if tomorrow we have an online session together.
19:14:39 ED-MAN: Thanks JS reviewing it now.
19:14:51 [email protected] -> Room 2: :)
19:17:54 ED-MAN: I haven't fully jumped into network learning. I am assuming it is basically similar to this but in the classroom. Yes?
19:17:57 JaneBozarth: Langwitches had recent great example of class studying Holocaust; via Skype brought in a survivor to talk to the kids
19:18:15 JaneBozarth: couldn't have done that f2f
19:18:19 ED-MAN: Ah, thats cool.
19:18:56 JaneBozarth: also saw tweets awhile back about class in US and class in ?Amsterdam? reading Anne Frank together
19:19:05 gary: Geography doesn't matter - I have reconnected with teachers I taught with in West Africa in the 70's - we are learning various things together now.
19:19:32 gary: Was going to say NIgeria Dave but .....
19:20:49 JaneBozarth: yes
19:20:57 ED-MAN: so just how often (times per week) are you typically linking classrooms?
19:21:02 JaneBozarth: well i have it open I am using the langwitch example in a webinar next week
19:24:28 JaneBozarth: I follow 2 6-year-olds who have their own blogs, one mostly for travel, the other for anything-- book reviews, artwork, etc. They expect to see their work published.
19:27:45 jomcleay: would you be able to tweet the link to alec's google doc as I can't open the link? Thx
19:27:59 Lisa M Lane: what if it's two books? and you connect their ideas?
19:29:49 dave: @lisa do i have a rope?
19:30:07 dave: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CFYCVWBKLE8ZA9U-8Kd9VyMwCP8Qg3TrbgMN...
19:30:32 Lisa M Lane: @dave you are the rope
19:32:09 jomcleay: Thanks so much
19:33:04 jomcleay: great doc
19:33:48 sroseman: can you post the link, please
19:34:20 gary: The link shorted (maybe will help) http://bit.ly/fSWdEs
19:34:21 sroseman: to alec's doc
19:34:25 sroseman: Thanks
19:34:30 JaneBozarth: I've tweeted the link several times today see @janebozarth
19:35:43 Lisa M Lane: I think so
19:35:48 jomcleay: @Jane just followed you on twitter. I am @jomcleay
19:36:44 jomcleay: I am now!!
19:36:50 JaneBozarth: Not only are you a network sherpa... you're a connector.
19:37:01 JaneBozarth: Meantime I'm just a font snob.
19:37:45 JaneBozarth: Hi Jo nice to meet you. Now that we're following each other we can DM each other secret notes about Dave.
19:38:21 jomcleay: that would good Jane LOL
19:40:25 Lisa M Lane: it does take serious time
19:41:25 sroseman: I am following you, JaneBozarth
19:41:35 sroseman: 6 years where has the time gone
19:41:46 sroseman: yes I am!!
19:41:49 JaneBozarth: I came because y'all were threatening to 'take alec down'. Tough talkers lol.
19:42:05 dave: @jane guilty as charged
19:42:15 dave: http://edtechweekly.wikispaces.com
19:42:32 JaneBozarth: Sorry sroseman are you 'susan'?
19:42:45 gary: Thanks again - always find something to think about.
19:43:00 JaneBozarth: But don't tell them when you're flying...
19:43:20 jomcleay: Fabulous, bye all
19:43:21 Technology_Tim: ceers
19:43:26 Lisa M Lane: thanks -- bye y'all
19:43:35 JaneBozarth: That was me. I felt like I was crashing. Alec's doc interested me.
19:43:36 sroseman: I am still doing K to 3+ Great Resources ..join me at www.tappedin.org on Tuesday
19:43:48 JaneBozarth: It was me who asked that.
19:43:59 JaneBozarth: I am known for my reticence and daintiness.
19:44:05 Lisa M Lane: sounds like I need to stop by more! ;-)
19:44:15 Technology_Tim: we could fight about using pen and pencile instead?
19:44:17 jomcleay: sounds like Jane will take up the challenge
19:44:37 JaneBozarth: bye
19:44:38 JaneBozarth: thanks
19:54:29 ED-MAN: Group question for anyone left. How do you develop and manage your curriculum? Is it written out , digital?
19:54:38 Jude: hi.. this is my first time to join this kind of learning and am excited to learn!
19:55:15 ED-MAN: What do you teach Jude?
19:55:37 Jude: ESL online as well as classroom setting
19:55:46 Jude: so i use both
19:56:31 ED-MAN: Could you discribe the online system you use?
19:56:32 dave: http://davecormier.com/edblog/2010/07/12/syllabus-educational-technology...
19:56:46 dave: here's my syllabus from the course i taught this summer...
19:56:50 dave: as for my curriculum...
19:58:12 dave: http://davecormier.com/edblog/2008/06/03/rhizomatic-education-community-...
19:58:50 ED-MAN: I teach at a CTC so not only do I have to teach my trade I have to teach all the related Language Arts, Math, Science, Economics, etc, etc. Just a huge pile of handouts presentation, worksheet, tests,...
20:00:45 ED-MAN: So in 2002 I created a software to manage all of it. Anyone hear of EPEE?
20:04:55 ED-MAN: This is the problem I find with most classroom networking programs.
18:47:39 [email protected]: Hi, I am Zuleika from Panama.
19:00:03 gary: Hello all
19:01:05 [email protected]: I am an English teacher in Panama.
19:02:39 JohnSchinker: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CFYCVWBKLE8ZA9U-8Kd9VyMwCP8Qg3TrbgMN...
19:06:29 dave: #1 the tools make it 'possible' (or easy)
19:07:36 JaneBozarth: Well and products do 'upgrades' that the designers like but make harder for users constantly having to adapt
19:07:45 dave: @jane agreed.
19:07:51 dave: skype upgrade comes to mind
19:07:57 JaneBozarth: yes skype's what I had in mind
19:08:03 gary: Apple - except when you use MS products
19:08:35 JaneBozarth: But... I have never had a learner ask questions like how to upload a picture to Facebook. Can't say that about any other platform I've asked learners to use (moodle, bboard)
19:08:38 nadia: hi
19:09:00 nadia: Please could you tell me
19:09:14 nadia: at what time are we supposed
19:09:22 nadia: to be online tomorrow
19:09:29 nadia: I am really lost
19:09:51 dave: hi nadio
19:09:54 dave: nadia :)
19:09:55 dave: lol
19:09:58 nadia: YES
19:10:05 nadia: I am very beginner
19:10:10 dave: http://edtechtalk.com:8000/listen.pls
19:10:11 nadia: at these tools
19:10:12 dave: try that
19:10:12 [email protected]: I would like to have the same information as Nadia. I am in Canada right now, so I am not sure about the time we will share time tomorrow.
19:10:38 nadia: And things become confusing
19:11:22 jomcleay: Hi everyone
19:11:37 JaneBozarth: you said that...
19:11:39 dave: hi jo
19:11:53 ED-MAN: So what is the topic for the hour?
19:11:55 dave: @nadia can you be a little clearer about the source of confusion
19:12:08 nadia: First
19:12:10 nadia: time
19:12:22 JaneBozarth: Depends on the people; helps to have a broad pln of ppl you know/trust
19:12:25 nadia: at what time are we supposed to be online
19:12:33 jomcleay: Sorry I'm late. I must have missed the document you are discussing
19:12:35 nadia: How to acess to session
19:12:37 gary: Smater together - In the world of perr-reviewed science very little purblished research has a single author
19:13:45 gary: purblished? ;)
19:13:47 JohnSchinker: This is what we're talking about: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CFYCVWBKLE8ZA9U-8Kd9VyMwCP8Qg3TrbgMN...
19:14:21 [email protected] -> Room 2: Hello, somebody can help me? I need to know if tomorrow we have an online session together.
19:14:39 ED-MAN: Thanks JS reviewing it now.
19:14:51 [email protected] -> Room 2: :)
19:17:54 ED-MAN: I haven't fully jumped into network learning. I am assuming it is basically similar to this but in the classroom. Yes?
19:17:57 JaneBozarth: Langwitches had recent great example of class studying Holocaust; via Skype brought in a survivor to talk to the kids
19:18:15 JaneBozarth: couldn't have done that f2f
19:18:19 ED-MAN: Ah, thats cool.
19:18:56 JaneBozarth: also saw tweets awhile back about class in US and class in ?Amsterdam? reading Anne Frank together
19:19:05 gary: Geography doesn't matter - I have reconnected with teachers I taught with in West Africa in the 70's - we are learning various things together now.
19:19:32 gary: Was going to say NIgeria Dave but .....
19:20:49 JaneBozarth: yes
19:20:57 ED-MAN: so just how often (times per week) are you typically linking classrooms?
19:21:02 JaneBozarth: well i have it open I am using the langwitch example in a webinar next week
19:24:28 JaneBozarth: I follow 2 6-year-olds who have their own blogs, one mostly for travel, the other for anything-- book reviews, artwork, etc. They expect to see their work published.
19:27:45 jomcleay: would you be able to tweet the link to alec's google doc as I can't open the link? Thx
19:27:59 Lisa M Lane: what if it's two books? and you connect their ideas?
19:29:49 dave: @lisa do i have a rope?
19:30:07 dave: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CFYCVWBKLE8ZA9U-8Kd9VyMwCP8Qg3TrbgMN...
19:30:32 Lisa M Lane: @dave you are the rope
19:32:09 jomcleay: Thanks so much
19:33:04 jomcleay: great doc
19:33:48 sroseman: can you post the link, please
19:34:20 gary: The link shorted (maybe will help) http://bit.ly/fSWdEs
19:34:21 sroseman: to alec's doc
19:34:25 sroseman: Thanks
19:34:30 JaneBozarth: I've tweeted the link several times today see @janebozarth
19:35:43 Lisa M Lane: I think so
19:35:48 jomcleay: @Jane just followed you on twitter. I am @jomcleay
19:36:44 jomcleay: I am now!!
19:36:50 JaneBozarth: Not only are you a network sherpa... you're a connector.
19:37:01 JaneBozarth: Meantime I'm just a font snob.
19:37:45 JaneBozarth: Hi Jo nice to meet you. Now that we're following each other we can DM each other secret notes about Dave.
19:38:21 jomcleay: that would good Jane LOL
19:40:25 Lisa M Lane: it does take serious time
19:41:25 sroseman: I am following you, JaneBozarth
19:41:35 sroseman: 6 years where has the time gone
19:41:46 sroseman: yes I am!!
19:41:49 JaneBozarth: I came because y'all were threatening to 'take alec down'. Tough talkers lol.
19:42:05 dave: @jane guilty as charged
19:42:15 dave: http://edtechweekly.wikispaces.com
19:42:32 JaneBozarth: Sorry sroseman are you 'susan'?
19:42:45 gary: Thanks again - always find something to think about.
19:43:00 JaneBozarth: But don't tell them when you're flying...
19:43:20 jomcleay: Fabulous, bye all
19:43:21 Technology_Tim: ceers
19:43:26 Lisa M Lane: thanks -- bye y'all
19:43:35 JaneBozarth: That was me. I felt like I was crashing. Alec's doc interested me.
19:43:36 sroseman: I am still doing K to 3+ Great Resources ..join me at www.tappedin.org on Tuesday
19:43:48 JaneBozarth: It was me who asked that.
19:43:59 JaneBozarth: I am known for my reticence and daintiness.
19:44:05 Lisa M Lane: sounds like I need to stop by more! ;-)
19:44:15 Technology_Tim: we could fight about using pen and pencile instead?
19:44:17 jomcleay: sounds like Jane will take up the challenge
19:44:37 JaneBozarth: bye
19:44:38 JaneBozarth: thanks
19:54:29 ED-MAN: Group question for anyone left. How do you develop and manage your curriculum? Is it written out , digital?
19:54:38 Jude: hi.. this is my first time to join this kind of learning and am excited to learn!
19:55:15 ED-MAN: What do you teach Jude?
19:55:37 Jude: ESL online as well as classroom setting
19:55:46 Jude: so i use both
19:56:31 ED-MAN: Could you discribe the online system you use?
19:56:32 dave: http://davecormier.com/edblog/2010/07/12/syllabus-educational-technology...
19:56:46 dave: here's my syllabus from the course i taught this summer...
19:56:50 dave: as for my curriculum...
19:58:12 dave: http://davecormier.com/edblog/2008/06/03/rhizomatic-education-community-...
19:58:50 ED-MAN: I teach at a CTC so not only do I have to teach my trade I have to teach all the related Language Arts, Math, Science, Economics, etc, etc. Just a huge pile of handouts presentation, worksheet, tests,...
20:00:45 ED-MAN: So in 2002 I created a software to manage all of it. Anyone hear of EPEE?
20:04:55 ED-MAN: This is the problem I find with most classroom networking programs.