ETT21 #141: Creating Energy, Space & Time

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ETT21 #141: Creating Energy, Space & Time     
October 13, 2010

arvind recently attended a webinar David Allen and Tony Schwartz webinar, "Creating Energy, Space & Time - designing a life that really works"  In this show we discusse the webinar and Tony Swartz's book, The Way We're Working Isn't Working: The Four Forgotten Needs That Energize Great Performance.
ETT21 #141: Creating Energy, Space & Time      The Energy Project
October 13, 2010

arvind recently attended a webinar David Allen and Tony Schwartz webinar, "Creating Energy, Space & Time - designing a life that really works"  In this show we discuss the webinar and Tony Swartz's book, The Way We're Working Isn't Working: The Four Forgotten Needs That Energize Great Performance.

<Chat Trans>

 12:33:08 alex.ragone -> hi jason!
 12:34:00 alex.ragone -> arvind's reading:
 12:34:02 Susan Carter Morgan ->  Hi
 12:34:13 alex.ragone -> The Way We're Working Isn't Working: The Four Forgotten Needs That Energize Great Performance
 12:36:57 alex.ragone -> Energy Audit:
 12:37:37 vvrotny ->
 12:39:01 alex.ragone ->  folks -- you can hope over to EdTechTalk room here.  
 12:43:12 arvind -> hi Peggy, Susan
 12:43:35 PeggyG -> Hi there! Enjoying the conversation! Haven't been able to tune in for awhile.
 12:43:56 PeggyG -> the audio is coming in great on ustream :-)
 12:45:20 alex.ragone -> New Microphones!
 12:45:33 PeggyG -> really good quality!
 12:45:38 arvind -> awesome! :)
 12:46:48 PeggyG -> I don't think "rest" is part of a teen's vocabulary :-)
 12:49:02 PeggyG -> which book are you discussing? I think I need to read it!
 12:49:59 arvind -> The Way We're Working Isn't Really Working - Tom Schwartz - awesome read!
 12:50:01 alex.ragone ->
 12:50:15 arvind -> Tony Schwartz, I mean
 12:50:17 alex.ragone -> TEDxBlue - Angela Lee Duckworth, Ph.D - 10/18/09
 12:50:20 PeggyG -> thanks! getting it on my Kindle as we speak :-)
 12:50:28 arvind -> Thank me later ;)
 12:51:25 PeggyG -> very interesting thoughts!
 12:51:39 susan carter morgan -> Ahhhh, just found you guys:)
 12:51:52 PeggyG -> I always resisted taking vacation time as a principal because there was so much work to catch up on when I returned!
 12:52:21 PeggyG -> love that quote!!! relationships are so important in everything we do!
 12:53:31 arvind -> more than we even realize, sometimes
 12:53:39 PeggyG -> thanks-great to be back with you
 12:54:13 alex.ragone -> thanks folks.