EdTechWeekly #158

Post-Show description: 

 John and Jen "fly solo" (ok ... in truth ... Dave was there as the silent pilot) to review this week's news and resources in education and technology.

 EdTechWeekly #158
March 21, 2010

Chat Log Below 


This Week's Delicious Links


18:55:42 guest -> audio good now?

18:55:55 Sheila -> yes better.

18:58:44 Sheila -> But nothing like one person in the chat room!  ;)

19:01:26 Sheila -> Don't be offended later when I have to leave partway through the show . . . 

19:03:05 dem -> dem = dawn

19:03:11 Sheila -> Hi Dawn!

19:03:16 dem -> hi

19:03:51 JenM -> http://www.chicagotribune.com/health/chi-healthcare-bill-html,0,970586.h...

19:04:37 mslaneeus -> I'm not in the U.S.

19:05:33 dem -> @mslaneeus  I'm canada too  that's ok though

19:05:57 mslaneeus -> @ dem  Oh yay another Canuck!

19:07:05 JohnS -> FCC To Unveil National Broadband Plan: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=124705276 

19:07:09 kristianstill -> Frying pan and fire

19:07:18 JohnS -> CNN: Boosting Broadband: http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/tech/2010/03/16/nr.fcc.boost.broadband....

19:07:23 JohnS -> National Broadband Plan: http://www.broadband.gov/ 

19:07:28 JohnS -> FCC releases some details of its broadband plan: http://www.cnn.com/2010/TECH/03/15/fcc.broadband.plan/index.html?hpt=T2 

19:08:37 csitterley -> Yay for this-majority of the area in NW PA is still dial-up or at best really bad satellite

19:09:19 kristianstill -> Same conversation here in the UK "In short, the world available to those with superfast broadband will be unimaginably richer than to those without." PM

19:09:59 dem -> wow dial up ! I thought that was dinosaur.

19:10:24 JenM -> US Census (I can't resist): http://larryferlazzo.edublogs.org/2010/03/21/excellent-resources-on-the-...

19:10:29 csitterley -> Yep-and many of our students still have that dinosaur

19:10:53 mslaneeus -> Me too.  We've got tons of space and not a ton of people but haven't heard of anyone who 'has to' be on dial up.

19:11:07 JohnS -> Smithsonian Human Origins Program: http://humanorigins.si.edu/ 

19:11:11 dem -> that says sooo much ..our poor students

19:11:50 kristianstill -> This is a very happy place tonight Jen

19:12:15 JenM -> :)

19:12:48 JohnS -> The Human Spark: http://www.pbs.org/wnet/humanspark/ 

19:13:17 JenM -> Twitter 4th birthday ... http://thenextweb.com/socialmedia/2010/03/21/happy-birthday-twitter-bird...

19:14:02 dem -> hee

19:14:38 kristianstill -> [b]now 50 million Tweets per day

19:15:29 kristianstill -> [b]here in UK www has been dropped?? USA?

19:15:32 dem -> Found it  Aug 2006 - Twitter, which allows users to pepper one another with messages of 140 characters or less, has seen a dizzying surge in popularity since it was launched in August 2006

19:16:10 Sheila -> My students didn't know what WWW was when they had to cite it!

19:16:11 JohnS -> Social Media Guidelines for Schools: http://socialmediaguidelines.pbworks.com/ 

19:16:30 kristianstill -> [b]not seeing in advertising

19:19:12 csitterley -> My district has given 7-12 email to students for over 12 years

19:19:40 csitterley -> Past 3 years have had google apps-including email

19:19:58 mslaneeus -> My district allows the schools to make the decisions.  You can filter school by school.

19:20:06 kristianstill -> [b]Did Alan November present top 10 tools as voted by USA teens note allowed in USA schools? (Can easily delete USA)

19:20:24 JenM -> http://www.mondofacto.com/word-tools/

19:21:00 JohnS -> How I Became (Mostly) Google-free in About a Day: http://zenhabits.net/2010/03/google-free/ 

19:22:01 Sharon P -> that is almost hilarious

19:22:55 kristianstill -> [b]Really?

19:22:59 JenM -> Another google knows a lot about me example: http://www.google.com/support/websearch/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=165228

19:24:01 kristianstill -> [b]I thought it was the ease of use and integration.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7yfV6RzE30&feature=player_embedded

19:25:23 kristianstill -> [b]Now, looking back to the earlier conversation - with school accounts.... doesnt that concern us all a little??

19:25:47 JohnS -> Popular Science Archives: http://www.popsci.com/archives 

19:27:07 JenM -> Speaking of Future ... http://www.elearnspace.org/blog/2010/03/17/what-is-the-future-of-educati...

19:27:12 dem -> Jen I had the same shock recently. The issue was my twitter name! It came up everywhere. 

19:27:29 gary -> Popular science - can spend hours there and have.

19:28:11 JenM -> http://www.skrbl.com/133123793

19:28:23 Sharon P -> oh how cool

19:28:36 JenM -> http://twitter.com/#search?q=%23edfuture

19:28:44 Sharon P -> interpretive dance for George adn Stephen

19:29:17 kristianstill -> [b]Thats a BIG question for 11:30pm

19:30:27 Sharon P -> oops, I meant George and Dave....

19:30:30 fer -> Room 3: :) :) 

19:32:12 csitterley -> Yep, John-it is irritating sometimes that the recognition goes to those who use the traditional and not to those who are "life-long learners"

19:33:53 csitterley -> Often taking classes that could be teaching, but can't get the credits for teaching

19:34:11 kristianstill -> [b]Thought that apt as Im not local

19:34:27 Sheila -> Thanks J& J will catch the rest later!

19:35:14 JohnS -> Wingclips: http://www.wingclips.com 

19:36:10 kristianstill -> [b]I didnt see it that way John

19:36:44 JenM -> APA Blog ... http://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/

19:36:45 kristianstill -> [b]Just thought it was good for mentor / tutor time.

19:37:13 kristianstill -> [b]Pricing based on resolution

19:38:09 Sharon P -> Oh wow, a new version of APA

19:38:12 Sharon P -> good to know

19:38:46 Sharon P -> John's style guide is the standard, of course

19:39:16 JohnS -> An Introduction to Creative Commons Licensing for Your Photographs: http://digital-photography-school.com/an-introduction-to-creative-common...

19:39:56 JohnS -> Copyright-friendly music and sound: http://copyrightfriendly.wikispaces.com/Copyright-friendly+music+and+sou...

19:40:15 csitterley -> There is a book called "The Mac is not a Typewriter" that covers that 1 space after a period thing

19:40:25 JenM -> For Jeff from Gary (awwww): Periodic Table of Elements ... http://www.ptable.com/

19:40:51 gary -> Yes it was for Jeff - best one yet!

19:41:20 kristianstill -> [b]John, Jen, best wishes.... but tomorrow is a school day.

19:41:31 JohnS -> Paper Rater: http://www.paperrater.com/ 

19:41:38 gary -> Most of them from Jeff though

19:41:39 JenM -> Thank you, Kristian!

19:42:27 JenM -> Terry Freedman Amazin Web 2.0 Projects ... http://www.terry-freedman.org.uk/web2_2010/Amazing%20Web%202%20Projects.pdf

19:43:31 JohnS -> Lingro: http://lingro.com/ 

19:43:38 Sharon P -> ahem, there are some GREAT projects there

19:45:48 JenM -> Unconference from Arvind (so must be good) ... http://thatcamp.org/

19:46:32 Sharon P -> Thanks John!

19:47:03 JenM -> All the links for tonight (and more) ... http://delicious.com/edtechtalk/20100321

19:47:53 gary -> Thanks again - almost forgot - not at home (different time).

19:47:59 dem -> thank you

19:48:09 mslaneeus -> Thanks

19:48:25 csitterley -> Thanks for keeping on John and Jen-Have a good week everyone

19:48:39 Sharon P -> Thanks guys!

19:48:43 Sharon P -> oh no!

19:48:55 gary -> Just so everyone feels better - it is snowing in Montreal

19:49:36 Sharon P -> I don't feel better, but thanks for reminding me

19:49:43 Sharon P -> It is actually accumulating too

19:49:52 gary -> I know - I am here

19:49:58 Sharon P -> ahhh

19:50:10 gary -> Watching out my hotel window

19:50:11 Sharon P -> after we broke records for losing it this year!

19:50:21 csitterley -> It was 60+ in NW PA this weekend

19:51:12 gary -> @Sharon - that's what the taxi driver said on the way in from the airport.

19:51:31 Sharon P -> sigh

19:52:04 gary -> But I leave tomorrow and get away from the snow (unless it is snowing in Alberta also when I return)

19:52:10 Sharon P -> haha

19:53:04 Sharon P -> wow, John sacrificed a lot for his trip

19:53:26 gary -> But the snow was appropriate because I am here for a winter sport - short track speed skating.

19:54:04 Sharon P -> we have had only ONE meeting so far

19:54:18 Sharon P -> we are really relaxed this year

19:54:42 Sharon P -> yes, I would love to have John on call

19:55:17 Sharon P -> absolutely, our spouses are great

19:56:05 gary -> You are lucky John, my wife refuses to visit my former place in Africa - so we don't go.

19:56:51 Sharon P -> can still here somebdoy typinc

19:57:13 gary -> A quiet typer though

19:57:20 JohnS -> Thanks. Call was still on.

19:58:20 JenM -> :)