Ed Tech Talk Town Hall

Meeting Objectives/Agenda:

  1. Getting more help (because we hopefully have more time in the summer) on ETT projects
  2. 501c3/NonProfit status
  3. Server migration
  4. Webcast Academy issues

Concerns from audience:

  1. Dave: assignment of comment moderation. Ownership, responsibility, incentive.
  2. He set up Community Work page go there to help: http://edtechtalk.com/node/1818
  3. Alice: mentoring for Webcast academy
  4. Lisa: Paypal to fund EdTechTalk
    -Dave and Jeff feel it would be more successful with a "capitol campaign", and after 501(c)3

Status Reports:
Status of non-profit status. World Bridges is a LLC that makes no profit, discussion about getting 501(c)3 for Ed Tech Talk
-Alice will look in to if folks would like a conference on non-profit status her dh may be available to chat with
-Lee will look into having her brother-in-law help with legal suggests a subcommittee and deadline (end of month)
-Dave and Jeff meeting set up at end of the week. We need to publicize on Ed Tech Talk site
-Meeting on 7/22 meet to update and discuss after Ed Tech Talk for discussion and updates: http://educationbridges.org/forum/22

How to make Ed Tech Talk sustainable

  • How to keep it falling on the shoulders of just a few?
    - Lee suggests threading the hand off, Dave says that will happen after transition to new server, and Drupal redo
  • What is everyone doing? Continue discussion in Brainstorm and other sessions and on Community Work page?
    -Transparency, fairness, and open discussion before agreements. There can be a dissent.
    -Alice sez "What are areas that need documentation, what areas need backup, what areas need assistance"

Server migration: World Bridges server #3: the education bridges server: not fully funded, but things need to be moved. Goes with multi-site. Server company or university? What do we need and where will we get it? Dave will document this event so others can pick up the thread.

How much more is needed for server #3

Webcast Academy groups

  1. Graduating classes (3 webcasts, discussion of challenges, stream graduation-share info so others can follow)
  2.  Webcast interns should be for World Bridges webcasting (not training for them to do outside projects)
  3.  Support new shows (mentor relationship)
  4. Update Book of Webcasting
Wedensdays 8-9 p.m. EDT Webcast Academy

Book of Webcasting: Cleaning up from Lee and Jeff. Lee has revised, but it needs to be replaced. They need volunteers to take a section and revise...


Existing: http://www.webcastacademy.net/Book_of_Webcasting

check out this source for revision:  http://newmediaguides.com

Attempt to make it into a 5 week curriculum: http://www.webcastacademy.net/curriculum

Adding information on tagging and ID3 and posting content and using site to guide 


How much more is needed for server #3 = as in $$

Costs associated with 501 initial setup?

What are the community's ideas for a capital campaign? Goal? Method? Responsibilities?

Webcastacademy - could topics/assignments be listed for interns in terms of weeks, as in a college syllabus? Could there be a listing of webcasters to contact? Apprentice interns with a few webcasters (I bugged Lee a lot - thanks Lee!)

Could I maybe do some streaming in the next graduation of interns? If I am the only one in this class, it makes no sense to do graduation alone. Misery loves company. I only have one webcast anyway. 


Durff, Your welcome. A hand is always needed through the learning curve of wevcasting. I had plenty to help me. You are doing great. Lee Baber