EdTechTalk#65 - Discussion with Ramit Sethi of PBWiki.com

Sunday, Sept. 24

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Our guest was Ramit Sehti, co-founder of  PBWiki. Our discussion included uses of wiki's in education, a newsbreaking announcement, how to balance commercial activities with serving the educational community, and what's on the horizon for PBWiki.
Nov. 30 Update:  For a transcript on another extensive interview with Ramit, check out Cody McKibben's interview, Ramit Sethi Will Not Only Teach You To Be Crazy Rich...

Chat Transcript Below

09/24/06 19:00:48 cheryloakes: hello Alice
09/24/06 19:01:21 rentre: :D
09/24/06 19:02:01 alicebarr: Hi cheryl
09/24/06 19:02:14 JasonR: Trying to record it now
09/24/06 19:02:20 JasonR: Ecamm says it's recording
09/24/06 19:02:25 JasonR: That needs a prayer too
09/24/06 19:02:29 JasonR: :)
09/24/06 19:07:41 lee: Ah, my town..state college
09/24/06 19:08:53 dave: questions for pbwiki?
09/24/06 19:09:03 JenniferW: sorry -- I came in late
09/24/06 19:09:08 JenniferW: Did they talk about the ads??
09/24/06 19:09:10 dave: http://pbwiki.com
09/24/06 19:09:12 Chris_Craft: any new features to make it more robust?
09/24/06 19:09:12 dave: k
09/24/06 19:09:13 JenniferW: and can we get it without them??
09/24/06 19:09:33 JenniferW: I switched from PBWiki due to ads to wikispaces
09/24/06 19:10:31 dave: ANNOUCEMENT
09/24/06 19:10:32 JenniferW: WOO HOO
09/24/06 19:10:32 dave: ALERT
09/24/06 19:10:34 tinusnr1: Hello everybody *)
09/24/06 19:10:40 dave: ANNOUCEMENT ALERT
09/24/06 19:10:43 Chris_Craft: yay!
09/24/06 19:10:47 sharon_(eebee1): super yay
09/24/06 19:11:23 JenniferW: can I blog about the upcoming teacher option??? or wait??
09/24/06 19:11:28 dave: do it
09/24/06 19:11:30 dave: don't ask
09/24/06 19:11:34 dave: you don't need permission
09/24/06 19:11:46 JL: you mean you haven't blogged it already Jen? :)
09/24/06 19:11:48 lee: too true
09/24/06 19:12:01 sharon_(eebee1): :D
09/24/06 19:12:02 JenniferW: :)
09/24/06 19:12:08 Cathy: I liked PBwiki but had to make another choice because of the ads
09/24/06 19:12:18 JenniferW: as did I -- Cathy
09/24/06 19:12:23 sharon_(eebee1): Ads were a turnoff for me too
09/24/06 19:12:28 lee: what is your webpage
09/24/06 19:12:34 JenniferW: Cheryl Oakes -- congrats on the Tech&Learning article!!
09/24/06 19:12:48 JL: http://www.stanford.edu/~ramit/
09/24/06 19:12:51 dave: http://www.stanford.edu/~ramit/
09/24/06 19:12:54 cheryloakes: Hey thanks,
09/24/06 19:12:57 JenniferW: I still have 2 wikis though at PBWiki -- just not used for projects
09/24/06 19:13:17 JenniferW: should have been in the magazine cheryl and not just online IMHO
09/24/06 19:13:21 sharon_(eebee1): yes, using them for other things too
09/24/06 19:13:30 cheryloakes: Jen, I tried Vyew with my Seedlings and Alice B today
09/24/06 19:13:38 JenniferW: and???
09/24/06 19:13:41 cheryloakes: Thanks, for your comments
09/24/06 19:13:46 alicebarr: It was great!
09/24/06 19:13:48 cheryloakes: Maybe later in the mag
09/24/06 19:14:18 cheryloakes: The group loved it, and it was as crazy as your group last week, the nature of the beast
09/24/06 19:14:34 alicebarr: But everyone got it!
09/24/06 19:14:46 cheryloakes: that is true Alice, it was good.
09/24/06 19:15:01 cheryloakes: Hey, is there a skypecast for this now, I've been working on a workorder.
09/24/06 19:15:03 JenniferW: its a fun free program
09/24/06 19:15:38 cheryloakes: Alice, this is JenW who introduced me to Vyew!
09/24/06 19:15:48 alicebarr: Hi Jen
09/24/06 19:15:58 alicebarr: It's a great program
09/24/06 19:16:01 alicebarr: https://skypecasts.skype.com/skypecasts/skypecast/detailed.html?id_talk=...
09/24/06 19:16:01 Cathy: I don't know Vyew
09/24/06 19:16:34 JenniferW: vyew.com -- collaborating software
09/24/06 19:16:43 Cathy: I'll check it out
09/24/06 19:17:07 JenniferW: yes i just learned how to use the sidebar in pbwiki and then poof -- next time I came on -- they had made it easier
09/24/06 19:18:27 Cathy: I'm your NC gal if you make it free for educators
09/24/06 19:19:05 JasonR: afk
09/24/06 19:19:46 dave: http://pbwiki.com/edu
09/24/06 19:20:00 Chris_Craft: I'm in SC! So we can team up and take the Carolinas!!
09/24/06 19:20:06 dave: http://educators.pbwiki.com/
09/24/06 19:20:36 JenniferW: Me Me!!!!
09/24/06 19:20:40 JenniferW: email again??? please
09/24/06 19:20:42 Chris_Craft: Me too!!!
09/24/06 19:21:52 JenniferW: is the pbwiki.com/edu new????
09/24/06 19:21:57 JL: anyone in the skypecast want to be unmuted for a comment or question?
09/24/06 19:22:19 lee: [email protected]
09/24/06 19:22:22 JenniferW: ty
09/24/06 19:23:00 JL: http://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/
09/24/06 19:23:37 JenniferW: here is my pbwiki site -- http://theincrediblejourney.pbwiki.com/?pwd=RHdhiMMF7e
09/24/06 19:26:33 JL: http://forums.pbwiki.com/
09/24/06 19:27:29 dug: need interwiki link support at least
09/24/06 19:29:30 JenniferW: cheryl -- I just got your invite to vyew -- :)
09/24/06 19:32:13 dug: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wiki_farms
09/24/06 19:33:58 JL: http://bowling20.net/
09/24/06 19:34:10 JenniferW: virtual bowling or in real life??
09/24/06 19:36:21 JenniferW: thank you for the NO ADS wiki area -- I will utilize PBwiki if it is adfree
09/24/06 19:36:47 JenniferW: not that the ads were bad -- but I had to keep my kids at one site and not have the ability to click OUT of the wiki easily by way of an ad
09/24/06 19:37:01 cheryloakes: sorry, about the mic, it switched to internal.
09/24/06 19:38:42 JL: if anyone wants the mic, please let us know
09/24/06 19:41:26 JenniferW: email or site again please???
09/24/06 19:41:41 dug: pbwiki.com?
09/24/06 19:41:50 JL: [email protected]
09/24/06 19:41:52 JenniferW: he said something about educators ---- and then too fast
09/24/06 19:42:06 dug: http://pbwiki.com/edu.html and http://educators.pbwiki.com/
09/24/06 19:42:12 JenniferW: LOL -- I blogged about PB Wiki -- :)
09/24/06 19:42:31 dave: http://educators.pbwiki.com/Advisory%20board%20members
09/24/06 19:42:52 JenniferW: thank you
09/24/06 19:42:57 JenM: Great show guys! Thank you!
09/24/06 19:43:14 cheryloakes: awesome, good stuff
09/24/06 19:43:21 JenniferW: very helpful show tonight -- THANK YOU
09/24/06 19:43:23 sharon_(eebee1): great to hear Ramit and hear the great news about ad-free PBwiki
09/24/06 19:43:49 cheryloakes: later
09/24/06 19:43:55 JenniferW: however you all sound the same -- its hard to tell everyone apart
09/24/06 19:43:56 Cathy: I'll be waiting for the news
09/24/06 19:43:59 lee: yes nice to hear from silicon valley
09/24/06 19:44:32 JenniferW: i thought I had just gotten dave and jeff figured out and then ramit came in and sounds like one of them -- grins not sure now. :)
09/24/06 19:44:39 sharon_(eebee1): I agree
09/24/06 19:44:46 sharon_(eebee1): had to figger out from context who was who
09/24/06 19:45:13 JenniferW: that pbwiki guy really sounded like one of them!!
09/24/06 19:45:22 dug: Here are some neat catalogs of the ways wikis can be used in a classroom: http://guzdial.cc.gatech.edu/squeakers/coweb-catalog.pdf and http://tecfa.unige.ch/proj/seed/catalog/net/catalog-eng.pdf
Audio icon EdTechTalk65-2006-09-24.mp30 bytes