

Happy 3rd Birthday EdTechTalk.com


Firetruck by Jason Tromm on Flickr


The "Happy Birthday" edition of the EdTechBrainstorm.


Lorna and Matt visit to brainstorm about tools that can be used for professional development for educators, and outreach for parents and community stakeholders.

We also hear about their upcoming Parents as Partners Brainstorm show on Monday night.


Taxonomy upgrade extras:

David joins me for a discussion about using technology for training and development of volunteers at CKUT.


This week consisted primarily of tunes from Derek K. Miller of Penmachine and the ramblings of your host. I talk a bit about what's going to be on upcoming shows, the TLt Summit in Saskatoon, as well as a photo from a Flickr project that I'm involved in.


This week, I'm joined by Jason Robertshaw and Alice Mercer as we discuss plans for EarthCast08
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