
Conversations Show 4 August 10, 2008

Maria Knee and Lisa Parisi conversed with Ben Hazzard, Lisa Thumann and Ginger Lewman about the use of interactive white boards in the classroom. They discussed the benefits of using IBW's in the classroom, using the without the environment be too teacher centered, the advantages of one brand over an other and best practice in using IBW's.

Chat Log

Conversations - Show 3 - 2008-08-03

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Lisa Parisi and Maria Knee are joined by Alice Barr and Pamela Livingston to discuss changes in school environments.  They tackled such questions as "What changes do we want to see in a school environment and why?  How do we help create change?  What holds us back?  Why are some teachers so eager for change while others avoid it?"

Chat Archive:

Conversations - Show #2 - 2008.07.27

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Maria and Lisa are joined by Kevin and Michelle Honeycutt, Debbie Boisvert and Sheila Adams for a conversation about good teaching and technology.


Conversations - Show 1 - 2008-07-20

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In this first show, Maria Knee and Lisa Parisi are joined by Colleen King and Ginger Lewman.  Together, they discuss the issues and effects of praise in the classroom.


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