Instructional-Design-Live#20 2010-06-04 The LMS and Learning

Post-Show description: 

I hate Blackboard

Join the ID live team this week as we discuss the practical implications of using a centralized Learning Management System to manage the online learning experienece. The position of Jon Mott and David Wiley is discussed:

Mott and Wiley Quote

As a student or instructor in Higher Ed institutions today, it is almost inevitable that learning management systems such as Blackboard or Moodle will play a key role in the learning and teaching experience. But is there a problem with using a single, centralized system to manage learning? David Wiley and Jon Mott argue that there are certain limitations to such centralized systems, including:

  • the perpetuation of the industrial age paradigm of learning;
  • privileging the role of the instructor at the expense of the learner; and,
  • limiting the power of the network effect in learning.

Join the ID live team this week as we discuss the practical implications of using such a system and whether we agree with these statements.

Available on the Web

Chat Transcript:

Jun 4, 2010 10:02:14 AM - IDL 20
01:11 - Mary
Hi, Mary Ann.

01:19 - Mary Ann

02:00 - Mary
Welcome, sasindel.

02:30 - Mary

02:31 - Mary Ann
use Angel now

02:34 - sasindel
Thanks. Moodler here...

02:44 - Deirdre
D2L, Moodle, Blackboard

02:52 - Mary
Lots of them!

03:02 - Mary Ann
blackboard - long time ago

03:16 - sasindel
Angel and Blackboard in my university courses

08:01 - sasindel

09:24 - Jennifer

13:15 - Robert
The article by Mott and Wiley:

19:04 - Deirdre
Doesn't the push back experienced by Jen suggest that the stauts quo is not simply being maintained?

29:19 - Robert

29:28 - Mary
Thanks, Jen.

29:41 - Mary
you're cutting out, Deirdre

29:47 - Jennifer
Jim Groom:

30:16 - Jennifer
D'Arcy Norman:

30:21 - Mary
still cutting out quite a bit, Deirdre

30:48 - Robert

30:51 - Jennifer
Scott Leslie:

30:52 - Robert
Jen has the mic

30:53 - Deirdre

30:58 - Robert
we missed it

31:08 - Robert
Try again?

31:09 - Jennifer
oops! Sorry!

31:11 - Mary
Can you try again, Deirdre?

31:12 - Deirdre
perhaps I should invest in a new headset.

31:22 - Robert
Who has the mic now?

31:29 - Mary
no one

31:32 - Jennifer
not me ... I don't think :)

31:35 - Robert

31:41 - Mary

31:43 - Robert
got you now

31:48 - Jennifer
yes .. hear you!

34:02 - Mary
Thanks, Robert and all! Good discussion today.

34:45 - Jennifer
A post from Jim Groom on this topic ..

34:49 - Deirdre
Thanks for another informative discussion and for the links. Looking forward to next week's discussion.

35:00 - Jennifer
bye, all!

35:01 - Mary Ann

35:13 - Robert