Making Connections # 37

Post-Show description: 

Jen Wagner and Mark Samberg share how to use Google Spreadsheet in the classroom.  As a result, Nags Head Elementary School is now gathering their lunch count using a Google Form - which dumps the results into a great spreadsheet.

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So sorry it has taken me so long to post this audio.  Real life keeps getting in the way.

This show came to be as a result of me wanting to automate our lunch count proceedure.  I wanted to know the best way to use Google Spreadsheet/Forms to make it happen.  Once again, Jen Wagner came to the rescue along with Mark Samberg and his great ideas.  

Thanks for a great learning experience!


 18:58:29  dgoodman - whats our topic tonight
 19:00:02  Cathy E - Jen Wagner is going to explain google spreadsheet with survey
 19:00:12  dgoodman - cool
 19:01:15  dgoodman - how's everyones school year been
 19:01:57  mark samberg - Great!
 19:02:14  dgoodman - its been busy here for sure
 19:02:27  dgoodman - hi shelia
 19:02:34  sheila - Hi all!
 19:03:33  sheila - No stream yet, right?
 19:04:22  dgoodman - not getting any sound here
 19:05:10  Cathy E - Streaming on UStream
 19:05:52  sheila - thanks will be back after refreshing page.
 19:06:05  Heinrichka - Evening, everyone!
 19:06:26  dgoodman - evening, heinrichka
 19:07:30  dgoodman - is everyone hearing sound
 19:07:56  Cathy E -
 19:08:03  PeggyG - no sound for me yet but I'm waiting for iTunes to catch up
 19:08:31  sheila - I don't see a stream any where.
 19:08:40  PeggyG - is it ETT A?
 19:08:59  Cathy E -
 19:09:05  JenWagner - hello room
 19:09:09  Cathy E - then you can listen to the UStream
 19:09:14  sheila - Hi Jen
 19:09:20  dgoodman - hi jen
 19:09:28  JenWagner - hi sheila and dgoodman!!!
 19:09:40  PeggyG - hi everyone
 19:09:44  sheila - UStream says off line for me ..
 19:10:03  JenWagner - hey PeggyG
 19:10:11  JenWagner - we are restarting the sound
 19:10:18  JenWagner - can you hear us now
 19:10:45  PeggyG - still no audio and there doesn't seem to be a ustream-where did it go?
 19:10:47  dgoodman - not hearing anything here
 19:11:20  PeggyG - Hi Jen-did you get my email in the last half hour?
 19:11:42  JenWagner - yes ma'am
 19:11:50  Cathy E - refresh the page and see what happens
 19:11:56  PeggyG - great-can't wait to hear Sharon on WOW2 tonight!
 19:11:59  JenWagner - I love that you are wearing the WOW2 shirt
 19:12:04  JenWagner - and yes, you should retweet
 19:12:08  PeggyG - but of course!!!
 19:12:12  sheila - Still says offline for me . . .
 19:12:35  dgoodman - refreshed and still no sound
 19:12:38  JenWagner - okay   third time is the charm
 19:13:07  dgoodman - 3rd time is always a charm
 19:13:23  JenWagner - 30 seconds and you should hear us
 19:13:29  JenWagner - EdTechTalk A
 19:13:31  PeggyG - still no audio for me-refreshed but may have to log out & back in??
 19:13:48  PeggyG - yeah! audio!!!
 19:13:53  JenWagner - yes!!!
 19:14:04  dgoodman - I have sound now...yea
 19:14:05  JenWagner - can you stil hear??
 19:14:12  JenWagner - remember it is a 30 second delay
 19:14:15  JenWagner - :)
 19:14:21  PeggyG - I'm getting it on ETT A now-now ustream.
 19:14:23  JenWagner - sometimes it is   :)
 19:14:27  sheila - Success!
 19:14:42  PeggyG - just can't find the ustream but that's ok-I can hear :-)
 19:15:01  dgoodman - yea Jennifer
 19:15:13  PeggyG - Big night tonight Jen-glad you're here-tell it again
 19:15:23  sheila - Pretend I didn't hear the first 2 times Jen . . .
 19:16:10  Cathy E -
 19:17:29  PeggyG - oh, lunch count on Google forms-what an awesome idea!
 19:17:45  Heinrichka - Great idea!!!!
 19:18:35  dgoodman - good to know
 19:20:11  Heinrichka - Yep
 19:20:14  Heinrichka - Four
 19:21:32  PeggyG - grilled cheese sandwiches :-)
 19:21:43  Heinrichka - Juice or milk, cathy :-)
 19:22:17  PeggyG - just heard a student webcast on coggins blog today-lunch menu was biscuits & grits- made me smile :-)
 19:22:49  PeggyG - You're doing a great job of describing it even without the visual
 19:23:10  JenWagner -
 19:24:17  PeggyG - see it :-)
 19:24:38  JenWagner -
 19:24:56  PeggyG - and all of the results will show up as they are entered right on the spreadsheet :-)
 19:25:06  dgoodman - is anyone trying this out on google as jen shares
 19:25:10  Heinrichka - So it totals in real time for the cafe manager?
 19:25:13  sheila - yes
 19:25:23  dgoodman - did you see a code
 19:25:36  dgoodman - I did not after choosing share
 19:26:20  PeggyG - probably only Jen gets the code as the creator??
 19:27:05  dgoodman - I was trying to create one as she was sharing and did not get a code when I hit share
 19:27:08  sheila - New profession - short order cook!
 19:28:17  Heinrichka - Saves time on both ends of the count!
 19:29:45  PeggyG - this is one very simple example of form I created to help a teacher friend.
 19:30:04  sheila - This is very helpful! I'm thinking of doing this at our school!
 19:30:32  PeggyG - If you scroll down on my survey you can see the results
 19:30:50  dgoodman - ok....with you now
 19:31:20  JenWagner - here is the image
 19:31:21  JenWagner -
 19:31:26  JenWagner - if you wish to see what we are looking at
 19:32:02  sheila - We have a main lunch then an alternative and salad bar.
 19:32:25  PeggyG - it sounds like it would be more consistent if you enter the choices
 19:32:54  sheila - I'm liking this!
 19:34:06  PeggyG - I think Google is good enough for that but it's down sometimes--not long
 19:34:37  PeggyG - you can always download and save the results in spreadsheet form
 19:35:45  Cathy E -
 19:36:05  PeggyG - don't teachers have to have the ability to edit to add their information?
 19:36:42  Heinrichka - YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)
 19:36:45  PeggyG - it was just a quicky example of the power of Google forms for a PD survey
 19:37:17  sheila - Chat option!
 19:37:27  PeggyG - Yes and you can add comments on the sheet
 19:38:23  PeggyG - did you notice on my survey results that technology PD cam up for almost everyone? :-)
 19:38:49  PeggyG - you can also post it on a Google website
 19:39:17  Heinrichka - Christopher ;_0
 19:39:52  PeggyG - once you have the template created it would be easy to change the menu choices
 19:40:19  PeggyG - LOL-I was a principal and I didn't "eat" in the cafeteria either :-)
 19:40:25  Heinrichka - He's our partner in the news show! COOOL kid!
 19:41:00  Heinrichka - Ohh....the choices do repeat....
 19:41:05  PeggyG - too many choices for a drop down menu
 19:41:22  Cathy E - cevanoff
 19:41:31  Heinrichka - CE -- Asisstants....since they no longer do attendance ????
 19:42:07  JenWagner - Yes, Peggy -- Just trying to think of how NOT to invent the wheel EACH day
 19:42:19  PeggyG - anything you want to survey-any of the graphing activities that primary students do could be done on this form with the teacher entering the info if students can't all be on computers
 19:42:40  mark samberg - Where did everybody go?
 19:42:54  JenWagner - poof -- hmmmmm what happened
 19:43:07  JenWagner - Yes, Mark is talking -- was talking about height charts --
 19:43:08  Heinrichka - Skype + stream = oops LOL!
 19:43:10  JenWagner - did you hear that??
 19:43:17  PeggyG - charts/graphs of riders/walkers, favorite anything, pets, really anything you could graph
 19:43:25  JenWagner - Yes!!
 19:43:41  PeggyG - can only hear Cathy
 19:43:45  dgoodman - terrible sound on this end...almost like outside crickets
 19:43:50  JenWagner - We did on one is your class going to the dogs
 19:43:58  JenWagner - and did a PET survey
 19:44:01  dgoodman - can only hear cathy
 19:44:03  PeggyG - loud hum may be from someone on internal mic-computer sounds
 19:44:07  JenWagner - yep --
 19:44:20  JenWagner - Mark is talking in 30 seconds   :)
 19:44:26  JenWagner - let us know if you can hear himj
 19:44:27  JenWagner - him
 19:44:29  PeggyG - can hear Jen now
 19:44:33  PeggyG - now Mark
 19:44:37  JenWagner - good  thank you!!!
 19:44:41  Heinrichka - I've got skype sound, too
 19:45:40  PeggyG - you could get Prof Devel choices/preferences for teacher work days
 19:46:02  sheila - I've done the birthday thing with my class. It's usually around 21, right?
 19:46:07  PeggyG - favorite books
 19:46:17  mark samberg - @sheila Yes
 19:46:28  PeggyG - places students have been in the world
 19:46:45  Heinrichka - Birth cities
 19:47:00  sheila - welcome back to school. What did you do this summer?
 19:47:01  PeggyG - Jen you should do a survey for all of your online projects to find out favorites
 19:47:16  dgoodman - good idea peggy
 19:47:23  PeggyG - pre-plug is good!
 19:47:34  sheila - Hi Mary!
 19:47:53  dgoodman - i also like the summer survey
 19:47:55  sheila - We are working with forms with google forms
 19:48:07  dgoodman - hi mary
 19:48:08  sheila - @ Mary can you hear it?
 19:48:39  sheila - You can type on the bottom of this box in the yellow area
 19:48:46  PeggyG - just reinforcing your comment about give you a pre-plug
 19:49:01  sheila - Mary is a teacher at my school, I believe . .
 19:49:21  PeggyG - Yes, we should start a wiki for sharing examples (like the Voicethread wiki with tons of examples)
 19:49:53  PeggyG - teachers will use it if it makes their lives easier
 19:51:21  PeggyG - great example, Jen. If it helps them do something they are already doing they will see the value and won't view it as an add-on
 19:52:25  mary - Yes, Sheila I can hear you.
 19:52:32  PeggyG - they also have to trust that the technology will work when they need it--if it fails them a few times they decide it's not worth it
 19:52:32  sheila - @Mary - Success!
 19:52:57  sheila - @Mary, there is a 30 second delay.
 19:54:18  PeggyG - Yes, it needs to be accessible and convenient
 19:54:47  dgoodman - and support when they need it
 19:55:50  PeggyG - one of my tech friends just did a presentation on how to present technology to teachers-click on workshops and "What Did I Sign Up For"-great advice - audio with PPT or video
 19:56:26  PeggyG - the engagement value is such an important point
 19:56:35  sheila - @mary - if you click on the link, it will pop up in the browser.
 19:56:48  PeggyG - interaction is the key--technology isn't always used interactively
 19:57:11  sheila - Imagine what we will learn tomorrow!
 19:57:12  PeggyG - Yes Cathy! one person at a time!
 19:57:36  PeggyG - Invite Mark back again to share some more!
 19:58:28  PeggyG - great plan Cathy! Keep us posted on how it goes :-)
 19:59:03  dgoodman - if anyone can pull it off, Cathy can
 19:59:21  sheila - Can you have the calendar on the top with choices that are numbered? Then have the form below with choices #1-4.
 19:59:33  PeggyG - Oh that's a fantastic idea to use your student to enter the choices :-)
 19:59:52  JenWagner - Thank you Sheila -- I was trying to think of how to explain it too
 20:00:00  sheila - @Mary - I sent you an email with my lunch count test form.
 20:00:07  PeggyG - Good idea Sheila-that sounds like it might work!
 20:00:10  sheila - Hi Brian
 20:00:18  brian.wehner - Howdy.
 20:00:31  PeggyG - Hi Brian
 20:00:34  dgoodman - Thanks Jen
 20:00:42  JenWagner - Peggy -- se you in 1 hour
 20:00:43  JenWagner - :)
 20:00:49  PeggyG - Very stimulating conversation-thanks!!
 20:00:52  JenWagner - just time to eat -- relax a bit
 20:00:54  JenWagner - and then WOW2
 20:00:59  JenWagner - :)
 20:01:03  PeggyG - Yes, come to WOW2!!
 20:01:06  sheila - This was very helpful! Thanks!
 20:01:18  sheila - See you all in an hour!
 20:01:20  dgoodman - oh that was real bugs
 20:01:24  PeggyG - crickets?? :-)
 20:01:26  Cathy E - Oh I did not realze you are doing WOW2 tongiht
 20:01:27  dgoodman - bye
 20:01:30  sheila - bye
 20:01:32  PeggyG - bye