Women of Web 3.0

Women of Web 2.0 Show 80

Join the Women of Web 2.0, for our Wow's of the week, our interview with the Ed Tech Posse. Find our how they got their name! Later in the show John Schinker is the host for the game show! It did get a little controversial, but rumor has it there will be a rematch! The Ed Tech Posse include: Alec Couros, Dean Shareski, Rob Wall, Rick Schwier,

The game winning limerick:

There once were some gals who were wow.

Eachweek they delighted in showing us how

Women of Web 2.0 Show 79

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 Join Sharon Peters, Dr. Cheri Toledo and Cheryl Oakes as we chat with Sylvia Martinez, from GenYes, about everything from Seymour Papert to empowering students in the classroom. The chat is full of great links as well.

The Chat:

Women of Web 2.0 Show 76

Join our 76th show as the Women of Web 2.0 interview some great teachers from western New York who are using Problem Based Learning with their elementary students. Join Jen, Sharon, Cheryl and Kathy Shields as Brian, Wendy, Martha and Chris talk about what Project Based Learning looks like in their classes and how by having the students solve problems in the area of science has deepened their science knowledge. Vicki is out on sabbatical, but rejoins us next week.

Women of Web 2.0 Show 75

 Join the Women of Web 2.0 as we discuss what it means to be a Discovery Educator and then the discussion moves on to Second Life and the presence that DEN members have made on EduIsland. Look for upcoming events.


The Delicious Links!   http://del.icio.us/WOW2.0/wow2_20080513 

The Chat

Women of Web 2.0 Show 74

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Welcome and thanks for joining us. This is show 74 and on this show we interview Brent Coley, a podcasting 5th grade teacher turned Asst. Principal,Tovashal Elementary School - Murrieta, CA . During our wow's Sharon brings in Dennis Richards - he is a Superintendent in Massachusetts - http://innovation3.blogspot.com/,  to talk about the wave of technology sweeping the upcoming ASCD conference. Vicki is out for most of May attending to her familiy. You will enjoy all the great links from the chat as well.


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