Chat Transcripts

EdTechBrainstorm#33 Chat Transcript

19:01:10 JeffLebow: Hello Scottlo
19:01:11 scottlo: hiya Jeff
19:01:21 scottlo: how's the price of gold? ;)
19:01:32 JeffLebow: Up, up, and away
19:01:46 scottlo: gotta love it!
19:01:52 JeffLebow: Is this Scott Lockman?
19:02:01 JeffLebow: Hey Doug
19:02:06 DougSymington: Hey Jeff

EdTechTalk#43 Chat Transcript

18:56:02 JeffLebow: Hi Dave's dad
18:56:17 rentre: Hi Jeff
18:56:40 dave-on-air: hi brad
18:56:50 Brad_Hicks: Hi guys
18:57:32 DougSymington: Hi all
18:57:59 dave-on-air: hi doug
18:58:15 Brad_Hicks: Hi Doug
18:59:40 Brad_Hicks: Anything on Drupal training soon?

EdTechTalk#41 Chat Transcript

18:57:08 conrad: do you use linux?
18:57:17 dave-on-air: not right now...
18:57:30 conrad: ok but you have some knowledge in that?
18:57:30 dave-on-air: but i do a little ubuntu and a little suse
18:57:44 dave-on-air: messed with debian
18:57:47 dave-on-air: no expert
18:57:50 dave-on-air: but know a little

EdTechTalk#40 - Chat Transcript

18:36:11 jeff: I'm going to reboot my machine - stream will go down for a few minutes and then we'll be back ready to go on live
18:38:45 conrad: roger that
18:42:27 Brad_Hicks: Hey Jeff, I was hoping that I'd be able to join in this morning , but I'm not going to be able to hang around unfortunately
18:42:56 conrad: channel 2 works too or you play just a recording there?
18:43:15 Jeff_Lebow: both are a recording now

EdTechBrainstorm 28A - "Real Time" Concept Mapping with SMART Ideas



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