Spoken Word

TTT#354 Birmingham Brave New Voices/Real Life Poets w/Beth Sanders, Al Elliott, John Taylor, Chaniya O'Bey, Chase, Ebony, Justin

On this episode of TTT, enjoy @MsSandersTHS @ellication @reallifepoets Chaniya O'Bey and three youths, Chase, Ebony, and Justin from the Birmingham Brave New Voices and Real Life Poets.

Young Alabama poets competing... for Brave New Voices festival in Chicago


BIRMINGHAM, Alabama -- Birmingham poets age 13-20 have a chance to participate in Brave New Voices 2013, a festival that will be held in Chicago in August. BNV is a network of more than 70 organizations that hosts a HBO series that "captures teenager picking up the pen and taking hold of the microphone with passion, intelligence, creativity, honesty and power," according to the BNV web site.

We celebrate poetry with young poets from Birmingham, Alabama on this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers.

Along with the youths, we are joined by:

Beth Sanders @MsSandersTHS
Educator working on making a ruckus. Social justice, technology equality, educational equity for everyone. Youth Converts Culture Co-Founder. ADE Class of 2013.
Birmingham, Alabama

Al Elliott @ellication
Dad. Educator. Learner. Currently serving as a 5th Grade Teacher + Green Valley Elementary | Hoover City Schools | Real Life Poets, Inc. [Board Member]

John Paul Taylor @reallifepoets and Chaniya O'Bey
The Real Life Poets Inc. is a 501 c3 non-profit community service organization that uses and encourages communication using spoken word poetry and the arts.
Birmingham, Alabama http://reallifepoets.org

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