Webcast Academy

21st Century Learning #98: Designing an Open Online Teacher Academy -- Part 2

21st Century Learning #98
Designing an Open Online Teacher Academy  -- Part 2
March 19, 2009

Week 2 of figuring out how to design an online teacher academy. 

We're starting to nail down a goal for this academy: 

The goal of this experience is to:
1. Teach online tools in the context of teaching and learning
2. Creating online community to model and sustain this learning

 *Please not that these are in draft form.

This online teacher academy starts by walking its participants through some basic online tools while building a community, and creates a structure for the participants to create and document new work thus leaving a legacy for the next generation of learners. 

With these goals and constructs, where do you see this going?  Leave us a comment here or over at the ISENet ning.


Photo from: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jiscinfonet/405736372/


21st Century Learning #98
Designing an Open Online Teacher Academy  -- Part 2
March 19, 2009

Week 2 of figuring out how to design an online teacher academy. 

We're starting to nail down a goal for this academy: 

The goal of this experience is to:
1. Teach online tools in the context of teaching and learning
2. Creating online community to model and sustain this learning

21st Century Learning #97:Designing an open, web 2.0, personal learning network, online community building, project for teachers

21st Century Learning #97
Designing an open, web 2.0, personal learning network, online community building, project for teachers
March 12, 2009

21st Century Learning #97
Networked Faculty Designing an open, web 2.0, personal learning network, online community building, project for teachers
March 12, 2009


For the past year, SEEDLINGS has shown up as Alice Barr's webcast academy project. We are ready to move forward to a more consistent time slot. We have talked to Lisa Paresi about webcasting alternate Thurs. when she is not producing her Thur. show. The time slot we are requesting is Thurs. 7:30-8:30 EST, just before Doug's show!! Here is our information.


Webcasting en Español - Open House

Special invitation to all that are interested in learning webcasting in Spanish. Our Open House will be on Friday June 6 at 6 p.m. Pacific. Check your local time. at http://puentesalmundo.net/live On this program I (Jose Rodriguez) and Alan Acevedo share what Webcasting is all about and what we expect from our session starting soon. In our Open House we will be giving an orientation to the Moodle course at http://webcastacademy.com and answer any questions you may have. For more information visit our worldbridges spanish site: http://puentesalmundo.net Spread the News!!!!

Bringing the Writing Project and WorldBridges Communities together in July

I want to propose the following outline to be discussed at this Thursday evening's WB/ETT/Webcast Academy planning session. Please take special note of the July 18th Teachers Teaching Teachers show. We'd love to have guests from all ETT shows if possilbe! Susan Ettenheim and Paul Allison are working on this together, and we're looking for others to help out.

Teachers Teaching Teachers will have three special shows in July.

Wednesday, July 11


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