This week, show co-hosts Cheri Toledo and Peggy George carried on while Sharon Peters was in California at the Big Idea Fest conference. We had a fantastic conversation with Dr. Cheryl Ball, an Assistant Professor of New Media in the Department of English at Illinois State University where she teaches classes in multimodal composition, digital media, composition theory, and digital publishing. Cheryl is also the Lead Editor of Kairos: An Online Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy. The journal publishes things that can only exist in an online journal (you can't print a video).
Do you have your EdTechTalk stuff yet? Did you know there are T-shirts, hats, coffee mugs, buttons, magnets, and tote bags available? They're all based on Wordle interpretations of the EdTechTalk Delicious tags.
What are you waiting for? These are limited edition items. Shop now and avoid the rush!