
Teachers Teaching Teachers #145 - Discussing Fundamentals and Building Plans Together - 03.25.09

Susan Ettenheim and Paul Allison welcome colleagues Ron Link (NYC Writing Project), Gail Desler (Area 3 Writing Project in California), and Fred Hass (Boston Writing Project) for a conversation about collaboration, publishing, and building a responsive community of students, mainly within our work together on Youth Voices.

Susan Ettenheim and Paul Allison welcome colleagues Ron Link (NYC Writing Project), Gail Desler (Area 3 Writing Project in California), and Fred Hass (Boston Writing Project) for a conversation about collaboration, publishing, and building a responsive community of students, mainly within our work together on Youth Voices.

Please listen to how we talk to each other, then plan to join us in the future.

Click Read more to see a transcript of a chat that was happening during the webcast.

Sydney IT Integrators Group - Term 1

This is a gathering of ICT Integrators from the greater Sydney metropolitan area. This group meets in a different school each time, three or four times each year. The idea is to get a close look at the way each different school approaches the challenge of integrating technology into teaching and learning. Teachers will hear about what happens in the host school from real teachers in real classrooms.

Open Source Education Community and Summer Curricula Writing Opportunity


I suspect many of you are familiar with Curriki--an online education community of teachers, students and other education stakeholders committed to using and sharing free, open-source K-12 instructional materials with others around the globe.

This summer, Curriki is sponsoring its annual "Summer of Content" initiative. This is an opportunity for teachers to share their own curricula units online with a Curriki audience of several hundred thousand educators.

It’s Elementary #31, Self Directed Learning

Have a listen to the It’s Elementary Team on this international webcast.  We  are joined by Dennis Newsome and Nick Noakes session facilitators for EVOVWLL 2009 and Vance Stevens the original webhead. As we discuss the nuances of self-directed learning and a bunch of other cool stuff, enjoy.


In this international edition of It’s Elementary we are joined by Dennis Newson and Nick Noakes session facilitators for EVOVWLL 2009 and Vance Stevens the original webhead.  We attempted to define what self directed learning is and how it has changed over time. We talked about the importance of learning in a network and building our own Personal Learning Environment (PLE or PLN).  We talked about the structure of the EVO sessions and the role of the facilitators. We evaluated the different tools used in the course such as the wikis, nings and the like. We concluded that it really IS about the people and how we connect in these online spaces. Check out all the great links in the text chat

ED 21 Unconference

What happens when you mix a group of passionate educators with a desire to advocate for change in education? You get action!
Uploaded with plasq’s Skitch!

Ed21, a conference for educators - and all learners, is happening this Saturday, February 21st from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m PST (global time). The conference is a mix of four Ted-like 14 minute presentations with time for conversation in between and after the presentations.

The website answers the question, “What is Ed21?”, with this:

We are interested in discussing how we can reinvent the educational system so students can be:

• independent processors of information

• solvers of real life problems

• curious and passionate about their interests

• effective oral and written communicators

• collaborators who make an impact on their community, one another, and the world

To this end we are committed to challenging the status quo, connecting people with networks, and sharing ideas worth spreading.

I hope you can join us!





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