Pocket Knowledge

Teachers Teaching Teachers #163 - 08.12.09 - Brian Hughes: The Art of Archiving and Video Production at Teachers College

Out guest on this week’s Teachers Teaching Teachers is Brian Hughes, Director of Social Media, Teachers College, Columbia University and the Head of Publishing & Design, EdLab | A Research, Design and Development unit at Teachers College, Columbia University. Ron Link and Paul Allison have a conversation with with Brian about two projects that he has helped to design at Teachers College: Pocket Knowledge and After Ed.

Out guest on this week’s Teachers Teaching Teachers is Brian Hughes, Director of Social Media, Teachers College, Columbia University and the Head of Publishing & Design, EdLab | A Research, Design and Development unit at Teachers College, Columbia University. Ron Link and Paul Allison have a conversation with with Brian about two projects that he has helped to design at Teachers College: Pocket Knowledge and After Ed.

Q. What is Pocket Knowledge?
A. PocketKnowledge is an on-line digital archive that allows users to store and retrieve their own personally-authored materials. It also allows users to post comments about all materials within the archive. In addition, PocketKnowledge is home to the Teachers College, Columbia University Gottesman Libraries Archive-an archive containing documents written by scholars such as Edward Thorndike, Paul Monroe and Maxine Greene.Q.
What is After Ed?
After Ed TV is a web-based video channel produced by EdLab at Teachers College, Columbia University. New content is published weekly, including news, documentary, and editorial segments.
After Ed TV is syndicated – you can get code to put our syndicated player on your website – and available for free. EdLab produces weekly content for After Ed TV, supports collaborative production at Teachers College, and invites submissions. We publish content for students and teachers of all ages who want to better understand the education sector and the changing nature of education.

Teachers College, with its research and teacher preparation missions, is a resource of diverse and innovative thinking about education and advancements in the understanding of learning. After Ed’s mission is to organize this knowledge production and bring it to the attention of a new audience attuned to the post-industrial era of education.

Enjoy this podcast with Brian Hughes from Teachers College’s EdLab.

Click Read more to see a transcript of a chat that was happening during the webcast.

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