Dave Cormier

EdTechWeekly #123

Dave & Jeff were alone at the virtual studio on this holiday weekend, so stream a mini-version of EdTechWeekly followed by a 'retro' type of EdTechTalk as they discuss how the past four years of EdTech Blah, blah, blah has actually affected their teaching. 

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EdTechWeekly #123
April 12, 2009




"A berry good brainstorm": this week we're joined by @jefflebow, @VanceS, @coordinatortwo and @davecormier as we discuss plans for WIAOC09.

A "berry" good brainstorm. Thanks to Jeff for hosting the call, and all who joined us in the chatroom. This week we check in with Vance Stevens, Jose Rodriguez, and Dave Cormier about plans for Webheads in Action: Online Convergence, 2009 (WIAOC09).   Chat:  20:59:26  dougsymington : hey JL  20:59:35  JL : Hey Doug  21:00:03  JL : Jose skyped me to say he wanted to join in tonight but will be on his cell for the first 30 minutes.   21:00:16  JL : I have unlimited skype if you'd like me to host

EdTechWeekly #122

The bad news ... you missed our weekly live show on Sunday night at 7:00 pm ET. The good news ... just point your browser to http://edtechtalk.com/EdTechWeekly122 and catch the recording. Jeff, Dave, John, and Jen review the week's roundup of news and resources in education and technology.

EdTechWeekly #122
April 5, 2009

This Week's Delicious Links
 ShareTabs - Part#1  Part#2


EdTechWeekly #121

Sharon fills in for a Jen on the move as we cover links and resources related to games, presentations, digital photography, Earth HOur/Day, Twitter, Ebooks, spoiled food & more. 

 EdTechWeekly #121
 (thanks @jonelleg )


EdTechWeekly#120 - The Power of Loose Ties

Have you seen the new ginormous iPod Touch? Want a search engine like Yauba to have a safer and more private browsing experience? Need a smarter pen? Like to know what the new IE8 has to offer? Rats ... you should have been at the live show on Sunday night at 7:00 p.m. and you would have learned about all this and more. Bummed that you missed the live show? No problem! Just point your browser to http://edtechtalk.com/EdTechWeekly120 and catch Jeff, Dave, and Jen as they review the week's roundup of news and resources in education and technology.

EdTechWeekly #120
The Power of Loose Ties 



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