
Blended Live/Virtual Presentations

I have been fortunate to participate in a number of blended workshop presentations where I am live with a group and members of the EdTech Community join in virtually.  Yesterday I had 3 sessions and Jeff Lebow and Lee Baber joined and contributed. Arvind came in for one (for some reason people from NYC have great credibility).     I think this is a powerful support that the community can offer individuals who are trying to bring Web 2.0 tools and practices to their school communities.  We are never a prophet in our own land but when my participants heard the voice of Lee echo in the room as she described her work and Jeff L. talked about the communities that have been grown out of WB, they paid attention.  I felt like my credibiltiy went up.  The glazed eyes of people lost in the terms and concepts became more alert listening to the powerful stories.

I think this has potential as a model and resource to people who are trying to start this work in their schools and districts.  As we go forward, maybe we can articulate and package this type of work so that others in and outside our community may use this as a professional development opportunity.

Jeff Flynn - Ann Arbor, MI

EdTechTalk: 21st Century Learning #17: The Read/Write Web Conference

EdTechTalk: 21st Century Learning #17
The Read/Write Web Conference
October 10, 2006
Download mp3 (42.57, 20.1MB)

This week, we discussed the Read/Write web enabled conference. Alex is on the planning committee and arvind is the Blog manager for the NYSAIS Managers of Information Technology conference at Mohonk Mountain house in New Paltz, New York this November (where EdTechTalk's very own Dave Cormier will be presenting). We discussed how to extend and enhance the conference with Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, Webcasts, and other web 2.0 tools. No clear decisions were made, but you can track our progress at NYSAIS Mohonk 2006 Wiki page

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