Pam Duty

Parents as Partners Episode #17 December 15, 2008

Parents as Partners Episode # 17 Dec 15, 2008 featured Madison Park Middle School with Principal Richard Ramos, Assistant Principal Priscilla Gossett, Classroom Teacher Pam Duty and Parent Angila Gallenstein describing all the great things that they are doing to promote parent engagement in their school.

Without writing a text book , it is impossible to capture all the good things that are happening at Madison Park Middle School in Phoenix Arizona but last night’s show has some really good information about engaging parents - Reducing tardiness – sharing data with parents –standing room only celebrations.

Parents as Partners Episode # 17 Dec 15, 2008 featured Madison Park Middle School with Principal Richard Ramos, Assistant Principal Priscilla Gossett, Classroom Teacher Pam Duty and Parent Angila Gallenstein describing all the great things that they are doing to promote parent engagement in their school.

Without writing a text book , it is impossible to capture all the good things that are happening at Madison Park Middle School in Phoenix Arizona. But here are a few highlights of the discussion in this show.

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