
TTT#348 IDEC 2013 - International Democratic Education Conference w/ Sally Anderson, Scott Nine, Joye Otto, David Loitz - 5.8.13

On this episode of TTT we have a conversation about democratic education and IDEC 2013, the 21st annual International Democratic Education Conference, which will be held in Boulder, Colorado this August 4-8.

Participants in this episode of TTT are:

Paul Allison's profile photo Sally Anderson's profile photo Scott Nine's profile photo monika hardy's profile photo Karen Fasimpaur's profile photo Joye Otto's profile photo David Loitz's profile photo

What is IDEC?
IDEC 2013 will be a unique international gathering of changemakers—practitioners, organizers, academics, youth, and educators—built around how we can transform our communities, schools, and learning to ensure that all young people can engage meaningfully in their education and gain the tools to build a just, sustainable, and democratic world. The experience will include a rich blend of pre-scheduled events and the fluidity needed to host conversations, workshops and strategy sessions using a hybrid of Open Space Technology. Be prepared for a conference experience unlike any other – we’ll be pushing the boundaries of what we mean by learning, sharing, connecting and creating.

What makes IDEC 2013 remarkable?
IDEC 2013 is a place where the world learns together about learning. IDEC, now in its 21st year, is hosted by teams of educators from different countries and continents each year. This is the first time in ten years that it has been held in the United States. From Korea to Israel and Brazil to India, IDEC offers participants the space, prompts, and process to learn about the future and history of learning.

What is democratic education?
In communities around the world, a story is unfolding of young people, educators, networks, and communities generating solutions to the challenges of today’s complex world. That unfolding story is the story of democratic education.

Democratic education is not a type of school or research-based practice. It isn’t one kind of learning program or philosophy. It is a frame. It’s a way of gathering together a vast set of ideas, resources, and visions so that a powerful story can be told that reclaims education for people and communities. There are thousands of people and organizations around the globe engaged in democratic education. Many have similar values but different definitions. IDEC 2013 is for all of them.

Click Read more to see the chat that was happening during this live webcast.

Teachers Teaching Teachers #259 Getting Ready with Youth Voices 8.10.11

Youth Voices Hangout

On this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers we are joined by Kevin Hodgson, Charles Freij, Margaret Simon, Judy Jester, Ronnie Burt, Gail Desler, Chris Sloan, Adam Cohen, Dan Polleys. We talk about our plans for the fall and how using Youth Voices might fit with our work with our students.

(Sorry about the over-modulation on some of these voices. We'll improve sound quality in the future.)
Click Read more to see a copy of the chat that was happening during the webcast.

Teachers Teaching Teachers #234 - On a mission to save the Earth with Matt Montagne and Peggy George! 2.2.11

Matt Montagne joins us on this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers. Matt has been a leader in putting together a 24-hour Earthcast in April the last couple of years at Matt also helped us build the community and to launch Voices on the Gulf. Matt’s students have also been building the Gator Radio Experience at his school, Castilleja School. Please join Matt, Peggy George and others as we try to build some curriculum together, looking toward Earth Day 2011. Here's the link to a Google Doc that Matt opened during this webcast: Missions Brainstorm.

Matt MontagneMatt Montagne joins us on this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers. Matt has been a leader in putting together a 24-hour Earthcast in April the last couple of years at Matt also helped us build the community and to launch Voices on the Gulf. Matt’s students have also been building the Gator Radio Experience at his school, Castilleja School. Please join Matt, Peggy George and others as we try to build some curriculum together, looking toward Earth Day 2011. Here's the link to a Google Doc that Matt opened during this webcast: Missions Brainstorm.

Click Read more to see Paul Allison's description of why we might want to create curriculum missions for Youth Voices and to see a copy of the chat that was happening during the webcast.

Teachers Teaching Teachers #224 - Students and Rick West help us build community - 10.27.10

It’s student night again on this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers. We hope you enjoy this student-sponsored discussion about what they can do themselves to nurture a community of learners online. Susan Ettenheim’s students asked to come on the show:
My students are interested in hosting a conversation about digital photography in Youth Voices and Voices on the Gulf. What do students want in terms of collaboration? What will make it compelling? What do they want to share? This is not so much a matter of someone sharing his or her work as much as the students planning alongside and with us.
Chris Sloan’s digital photographers joined as well. Chris writes: “I like Susan’s wording – students “planning alongside” the teachers. I look forward to a conversation like this, and at least one of my students says she can join us.”

We were also joined by another guest who Chris suggested, Richard E. West:

I just read “A Student’s Guide to Strengthening an Online Community,” by Richard E. West (TechTrends, Sept./Oct. 2010), which seems pertinent to what we’re thinking for this Wednesday.  West starts off saying that students today know how to FaceBook but that doesn’t always help in online learning communities.  Students need guidance in learning how to learn online. One of the things we’re asking students to do is to help us create/maintain a good online learning community (OLC) of photographers.
We asked Rick West to join the students on this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers. We hope you will join us every Wednesday at 6:00 PM Pacific / 9:00 PM Eastern. AND if you have any Skype-ready student photographers who might want to join us, please let us know!
It’s student night again on this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers. We hope you enjoy this student-sponsored discussion about what they can do themselves to nurture a community of learners online. Susan Ettenheim’s students asked to come on the show:
My students are interested in hosting a conversation about digital photography in Youth Voices and Voices on the Gulf. What do students want in terms of collaboration? What will make it compelling? What do they want to share? This is not so much a matter of someone sharing his or her work as much as the students planning alongside and with us.
Chris Sloan’s digital photographers joined as well. Chris writes: “I like Susan’s wording – students “planning alongside” the teachers. I look forward to a conversation like this, and at least one of my students says she can join us.”

We were also joined by another guest who Chris suggested, Richard E. West:

I just read “A Student’s Guide to Strengthening an Online Community,” by Richard E. West (TechTrends, Sept./Oct. 2010), which seems pertinent to what we’re thinking for this Wednesday.  West starts off saying that students today know how to FaceBook but that doesn’t always help in online learning communities.  Students need guidance in learning how to learn online. One of the things we’re asking students to do is to help us create/maintain a good online learning community (OLC) of photographers.

We asked Rick West to join the students on this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers. We hope you will join us every Wednesday at 6:00 PM Pacific / 9:00 PM Eastern. AND if you have any Skype-ready student photographers who might want to join us, please let us know!

Click Read more to see a copy of the chat that was happening during the webcast.

Fall 2010 Community Meeting

EdTechTalk Community Meeting
October 3, 2010

Midnight GMT



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