Angela Maiers

Conversations Episode 78 - A Balancing Act

 This week we continued a conversation that began on Twitter when Alec Couros went to his daughter's Back to School Night.  Along with Will Richardson, Lee Kolbert, and Angela Maiers, we discussed the issues we face as parents when walking into our own children's classrooms.  Alec could not join us but was with us in spirit....we hope.

Chat Archive:

WOW2 Show #105 with Angela Maiers

Jen Wagner, Peggy George, Cheri Toledo and Sharon Peters welcome Angela Maiers on the show tonight to discuss literacy and "Classroom Habitudes".


Chat Log:


20:54:51 [Message] techsavvygirl -> -EdTechTalk: hi sharon

20:59:19 [Message] cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: hi everyone

21:00:15 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: HELLO!!!!

21:00:23 [Message] angela maiers -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Everyone!!

21:00:31 [Message] meacherteacher -> -EdTechTalk: hi

Conversations Episode 21

Maria Knee and Lisa Parisi hosted a conversation this week about dress codes for teachers and staff.  They were joined by Lisa Durff and Angela Maiers.

Maria Knee and Lisa Parisi hosted a conversation this week about dress codes for teachers and staff.  They were joined by Lisa Durff and Angela Maiers.

Chat Archive:

EdTechWeekly #107 with guest Angela Maiers

John is off for the night bonding with his family and we are joined by Angela Maiers for oodles of awesome links.

December 14, 2008

It's Elementary #27, 21st Century Literacies

Have a listen as the It's Elementary team discusses 21st Century Literacies with our guest Angela Maiers.  We talked about literacy from it's foundation in brain research to it's application in the 21st Century Classroom.  Angela shared her work with her book Habitudes.   

Angela Maiers
It’s Elementary show # 27 was a discussion with Angela Maiers about
21st century literacies. Angela is located in Clive, Iowa and currently
works as an independent consultant with both schools and employers. She
explained the brain research that is the foundation for these literacy
strategies was first discussed in the literature five decades ago. 
Angela divides these literacies into several important categories

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