
2011-10-14 ACTEM SEEDlings Geek of the Week LIVE

 mrichme ->  Welcome Peggy!

 PeggyG ->  hi! looking forward to this

 PeggyG ->  are you at the conference?

 mrichme ->  I am

 PeggyG ->  it sounds fantastic!! Isn't Tony Vincent awesome??!!


Seedlings @ Edtechtalk, October 17, 2008, GEEK of the WEEK Live @ ACTEM, Augusta, ME

Join the SEEDLINGS and about 70 other folks in the audience for GEEK of the WEEK. We broadcast in front of a great audience and shared about and as well as our great Geek of the Week!

Alice Barr, Bob Sprankle and Cheryl Oakes hosted the group with their Geeks. It was awesome. Listen in, then listen in on Thursday evening at 19:30 GMT.

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