Seedlings #96 2010-10-15 GEEK of the WEEK Live

Our LIVE ACTEM GEEK of the WEEK show with the SEEDLINGS on the road. The chat contains all the great links as well as the Delicious site.

Geek of the Week LIVE from ACTEM the  State of Maine Technology Conference! Augusta, ME October 15, 2010! Alice, Bob and Cheryl  hit the road for a live show with over 200 participants from out of the 800+ who attend the Conference. All these people give up having a sit down lunch, grab a bag lunch and share their favorite URLs. Enjoy!

Delicious Links for Geek of the Week:

The Chat: Thanks to Peggy and Dennis for joining us in the Virtual Chat!

2010-10-07 Seedlings Show # 94

Join Alice, Bob and Cheryl as we have a conversation with Adora Svitak all about Listening to your Children or Students. We mean really listen to your students. Adora is the organizer, presenter at TedXRedmond-Live where she organized a conference by students, for students! You won't want to miss this show. The clips of the videos are being released, make sure you find them and follow up with this remarkable conference. 

Show # 94, Seedlings is proud to present Adora Svitak. Join Alice, Bob and Cheryl as we have a conversation with Adora Svitak all about Listening to your Children or Students. We mean really listen to your students. Adora is the organizer, presenter at TedXRedmond-Live where she organized a conference by students, for students! You won't want to miss this show. The clips of the videos are being released, make sure you find them and follow up with this remarkable conference.

Geek of the Week

The Chat:

Seedlings #93 2010-09-30

What does a twenty plus year primary teacher do to jazz up her classroom in her spare time? Join us as we delve deep into these questions with Cherrie MacInnes, from Brewer, Maine. Last year, Cherrie decided on a whim to have her students video chat with third graders in all 50 states. It was so successful, she now has a new project. Join us for this exciting podcast.

Join Alice and Cheryl as we get the latest  from our friend Cherrie MacInnes and what she is up to in her classroom in Brewer, Maine. Bob missed the show, for good reason, Zoe his daughter wanted to check out what happens in the ER when you fracture a finger. Zoe, hope you feel better. Bob, we missed you!

Seedlings #92 2010-09-23

Thanks to John Schinker who at the last minute got the Edtechtalk server communicating with the Seedlings Crew! When Seedlings went live we were joined by Karen Janowski, Assistive Technology consultant, and our conversation was about "Assistive Technology is the great equalizer" and Universal Design for Learning. Enjoy the podcast!

For our #92nd show, we are joined by Karen Janowski, Assistive Technology consultant, Mom, School Committee member, blogger, presenter and a few I have already forgotten! Alice and Cheryl start off the conversation with Karen and Bob breezes in from his favorite school night, Open House! Our show ends up spilling over the one hour mark, but you will love our links, Geeks, and conversations.

The Geeks: Delicious

The Chat:

SEEDLINGS 2010-09-16 Show # 91

Season 3, SEEDLINGS are back! Listen in and see what Alice, Bob and Cheryl have been up to.We talk about Facebook Seedlings, the ACTEM Leader and Educator of the Year, TEDX Redmond-run by students! Wow, we fit a lot in our show.

Next week we have KarenJan, Karen Janowski joining us to talk about her block, her toolkit and her mission to share UDL with the world.


Seedlings returns for season 3!!! Show 91. We are delighted to be back. Our show tonight is a catch up show! Catchup and see what we have been up to and what we have planned for the near future!

 The Links:


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