
SEEDLINGS 2010-09-16 Show # 91

Season 3, SEEDLINGS are back! Listen in and see what Alice, Bob and Cheryl have been up to.We talk about Facebook Seedlings, the ACTEM Leader and Educator of the Year, TEDX Redmond-run by students! Wow, we fit a lot in our show.

Next week we have KarenJan, Karen Janowski joining us to talk about her block, her toolkit and her mission to share UDL with the world.


Seedlings returns for season 3!!! Show 91. We are delighted to be back. Our show tonight is a catch up show! Catchup and see what we have been up to and what we have planned for the near future!

 The Links:

SEEDLINGS Teaser for the 2010-11 Season

Seedlings stumbled together Saturday morning for a teaser! We will see you Thursday evening, September 16, 2010,  7:30 pm EST, 19:30 GMT for our season premiere with Audora Svitak, Ben and Ben, Alice, Bob and Cheryl and our most important part of our show, all of you!

Seedlings stumbled together Saturday morning for a teaser! We will see you Thursday evening, 7:30 pm EST, 19:30 GMT for our season premiere  with Audora Svitak, Ben and Ben, Alice, Bob and Cheryl and our most important part of our show, all of you!

Seedlings 2010-06-03 Show #90 with Cherrie MacInnes

 Do you have the end of the year blues? Not after listening to Seedlings, as we interview Cherrie MacInnes.Cherrie is a 3rd grade teacher who began a journey with her class and visited, by Skpye, every state throughout the year.She had no idea how to begin the journey, however, she invented a way for this project to begin, figured out the steps and with the help of her IT department, she has left the breadcrumbs for all of us to follow. Thanks Cherrie.

A huge shout out to Dave Cormier for saving our show when at the last minute our settings did not work. Also Happy Birthday to Edtechtalk, 5 years old on Saturday!

The links for the show:

Cherrie's Classblog:

 The Chat:

 02:27:04  chingo -> Room 3: hi

 14:21:48  Lilik  and?

 19:26:35  cheryloakes~seedlings  Hello to all 

 19:26:36  alicebarr  Hi andrea can you hear us?

Seedlings 2010-05-20 Show 89 with MEMoves!

Join SEEDLINGS in a passionate discussion with the producers of MeMOVES, musical body puzzles for all. This interactive, movement program is just the thing for increasing the learning that happens in your classroom, before a staff meeting and witwh the app, it can happen anywhere, anytime.

Join us as we talk with the creaters and producers of MeMoves a musical-body puzzle, interactive program. Listen as Roberta shares the history behind MeMoves and then Chris jumps in a explains how their beliefs turned into a crusade!

 Another White Paper, just published, about MeMoves: International Meeting for Autism Research in Philadelphia.

Seedlings-2010-05-06 with Lucy Gray and the K12Horizon Report

 If you have not read the 2010 K12 Horizon Report, this Seedlings episode will convince you to read the report word for word and exciting link by link! There are so many hidden treasures in the report with examples and interactive wikis which provide transparency! Lucy also recommends that we all read the National Technology Plan with Karen Cator at the helm! Join us for a great conversation!

Join us as we learn more details about the Horizon Report with Lucy Gray. Plus Lucy tells us what has been happening in her professional life!


Links from the show:


K-12 Horizon Report


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