Jen's Link: Hard to NOTmention the #boycott amazon uproar this week. Jen used the story as an opportunity to try out tweet doc -> Check out the boycott amazon tweets linked here if you were hiding under a rock on Wednesday and Thursday ... or if you just want to see how tweet doc functions :) ...
John's Link: If we're talking about books, there were a couple compelling book-related items that crossed my radar this week. Adrian Hon, founder of Six Apart, addressed book piracy in an Op Ed in the Telegraph a couple weeks ago (Your time is up, publishers. Book piracy is about to arrive on a massive scale). And from Read Write Web comes a piece (Will Your Local Library Lend E-Books? (Or Can They?)) on the impact of e-books on the ability of libraries to legally lend resources. What better topics for one of the few weeks when we don't have a librarian as a guest
Jen's Link: Hard to NOT mention the #boycott amazon uproar this week. Jen used the story as an opportunity to try out tweet doc ->
Check out the boycott amazon tweets linked here if you were hiding
under a rock on Wednesday and Thursday ... or if you just want to see
how tweet doc functions :) ...
John's Link: If we're talking about books, there were a couple compelling
book-related items that crossed my radar this week. Adrian Hon, founder
of Six Apart, addressed book piracy in an Op Ed in the Telegraph a
couple weeks ago (Your time is up, publishers. Book piracy is about to arrive on a massive scale). And from Read Write Web comes a piece (Will Your Local Library Lend E-Books? (Or Can They?))
on the impact of e-books on the ability of libraries to legally lend
resources. What better topics for one of the few weeks when we don't
have a librarian as a guest?
Jen's Link: As we head into our two-week hiatus, Jen needs a link-dump fix!! No better place than Jane Hart's latest round-up of top learning resource links. In her fourth attempt to poll the greater edtech community, Jane's 2010 Top 100 Tools for Learning list includes contributions from over 530 educators and "closed" for new contributions today .. Sunday, October 17th. Let's take a minute and consider some of our past and current favorites to give Jen her edtech resource fix for the next couple of weeks! [oooh ... another resource roundup via a tweet from our guest host ... ]
John's Link: What is the role of social networking in improving our world? Gladwell says Twitter is not the revolutionary tool it's made out to be. The Twitter founders disagree. Meanwhile, anecdotal evidence suggests that social networking tools are having a tremendous effect when people need help.
Lesley Edwards: - Experts and Newbies: In this new blog 4 High Tech High teachers write their ideas and experiences around using Project Based Learning (by the Buck Institute for Education) And: WhatEdSaid - blog by Edna Sackson, Melbourne Australia
Next week: No show on October 24 or October 31. We return November 7 with Connie Sitterley, Teacher / Technology Integration Specialist from Pennsylvania, and Kyli Yerse, school technology consultant.
Jen's Link: As we head into our two-week hiatus, Jen needs a link-dump fix!! No better place than Jane Hart's latest round-up of top learning resource links. In her fourth attempt to poll the greater edtech community, Jane's 2010 Top 100 Tools for Learning list includes contributions from over 530 educators and "closed" for new contributions today .. Sunday, October 17th. Let's take a minute and consider some of our past and current favorites to give Jen her edtech resource fix for the next couple of weeks! [oooh ... another resource roundup via a tweet from our guest host ... ]
John's Link: What is the role of social networking in improving our world? Gladwell says Twitter is not the revolutionary tool it's made out to be. The Twitter founders disagree. Meanwhile, anecdotal evidence suggests that social networking tools are having a tremendous effect when people need help.
Lesley Edwards: - Experts and Newbies: In this new blog 4 High Tech High teachers write their ideas and experiences around using Project Based Learning (by the Buck Institute for Education) And: WhatEdSaid - blog by Edna Sackson, Melbourne Australia
Next week: No show on October 24 or October 31. We return November 7 with Connie Sitterley, Teacher / Technology Integration Specialist from Pennsylvania, and Kyli Yerse, school technology consultant.
Dave, John, and Jen welcome guest host Alvin Trusty to continue the
new format for EdTechWeekly that offers a deeper look into a smaller
number of topics. This week, the discussion focuses on the following:
Dave, John, and Jen welcome guest host Alvin Trusty to continue the new format for EdTechWeekly that offers a deeper look into a smaller number of topics. This week, the discussion focuses on the following:
Do you have your EdTechTalk stuff yet? Did you know there are T-shirts, hats, coffee mugs, buttons, magnets, and tote bags available? They're all based on Wordle interpretations of the EdTechTalk Delicious tags.
What are you waiting for? These are limited edition items. Shop now and avoid the rush!