Listen as the It's Elementary Team dicusses our summer activities such as NECC 2009, Building Communities, Edbublogger Con and local conferences. We also had a special song by Kevin Honeycutt "Love Them and Let Them Go". Hope you enjoy the show and remember we broadcast the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. Our next show will be Monday September 14th where we will dicuss; "Bringing it Home", how we take what we learn in our online spaces with to our day job. See you then.
Listen as the It's Elementary Team dicusses our summer activities such as NECC 2009, Building Communities, Edbublogger Con and local conferences. We also had a special song by Kevin Honeycutt "Love Them and Let Them Go". Hope you enjoy the show and remember we broadcast the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. Our next show will be Monday September 14th where we will dicuss; "Bringing it Home", how we take what we learn in our online spaces with to our day job. See you then.
Have a listen to the It’s Elementary Team on this international webcast. We are joined by Dennis Newsome and Nick Noakes session facilitators for EVOVWLL 2009 and Vance Stevens the original webhead. As we discuss the nuances of self-directed learning and a bunch of other cool stuff, enjoy.
In this international edition of It’s Elementary we are joined by Dennis Newson and Nick Noakes session facilitators for EVOVWLL 2009 and Vance Stevens the original webhead. We attempted to define what self directed learning is and how it has changed over time. We talked about the importance of learning in a network and building our own Personal Learning Environment (PLE or PLN). We talked about the structure of the EVO sessions and the role of the facilitators. We evaluated the different tools used in the course such as the wikis, nings and the like. We concluded that it really IS about the people and how we connect in these online spaces. Check out all the great links in the text chat
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