Cheryl Lykowski

Teachers are Talking - Episode 21

Jason Ohler, author of Digital Storytelling in the Classroom, spoke about how new media gives students voices. Teachers can help them create powerful stories.

We were joined by Jason Ohler who talked about digital storytelling.

Chat Transcript:

Teachers are Talking Episode 16: Ian Jukes

Ian Jukes joined Cheryl Lykowski and Susan van Gelder to talk about the need for fluency, not just literacy. Find the links at

Teachers are Talking - Episode 14

Steve Dembo joined Lisa Parisi, Cheryl Lykowski, and Susan van Gelder to discuss his work with Discovery Channel, the 30 day bloggers challenge and more.


Teachers Are Talking - Episode 12

Lisa Parisi, Cheryl Lykowski, and Susan van Gelder were joined by David Warlick


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