TTT#378 A Case for Food Literacy w/ Joseph Franzen, Brent Peters, Lauren Goldberg, Devin Brown, Elfe Dona, Karen Fasimpaur 1.15

Calling all gardeners, foodies, and critical inquirers! On this episode of TTT meet teachers who have been developing amazing projects around food. We are joined by Joseph Franzen and Brent Peters along with one of their students, Devin Brown. In additon Lauren Goldberg, Elfe Dona, and Karen Fasimpaur add to this rich conversation about what happens when we focus on the relationships students have with food.

Here are a couple of teasers:

Before becoming an English teacher and Bread Loaf student, Brent Peters worked as a chef at the Mayan Café in Louisville, Kentucky. Joe Franzen has been an urban gardener, sustainability enthusiast, environmental educator, and kitchen magician for years. He has turned Fern Creek Traditional High School into an "edible campus."

Read more at "The Case For Food Literacy" on the Bread Loaf Teacher Network Journal

See how Joe and Brent helped connect their students from Louisville with youths in the Navajo Nation:

Also take a look at Lauren Goldberg's article in the English Journal, "Herbivores, Carnivores, and Literavores: Argument and Appetite in the Classroom"

We'd love to hear how your students have used food, gardening, and critical inquiry in their learning. What a rich place this is for learning -- for all of us!

Click Read more to see the chat that was happening during this live webcast,
and to find links to a few of the resources shared during this episode of TTT.

Notes from the Webcast:

5 areas of inquiry:
- food choice
- social justice
- community
- cross-cultural exchange
- relationships among students and the food system 
"A Kumquat for John Keats" by Tony Harrison

Chat from January 15, 2014

5:17unnamedGood morning
5:17Abdellah from Morocco: Hi
20:43karen (@kfasimpaur): Greetings! We'll get going in about 15 min.
20:49Elfe: Do I need to sign in somewhere?
20:52Paul Allison: No sign in is necessary. Welcome.
20:52Paul Allison: We'll be starting soon.
20:53Elfe: Thank you.
20:57Chris Sloan: Hi Abdellah and Elfe. Are you teachers
21:02karen (@kfasimpaur): We'll be starting in a minute or two.
21:02karen (@kfasimpaur): Who's here with us and where are you from?
21:03Elfe: Yes.
21:03Elfe: I am from Austria.
21:06Elfe: Has the session started?
21:07Devin Brown: Testing the chate
21:07Chris Sloan: Hi Elfe. We had a little difficulty, we'll start in a minute
21:07karen (@kfasimpaur): Haven't quite started yet...just a second or so
21:07karen (@kfasimpaur): Devin, try that link Paul just posted in this chat
21:08Devin Brown: it's trying to log onto it now... I have slow internet
21:08karen (@kfasimpaur): (we changed rooms)
21:09Chris Sloan: Should be streaming now
21:09karen (@kfasimpaur): Video ok, folks?
21:09Elfe: Hi
21:09karen (@kfasimpaur): Hi!
21:10unnamedlooks good
21:10karen (@kfasimpaur): thanks!
21:11karen (@kfasimpaur): Links to some of these resource are over on the left
21:12Chris Sloan: Food as a story of place. Nice
21:12karen (@kfasimpaur): lovely
21:15karen (@kfasimpaur): Navajo project blog -
21:17Chris Sloan:
21:17Chris Sloan:
21:20karen (@kfasimpaur): So is a rich area for inquiry and critical thinking
21:23karen (@kfasimpaur): CSA=community supported agriculture
21:23Chris Sloan: powerful ways to frame the learning
21:23karen (@kfasimpaur): CSA is a way community membesr can support small farms by buying a subscription to healthy local produce
21:25Elfe: :) I could not introduce myself.
21:26karen (@kfasimpaur): Elfe, where are you joining us from?
21:27Chris Sloan: We'll have you introduce yourself shortly, Elfe, okay?
21:31karen (@kfasimpaur): ...thinking about language learning through food
21:47karen (@kfasimpaur): A Kumquat for John Keats by Tony Harrison
21:47unnamed*typo! irony.
21:53Lauren Goldberg: This is the website with the video about "fruit decomposition" in an inquiry unit.
21:56Chris Sloan: Thanks for sharing the resources Lauren
22:11Chris Sloan: Excellent ideas, Elfe. You must be a great teacher!
22:14Elfe: Thank you, Chris.
22:16Elfe: Good night, everybody.
22:17karen (@kfasimpaur): Thanks, everyone! Great show.
22:17Devin Brown: Thanks for having us on. It really encourages all of us to see that the hard work we are doing is being noticed
22:17Lauren Goldberg: Thanks for including me! What a blast. I'm ready to fly out to Kentucky for the rest of the school year!