21:00Peggy George: Hi Paul :-)
21:02Peggy George: coming in great!
21:02Peggy George: I'm really looking forward to learning more about this!
21:05Peggy George: is he the student you had on the hangout this afternoon? I just caught about the last 10 minutes
21:13Peggy George: That's really exciting to think that the young people are getting paid for their articles when they are published! So empowering!
21:16Peggy George: that is really interesting about the number of foster kids who end up homeless! So sad!
21:17Peggy George: What is Virginia's last name?
21:18Peggy George: That link is all 19 stories on the site written about homelessness
21:23Maribeth Whitehouse: Some of my most troubled students are afraid to share the facts of their lives
21:24Maribeth Whitehouse: - either in writing or orally
21:24Maribeth Whitehouse: Teachers/counselors are mandated reporters
21:24Maribeth Whitehouse: and the kids know it
21:24Maribeth Whitehouse: so they lie on a regular basis about their home life
21:31Peggy George: that makes it so challenging @Maribeth!
21:32Peggy George: it sounds like the magazine provides a way to give them a voice
21:43Peggy George: that is a powerful thought! suspension is like a new kind of homelessness!
21:46Maribeth Whitehouse: Felt like Dasani's story made it clear that schools and teachers need far more resources than they are given to deal with problems their students face
21:46Peggy George: I agree!
21:47Peggy George: what a dilemma for the student to be teased for smelling, fights back and gets suspended
21:47Maribeth Whitehouse: Mother more than approved of fighting
21:47Maribeth Whitehouse: She modeled it and held it up as a point of pride
21:48Maribeth Whitehouse: Security guard and teachers bought coat and other supplies for Dasani
21:48Peggy George: yes and she probably doesn't believe the non-violent alternatives work
21:48Peggy George: it seems like the school was very supportive
21:49Maribeth Whitehouse: Even after they got moved all the way to the Bronx
21:49Maribeth Whitehouse: Principal arranged for mom to serve as a "volunteer" and bring the baby
21:50Peggy George: it's certainly an important story to tell!
21:51Maribeth Whitehouse: the therapy that Dasani went to was a joke
21:51Maribeth Whitehouse: mother only took her to get carfare money
21:51Peggy George: yes-not so much therapy :-(
21:51Maribeth Whitehouse: counseling at my school is on an as needed basis
21:52Maribeth Whitehouse: meaning when there is a crisis
21:52Maribeth Whitehouse: like after a fight
21:52Maribeth Whitehouse: or after a suicide threat
21:52Peggy George: unfortunately that service is not very available in most schools anymore
21:52Peggy George: exactly!!
21:52Peggy George: which is too late!
21:53Maribeth Whitehouse: I agree w/ Paul - there is a teacher's side to the Dansaniesque stories
21:53Maribeth Whitehouse: and the public who thinks we can magically transform the very troubled into model students
21:53Maribeth Whitehouse: have no idea what we face
21:54Peggy George: people tend to respond to something like this by trying to help the individual or family while there are thousands others just like them
21:55Maribeth Whitehouse: exactly!
21:55Maribeth Whitehouse: Michelle Rhee recently wrote a piece about how we are failing our kids
21:55Peggy George: teachers and schools are so often made out to be the villains and get the blame
21:55Maribeth Whitehouse: and never once mentioned the word "poverty"
21:55Peggy George: she doesn't believe that poverty has an impact :-(
21:56Peggy George: I love reading what Diane Ravitch writes about Michelle Rhee
21:56Maribeth Whitehouse: Because it doesn't serve her agenda
21:56Maribeth Whitehouse: me too
21:56Maribeth Whitehouse: was hoping they would debate
21:56Maribeth Whitehouse: but Rhee backed out
21:56Peggy George: I saw that!!! no surprise there!
21:56Peggy George: I would have loved to have heard that!
21:58Maribeth Whitehouse: Dasani's story is only meaningful if it affects policy
21:58Peggy George: excellent point!!! Wish Paul would bring that up for discussion!
21:58Maribeth Whitehouse: You and I are reading each other's posts but I don't know if they do
21:59Peggy George: :-) not usually
21:59Peggy George: sometimes someone in the room is also here (like Chris Sloan and Karen Fasimpaur) but they aren't in the hangout tonight
22:00Peggy George: it's hard for Paul to facilitate the conversation and follow the chat here