TTT#360 What's new at Gooru? with Jo Paraiso, Timothy Burke, Leah Jensen, and Andrew Wyndham 8.21.13

Join us on this episode of TTT for a conversation about curriculum building and sharing using the new (beta) Gooru: Search Engine for Learning

Jo Paraiso's profile photo Timothy Burke's profile photo Leah Jensen's profile photo Andrew Wyndham's profile photo

Paul Allison and Chris Sloan host:

  • Jo Paraiso, teacher at Fremont High School, Oakland and Educating for Democracy in the Digital Age member
  • Timothy Burke, School Partnerships at Gooru
  • Leah Jensen, Instructional Tech Lead at Oakland Unified School District
  • Andrew Wyndham, School Partnerships at Gooru

We brainstorm several use-case possibilities such as:

  • What if students used Gooru to keep a portfolio of the articles they've read, podcasts they've listened to, videos they've viewed?
  • How could teachers and students build collections together, using the copy tools in Gooru?
  • How can we use resource narrations and the new Classpages to guide and inspire students as they are using different collections?

We hope you enjoy this conversation between teachers re-imagining online education using Gooru, and if you missed the first TTT webcast with Gooru you can listen to the recording here:
