TTT #288 Looking at the embedded literacies: InstaGrok and w/ Lisa Parisi, Steve Cunningham, Kirill Kireyev 3.14.12

Post-Show description: 

We want to introduce you to the founders of and on this episode of +Teachers Teaching Teachers.

The cores of both of these services have theories of action that emphasize literacy as we know it now. Both founders think that your students might find their services useful for learning, reading, doing research, managing information, and knowing the world.

We think you'll enjoy this conversation with +Kirill Kireyev and +Steve Cunningham.

Learn more about their online services that are being made available for free to schools. See if there might be a place for them in your work with students. Test your theories of literacy in 2012 next to those embedded in these new learning tools What search tools do you think might enable your students to engage in "safe and personalized learning?" (InstaGrok) What tools do you think might help your students to "understand and actually put the big ideas to work?" (

Click Read more to see a copy of the chat that was happening during the webcast.

08:31 guest-3515: testing...
08:41 guest-3516: Hello All
08:44 guest-3374: Hi Lisa!
08:46 guest-3516: Hi Sheila!
08:47 guest-3516: I almost called you tonight but then remembered I had Google Sky Map
08:47 guest-3516: I wanted to know what two planets I was seeing so close together.
08:48 guest-3374: Ahh! you should also check for aurora checks. Number needs to be above 7 for us to see it.
08:48 guest-3516: I didn't even know we could see auroras.
08:48 guest-3374: This next blast should arrive early in the am.
08:48 guest-3374: Sometimes. There's a map on the page that helps you see it.
08:48 guest-3516: Is this only because of the solar flares?
08:49 guest-3374: Yes, and CME's Coronal Mass Ejections.
08:49 guest-3374: I see you!
08:49 guest-3516: OK...that was too complicated for me. LOL
08:49 guest-3439: Hello!
08:50 guest-3374: Possibly
08:50 guest-3374:
08:50 guest-3518: Hello all
08:50 guest-3515: hi!
08:51 Paul Allison: Hi. Getting ready.
08:51 guest-3519: Hello all..listening in
08:51 Paul Allison:
08:51 Paul Allison: Details for tonight's show:
08:54 guest-3374: Too funny to see you in a webcast!
08:54 guest-3516: Sheila, I say we stick with Skype. LOL
08:55 guest-3518: Hi Carlos. I teach high school English and media in Utah. What do you do?
08:55 guest-3374: Yes I can
08:55 guest-3516: Sheila, can you hear us?
08:56 guest-3519: Professor in Communication at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute...just listening in to learn from you all.
09:01 guest-3518:
09:03 guest-3518:
09:26 pgeorge: so sorry I'm late--messed up on the time change
09:28 guest-3516: Hi Peggy
09:29 Paul Allison: Lisa, in settings on a hangout there is a button to cancel echo... maybe that will help?
09:29 Paul Allison: I think your volume is just sooo... powerful, though.
09:30 pgeorge: Hi Lisa
09:35 guest-3518: Hi Peggy. Are you familiar with Instagrok and ReaditForMe?
09:36 pgeorge: no they are both new to me!
09:36 guest-3374: Need to head out! Nice to 'see' you all! Thanks!
09:36 pgeorge: I clicked on the links though and saw Paul's blog post
09:37 pgeorge: video coming through great
09:43 pgeorge: there's a video on his home page :-)
09:43 pgeorge: yes
09:44 pgeorge: very cool Lisa!
09:44 pgeorge: is there inappropriate content on the site for kids? new to me
09:45 pgeorge: amazing tool!
09:46 pgeorge: the visualization is very different than Pinterest
09:47 pgeorge: Lisa do you have an example you created with your students that you could share?
09:49 pgeorge: that's funny! one person working with him--himself :-)
09:49 guest-3519: amazing it looks great
09:52 pgeorge: I lost the stream. Are you still getting it?
09:52 pgeorge: back now
09:53 guest-3518: Both apps are valuable to me. instagrok helping my students research habits, and ReaditForMe as another way for students to access books
09:54 pgeorge: thanks for sharing that Chris
09:54 pgeorge: seem to serve different purposes
09:55 pgeorge: instagrok helps you to think outside the box :-)
09:55 pgeorge: can you remove an item if you change your mind?
09:55 guest-3518: With regard to research, students tend to think linearly, for one thing
09:55 pgeorge: so true Chris
09:56 pgeorge: thanks for making that point Lisa!
09:57 guest-3519: very good point Lisa :)
10:02 pgeorge: I had college students that had trouble coming up with appropriate keywords for searching!
10:02 pgeorge: I'll look forward to seeing the full recording of this session
10:03 pgeorge: Lisa's your gal!! :-)
10:03 guest-3519: Thank you all. This was a very interesting conversation. :)
10:03 guest-3519: bye bye
10:04 pgeorge: good night everyone
10:04 guest-3518: Good stuff. Night all
10:04 guest-3516: bye