The Penultimate EduMOOCast - August 10, 2011

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The Penultimate EduMOOCast
August 10, 2011

Chat Logs Below

11:03 PM  Chahira Nouira: Hi everyone

11:22 PM  nnorman: Greetings from Chicago.

11:23 PM  JL: welcome

11:26 PM  nnorman: As a lurker, and a new MOOCer, I have found the existing structure of the course confusing. The live sessions did provide structure that was needed for me.

11:26 PM  nnorman: I don't have a camera, on my desktop, so I'll pass on joining in this week.

11:28 PM  JL: Thanks for lurking  - feel free to join in without webcam if you like - as long as you have a mic, you can still chime in

11:35 PM  Matt H: Greetings from WA, USA. Interesting discussion. No Google+ for me, no headset ;) -- just a question: Anyone in the gang get lots out of *asynchronous* discussions, and if so, what?

11:36 PM  LisaMLane: I like the asynchronous discussions.

11:38 PM  JL: All are welcome to join in. Hangout Link:

11:39 PM  JoseR: Hey Folks

11:41 PM  Chahira Nouira:

11:44 PM  Chahira Nouira:

11:44 PM  JL:

11:45 PM  Chahira Nouira:

11:49 PM  Matt H: zo

11:50 PM  Matt H: Woops -- I am here b/c of emailed daily digest from MOOC...a great reminder...and my interest in the topic of today's session

11:51 PM  nnorman: Enjoyed the discussion ... have to check out now. Try to see you next week.

11:51 PM  JL: thx. hope to see you next time

11:52 PM  Alison: Hi stanford

11:53 PM  Alison: jeff--I'm interested to hear about the the issues that wp is encountering recently

11:55 PM  JL: WP?

11:59 PM  badgerjen01: Hello ... I caught the MOOC hangout before it was over this time!

11:59 PM  JL: come on in Jen

12:02 AM  badgerjen01: I'm going to be an active chatroom lurker if that is ok :)

12:02 AM  Alison:

12:05 AM  JL:

12:07 AM  Matt H: What is the link, if there is one, to the 'spectacular' stats course / content, just mentioned....?

12:11 AM  Alison: carnegie mellon oli statistics course:

12:16 AM  badgerjen01: "tonight" ... you are soooo Korea-centric, @jl :)

12:16 AM  Matt H: Thanks for the stimulating discussion, ideas, and links all....

12:17 AM  Alison: thanks, all

Hangout Chat

Bernie DeKoven: yeah, I agree

Jeff Lebow:

Sanford Arbogast:

Sanford Arbogast:

Bernie DeKoven: thanks so much for letting me be part of this - really remarkable group of people playing with equally remarkable technologies (well perhaps not equally). Sorry to have to leave. Please keep me in your loop.

Rob Darrow: Lisa, can you say it again?

Sanford Arbogast: Alison I am also teach statistics

Alison Snieckus: oh, how interesting that three of us here teach statistics.

Sanford Arbogast: what are teh probablitites of that happening?

Alison Snieckus: I think Jeff wants us to chat on the live stream page.

Rob Darrow: Hmm, that reminds me of an old song, "Free to Be You and Me" We could rewrite to be "Free to Mooc for You and Me."

Kay Endriss: Sanford, I thought your last name looked familiar. Published?

@Alison: no kidding. Seriously, what are the odds?

Alison Snieckus: hehe

Sanford Arbogast: no maybe you are thinking of the detective in psych

Kay Endriss: @Sanford Ah well. Memory not what it used to be.

Lisa M Lane: Didn't they try that with learning objects? and they're all over the place

Lisa M Lane: does that make Google search super important? maybe we need Google Student or something

Rob Darrow: Alison, where are you located...and what level of stats do you teach where?

Lisa M Lane: that's what's hard about the "course" idea

Osvaldo Rodriguez: adios a todos

Lisa M Lane: that's what I was going to ask - can this keep going?