Conversations Episode 77

Post-Show description: 

Back from a summer hiatus, Sheila, Lisa, and Maria talked about new beginnings and changes.  International Dot Day from Fablevision and the K-12 Online Conference were also discussed.  

 Back from a summer hiatus, Sheila, Lisa, and Maria talked about new beginnings and changes.  International Dot Day from Fablevision and the K-12 Online Conference were also discussed.  

The chat:

 MariaK: I'll be back.

 Sheila: ok

 woodenmask: Morning!

 Sheila: HI John!

 woodenmask: Remind me for the zillionth time - how do I listen to the conversation?

 woodenmask: (Hi Sheila!)

 Sheila: We will using ustream

 Sheila: and possibly one of the streams

 woodenmask: Getting excited about NASA?

 Sheila: absolutely

 Sheila: :)

 Lisa Parisi: Good morning.

 woodenmask: Drinking lots of Tang?

 woodenmask: Morning Lisa

 Lisa Parisi: I saw you are going to Educon John.

 Sheila: Hi Lori

 woodenmask: Excited about it. Got very inspired after talking to the students and faculty at SLA last year.

 Lisa Parisi: Hi Lori

 Lisa Parisi: Were you there last year?

 woodenmask: Yes. You and I had a conversation in the Library.

 Lisa Parisi: We did?  I feel awful that I don't remember.

 woodenmask: (laughing..) Don't. It's a good day for me when the worst I am is forgettable.

 Lisa Parisi: LOL

 Lisa Parisi: Hi Cheryl

 cwoolwine: Hi trying to get the audio working

 Lisa Parisi: Hi Amanda!

 marragem: Morning everyone!

 Sheila: Hi Amanda! Wide awake?

 marragem: sort of

MariaK: Amanda - did you finish?

Lisa Parisi: Cheryl, we don't have audio up yet.

Lori Feldman: Hi Lisa! Hi all!

marragem: No Maria :(

Sheila: She's setting up.

Sheila: Welcome all!

Maureen: Hi Sheila

Maureen: Any audio yet?

Sheila: not yet.

Sheila: We have to remember how to do streaming again . . .

Maureen: :)

cwoolwine: ok thanks I can stop trying~!

woodenmask: What's the topic today? Why teachers are so much more attractive than other public sector workers?

Sheila: We'll be doing ustream and EdtechA

Maureen: @woodenamsk- thought it was how to increase teachers self esteem

MariaK: New Beginnings

Lisa Parisi: Starting in ustream and etta

Maureen: Yeas!

Maureen: Audio is good

marragem: @woodenmask lol not at 1:30 am in the morning they're not!

McTeach (Karen): Good morning!!!

Maureen: just in A, not ustream yet

Lisa Parisi: Refresh ustream

cwoolwine: hi everyone!

Maureen: got it

PeggyG: Good morning everyone! So great to have you back!!

woodenmask: Maria sounds smiley.

Maureen: always

McTeach (Karen): Maria always sounds smiley!

Maureen: Hi karen

McTeach (Karen): Hi Maureen!

marragem: yay!!!

PeggyG: Hearing you now! :-) Yeah!

McTeach (Karen): I should still be in bed!

PeggyG: @McTeach--did you ever go to bed??? :-)

MariaK: I am smiling

marragem: Karen - I should still be in bed!!

Maureen: Where are you Karen? It's 11:30 here

MariaK: not irish eyes - Italian eyes!

McTeach (Karen): Maureen - it's 8:30 here

McTeach (Karen): Probably should add the A.M.

woodenmask: Karen doesn't sleep much.

McTeach (Karen): Peggy...I got some sleep.

PeggyG: Hi Scott. Great to see you.

Maureen: Amanda should really be in bed... you're home right?

cwoolwine: Yes BLC was very good! Really enjoyed it

McTeach (Karen): @woodenmask sad, but true!

McTeach (Karen): I've missed all of you!

marragem: yes, Maureen. 1:30 am Monday here

Lisa Parisi: Lori, if you refresh ustream, you can hear there.

marragem: and very large lobster they were too!!

Lori Feldman: Got it. Just turned it on!

McTeach (Karen): Yay!! Amanda!!!!!

PeggyG: how fun!! pretend to play going to a workshop :-)

McTeach (Karen): Wait....Sheila was at ISTE???

Scott Shelhart: Good morning. Glad to hear the the show again.

Sheila: yes.

McTeach (Karen): How'd I miss you?!

Maureen: Karen, you never saw her? I saw Sheila

Lori Feldman: I had lots of your hugs Maria!

marragem: stressful!

McTeach (Karen): too! Aren't they the best!!!

Maureen: Summer was way too short

Sheila: I was visiting with family too.

McTeach (Karen): Maureen...Amen to that!

marragem: I enjoyed being hijacked!

McTeach (Karen): Yay!!

McTeach (Karen): No!

PeggyG: @Lori Saw your Plurk about invites to join ISTE 2011 Ning. Why do we need an invite? Just curious.

marragem: yep, I've lost my US summer tan

McTeach (Karen): One of the best moments at ISTE for me was Maria's reaction to me!!

MariaK: I love you Karen!!!

McTeach (Karen): I lost hearing in my ear!

McTeach (Karen): Love you too! :)

PeggyG: I live in sunny Phoenix but never get a summer tan. Too hot!

Maureen: It was nice to see Christine in NH in August- her daughter came too

Lori Feldman: Not sure Peggy about ning invites for ISTE ning...weird huh?

Maureen: Are you co-teaching or lead/assistant?

PeggyG: usually you just join the Nings but I can't find anything about the 2011 Ning--still seeing the 2010 Ning.

Scott Shelhart: Ugh.   One year away from being certified.

marragem: @Lori- isn't it because they wanted to start the ISTE11 ning anew? I got an invite because I was a member of the ISTE10 ning

PeggyG: that is a lot Lisa! Great that you have a team to collaborate and support all of your inclusion kids!

PeggyG: I was on the ISTE10 Ning too but didn't get an invite. :-(

Maureen: I'm enjoying all but my 9th graders this year. Tomorrow I'm doing a rewind day with them to restart... they're goofy

Maureen: I have 133 this year...

marragem: @Peggy - that's strange beacuse the email I received send to be a standard mail out

McTeach (Karen): What do you do for a writing assessment? I make things up as I go...not a lot of back-up.

 11:44:00 Maureen: Largest class is 15, but it also means I have no time to help others...

 11:44:45 Maureen: That is so cool Sheila!!

 11:44:47 cwoolwine: AWESOME!!!!

 11:44:55 PeggyG: that is so exciting Sheila!! So glad to hear the details!

 11:45:02 marragem: very exciting!

 11:45:08 MariaK:

 11:45:09 Sheila: @7thscience

 11:45:41 Lori Feldman: See if you can sign on. If not PP or DM me and I will send ning invite

  11:46:21 PeggyG: Thanks Lori. That works. :-) I probably missed the email (inbox is kinda full)!

 11:46:44 McTeach (Karen): Lori...just tried to log-in but couldn't. What's the deal???

 11:46:47 Maureen: It says invitation only...

  11:46:59 PeggyG: you are the perfect person to participate in that Sheila!!! I'm so excited for you and can't wait to see your tweets!

11:47:07 Maureen: Would think that ISTE members would be auto-invited

 11:47:38 marragem: you would think that, Maureen

  11:48:05 Lori Feldman: I thought it was odd...Feel so powerful though!;)

 11:48:31 marragem: The Gems certainly will follow!

 11:48:47 Lisa Parisi: Hello Vicky

11:49:13 Lori Feldman: Wow, our KDG classes are 30!

 11:49:29 Maureen: @lori- what's your twitter ID to get an invite?

 11:49:53 PeggyG: it's so sad to see Kdg classes so large!

 11:49:59 Lori Feldman: Twitter and Plurk lfeld52 (Plurk shows Lori Feldman)

  11:50:12 marragem: ours are up to 25, Peggy

 11:50:33 PeggyG: do you have a classroom assistant @marragem?

 11:52:00 marragem: they Preps (kindergarten eqiuvalent) do. The rest of the early years classes ( Yr 1-3) only have aides if you have ascertained children

11:52:52 Lori Feldman: Sorry try!

11:53:06 marragem: when we had preschool (kindergarten equivalent) we had staggered starts. That's gone by the wayside now that we have fulltime Prep

11:54:03 Maureen: Thank Lori

 11:54:05 woodenmask: Maria's intern is very impressive.

 11:54:15 PeggyG: I remember having these same conversations about pre-testing incoming K's and what a bad first experience it was--way back in the 70's!

  11:54:42 PeggyG: that's a lot of adults in the room!

 11:55:15 Lori Feldman: Wow Maria!

 11:55:46 Lori Feldman: did anyone else lose audio?

  11:55:53 marragem: no Lori

 11:55:55 PeggyG: Maria, maybe you need to look into VolunteerSpot as a tool for managing all of these adults. She was our guest on Classroom 2.0 LIVE a few weeks ago and it is a fabulous tool!

 11:56:00 Maureen: It's Ok for me on ustream

  11:56:11 cwoolwine: I am good!

11:56:29 PeggyG:

11:56:32 Lori Feldman: refreshed ustream and voila!

 11:57:02 Sheila: Yah! :)

 11:57:19 PeggyG:

 11:57:31 marragem: more girls than boys? Oh, I'd love that! Have had double the boys to girls for the last 8 years!

 11:57:31 Sheila: Thanks Peggy for the link

 11:57:49 Maureen: I came home Friday and went to bed at 6:30... tired already

 11:57:57 Sheila: I have more girls this year and last year too.

 11:58:00 PeggyG: Volunteerspot is an amazing management tool for volunteers and other adults to keep track of what they do, when

 11:58:05 Lisa Parisi: I prefer the boys.  Girls are very catty in fifth grade

11:58:35 woodenmask: 90% of our Middle School drama is Alpha-Girls.

  11:58:40 PeggyG: What fun to be part of Rock our World!!! :-)

  11:58:50 McTeach (Karen): Lisa...I have 26 girls this year, out of 34 students! Drama and cattiness are my life!

  11:59:00 Maureen: @lisa- yes they can be, but 6th grade boys are so dorky at times- each grade is so different, hard to believe they are the same kids I knew last year

11:59:20 Sheila: Wow! @McTeach  What was in the water that year?

  11:59:33 McTeach (Karen): Sheila...that's a darn good question! :)

11:59:56 Lori Feldman: Yay for us resource teachers!

  12:00:23 PeggyG: just keeping track of the times you have to send kids out can be a real challenge!

  12:00:31 Maureen: I have one section with only 1 girl... and she's new in 6th grade. So far, she seems to be adjusting well- but it's tough being the one girl in a section of all boys

  12:01:28 Vicky Sedgwick: My DD was the only girl in her 4th & 5th grade class and one of 2 girls for 6-8. She's now at an all girls' high school. :D

 12:01:40 cwoolwine: Having SLP come in  - I have found to be a better situation

12:02:10 Maureen: Maria-Is it too late to apply for ROW this time around? We have a new music teacher and would love to get her involved

  12:02:40 MariaK: yes Maureen - deadline was the end of last week.

 12:02:54 Maureen: @Vicky is that why she chose an all girls school?

  12:03:08 Vicky Sedgwick: Would love to do ROW but we're a PC school.

  12:03:17 woodenmask: INRE - being the Alpha: One of my students thought she had a tick on her scalp last year. I had to pick through her hair - Told her, "You know... I'm the SilverBack; shouldn't YOU be doing the grooming?"

 12:03:23 Maureen: Thanks Maria- She probably needs some settle in time anyway... will try for the next one

 12:03:35 Vicky Sedgwick: @Maureen Partially but she was also influenced by the fact that her older sister went there.

 12:03:46 PeggyG: The ROW site says starting Sept 13-new season--click here for application to participate.

 12:03:56 Maureen: @Vicky we're a PC school, but have macs in music, graphics- so it could work

 12:04:13 PeggyG: maybe the signup time is past?

 12:04:14 MariaK: I know, Peggy but they are not accepting anyone now.

  12:04:19 Sheila: @woodenmask - :)

12:04:31 PeggyG: thanks Maria

 12:04:36 Vicky Sedgwick: @Maureen, we have no macs at school & I personally don't have one either or I'd just use mine.

12:05:10 PeggyG: I do see the note saying "congratulations to the schools selected to participate" :-)

 12:05:24 Maureen: @Vicky- I don't really understand why they have to be macs- since they are just mp3s- which can be generated by audacity or any other audio editor

12:05:58 Maureen: @Vicky, but I know when I asked them last year- they were insistent on the audio being created on macs

  12:06:29 PeggyG: You can follow ROW on Facebook--great way to stay informed about the project :-)

12:06:48 Vicky Sedgwick: @Maureen Guess I'll need to buy a mac at some point. :D

  12:07:05 PeggyG:

  12:07:14 Maureen: @vicky me too- but I bought a new rototiller this spring instead- priorities

  12:07:38 Vicky Sedgwick: Thanks @PeggyG

 12:07:39 Lori Feldman: I have many meetings! Part of my job description for sped!

  12:07:45 McTeach (Karen): You let them go to the bathroom??? Wow! You're nice!

 12:07:51 PeggyG: meetings are a necessary evil :-) they really are important times for planning and communicating but often aren't managed well

 12:07:53 Lori Feldman: I work with 8 teams daily!

 12:08:16 MariaK:

 12:08:21 PeggyG: I love MeMuves!

  12:08:33 cwoolwine: MeMoves is awesome!!!

12:08:44 PeggyG: I got the app right after the Seedlings show :-)

 12:08:46 cwoolwine: I use it with Autistic Kids!

 12:08:48 woodenmask: Medium-level chaos - got to go. Good to see everyone back.

 12:09:02 Sheila: Bye woodenmask

 12:09:07 Lisa Parisi: Bye John

 12:09:18 Lori Feldmans: Is this the Peter Reynolds one?

 12:09:31 PeggyG:

  12:09:41 PeggyG: That's the link to the Seedlings show :-)

 12:09:42 Lori Feldmans: Soooo cool!

12:10:11 cwoolwine: I think the one Peter Reynolds has is SMART MOVES! very similar! maybe he does ME MOves also!

 12:10:17 Lori Feldmans: had 2000+ doing this at our local conferences

  12:10:31 marragem: all brain smart stuff

  12:10:34 cwoolwine: SMart MOves does more so you can move on

12:11:04 PeggyG: White Paper with research about MeMoves

12:11:07 Lori Feldmans: How did I log out if I am still here?

 12:11:17 Maureen: I love your expressions Maria- "cozy group"...

  12:11:21 cwoolwine: It is Brain GYM type stuff!

 12:11:24 Lisa Parisi: You're in as Lori Feldmans

  12:11:27 McTeach (Karen): Lori...your name has an "s"

 12:11:28 Lisa Parisi: with an s

 12:11:32 Lori Feldmans: ahhhhhh

12:11:54 Maureen: The older kids don't think it's silly??

12:12:07 cwoolwine: The thumbs up!!!

12:13:02 PeggyG: have you seen the free software called "Stretch Break for Kids"? I love it for myself. I installed on my computer and it reminds me to stretch every 30 mins (I set the time).

  12:13:07 Sheila: My 7th graders loved it. Asked for it after school even.

  12:13:12 Lori Feldmans: want to compare the Smart Moves and Me Moves

12:13:30 cwoolwine: One of my AUtistic Kids Hums the music all day long and it helps keep him calm!

12:13:33 PeggyG: Some teachers use it to put up on the whiteboard for class breaks--has little movies to stretch with

  12:13:50 Lisa Parisi: I have to get this dvd now.

12:14:45 marragem: maybe I needed it to help me focus yesterday, Maria

 12:14:48 McTeach (Karen): I'm thinking the same thing Lisa!

12:15:11 PeggyG:  Form for Stretch Break for Kids

  12:15:21 cwoolwine: I do it with the kids and it definetly helps keep me focused

12:16:40 McTeach (Karen): Of course there is!

 12:16:48 McTeach (Karen): Thanks for the link, Peggy!

  12:17:08 Lori Feldmans: Thanks Peggy!

 12:17:15 Lisa Parisi: $60 for the dvd set.  I think I am going to order it today.

  12:17:23 PeggyG: MeMoves creators actually thanked Cheryl Oakes for having them on the Seedlings show on their facebook page :-)

 12:17:36 marragem: think I ned to order it, too

 12:17:40 PeggyG:

  12:17:52 PeggyG: isn't that music so relaxing!!??

 12:18:19 Lisa Parisi: Hello Paul

 12:18:21 cwoolwine: I have it ordered for all my Self contained SPED classes this year

12:18:54 marragem: cool - they ship internationally

12:19:16 PeggyG: the research for it really supports using it with autistic kids--the reason they created it

  12:19:43 Maureen: Have they really put up the ed site yet?

 12:19:45 cwoolwine: They sell SMart Moves which is very similar!

12:19:56 Maureen: I got the email about ad free

  12:20:15 Maureen: I would like to have an edu site

 12:20:16 Vicky Sedgwick: Does anyone know what the education voki will cost?

  12:20:27 PeggyG: International Dot Day :-)

12:20:37 PeggyG: Sept. 15th--fabulous book!

 12:20:48 Vicky Sedgwick: I'm going to use it in the computer class this week.

 12:20:57 cwoolwine:

 12:20:58 Lori Feldmans: Peter let me draw my own Dot on his iPad! Woot Woot!

12:21:16 PeggyG: awesome Lori! did you get a picture of that?

  12:21:33 McTeach (Karen): Yay!!!! Dot Day!!!

 12:21:35 marragem: Maria, did I buy 'The Dot'? Do you remember packing that?

  12:22:01 marragem: okay - will buy it

 12:22:15 PeggyG: My local Border's bookstore was all sold out a few weeks ago. Had to order online.

12:22:32 Lisa Parisi:

12:22:46 marragem: don't have any of Peter Reynolds' books here in OZ - will order online

 12:22:46 McTeach (Karen): I'm hungry!

 12:22:52 PeggyG: you can buy online but not read online--Dot

12:23:04 Vicky Sedgwick: There is a "video" version of it online I think.

 12:23:07 MariaK:

  12:23:40 Lori Feldman:

12:23:48 Lori Feldman: Too cool!

  12:23:55 PeggyG:  Activity ideas for the Dot

 12:25:38 Maureen: Simple machines and electricity were always my favorites to do with kids

12:26:12 PeggyG: I remember doing some of the SmartMoves in a group at the Constructivist Consortium before NECC a year ago. Everyone had such a great time!

  12:26:25 Maureen: Kitchen chemistry was my all time favorite with younger kids

12:26:29 Lisa Parisi:

12:27:16 PeggyG: yes it's a problem with the short URLs--they are clickable in the live chat but when they go into the archived text chat they aren't clickable and are missing part. Very frustrating

12:27:33 PeggyG: what an incredible wiki Lisa!!!

12:28:08 PeggyG: are you using it like a webquest?

 12:28:21 marragem: yes!!

 12:28:24 Maureen: Like your idea, but the whole idea of doing science a mile wide/inch deep- 18 weeks of stuff... many teachers will just "cover" it

 12:28:28 Lisa Parisi: Really a project wiki Peggy.

12:28:52 PeggyG: so it's not a "self-guided" experience?

 12:28:55 Lisa Parisi: That's why I am doing this, Maureen.  I can't handle just doing surface learning.

 12:29:05 Lisa Parisi: Yes, Peggy to a certain extent.

 12:29:13 marragem: next term's inquiry is all set, thanks to Abi.

 12:29:42 Maureen: @LIsa, I know- but so many others will not- and it's such a bad way to get get excited about science- they'll learn terms- not the joy and excitement

 12:29:43 PeggyG: looks very comprehensive!!

 12:29:58 marragem: she is!!

 12:29:58 Lisa Parisi: You're right Maureen.

 12:30:36 PeggyG: skype calls during that 15 minutes Sheila :-) connect with scientists or students doing science projects :-)

  12:30:52 PeggyG: that was a fantastic presentation you did on Earthday Lisa!

 12:31:02 PeggyG: even the principal stopped by to chat :-)

 12:31:04 paul: Dr. Robert Ballard says if you don't get them excited about science by 5th6th gradeyou never will

 12:31:13 Sheila: Unfortunately, I have different kids each day for the 15 minutes.

 12:31:14 Lisa Parisi: Well, Paul, I hope this does it.

 12:31:26 MariaK:



 12:31:40 PeggyG: I'm really excited about the K12 online conference! Some awesome presenters and keynotes!!

 12:31:50 PeggyG: I'm a worker-bee :-)

 12:32:00 PeggyG: Cultivating the future

  12:32:07 PeggyG: too funny!!

12:32:51 PeggyG: I can't wait to hear Tim Tyson again. It's been a long time since he presented online.

12:33:36 PeggyG: Conference presenters organized by weeks

 12:33:52 marragem: and we're onto that!

 12:33:54 Maureen: Amanda- have you made up posters, badges yet?

 12:34:08 marragem: not yet, Maureen.

 12:34:12 PeggyG: a new feature for the conference this year is a Student Voices strand. Very exciting!

 12:34:20 Maureen: I thought we should talk about that

 12:34:39 PeggyG: that would be a great topic! I was following that chat

 12:34:44 Vicky Sedgwick: Very interesting discussions on this

 12:34:54 PeggyG: teachers who are also parents and how they can advocate for their kids

 12:35:07 Maureen: We don't have to use the s word do we?

 12:35:09 Lori Feldman: great topic! I have a child with an IEP...also have had my kids go to school in my building

 12:35:26 Vicky Sedgwick: Peter reading "The Dot"

 12:35:39 paul: bye...thanks

 12:35:43 MariaK: Thanks vicki

 12:35:44 PeggyG:

 12:35:50 MariaK: thanks peggy

 12:36:02 PeggyG: Will Richardson's blog post

 12:36:04 Vicky Sedgwick: - Lee's blog post

 12:36:29 PeggyG: incredible comments to the posts

 12:36:31 MariaK:

 12:37:10 Sheila:

 12:37:14 PeggyG: yes keep the focus on the kids :-)

 12:37:38 PeggyG: thanks for kicking the year off with such a fun, interesting conversation!

 12:37:46 Lori Feldman: wont be here next saturday...Yom Kippur

 12:37:46 PeggyG: have a great week everyone!

 12:38:05 marragem: thansk for a great show, girls. I'm off to bed!

 12:38:15 PeggyG: good night Amanda :-)

 12:38:15 Maureen: Have a good week- thanks!

 12:38:16 MariaK: Thanks for coming eveyone - Nice to be with you all again....miss our f2f contact from the summer!

 12:38:23 cwoolwine: Thanks Enjoyed!

 12:38:44 marragem: look forward to enxt week's show. I'll be on holidays!

 12:38:55 McTeach (Karen): Thanks ladies! Glad you're back!