ETBS: 2010.05.20
The Buddha's Birthday edition of ETBS in which we catch-up with Jeff Lebow, Sheila Adams and Lisa Durff for a good old-fashioned brainstorm/virtual staff lounge get-together with some tunes from Penmachine and # Psy Brazil # thrown in for good measure.
the laughing buddha by Jason Gulledge
20:54:21 Sheila -> : Hey Durff and DS!
20:54:44 ds -> : hey Sheila
20:55:13 Sheila -> : Looks like you are streaming but I don't hear anything.
20:56:47 Sheila -> : better!
20:56:53 Sheila -> : :)
20:57:23 Sheila -> : I hear you!
20:58:08 ds -> : thx Sheila -- been so long I forgot how!
20:58:16 Sheila -> : I hear music!
20:58:22 ds -> : excellent\
21:00:28 Sheila -> : Good explanation!
21:00:52 Sheila -> : three times fast!
21:06:58 Sheila -> : Hear, hear! community
21:07:42 ds -> : oh yes
21:08:10 ds -> : skype in if able, be great to hear from you
21:08:52 mrsdurff -> : it pays to pay attention - he,he, he
21:09:58 Sheila -> : Taking requests? I want to hear what you've been up to lately and then about Durff's trip.
21:10:33 mrsdurff -> : i wonder if I set this up right - we'll soon see... or hear,rather
21:10:41 Sheila -> : :)
21:11:46 mrsdurff -> : i think I plugged speakers in to wrong place for this audio card - where are those headphones (scrambles....)
21:13:21 PeggyG -> : is that background music??
21:14:30 PeggyG -> : I was having trouble hearing you--just wanted to be sure I didn't have 2 windows open :-)
21:14:53 PeggyG -> : I see the name of the sone in the itunes window :-) nice
21:15:05 PeggyG -> : song
21:15:09 PeggyG -> : Hi JL
21:15:12 ds -> : greetings JL
21:15:22 PeggyG -> : much better now
21:15:22 Sheila -> : the gang's all here! (Almost, where's matt?
21:15:27 JL -> : Doug is back! Woohoo!!!
21:15:40 ds -> : so very good to be back, and thank you!
21:15:42 PeggyG -> : this is a red letter night!! Doug and JL!!
21:15:44 Sheila -> : the community follows you DS!
21:15:54 PeggyG -> : absolutely Sheila
21:15:58 mrsdurff -> : you sound great!
21:16:04 ds -> : and welcome back Mrs Durff
21:16:18 ds -> : think my skype is open, c'mon all y'all
21:16:24 mrsdurff -> : I havent' done it in a while either - doubt I still can
21:16:28 Sheila -> : What's new JL?
21:16:36 mrsdurff -> : JL!
21:16:52 mrsdurff -> : Let me fetch that address
21:17:34 PeggyG -> : lots to celebrate!!
21:17:40 Sheila -> : :)
21:17:48 PeggyG -> : not until may 29
21:17:53 PeggyG -> : in the US
21:17:54 Sheila -> : Not yet! for US
21:18:40 PeggyG -> : actualloy it's the Sat. May 29 show we are cancelling for Memorial Day in the US--Classroom 2.0 LIVE. Memorial Day is really Monday May 31
21:18:41 Sheila -> : I lose 2/3 of the students tomorrow due to field trip so I'm considering it a holiday too.
21:18:50 PeggyG -> : what fun Sheila!
21:19:12 PeggyG -> : are you getting the 1/3 that didn't get to go on the field trip?
21:19:16 mrsdurff -> : I will be at -> Global Vision Christian School 549 Jocchon-Li. Wonnam-myun, Eumseong-gun, Chungbuk-do 369-862
21:19:30 mrsdurff -> : mean anything to Jeff?
21:19:35 Sheila -> : Shooting off water rockets tomorrow in class, now I can say for Buddha's bd!
21:19:46 PeggyG -> : funny Sheila!! so true!
21:19:56 mrsdurff -> : your public wants video of that Sheila
21:20:04 PeggyG -> : it is like riding a bike ds!! it's all back to you now!!
21:20:40 mrsdurff -> : one hour outside of Seoul
21:20:57 PeggyG -> : do you still have your squeaky chair JL??
21:21:44 PeggyG -> : how do we find that JL?
21:21:52 PeggyG -> : your radio show???
21:22:06 PeggyG -> : wives are like that :-)
21:22:26 PeggyG -> : love that story!
21:23:33 JL -> :
21:24:28 PeggyG -> : you pronounce the B like a P??
21:24:36 PeggyG -> : Busan?
21:24:45 Sheila -> : Sounds professional - headshot and all.
21:25:12 PeggyG -> : do the shows get archived or do you have to listen in live?
21:25:35 PeggyG -> : kind of blended :-)
21:26:13 PeggyG -> : how do people celebrate Buddha's birthday?
21:26:19 Sheila -> : Holidays typically on Fridays?
21:26:28 PeggyG -> : oh yes we do!!!!
21:26:39 PeggyG -> : we're kind of falling apart!
21:26:53 PeggyG -> : lots of shows on hiatus
21:27:11 PeggyG -> : pictures would be wonderful :-)
21:27:36 PeggyG -> : yes! really feel like a holiday
21:28:42 PeggyG -> : you don't sound very enthusiastic about it ds. are you tired or is it not what you want to be doing?
21:29:36 PeggyG -> : you sound tired
21:29:50 PeggyG -> : glad that's it! that is easily remedied
21:30:09 PeggyG -> : durff disappeared
21:30:38 PeggyG -> : I hear they are adding 5 video cams to skype conferences
21:30:43 PeggyG -> : on PC anyway
21:31:08 PeggyG -> : very funny!
21:32:06 PeggyG -> : I lost my iphone this past week at a university graduation--really upset!! but the great news is that I went back the next day searching for it and someone had turned it in to security!! whew!!
21:32:39 PeggyG -> : do you use yugmase with skype any more Jeff?
21:33:01 PeggyG -> : yeah humanity!!!! :-)
21:33:12 mrsdurff -> : a flook
21:33:32 PeggyG -> : did you introduce me to YougmaSE? that has up to 20 cameras with skype
21:33:40 PeggyG -> : Yugma--spelled it wrong
21:34:06 PeggyG -> : I think you can share desktop with yugma too
21:34:08 mrsdurff -> : i love windows 7!
21:34:26 PeggyG -> : YugmaSE with Skype
21:34:51 PeggyG -> :
21:34:53 mrsdurff -> : those retired people!
21:34:59 JL -> :
21:35:08 Sheila -> : failed the test . . . DS I left a voice message for you . . .
21:35:13 PeggyG -> : desktop sharing
21:35:28 PeggyG -> : both mac and pc and linux I think
21:36:55 mrsdurff -> : called doug and he hung up
21:36:59 mrsdurff -> : hmmmm
21:37:09 PeggyG -> : awesome Sheila
21:38:40 PeggyG -> : that's really exciting Durff!
21:40:08 PeggyG -> : what will you be doing there??
21:41:16 PeggyG -> : wow! all day every day teaching them English?? what fun!
21:41:48 PeggyG -> : how perfect!
21:42:58 Sheila -> : Peggy call in. You're by your lonesome now!
21:43:19 PeggyG -> : I have never flown over the ocean!
21:44:45 PeggyG -> : amazing schedule!
21:45:44 PeggyG -> : Sheila would have tons of ideas for camping out :-)
21:46:11 PeggyG -> : you can skype all of your friends Durff and we can speak to them in English :-)
21:46:27 PeggyG -> : great connecting with both Jeff and ds!!!
21:46:43 ds -> : thx Peggy, great to see you too
21:46:58 PeggyG -> : I have mainly traveled in the US
21:47:16 PeggyG -> : once to Mexico and a few times to Canada :-) so limited!!
21:49:27 PeggyG -> : that's so sad Sheila
21:49:52 PeggyG -> : it's really amazing that you even got to make that trip given the situation
21:51:14 PeggyG -> : Sheila there was a fantastic webinar this afternoon with the Middle School Portal about science resources from NASA!
21:52:02 PeggyG -> : check out this site Sheila-you'll love it if you aren't already using it
21:52:26 Sheila -> : Thanks peggy!
21:52:28 PeggyG -> : great! music to grade papers by...
21:52:41 PeggyG -> : thanks Doug!
21:52:48 PeggyG -> : really fun to hear from all of you!
21:52:58 PeggyG -> : webcastacademy school Durff?
21:53:13 PeggyG -> : good for you Durff!!
21:53:31 PeggyG -> : yes we definitely want updates!
21:53:47 Sheila -> : Wow! Big changes for you Durff! Busy lady!
21:54:24 Sheila -> : Very exciting - school and Korea! What next?
21:54:34 PeggyG -> : webinar archives for the Middle School Portal for Math/Science
21:54:58 PeggyG -> : good night all
21:55:14 ds -> : thanks to all for a great visit
21:55:18 mrsdurff -> : night Peggy
21:55:23 PeggyG -> : night all
21:55:23 ds -> : looking fwd to seeing you all again soon
21:55:51 PeggyG -> : Psytrance Brazil :-)
21:56:40 PeggyG -> : not too relaxing :-)
21:58:10 PeggyG -> : bye for now
22:03:26 Sheila -> : Thanks DS!
22:03:40 Sheila -> : Night mrsdurff!
22:03:52 Sheila -> : Morning JL!
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