Conversations #73 Teaching Boys

Post-Show description: 

Lisa, Sheila and Maria were joined this week by Deven Black and John Fladd. The topic of conversation was teaching boys. As usual, lots of opinions and ideas were expressed. John helped move the conversation by talking about the book that got him thinking about all of this, Boys Adrift.

Lisa, Sheila and Maria were joined this week by Deven Black and John Fladd. The topic of conversation was teaching boys. As usual, lots of opinions and ideas were expressed. John helped move the conversation by talking about the book that got him thinking about all of this, Boys Adrift.

Chat Log

 11:31:26  sheila: Morning all!
 11:32:03  McTeach: Good morning! What are we using for sound this morning?
 11:32:10  sheila: ustream
 11:32:17  sheila: in a moment
 11:32:25  McTeach: Thanks!
 11:32:25  MariaK: good morning - no sound yet - ustream and etta
 11:32:39  MariaK: glad you are here
 11:32:45  McTeach: Me too!
 11:33:07  McTeach: I'm happy to just be sitting still for two seconds in a row this weekend! :)
 11:36:11  McTeach: Today's May 9th???
 11:36:17  sheila: Welcome!
 11:36:22  sheila: May 16th
 11:37:04  Lisa Parisi: Hello spedteacher.  Welcome
 11:37:14  spedteacher: Good morning. Its been a while.
 11:37:15  McTeach: I had to look at the calendar!
 11:37:20  McTeach: You had me there for a sec
 11:38:32  sheila: Welcome TamL17
 11:39:26  McTeach: It was rather warm here yesterday!
 11:39:34  McTeach: I have the sunburn to prove it. :)
 11:39:56  McTeach: HA!
 11:40:00  McTeach: Hadn't heard that one!
 11:40:53  Lisa Parisi: Hi Colleen!
 11:40:56  colleenk: Hi Everyone!
 11:48:45  Lisa Parisi: Hi Cathy
 11:52:34  spedteacher: Radio Lab is a fantastic show. Science explored and explained engagingly and in a way everyone can comprehend.
 11:53:10  McTeach: Do you find Radio Lab thru iTunes?
 11:53:36  McTeach: Thanks!
 11:54:39  toetyper: hi
 11:54:58  sheila: Welcome!
 11:56:02  spedteacher: Radio Lab is on Itunes and on the WNYC and NPR websites.
 11:57:00  toetyper: is  this special ed exclusively or general education
 11:57:11  spedteacher: Boys and girls mature at different rates. This is another argument against age-based grades. They should be developoment-level based.
 11:57:45  toetyper: agree
 11:58:33  McTeach: I bought it after he mentioned it! Will read it this summer
 11:58:57  sheila:
 11:59:14  spedteacher: Collaboration is the current religion in education and the converts think it is appropriate everywhere, all the time.
 11:59:40  Lisa Parisi: But isn't that something the kids need to learn to work in the future?
 12:00:09  Lisa Parisi: @toetyper  This show is for educators
 12:00:14  spedteacher: Yes, Lisa, but they also need to know when it is useful and when it is not.
 12:00:24  Lisa Parisi: When is it not?
 12:00:29  Lisa Parisi: Seriously.
 12:00:50  Lisa Parisi: Want to come into skype and join the conversation, @spedteacher
 12:01:18  spedteacher: Okay.
 12:01:25  Lisa Parisi: I need skype name
 12:01:56  spedteacher: spedteacher127 I'm launching the program now.
 12:02:32  spedteacher: Okay, my Skype is on.
 12:03:35  sheila:
 12:05:57  McTeach: How can you teach to both boys and girls in one classroom and address the very different needs?
 12:06:22  Lisa Parisi: Good question
 12:06:52  McTeach: I have 36 kids...I can't have the boys getting up and moving around whenever they want
 12:07:35  sheila: More reasons for teaching the basics of cooperative learning. What does it look like, sound like?
 12:13:37  woodenmask: Sorry - Fell asleep.
 12:26:36  woodenmask: Yardstick fight!!
 12:27:16  MariaK: echo
 12:28:01  woodenmask: Middle school is where the action is!
 12:28:56  woodenmask: Especially wedgies..
 12:35:16  McTeach: Thanks for the chat!
 12:35:34  Lisa Parisi:
 12:35:51  Lisa Parisi: Bye everyone.