2010-04-15 Seedlings Show 85 with Emily Hunt of Common Sense Media
Commonsensemedia.org, with Emily Hunt, joins the SEEDLINGS group for a discussion about Media, Internet and how savvy our tweens and teens are these days. Emily shares great data with us and reminds us that it is not about punishment, not about preaching, but rather it is about being informed and knowledgeable about the media we are involved in. Adults need to be involved in conversations with all youth about media, advertising, movies, websites, social networks and gaming. Commonsensemedia.org provides just the framework necessary to stay informed! Join us.
Join Alice, Bob and Cheryl as we have a great conversation with Emily Hunt of Commonsensemedia.org . Emily captivates us as she describes all the latest information about movies, gaming, social networks and TV. This is such a great resource for teachers and parents.
The Chat:
19:23:16 alicebarr -> Room 1: Hi Emily
19:23:24 Emily_Hunt -> Room 1: Hi all! Bob, it was my outmoded Java...
19:23:30 Emily_Hunt -> Room 1: Hi Alice :)
19:24:03 alicebarr -> Room 1: Looking forward to our conversation!
19:24:07 alicebarr -> Room 1: Hi Eric
19:24:11 Emily_Hunt -> Room 1: If I have links to share, is this where I should share them?
19:24:11 elawson -> Room 1: Hi Alice
19:25:17 alicebarr -> Room 1: Yes, but we have found you have to drag them from the brower window into the text window
19:25:41 Emily_Hunt -> Room 1: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/09/education/09cyberkids.html
19:25:43 alicebarr -> Room 1: Also best to use button third from right to open the chat in a seperate window
19:25:51 alicebarr -> Room 1: Beautiful!
19:26:00 Emily_Hunt -> Room 1: ahhh....nice
19:26:12 Emily_Hunt -> Room 1: i love living in the future...this is so easy
19:26:55 alicebarr -> Room 1: Emily, you may want to wait till 7:30 so everyone is here
19:27:01 Emily_Hunt -> Room 1: will do
19:30:15 bobsprankle -> Room 1: hi eric!
19:30:23 elawson -> Room 1: Hi Bob How are you?
19:30:53 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: Hi Eric
19:30:58 elawson -> Room 1: Hi Cheryl
19:31:13 bobsprankle -> Room 1: i'm fine
19:31:49 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: Just getting sounds checked
19:33:21 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: eric do you hear alice and bob?
19:33:26 elawson -> Room 1: no
19:34:06 elawson -> Room 1: Am I supposed to set something up?
19:34:19 alicebarr -> Room 1: No just sound issues
19:34:23 alicebarr -> Room 1: You re fine
19:34:39 alicebarr -> Room 1: Did you check ETTA
19:35:18 alicebarr -> Room 1: Now can you hear?
19:35:27 elawson -> Room 1: No
19:35:36 cathywolinsky -> Room 1: It's OK in iTunes for me.
19:36:04 alicebarr -> Room 1: Eric, did you click on the litte sound tool?
19:36:13 alicebarr -> Room 1: Next to EdTech A
19:36:25 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: thanks Cathy!
19:37:04 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: Welcome to Emily in San Fran!!
19:37:45 alicebarr -> Room 1: How are you doing Eric??
19:37:50 elawson -> Room 1: Got it now thanks!
19:37:56 alicebarr -> Room 1: Yea!
19:38:10 bobsprankle -> Room 1: Hi Cathy!
19:38:45 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: www.commonsense.org
19:39:11 cathywolinsky -> Room 1: Hi all, lot's of talk with Alice lately about digital kids.
19:39:30 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: Yes, we are having the same conversations too.
19:39:52 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: welcome connect2jamie
19:39:54 bobsprankle -> Room 1: hi connect2!
19:39:59 alicebarr -> Room 1: WElcome connect2jamie
19:40:45 connect2jamie -> Room 1: Hi all! thanks for the twitter reminder, Cheryl!
19:40:54 alicebarr -> Room 1: Yes! I so agree about media impact
19:42:48 connect2jamie -> Room 1: exactly, Bob! Commonsense is a GREAT tool for parents! I've recommended it quite a lot.
19:43:03 Emily_Hunt -> Room 1: http://www.commonsensemedia.org/tv-reviews/glee
19:43:20 elawson -> Room 1: I have recommended it to the parent groups in York as well. I told them about the segments on Demand from their digital cable box as well.
19:43:42 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: eric how do you mean on demand?
19:44:00 elawson -> Room 1: One of the preview channels near the on Demand has reviews from Common Sense
19:44:06 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: NICE
19:44:46 alicebarr -> Room 1: Great message Glee
19:45:01 connect2jamie -> Room 1: I LOVE glee!!
19:45:44 connect2jamie -> Room 1: it's very nostalgic too--with the music that I know from my youth!!
19:46:00 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: I need to watch an episode!
19:46:30 connect2jamie -> Room 1: yes, do watch Cheryl! It's really good--especially if you were ever a music geek or a drama geek in HS.
19:46:40 bobsprankle -> Room 1: i love glee!
19:46:41 connect2jamie -> Room 1: or wanted to be! :)
19:46:48 elawson -> Room 1: Channel 922 Free movies on demand in Wells Cheryl has the 411 for parents presented by Common Sense
19:47:00 alicebarr -> Room 1: Show is so inclusive!
19:47:10 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: Thanks Eric, that is so good to know.
19:47:23 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: Music, yes, I will watch.
19:47:35 elawson -> Room 1: It has rated material for shows as well as new technologies such as Facebook 101 etc.
19:48:02 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: Yes, we send home the parent flyer one time a month at middle school and more often at elementary.
19:49:11 connect2jamie -> Room 1: you're right, cheryl
19:49:16 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: Hello Lee-Anne from Hong Kong!
19:49:51 Lee-AnneHK -> Room 1: Morning everyone. A little chilly here today only 16C when I left home!
19:50:15 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: Well, hopefully it will warm.
19:50:27 connect2jamie -> Room 1: beautiful spring evening in Houston! Yes--hope you warm up a bit!
19:50:56 bobsprankle -> Room 1: hi lee!
19:51:42 connect2jamie -> Room 1: That is very cool, Emily!
19:51:59 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: I like the personalised site for parents.
19:52:06 alicebarr -> Room 1: Ho Lee-Anne
19:52:58 Lee-AnneHK -> Room 1: This sounds good - I'm always confused by DS games and need to try them out. Have some "on the shelf" until my daughters are older
19:53:28 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: commonsensemedia.org
19:54:52 connect2jamie -> Room 1: We still use netsmartz, and we are really needing a change for our digital citizenship program. You're right--the kids have outgrown it!
19:54:56 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: evening Deb Barrows
19:55:11 Deb Barrows -> Room 1: Hi
19:55:12 bobsprankle -> Room 1: Hi Deb!!
19:55:29 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: connect2jamie, try commonsense media, use the netsmartz for independent review
19:55:30 alicebarr -> Room 1: Hi Deb!
19:56:44 connect2jamie -> Room 1: This yr, I've been cobbling together my own digital citizenship things for my students, but I do think commonsense is something we could utilize more in our district.
19:57:39 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: evening BonnieB!!
19:57:46 BonnieB -> Room 1: Hello!
19:58:04 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: we are talking commonsensemedia.org with Emily Hunt
19:58:29 BonnieB -> Room 1: Great- thanks.
19:58:59 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: The GoodPlay group, Harvard Education, Howard Gardner.
20:00:15 alicebarr -> Room 1: http://www.goodworkproject.org/research/digital.htm
20:00:22 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: thanks alice
20:00:56 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: what a great resource
20:01:20 cathywolinsky -> Room 1: Good PLay has done some good work on the reality of "mutli-tasking"
20:01:33 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: Can't wait to read this.
20:01:42 alicebarr -> Room 1: Me too
20:02:00 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: http://www.goodworkproject.org/research/digital.htm
20:02:09 Emily_Hunt -> Room 1: http://www.goodworkproject.org/research/digital.htm
20:02:35 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: http://www.goodworkproject.org/
20:02:51 Deb Barrows -> Room 1: Bob - the links work though.
20:03:36 cathywolinsky -> Room 1: "Meeting of the Minds" .pdf on ethics of media use in teens from http://www.goodworkproject.org/research/digital.htm
20:03:50 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: Digital Citizenship coming next.
20:04:15 alicebarr -> Room 1: I really like the language in this
20:04:39 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: We are so lucky to have all these smart people doing this background work for us.
20:05:00 Emily_Hunt -> Room 1: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/09/education/09cyberkids.html
20:07:43 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: This is a great article!
20:08:50 bobsprankle -> Room 1: http://learning.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/04/13/common-sense-about-the-web/...
20:09:28 cathywolinsky -> Room 1: I like the areas of the curriculum as described Emily.
20:09:28 Emily_Hunt -> Room 1: http://nyti.ms/9Ue0j6
20:09:52 cathywolinsky -> Room 1: I couldn't paste in a link, but I could drag in a URL.
20:11:33 cathywolinsky -> Room 1: We had 77 responses today to a survey on media used by 9th graders (class of about 100).
20:11:57 Lee-AnneHK -> Room 1: Have a great evening everyone. I'm off to teach first class of Friday morning! Roll on the weekend
20:11:58 alicebarr -> Room 1: Good response Cathy!
20:12:03 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: cathy, can you share your big ahas
20:12:06 alicebarr -> Room 1: Bye Lee!
20:12:09 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: Bye Lee ann
20:14:52 cathywolinsky -> Room 1: Responses: 70% use social networking, 90% use technology communication while doing school work, 65% use social networking at least once a day...
20:15:59 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: cathy thanks, that is really telling
20:16:31 Emily_Hunt -> Room 1: http://bit.ly/diIioZ
20:16:56 cathywolinsky -> Room 1: #1 use of technology is to get help with homework, #2 is becoming closer to someone, #3 is gaming.
20:17:34 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: WOW!
20:17:35 connect2jamie -> Room 1: That is *very* interesting, cathy.
20:17:51 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: Cathy, do you have ichat open on your 1-1 laptops?
20:18:16 cathywolinsky -> Room 1: iChat is open and used at night; against the rules during school.
20:18:45 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: ok
20:20:15 cathywolinsky -> Room 1: We did parent survey from CommonSense and a modified one with grades 3 & 4 students as Bob described.
20:20:39 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: That is great Cathy.
20:21:55 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: Commonsense media has their reviews on Netflix,Comcast,
20:25:28 elawson -> Room 1: I think I'd like to be a reviewer for Common Sense
20:25:55 cathywolinsky -> Room 1: good resources on your channel - http://www.youtube.com/CommonSenseMedia - thanks.
20:25:56 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: I think you could, Eric
20:27:13 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: getting ready for Geek of the Week
20:27:28 Emily_Hunt -> Room 1: Eric -- shoot me an email [email protected]
20:27:42 elawson -> Room 1: Ok will do
20:29:06 Deb Barrows -> Room 1: Great show - thanks and happy vacation!
20:29:16 bobsprankle -> Room 1: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/5648
20:29:52 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: http://weblist.me/creative-commons-photos Thanks Deb!
20:29:59 Emily_Hunt -> Room 1: Fireshot: http://bit.ly/8s6g
20:30:48 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: Good stuff.
20:31:07 connect2jamie -> Room 1: weblist.me is cool! Reminds me of gl.am
20:32:43 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: http://congintech.wikispaces.com/Tomie+dePaola+Films
20:33:19 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: http://childrenslibrary.org/about/fastfacts.shtml
20:34:00 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: ipad app: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/icdl-free-books-for-children/id363731638?...
20:34:49 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: Thanks to all in the chat room, Thanks to Emily Hunt,Commonsensemedia.org
20:34:56 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: Hi Sue, we are finishing up.
20:34:58 Emily_Hunt -> Room 1: Thanks for having me!
20:35:06 sroseman -> Room 1: poor timing
20:35:30 alicebarr -> Room 1: Hi Melinda
20:35:37 bobsprankle -> Room 1: hi melinda!
20:35:52 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: Hi Melinda
20:35:54 mmiller7571 -> Room 1: only in chat room because I am at a board meeting:):)
20:36:11 mmiller7571 -> Room 1: what is tonights topic:)?
20:36:29 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: commonsense media.org
20:36:52 mmiller7571 -> Room 1: i better sign out, i don't have any commonsense:):)
20:36:56 elawson -> Room 1: Thanks Emily
20:37:08 connect2jamie -> Room 1: Thanks Emily and Seedlings! Great info as always!
20:37:09 bobsprankle -> Room 1: lol melinda!
20:37:12 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: nite all
20:37:56 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Room 1: going on vacation seedlings has a break!
20:38:31 sroseman -> Room 1: I will have to get common sense and get here on time
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