2009-11-5 ben N ben

Taxonomy upgrade extras:

[19:24] <BenN_> Joe, Welcome!

[19:24] <cheryloakes50> Hi BenN
[19:24] == sarah has changed nick to Guest45912
[19:24] <joeking> yeahh
[19:24] <joeking> im pumped
[19:24] <BenN_> We will be begin broadcasting shortly
[19:24] == Guest45912 [i=4bb7045f@gateway/web/freenode/x-36596ead156e21ad] has quit [Client Quit]
[19:25] == Sarah__ [i=4bb7045f@gateway/web/freenode/x-19e9b1e45e0cd8c1] has joined #edtechtalk
[19:25] <Sarah__> Will I keep my name if I say hi fast?
[19:25] == Ben [i=4a4b67f6@gateway/web/freenode/x-83fca8d774ba95b1] has joined #edtechtalk
[19:26] == Scott___ [i=43ed1248@gateway/web/freenode/x-9c84a430663857e1] has joined #edtechtalk
[19:26] == Ben has changed nick to Guest87283
[19:26] <cheryloakes50> Welcome to the BenNBen show!
[19:26] == Guest87283 [i=4a4b67f6@gateway/web/freenode/x-83fca8d774ba95b1] has quit [Client Quit]
[19:26] <joeking> i dont hear anything...?
[19:26] == BenN__ [i=4a4b67f6@gateway/web/freenode/x-af479d3b2c9e211d] has joined #edtechtalk
[19:26] <cheryloakes50> No sound yet
[19:27] == Scott___ [i=43ed1248@gateway/web/freenode/x-9c84a430663857e1] has quit [Client Quit]
[19:27] == alicebarr [i=4a4bbea8@gateway/web/freenode/x-df0cdfbecf0c3c86] has joined #edtechtalk
[19:27] <alicebarr> Can you hear us?
[19:27] == ScottShelhart [i=43ed1248@gateway/web/freenode/x-7b616c95aba3faa5] has joined #edtechtalk
[19:27] <BenN_> We'll be starting shortly everyone
[19:27] <joeking> no i cant
[19:27] <BenN__> good
[19:27] <alicebarr> Hey Zach
[19:27] == benm [i=c6500603@gateway/web/freenode/x-8f177f3a48477ca5] has joined #edtechtalk
[19:27] <cheryloakes50> sound is great
[19:27] <alicebarr> Hi Joe
[19:27] <cheryloakes50> I can hear, I clicked on EdTechTalk A,
[19:27] == sheila [i=4610d10d@gateway/web/freenode/x-c8d42270f1e34b69] has joined #edtechtalk
[19:28] <joeking> hello
[19:28] <alicebarr> Great
[19:28] <alicebarr> We are getting set up
[19:28] <cheryloakes50> Firefox seems to be working for me.
[19:28] <cheryloakes50> Alice make sure you hijack
[19:28] == BenN_ [i=4a4b9e20@gateway/web/freenode/x-1e07d50859405fd4] has quit [Client Quit]
[19:28] == BenN_ [i=4a4b9e20@gateway/web/freenode/x-bfb0fba406f0de05] has joined #edtechtalk
[19:28] == JoeKing_ [i=48495a89@gateway/web/freenode/x-27373ab2e5a07ce8] has joined #edtechtalk
[19:28] == joeking [i=48495a89@gateway/web/freenode/x-c806c512be00306d] has quit [Client Quit]
[19:28] <JoeKing_> still cant hear..
[19:29] <ScottShelhart> Sound OK on ETTA via iTunes
[19:29] <cheryloakes50> JoeKIng did you click on edtechtalk A?
[19:29] <alicebarr> @Joe King Click on EdTEch Talk A and that will launch iTunes
[19:29] == zhynes_ [i=12600546@gateway/web/freenode/x-9a64a9665d5659e3] has joined #edtechtalk
[19:29] == JoeKing_ [i=48495a89@gateway/web/freenode/x-27373ab2e5a07ce8] has quit [Client Quit]
[19:29] <cheryloakes50> Then click to launch itunes or real player
[19:29] == hannah [i=4a4b7722@gateway/web/freenode/x-7d9acadc144f31fd] has joined #edtechtalk
[19:29] == JoeKing [i=48495a89@gateway/web/freenode/x-bacc2ade1bd65e64] has joined #edtechtalk
[19:29] <sheila> You can use the options area under they irc button
[19:29] <ScottShelhart> If we are taking a vote, i strongly dislike this chat software.
[19:29] <BenN__> hey hannah 
[19:30] <alicebarr> Hi hannah welcome
[19:30] == JoeKing [i=48495a89@gateway/web/freenode/x-bacc2ade1bd65e64] has quit [Client Quit]
[19:30] == JoeKing [i=48495a89@gateway/web/freenode/x-32294e5cb572a74c] has joined #edtechtalk
[19:30] <zhynes_> what changed since last time with the chat stuff?
[19:30] <JoeKing> yay now i can hear
[19:30] <BenN__> good job...
[19:30] == hannah [i=4a4b7722@gateway/web/freenode/x-7d9acadc144f31fd] has quit [Client Quit]
[19:30] <JoeKing> hahahaha
[19:30] <alicebarr> New chat room
[19:30] == BenN_ [i=4a4b9e20@gateway/web/freenode/x-bfb0fba406f0de05] has quit [Client Quit]
[19:30] <zhynes_> oh okay
[19:30] == BenN-Host [i=4a4b9e20@gateway/web/freenode/x-e664a059d99cb852] has joined #edtechtalk
[19:31] == BenN__ [i=4a4b67f6@gateway/web/freenode/x-af479d3b2c9e211d] has quit [Client Quit]
[19:31] == BenN-Host_ [i=4a4b67f6@gateway/web/freenode/x-e4ac479135f2367e] has joined #edtechtalk
[19:31] <ScottShelhart> I only hear one person talking....
[19:31] <sheila> Can only hear Alice right?
[19:31] <zhynes_> yeah
[19:31] <zhynes_> that's what i hear
[19:31] <Sarah__> I think Matt Montagne is starting an "I hate the new edtechtalk chat club"
[19:32] <BenN-Host_> Lets get this thing started
[19:32] == PeggyG [i=62a5b02d@gateway/web/freenode/x-1a894732548b6f2e] has joined #edtechtalk
[19:32] <cheryloakes50> Sarah, I don't think I am a fan right yet of this chat
[19:32] <ScottShelhart> Where do I sign up?
[19:32] == Suzanne [i=482b37bf@gateway/web/freenode/x-23c42a305775e7d7] has joined #edtechtalk
[19:32] <benm> hi everyone...thanks for coming!
[19:32] == Suzanne [i=482b37bf@gateway/web/freenode/x-23c42a305775e7d7] has quit [Client Quit]
[19:32] == Suzanne [i=482b37bf@gateway/web/freenode/x-b9fd3fe3f28e490f] has joined #edtechtalk
[19:32] <cheryloakes50> hang on the sound will return.
[19:32] <PeggyG> Hi everyone!
[19:33] <BenN-Host> yes thank you for attending, whoever is the other BenN-Host, please change your name so we can distingush
[19:33] <BenN-Host> Thank you
[19:33] <BenN-Host_> No prob
[19:33] <alicebarr> Can you hear us now?
[19:33] <PeggyG> yes hearing you fine
[19:33] <cheryloakes50> I hear you Alice, now I hear Ben!
[19:33] <cheryloakes50> perfect sounds!
[19:33] <ScottShelhart> NOw hear all
[19:33] <BenN-Host_> This is the real Ben N
[19:33] <JoeKing> sounds good
[19:34] == nanga [i=4a4b9e20@gateway/web/freenode/x-c4f7018ee2aa08da] has joined #edtechtalk
[19:34] <sheila> On a netbook, how do you change the size of this chat (so I can see it all)?
[19:34] <BenN-Host_> pierce?
[19:34] <cheryloakes50> Shelia, that is a good questions
[19:34] <PeggyG> command + works for me on my Mac
[19:34] <BenN-Host> BenN-Host_ - PLEASE change your name
[19:35] <sheila> Ahhhh, much better! Thanks @PeggyG
[19:35] <cheryloakes50> Wow, a transcontinental call, Well, North to south
[19:35] <PeggyG> for me too :-)
[19:35] <sheila> Third show already!!!  
[19:36] <PeggyG> This is exciting that we get to hear about the Youth Forum live from the event!
[19:36] <JoeKing> what happened?
[19:36] == nanga_ [i=4a4b9e20@gateway/web/freenode/x-bba7754956e93132] has joined #edtechtalk
[19:37] <PeggyG> very interesting question! If you had the whole world listening, what would you say?
[19:37] <zhynes_> were they all hs students, I assume?
[19:38] <BenN-Host_> :0
[19:38] <alicebarr> @zhynes Yes all high school
[19:38] <PeggyG> did you do fundraising to be able to pay your way to the Forum?
[19:38] <nanga_> how do we get the audio feed?
[19:39] <benm> @peggyG no...the school paid our way
[19:39] <alicebarr> Coalition is small school reform movement started by Ted and nancy Sizer
[19:39] <PeggyG> click on the icon under EdTechTalk A
[19:39] <cheryloakes50> to get audio click on the Edtechtalk A and one of the audio choices
[19:39] <PeggyG> that's great Ben!
[19:39] == ScottShelhart [i=43ed1248@gateway/web/freenode/x-7b616c95aba3faa5] has quit ["Page closed"]
[19:40] <nanga_> thanks.  got it
[19:41] <PeggyG> thanks Cheryl! I knew that right away!
[19:41] == BenN-Host_ [i=4a4b67f6@gateway/web/freenode/x-e4ac479135f2367e] has quit ["Page closed"]
[19:41] == alicebarr_ [i=4a4b67f6@gateway/web/freenode/x-d5f357887faa93d4] has joined #edtechtalk
[19:42] <cheryloakes50> We are so sheltered in Maine with class size, it must be amazing to hear their perspective of their huge schools.
[19:42] <alicebarr_> I know
[19:43] <PeggyG> Can you tell us more about the mission of the Coalition?
[19:44] <nanga_> Ben m How does yarmouth's studetn senate compare with other schools?  Have you had a chance to talk with others about what studetns are doing and things they have accomplished?
[19:44] <cheryloakes50> PeggyG, we have very small percentages of other cultures in most maine schools
[19:44] <cheryloakes50> This must be so exciting for all students.
[19:45] == sheila [i=4610d10d@gateway/web/freenode/x-c8d42270f1e34b69] has left #edtechtalk []
[19:45] <nanga_> I was asking the real Ben m...is he able to answer chat questions or should I wait til later?
[19:45] <BenM-Host> I can answer
[19:45] <alicebarr> No go ahead and ask
[19:45] <nanga_> see above about student senate
[19:45] <PeggyG> I'll bet it is! They must be very self-confident people to feel comfortable meeting and mixing with so many new people!
[19:46] == sheila [i=4610d10d@gateway/web/freenode/x-6a1163595a6567dd] has joined #edtechtalk
[19:47] <cheryloakes50> Yes Peggy, I think that happens for so many of our students with all the presentations they do today
[19:47] <zhynes_> what is Yarmouth presenting this year?
[19:47] <benm> @zach we're not presenting, just attending this year
[19:47] <BenM-Host> I don't really have a sense for what other Student Senate's are like, but ours is a group of leaders, grades 9-12.
[19:47] <PeggyG> how resourceful!! looking for guests for the show while they're there!
[19:48] <cheryloakes50> they are so smart aren't they PEggy
[19:48] <PeggyG> definitely!!
[19:49] <PeggyG> is the nature of this event changing with so much technology available now? wonder if more students could participate if they didn't have to pay to travel?
[19:50] <cheryloakes50> Peggy, good thought, BenNBen do they allow for virtual attendance or video conference?
[19:51] <BenM-Host> I'm not sure about those capabilities as of now, I'll explore that though cheryloakes
[19:51] == JoeKing [i=48495a89@gateway/web/freenode/x-32294e5cb572a74c] has quit ["Page closed"]
[19:51] <zhynes_> very cool presentations
[19:51] <PeggyG> that's always such a challenge to try to present without internet access! I've had to do that before and it's hard!
[19:52] <BenM-Host> Yes, we become so accustomed to having the internet. Having to do without it is difficult
[19:52] == carolteach4 [i=4ccb8d97@gateway/web/freenode/x-7dca787c501b81ff] has joined #edtechtalk
[19:52] <cheryloakes50> good evening carolteach4
[19:53] <carolteach4> Hi, Chery -new interface?
[19:53] <cheryloakes50> nice job zhynes I'll do a reverse look up
[19:53] == BenM-Host [i=4a4b67f6@gateway/web/freenode/x-a676dac732f2a3a8] has quit ["Page closed"]
[19:53] <BenN-Host> Mia, hello!
[19:53] <nanga_> the difference at Yarmouth is the tech integrator and staff support..without that they are just laptops
[19:53] <alicebarr> World History http://worldhistoryatyhs.wikispaces.com/
[19:53] <cheryloakes50> tech integrators do help the cause
[19:54] <zhynes_> @cheryloakes: absolutely!
[19:54] <cheryloakes50> Carol, this is a new chat room, not too many liking it now.
[19:54] == whisperingwinds1 [i=4a4b67f6@gateway/web/freenode/x-f2131607786c89be] has joined #edtechtalk
[19:54] <cheryloakes50> Thanks zach
[19:54] <alicebarrhttp://yhsartdept.ning.com/
[19:55] <PeggyG> I'll bet it's so interesting to compare stories with so many different students about courses and technology access!
[19:55] <zhynes_> did Yarmouth have it at any point in history (the senior project)?
[19:55] <cheryloakes50> go to participartory!!!
[19:56] <PeggyG> so many wonderful choices!! tought to choose!
[19:56] <cheryloakes50> go to the ELL one too, that is how I became a webhead!
[19:56] <Suzanne> @zach - yarmouth had a senior seminar class, not a senior project
[19:57] <alicebarr> @zhynes Yes a long time ago and a senior seminar
[19:57] <PeggyG> a "worst" part is not to be able to go to everything :-)
[19:57] <alicebarr> Do you think it would have value?
[19:59] <PeggyG> funny! cheesy :-) icebreaking is a good thing though...
[19:59] == whisperingwinds1 [i=4a4b67f6@gateway/web/freenode/x-f2131607786c89be] has quit ["Page closed"]
[20:00] <zhynes_> I always loved poetry...
[20:00] <PeggyG> are students trusted more at Yarmouth to make decisions about things they do? do you have privileges that other students don't have besides laptops?
[20:00] <cheryloakes50>  poetry is a good equalizer with young adults
[20:00] == carolteach4 [i=4ccb8d97@gateway/web/freenode/x-7dca787c501b81ff] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]
[20:01] == Sarah__ [i=4bb7045f@gateway/web/freenode/x-19e9b1e45e0cd8c1] has quit ["Page closed"]
[20:01] == sheila [i=4610d10d@gateway/web/freenode/x-6a1163595a6567dd] has left #edtechtalk []
[20:01] <PeggyG> have you had the opportunity to see any of the devastation caused by Katrina in New Orleans?
[20:03] <zhynes_> how warm is it?
[20:03] <alicebarr> @peggyG We try really hard to give students voice.
[20:03] <PeggyG> I remember there were lots of street corner musicians in NO--are they still there?
[20:03] == Cathy [i=4bc5bd96@gateway/web/freenode/x-a5642c40236a20c9] has joined #edtechtalk
[20:03] <cheryloakes50> watch out for vampires in NO
[20:04] <cheryloakes50> benn what is your tweet
[20:04] <PeggyG> how funny! beautiful sunset and then snow on the ground? strange weather!
[20:04] <zhynes_> @ benm...many strange, unfortunate things have happened in the last 24 hrs
[20:05] <cheryloakes50> geek of the week, love it
[20:05] <BenN-Host> new york yankees, world series champions! (sorry, off topic)
[20:05] <PeggyG> yes you can copy/paste links and you can copy/paste the chat log without dragging and dropping :-)
[20:05] <zhynes_> yeah, I meant at benn with my comment
[20:05] <cheryloakes50> very excited people at myhouse for NYY
[20:06] <Suzanne> mine too!
[20:06] <zhynes_> very UNEXCITED person in my dorm room here
[20:06] <PeggyG> what a great web page!!!
[20:06] <Cathy> awww yal'll are so cute
[20:06] <cheryloakes50> I like the page too
[20:07] <PeggyG> glad to see you using Google sites for it :-)
[20:07] <cheryloakes50> it easy to use the google sites!
[20:08] <alicebarr> @zach no class tonight?
[20:08] <PeggyG> I really like widgetbox!! I use it all the time and even decided to pay for it to get rid of the ads :-)
[20:08] <zhynes_> taught on monday and wednesday, so no recitation tonight
[20:08] <cheryloakes50> I never heard of this, thanks.
[20:09] <zhynes_> trying to find a better time for students to come to recitation, hence the change..
[20:09] <alicebarr> @Zhynes So glad you are joining us!
[20:09] == Cathy [i=4bc5bd96@gateway/web/freenode/x-a5642c40236a20c9] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]
[20:09] <PeggyG> I use widgetbox to put my blog embedded on the Ning sites I join.
[20:09] <cheryloakes50> what a great idea thanks
[20:10] <PeggyG> you can see an example of what it looks like on my Classroom 20.com Ning page.
[20:10] <PeggyG> what a great site Alice!!
[20:11] == Cathy [i=46d3ff84@gateway/web/freenode/x-4a49b2e32479f844] has joined #edtechtalk
[20:11] <cheryloakes50> yahoo, my teachers will like it too
[20:11] <cheryloakes50> OH, what a great resource
[20:11] <alicebarr> Looks cool I think it will be useful
[20:11] <PeggyG> that's really exciting that we can see some of the videos from the conference!
[20:12] <zhynes_> @benm you would have a conference blog
[20:12] == carolteach4 [i=4ccb8d97@gateway/web/freenode/x-2078a508f21d28ce] has joined #edtechtalk
[20:12] <PeggyG> are you uploading things to the Ning too Ben?
[20:13] <PeggyG> what a great point about the conference blog!
[20:14] <cheryloakes50> what a great idea, Mark Twain as a blogger, I love that connection
[20:14] <zhynes_> that's impressive benn!
[20:14] <cheryloakes50> Thanks so much for sharing!!! You guys ROCK
[20:15] <zhynes_> again, he would make business cards
[20:15] <PeggyG> when do you think the recording for this session will be posted? it would be great to feature it in this week's EdTechTalk newsletter :-)
[20:15] <carolteach4> Hi, all - Just a quick message. A terrible virus has disabled all my virus protection. My technician at school tried to clean it, but it's written to the registry. All I can do now is reformat the drive and start all over. I was trying to use it as is, but now it's taken out all my audio devices, so I can't hear anything.
[20:15] <Cathy> I have sent your site to a young man in North Carolina - his name is Randy Nance
[20:15] <cheryloakes50> Oh, Carolteach4, good luck to you.
[20:15] <cheryloakes50> they are wrapping up
[20:15] <PeggyG> wonderful job ben and ben!! great show!!
[20:15] <carolteach4> Beware, everyone. This is nasty. I kept my norton up to date and ran frequent virus checks. Got right by it.
[20:16] <BenN-Host> Thank you everyon!
[20:16] <BenN-Host> e
[20:16] <PeggyG> how frustrating carolteach4!!

[20:16] == Suzanne [i=482b37bf@gateway/web/freenode/x-b9fd3fe3f28e490f] has quit ["Page closed"]
[20:16] <Cathy> Nice job!
[20:16] <BenN-Host> Thank's for coming in and attending Zach
[20:16] <PeggyG> night all!
[20:16] <zhynes_> haha yeah sure
[20:16] <BenN-Host> New guests, Nanga and Nanga_, thank you guys
[20:17] <cheryloakes50> good night. Next week Maria Knee on SEEDLINGS
[20:17] == nanga [i=4a4b9e20@gateway/web/freenode/x-c4f7018ee2aa08da] has quit ["Page closed"]
[20:17] == nanga_ [i=4a4b9e20@gateway/web/freenode/x-bba7754956e93132] has quit ["Page closed"]
[20:17] <zhynes_> check your fb, benn: sox are already making moves
[20:17] <carolteach4> I'll email you, Peggy.