It's Elementary #39, Video in the Classroom; How to plan for success

Post-Show description: 

Have a listen as the It’s Elementary Team discusses video in the elementary classroom with our guest Mathew Needleman.
"Film in NOT the language of the 21st century. It is the language of the 20th century and schools are just now thinking about catching up."  Make sure to tune in the 2nd and 4th Mondays of every month for another edition of It’s Elementary Webcast. 





 20:45:29  Durff : hey alice

 20:48:40  Durff : hi scott

 20:48:57  Scott Shelhart : Hi DUrff.  This wasnt on the calendar.....almmost missed it

 20:53:22  Durff : Everyone twitter now

 20:55:02  Durff : hi mesafr

 20:55:12  Durff : oops

 20:55:24  Scott Shelhart : sound on ustream or shoutcast?

 20:55:56  Durff : probably will be ustream

 20:56:26  Durff : yes on ustream

 20:57:16  JoseRodriguez : Hi..

 20:57:23  Durff : :)

 20:57:43  JoseRodriguez : I twittered and expect a bus load in a bit

 20:58:03  JoseRodriguez : how is the sound?

 21:01:16  Scott Shelhart : sound good

 21:01:36  JoseRodriguez : Hey Matt..

 21:01:50  matt montagne : hey y'all...good to hear Its Elementary rockin' the ETT airwaves once again!!!

 21:01:53  matt montagne : Hey Jose

 21:02:14  Durff : hey matt

 21:02:17  JoseRodriguez : I upgraded skype today on matt..

 21:02:22  Durff : montagne that is

 21:02:27  JoseRodriguez : sorry meant Mac..

 21:02:46  Durff : hi ioni

 21:02:52  ioni : hi

 21:02:53  JoseRodriguez : I guess the matt folk can know share desktops..

 21:02:54  matt montagne : hey durff

 21:02:59  Durff : sound on ustream

 21:03:02  matt montagne : Jose, I'm diggin the new version of skype on Mac

 21:03:03  Durff : hi  cheri

 21:03:05  JoseRodriguez : again meant Mac..

 21:03:12  matt montagne : Now I just hope Skype doesn't go out of business!

 21:03:19  JoseRodriguez : same here.

 21:03:22  Durff : shhh!

 21:03:23  cheri t : Hi Durgg

 21:03:25  cheri t : Durff

 21:03:27  cheri t : sorry

 21:03:40  MariaK : we Mac folks should do a skype call together!

 21:03:42  Durff : hi ffoxworth

 21:03:46  cheri t : Hey Maria!!!

 21:03:55  ffoxworth : Hi, all!

 21:03:57  MariaK : Hey there Cheri!!

 21:04:02  MariaK : and all

 21:04:05  cheri t : Are you still tired?

 21:04:37  MariaK : exhausted!!!

 21:04:42  Durff : hi demas

 21:04:54  demas : Hi

 21:04:55  Durff : i like someone who is annoyed

 21:05:55  matt montagne : didn't einstein or edison say film was going to kill school?? Or something like that

 21:05:56  Durff : everyone have sound?

 21:06:34  matt montagne : audio is great

 21:06:38  matt montagne : via ustream

 21:06:39  Durff : :)

 21:06:56  ffoxworth : Ustream is great!

 21:07:04  JoseRodriguez : thanks

 21:07:06  Durff : thanks - all jose there

 21:07:25  matt montagne : is it important for kids to know how to tell a narrative in mixed media like it was important for my generatiion to tell a narative on a piece of paper with a pencil??

 21:08:22  matt montagne : I do see it used for cutesy stuff, not real content that is highly valued

 21:08:36  Durff : so composition

 21:08:59  alicemercer : The segmented marketplace, where kids in ignorance can get exploited:

 21:09:28  alicemercer : Cable TV Consortium

 21:09:30  matt montagne : I like the idea of doing a school film festival, and having teachers participate as well

 21:09:36  Durff : we can use film to comprehend video composition and create video composition

 21:09:39  Durff : hi cal

 21:09:50  ffoxworth : Can we list some specific ways mixed media can be used to address curriculum standards?

 21:09:51  CalArmstrong : Hi Durff

 21:09:55  Durff : sound on ustream

 21:09:57  matt montagne : In order for us to be giviing projects/assignments involving mixed media, shouldn't we be creating mixed media artifacts of our own??

 21:10:17  Durff : i would say no matt m

 21:10:27  Durff : not necessarily

 21:10:47  Durff : though some of us have/can

 21:10:48  matt montagne : really, but then how can they develop a true appreciation for the amount of work that goes into it, Durff??

 21:11:00  matt montagne : How can we ask students to do things that we don't do ourselves??

 21:11:00  alicemercer : Narrative story, documentary

 21:11:10  Durff : the great hammer of Durff

 21:11:15  alicemercer : documentary, for teaching and entertaining

 21:11:18  alicemercer : commercials

 21:11:34  alicemercer : Which are persuassive writing

 21:11:50  alicemercer : introduction to Propoganda

 21:12:14  matt montagne : mathcasts!

 21:12:23  matt montagne : mathcasts put students in the role of the teacher

 21:12:23  alicemercer :

 21:12:46  matt montagne : and we know that we learn best when we teach something to different people

 21:12:49  JoseRodriguez : If you didn't catch it ... Mathew was with us for  K12oline LAN Party.

 21:13:35  matt montagne : not sayin' that durff

 21:13:42  matt montagne : they at least have to have done it once

 21:14:06  Durff : okay then be difficult\

 21:14:13  JoseRodriguez : funny

 21:14:24  matt montagne : but, they have all written

 21:14:35  matt montagne : teachers who teach writing have at least worked in that medium

 21:14:40  Durff : yes blogging

 21:14:56  Durff : but we blog with students too

 21:14:58  Durff : hi sr

 21:15:01  matt montagne : but with mixed media, teachers assign things that they've never even attempted

 21:15:18  Durff : i have, and i think you have too

 21:15:33  sr : storyboarding??

 21:15:36  Durff : i prefer the kids to be better than i am

 21:15:44  matt montagne : I'm trying to create assignment teasers and stuff like that...instead of just writing it up on paper

 21:15:56  Durff : storyboarding is an important step

 21:21:18  alicemercer :

 21:21:40  ffoxworth : But you have to weigh the amount of time it takes to produce detailed video compared to the amount of time you have to spend on covering the standards you're using the video project to address.

 21:21:44  Durff :

 21:22:10  alicemercer : @ffoxworth, but if the lessons are more likely to stick from video, isn't it worth the time?

 21:22:49  Durff : one minute movies too much time?

 21:23:05  alicemercer : @ffoxworth, there's the argument for it

 21:23:07  JoseRodriguez : so.. these proyects are one way to showcase learning from a unit of study.

 21:23:15  Durff : the amount of engagement alone is worth it

 21:23:50  ffoxworth : To me, yes, but I live in a very standards-based, pacing guide world (ugh!) so I have to consider how my teachers are willing to spend their time.

 21:24:38  alicemercer : @ffoxworth: Mathew and I are in teh same boat

 21:24:42  Durff : we all do what we can were we are

 21:24:49  ffoxworth : I completely agree that the engagement is worth it!

 21:25:09  alicemercer : What state @ffoxworth?

 21:25:40  ffoxworth : South Carolina:)

 21:26:01  alicemercer : Okay, that's a state that is increasing their standards difficulty

 21:26:50  sr : you can make it address the standards

 21:27:04  alicemercer : Your kiddos in elementary will NOT be able to do higher order thinking using the text

 21:27:07  Durff : hi sl h welcome!

 21:27:20  SL h : hi!

 21:27:38  Durff : kids love animation

 21:28:20  Durff : sound is on ustream - hope everyone hears mathew - he's a great guest!

 21:28:22  alicemercer : except the story quality sucks!

 21:28:38  alicemercer : It is NOT Oprah's Book Club

 21:29:12  ffoxworth : I completely agree!  I'm talking about convincing my non-techie teachers that this is worth the time.  Tomorrow I'm doing some PD sessions on using tech tools for assessment, and I'm including video as a genre.  Give me some more ideas!

 21:29:48  Durff : The Language Police

 21:30:20  Durff : you're in the right place ffoxworth

 21:32:49  Durff : rob!

 21:32:53  rjacklin : HI!

 21:32:57  rjacklin : Been a while!

 21:33:02  Durff : 'bout time

 21:33:07  rjacklin : Are we stream A or B?

 21:33:12  alicemercer : Ustream

 21:33:16  JoseRodriguez : on ustream

 21:33:23  rjacklin : thx

 21:33:28  Durff : $5

 21:33:46  Durff : X 2 answers

 21:34:11  rjacklin : I'm so in debt...just keep the tab running:D

 21:34:18  Durff : :)

 21:34:43  alicemercer :

 21:34:56  Durff : YEAH!!

 21:35:15  JoseRodriguez : It's about taking risks.. That includes the teacher willing to give up control

 21:35:36  alicemercer : Video in the

 21:35:39  Durff : in our classroom, we are all learners

 21:36:09  matt montagne : great point matthew

 21:36:54  Durff : if you have an IT who will download it

 21:36:57  JoseRodriguez : the use of still pictures for moving making.

 21:37:04  Durff : welcome back sr

 21:37:12  matt montagne : stills and audio is a great way to enter

 21:37:25  matt montagne : stills and audio takes out complexity of motion video

 21:37:40  alicemercer : But not the only way MM

 21:37:43  Durff : filmesthetic?

 21:38:06  matt montagne : video can be tought to wrangle...the files can be huge and less portable

 21:38:17  matt montagne : even voicethread is a great way to start

 21:38:34  Durff : First grade doing VT here

 21:38:36  matt montagne : no, of course not the only way alice...but for many, a great way to have success with limited time budget

 21:38:50  JoseRodriguez : I like that.. attitude.. just go in and give it a try.

 21:39:05  alicemercer : Voice Thread from Third Graders

 21:39:16  Durff : 8th grade did movies all year and that was cut (read economy)

 21:39:16  rjacklin : How do you help motivate students to plan? My students abhore storyboarding, regardless of topic--even if they choose.

 21:39:42  alicemercer : RJ: They need to see what it will get them

 21:40:00  alicemercer :

 21:40:04  Durff : the great hammer of Durff helps the storyboarding happen

 21:40:06  matt montagne : @rjacklin...great, great question about motivating students to plan

 21:40:10  alicemercer : RJ How old are students

 21:40:17  rjacklin : Maybe I'm just not teaching it correctly...that could very well be :-(

 21:40:26  JoseRodriguez : ;)

 21:40:28  alicemercer : Have them do analysis of a single scene

 21:40:32  rjacklin : 6th-8th grade

 21:40:32  Durff : i don't believe that

 21:40:45  alicemercer : so they can see how COMPLEX it is

 21:40:51  Durff : rob is a great teacher

 21:41:10  alicemercer : Does that make sense RJ?

 21:41:50  rjacklin : @alice...sort of, regardless, they just want to do..

 21:41:52  Durff : my 8th graders whizzed through and messed up the film. So they then went back and redid their storyboard

 21:42:07  Durff : we did AFI The Door Scene

 21:42:08  alicemercer : Then show them what they get which is usually garbage

 21:42:28  rjacklin : My kids make so many changes in the process that they wind up not seeing the value of a good storyboard.

 21:42:31  mathew : Marco Torres

 21:42:34  mathew :

 21:42:50  rjacklin : I probably need to do a better job of modeling good storyboarding...

 21:42:55  Durff : vidcast?

 21:43:29  Durff : 'cept maria - she is in the cab

 21:45:42  rjacklin : OK...that makes more sense. My digital stories have been mostly about stills and not so much video...

 21:46:34  rjacklin : exactly....

 21:46:35  rjacklin : Yes!

 21:46:53  Durff : he's pickin on you rob! this is GREAT!!

 21:47:05  Durff : I couldn't plan this any better

 21:47:23  Durff : those pesky trees

 21:47:30  rjacklin : They tend to find new images to replace ones they plan.

 21:48:07  rjacklin : That makes a ton of sense! Thx!

 21:48:09  sr : interesting points

 21:48:31  rjacklin : Is there a site where we have examples of real movie storyboards to show students?

 21:49:11  matt montagne : monopods are killer tools ... and cheap

 21:49:17  alicemercer : AFI has a clip from Indiana Jones

 21:49:36  matt montagne : monopods help with stabilization, are super portable, and give you access to some incredible shot possibilities

 21:49:48  Durff : which is the way artists study, authors study, photographers study. makes sense

 21:50:24  Durff : we bring in movies to ??

 21:50:53  rjacklin : Great food for thought! Thx.

 21:50:56  matt montagne : another great activity is to have students watch a movie and simply observe and note the camera shots...

 21:51:39  ffoxworth : Great conversations! Thanks!

 21:51:46  Durff : :)

 21:52:03  matt montagne : likwise...kudos to the IE team and Matthew!

 21:52:41  Durff : needleman is a great guest!

 21:52:46  mathew : thank you

 21:53:35  matt montagne : great point, Matthew!

 21:54:17  Durff : see rob, you were good

 21:54:25  Durff : foxqworth

 21:54:37  rjacklin : :-)

 21:55:33  matt montagne : Gotta take the Fire ready aim approach sometimes!

 21:55:55  Durff : don't hurt 'em

 21:56:40  mathew : Thank you chat room and hosts

 21:56:58  Durff : hear that wonderful voice

 21:57:28  alicemercer : We MAY change show time contrary to what maria just said

 21:57:33  cheri t : yea!!!

 21:58:02  cheri t : g'nite

 21:59:09  cheri t : bye all

 21:59:15  cheri t : thank you

 21:59:16  Durff : nite folks

 21:59:24  JoseRodriguez : thanks all