Conversations #39
This week's conversation was started by a May 27 blog post by lisa Thumann titled Coping with Distractions . As always, Lisa, Sheila and Maria found plenty to talk about and there was a bit of giggling as well. The chat room was busy too.
This week's conversation was started by a May 27 blog post by Lisa Thumann titled Coping with Distractions . As always, Lisa, Sheila and Maria found plenty to talk about with a bit of giggling as well. The chat room was busy too.
Chat Log
11:20:43 Steve Guditus: What will be the topic of conversation today?
11:30:21 MariaK:
11:32:07 MariaK: We are talking about setting the priorities in our lives...
11:32:43 Lisa Parisi: Hi everyone.
11:33:00 Maureen: Hi In for a break from lawn-mowing...been out of touch for a couple of weeks, overwhelmed with work.
11:33:02 loonyhiker: hi y'all!
11:34:50 Lisa Parisi:
11:36:43 loonyhiker: sometimes all the things i have to do overwhelm me to the point that i can't do anything
11:36:46 sroseman: ditto I have my tappedin account; gmail and FirstClass and lisa's site etc
11:37:01 Maureen: Sometimes I just have to stay offline- I love my PLN, but end of the year work this time around has been too much.
11:37:02 sroseman: along with edtechtalk
11:37:20 sroseman: and having a conversation with someone on tappedin
11:37:23 Lisa Parisi: Hello Colleen
11:37:27 sheila: Welcome Steve and Colleen
11:37:30 colleenk: Hi Lisa, Hi Everyone
11:37:31 Lisa Parisi: Welcome Steve
11:37:42 Steve Guditus: Hello all; what's our topic of conversation today?
11:37:56 Lisa Parisi: Prioritizing your life
11:38:00 MariaK: Setting priorities
11:39:13 Maureen: I got an emergency call the other night at midnight from my daughter- boyfriend break up, and one of my selfish thoughts was -oh no, I don't want to come to Block Island and pick you up, I have way too much work to do. Luckily it was jet lag and a red eye flight- all was well in the morning.
11:39:14 Lisa Parisi: Welcome Barb
11:39:25 BarbInNebraska: Hi Lisa!
11:40:14 Maureen: I love my job, but it seems like sometimes it is my life.Hard to separate the 2.
11:40:39 loonyhiker: @maureen that is why it is so important that we take care of ourselves so we can take care of others - kind of like being on a plane - put the oxygen mask on yrself before you put it on yr child
11:41:15 sheila: @Maureen I feel that too!
11:41:20 colleenk: @Maureen I don't think I have any separation at all. Only when I go away on vacation - leave this environment altogether.
11:41:40 Maureen: @loonyhiker Good analogy. I get so run down by the end of the school year I find it hard to function. Not much left to give.
11:42:01 MariaK: here is the link to Lisa Thumann's blog post -
11:42:08 sheila: I'm finding I don't turn on my computer on Saturdays.
11:42:11 sroseman: this is play for you I think
11:42:12 Maureen: Hi Colleen- I've been offline for several weeks just because I can't do it all.
11:42:21 BarbInNebraska: I think we are always trying to better our teaching. There is no down time from that.
11:42:54 BarbInNebraska: I'm afraid I'll miss that great idea!
11:42:59 colleenk: My husband and I argue about Math Playground. He doesn't see that as my job at all.
11:43:00 Leslie D.: @barbinnebraska I agree
11:43:11 Maureen: I agree Maria- we are committed to improving ourselves as teachers, but sometimes I feel like I should be committed.
11:44:13 sroseman: My husband has no interest in my job or comouter interests.
11:44:19 sroseman: computer
11:44:34 BarbInNebraska: My house falls apart until June when I can reclaim it. Did you see the tweet from me last night looking for some mail?
11:44:59 BarbInNebraska: My husband is a teacher too, so he understands.... I think!
11:45:14 loonyhiker: i will start tching grad courses next wk and my hubby keeps reminding me that i'm supposed to be retired - i try to explain to him that i need to share and connect - it's as important to me as breathing
11:45:49 BarbInNebraska: @loonyhiker that is SO true! That must be our personality type. The sharing/connecting personality
11:46:14 BarbInNebraska: I'm afraid to make my to do list. I'm afraid it's too long!
11:46:33 colleenk: @loonyhiker I agree with you. These connections are very important.
11:46:51 Maureen: We finished teaching on Thursday- came home and slept for 10 hours, woke up and went to bed ... Summer is different- I try to take better care of myself and get more sleep. But I actually try to work on so much school work-related things all summer all long.
11:47:19 loonyhiker: then i'm presenting at our technology conference (again he reminds me that i'm retired but i think it is so important that i share my experiences and knowledge of new tech to teachers because now i actually have the time to do this)
11:48:04 loonyhiker: it sounds like we need a Teachers Anonymous support group LOL
11:48:11 Lisa Parisi: LOL
11:48:13 sheila: :)
11:48:15 BarbInNebraska: You said it Loonyhiker!
11:48:32 sroseman: lovely kayaking in Ottawa
11:48:59 Maureen: Just got bumped out, strange.
11:49:09 Lisa Parisi: Welcome Back, Maureen
11:50:27 BarbInNebraska: Parker Palmer? What was the title?
11:51:34 MariaK: courage to Teach - finding links now
11:51:40 loonyhiker: i think we r so used to always giving to others that we forget to give to ourselves
11:51:52 BarbInNebraska: Thanks, Maria!
11:52:09 MariaK:
11:52:54 MariaK:
11:53:41 MariaK: What is at the top of your priority list ?
11:53:42 sheila:
11:53:47 BarbInNebraska: Should we be setting limits? Is that the answer?
11:54:12 loonyhiker: i think we need to make sure we have balance
11:54:12 MariaK: What is do you manage things
11:54:36 MariaK: Which should be considered a distraction...
11:54:52 loonyhiker: sometimes we also need to say it is okay to say no and choose - there is always next yr to exchange activities
11:56:03 loonyhiker: sometimes knowing that my hubby is jealous of my time helps me make choices and keep some balance in my life
11:56:40 Lisa Parisi: Pat, would you like to join the skype chat? Anyone want to join?
11:57:17 sroseman: Shut off technology for a week
11:57:49 loonyhiker: @lisa no thx (shhh, hubby thinks i'm watching a video w/ him right now and doesn't know i'm listening to y'all lol)
11:58:13 BarbInNebraska: Some of my Catholic friends gave up Social Media for Lent. They gave up Twitter, Plurk, and Facebook.
11:58:31 colleenk: Too funny!
11:58:45 sheila: Should we speak more softly just in case?
11:59:04 sroseman: My hubby ..says what the heck are you doing down there in the basement for hours on end
11:59:07 MariaK: @Barb - It would be easier for me to give up desserts and chocolate!
11:59:11 sheila: How did that go for them Barb?
11:59:14 Maureen: priorities call- son on phone from Idaho...
11:59:25 BarbInNebraska: @MariaK, I know I couldn't do it!
11:59:46 sheila: Welcome Leigh!
11:59:57 BarbInNebraska: @sheila, I think they did it, but I don't know if they didn't lurk. I know they didn't post.
12:00:11 sheila: Interesting!
12:00:30 sheila: That would be hard to avoid to do!
12:00:59 Leigh from Baku: Hi folks. Checking out this forum for the first time.
12:01:13 BarbInNebraska: Hi Leigh!
12:01:16 loonyhiker: @leigh hi there - this is a great conversation today :)
12:01:24 Lisa Parisi: Welcome Leigh. There is sound on ustream and on ETTA
12:01:31 sroseman: are we going to talk about NECC???
12:01:31 Lisa Parisi: Are you hearing the show?
12:01:51 sheila: Talking about priorities.
12:01:54 Leigh from Baku: Oh, didn't realise there was sound.
12:02:07 Leigh from Baku: Not sure how to get it.
12:02:09 Lisa Parisi: Click on ustream and you can get sound
12:02:19 sheila: Click on the play button.
12:02:21 Lisa Parisi: on side bar on the right
12:02:25 BarbInNebraska: Has anyone done the Gallup teacher perceiver test?
12:02:36 BarbInNebraska: I think we are all the same type
12:02:39 Leigh from Baku: Got it.
12:02:51 BarbInNebraska: No, it will tell you that this is our personality type
12:03:02 BarbInNebraska: it's interesting
12:03:17 BarbInNebraska: because it shows your strengths, Teach with your strengths!
12:03:27 loonyhiker: it helped my hubby to meet my online friends in person when we stopped in hutchinson, ks and met KevinH, Honeymic, HowieG, Lulubell, HuskerFan etc.
12:03:31 BarbInNebraska: We are the type that always is gathering new information
12:03:53 loonyhiker: he was amazed that there were others who were just like me and understood me and understood how he felt
12:04:13 BarbInNebraska: I know I can't blog like Larry can. He's amazing!
12:05:31 loonyhiker: my planning was at the end of the day and i really didn't get much done that is why i was at school at 7am cuz i'm a morning person
12:07:36 BarbInNebraska: I can't drop a link in this box for that Gallup Teach with Your Strength poll
12:07:42 BarbInNebraska: I'll tweet it later.
12:07:52 Lisa Parisi: ok Barb. Thanks.
12:08:44 BarbInNebraska: It was right on for me. I have the book at school but I have my results, somewhere in this house!
12:08:54 Leslie D.: I love having Skype on as well. We've had a few good experiences from it.
12:10:28 Leslie D.: Do some people have multiple twitter accounts? I'd like to use it for my class too.
12:10:56 BarbInNebraska: Twitter and plurk is blocked at my school
12:11:03 BarbInNebraska: But Facebook isn't!
12:11:05 Lisa Parisi: Anyone want to come into the skype call?
12:11:07 MariaK: I haven't set up a second twitter account but would like to do this
12:11:32 sheila: I do have multiple accounts.
12:11:54 Leslie D.: @MariaK I'm going to try this for the fall.
12:12:01 BarbInNebraska: That's me too! I don't want to miss out on anything!
12:12:01 Leigh from Baku: Better get back to a song I'm writing for a dear elderly friend's funeral this week.
12:12:23 MariaK: @Leslie - what do you teach?
12:12:47 Leigh from Baku: It's a German lullaby that I'm adapting from a translation. How can I find out when you're chatting again?
12:12:48 Leslie D.: elem spanish
12:13:07 Lisa Parisi: We run this show every Sunday.
12:13:12 Leigh from Baku: excellent
12:13:24 Leigh from Baku: great. See you again. Bye
12:13:59 ClaireHertz: good morning
12:14:11 Lisa Parisi: Hello Claire and Cheri
12:14:16 sheila: Hi Cheri!
12:14:20 Cheri T: Hi Lesa
12:14:22 Cheri T: Hi Sheila
12:14:25 Cheri T: Lisa
12:14:44 MariaK: my class wants to learn spanish - maybe we could start an online connection
12:14:53 Cheri T: You all are too funny!
12:15:00 Leslie D.: I would love it.
12:15:10 Leslie D.: Where do you live?
12:15:14 loonyhiker: i'm so jealous! wish i could be there but i'll be teaching!
12:17:12 BarbInNebraska: Found my Strength Finder results!
12:17:26 MariaK: @leslie - I live in NH and my class has started video conferencing with a kindergarten class in Madrid
12:17:27 BarbInNebraska: I'm Input, Adaptability, Positivity, Developer, and Empathy
12:17:59 BarbInNebraska: An Input personality means that we crave to know more they collect things and archive all kinds of information
12:18:11 BarbInNebraska: So I think we are all like this
12:18:24 sheila: That sounds like me!
12:18:51 BarbInNebraska: It was a really interesting test. Gallup is located in our state and a lot of school districts use this
12:19:21 Leslie D.: @Maria ¡Qué bien! I live in Colorado. I'm actually heading to Spain later this month. Is your school in Madrid still in session?
12:19:25 BarbInNebraska: They have identified 34 different strngths in this test
12:19:41 sheila: Will try it later.
12:19:53 Cheri T: Would you all quit being so sad ...
12:20:16 Cheri T: We need to have a giggle-up at NECC
12:20:28 BarbInNebraska: we are being melancholy(sp?)
12:20:32 loonyhiker: hubby wonders why i'm giggling when video is not funny at all lol
12:21:41 MariaK: @cheri - giggle up - like it! I'll be practicing until then
12:23:00 sroseman: what happen if the Internet should go down for a day or two
12:23:11 sroseman: happens
12:23:18 BarbInNebraska: @scoseman or when Twitter goes down!
12:23:31 sheila: We had an ice storm and I had no power for 8 days.
12:23:32 Cheri T: @Maria - where are you staying in DC?
12:23:55 Cheri T: I'll be at the Washington Plaza
12:24:25 BarbInNebraska: Have to go flip the laundry, BRB
12:24:27 Cheri T: @Maria - I think we had a breakfast meet-up in atlanta
12:24:38 sheila: @cheri we'll be at the Hampton Inn I think. NH group.
12:24:46 Cheri T: thaks Sheila
12:24:58 loonyhiker: @barb ummm, how do u flip laundry? and why?
12:26:13 BarbInNebraska: Just realized I have wireless and my laptop, so bringing you down to the laundry room to take out the clothes in the dryer and start the washer. "Flipping laundry"
12:26:47 sheila: @Barb That's staying connected!
12:26:56 BarbInNebraska: LOL
12:27:30 loonyhiker: ahhh, now i understand
12:27:44 loonyhiker: i just pictured laundry being flipped on a spatula like an omelet
12:27:50 MariaK: @cheriT couldn't type and talk at the same time - i'm old! Love the idea of a breakfast meetup - we have free breakfast at the hampton Inn!!!!
12:28:40 loonyhiker: sometimes making kids wait gives them time to discover the answers on their own
12:28:44 sheila: Welcome gaston!
12:28:57 loonyhiker: sometimes asking for help can be a habit
12:29:23 loonyhiker: rather than a real need
12:29:36 sroseman: what do I do first .. I won't be registering until Monday
12:30:13 Cheri T: LOL
12:30:55 sroseman: advice for newbies
12:30:56 Cheri T: add it to the list
12:31:35 Cheri T: HA!
12:31:42 sroseman: ageism
12:31:44 Cheri T: Sheesh, that's another generation away from me
12:31:49 BarbInNebraska: lol
12:31:52 Cheri T: exactly .... fogey-meetup
12:31:55 BarbInNebraska: crash the youngerst!
12:32:04 BarbInNebraska: *youngsters*
12:32:12 BarbInNebraska: Digital pioneers!
12:32:16 BarbInNebraska: I like it!
12:32:19 Cheri T: Digital Pioneers ... we'll ride our buggies over
12:32:28 Cheri T: LOL
12:32:33 BarbInNebraska: lol
12:32:34 sroseman: where are all the parties
12:32:48 Cheri T: put your age in binary
12:32:58 loonyhiker: OMG, the yr we started? that would really show my age
12:33:29 loonyhiker: my first computer was a commodore 64!
12:33:30 Cheri T: 1100111000101010101001001001010101100010010101
12:33:52 sroseman: Apple !! for me
12:33:59 Cheri T: not only can I not write in binary
12:34:02 sroseman: Apple 11
12:34:03 Cheri T: I can't read it either
12:34:20 Cheri T: Apple 2E with 4 mb
12:34:21 sroseman: I had a 3,000 $ Apple
12:34:27 Cheri T: hahahaha
12:34:31 Leslie D.: Apple SE
12:34:34 Cheri T: there you go
12:34:41 sroseman: I used the Iweb when it was text based
12:34:44 loonyhiker: looks like y'all are younger than me!
12:34:47 Cheri T: what was 100 again in roman numerals
12:34:52 Cheri T: tee hee
12:35:08 loonyhiker: thank u for a wonderful conversation today!
12:35:09 ClaireHertz: thank you!
12:35:14 Cheri T: thanks everyone
12:35:25 BarbInNebraska: Thanks! This was fun
12:35:26 Cheri T: Giggle-up will meet ....
12:35:28 Cheri T: when ever
12:35:36 Cheri T: the whole time
12:35:47 Leslie D.: @maria I'll find you next year if you want to connect.
12:35:51 Cheri T: A giggle a day keeps the computer geek away
12:36:04 Lisa Parisi:
12:36:21 Cheri T: hahahaha
12:36:29 Cheri T: all day long every day
12:37:15 sroseman: au revoir
12:37:32 loonyhiker: bye y'all - we r getting ready to watch August Rush
12:38:00 Cheri T: Maria are you in NH? I"d like to add you to my Skype contacts
12:38:19 Leslie D.: Thanks! Now on to other priorities.
12:38:24 MariaK: I'm agearrings in skype
12:38:44 Lisa Parisi: Bye all
12:38:52 BarbInNebraska: bye!
12:38:55 Cheri T: thanks everyone
12:39:27 Cheri T: Sheila, I don't have you on skype either
12:40:34 sheila: I'm kmno4s
12:41:16 Cheri T: thanks
12:41:21 Cheri T: bye gals!
12:41:26 sheila: thank you!
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