Conversations Episode 38 05-31-09

Post-Show description: 

This week was open mic week.  Maria Knee, Sheila Adams, and Lisa Parisi were joined by Lucy Gray and Sue Roseman to discuss many topics such as: twitter issues, NECC 2009, and making changes top down vs. bottom up.

This week was open mic week.  Maria Knee, Sheila Adams, and Lisa Parisi were joined by Lucy Gray and Sue Roseman to discuss many topics such as: twitter issues, NECC 2009, and making changes top down vs. bottom up.


Chat Archive:

11:36:26  MariaK -> : stream in etta and ustream

 11:36:41  PeggyG -> : I'm sneaking away from my family but may get suddently called away--will stay as long as I can
 11:36:55  Lisa Parisi -> : Hi Shannon
 11:37:02  brachsmith -> : I am are you?
 11:37:11  PeggyG -> : getting the audio now on ustream-thanks
 11:37:15  Lisa Parisi -> : Good. Are you done with school yet?
 11:37:25  Lisa Parisi -> : Hello Lucy
 11:37:29  brachsmith -> : Yes...been done for about a week...feeling rested!
 11:37:39  LucyGray -> : Hey Lisa
 11:37:52  PeggyG -> : Good morning all!!
 11:38:19  PeggyG -> : I'd like to hear the latest update on the suspended Twitter account :-)
 11:38:35  PeggyG -> : Maria knows
 11:39:05  PeggyG -> : you caused me to do a bunch of research on how this can happen!!
 11:39:14  LucyGray -> : Is there feedback or is it me?
 11:39:25  brachsmith -> : no feedback here
 11:39:31  PeggyG -> : no feedback for me on ustream
 11:40:07  Lisa Parisi -> : Welcome Sue
 11:40:14  sroseman -> : hi Lisa
 11:40:15  PeggyG -> : Hi Sue
 11:40:22  sroseman -> : topic??
 11:40:27  Lisa Parisi -> : Open Mic
 11:40:28  sheila -> : open mic
 11:40:29  sroseman -> : hi Peggy
 11:41:00  PeggyG -> : this is an amazing story--thank you so much for sharing the info
 11:41:32  PeggyG -> : I read somewhere that you had to start a new twitter account to be able to report a problem with your account!
 11:41:45  Lisa Parisi -> : Hello Woodenmask
 11:41:58  woodenmask -> : Hi
 11:42:00  Lisa Parisi -> : Welcome back Lucy.  Try the ustream
 11:42:10  LucyGray -> : ah okay
 11:42:16  sroseman -> : turned off stream  ..wish to use skype
 11:42:17  LucyGray -> : I keep forgetting the opening tabs will close this hat
 11:42:49  PeggyG -> :
 11:42:52  Lisa Parisi -> : Sue, you can only listen through ustream or ETTA
 11:43:17  LucyGray -> : Much better
 11:43:25  colleenk -> : Hi All!
 11:43:29  LucyGray -> : What a story!
 11:43:30  Lisa Parisi -> : Hello Colleen
 11:44:16  LucyGray -> : It's okay
 11:44:17  LucyGray -> : lol
 11:44:21  PeggyG -> : seems to be happening a lot based on this search--
 11:44:22  LucyGray -> : I think Amazon is the worst
 11:44:44  LucyGray -> : If you have a problem with Google Apps or anything education related, you can always shoot me an email and I'll pass it on
 11:45:32  MariaK -> :
 11:45:37  PeggyG -> : I've had the same experience with VoiceThread!! They are amazing with their responses!
 11:47:33  PeggyG -> : that's great to know Lucy!!
 11:48:14  PeggyG -> : they say it can take up to 30 days to get your account back up!! you had good luck!!
 11:49:20  PeggyG -> : me too Lisa--happens with new message announcements on some Nings too! you go there and there's no new message
 11:49:23  colleenk -> : One of my Twitetr followers (a teacher) just sent a suspicious looking DM this morning. Didn't click on the link she included.
 11:49:53  PeggyG -> : I love using Power Twitter because it shows you the real URL for tiny urls so you know what you're clicking on
 11:50:53  colleenk -> : @PeggyG This was a url I could read. Something about "join me for spymasters".
 11:51:06  PeggyG -> :
 11:51:14  colleenk -> : @MariaK No, I didn't click on yours :)
 11:51:15  Lisa Parisi -> : Anyone want to come into the skype call?
 11:51:23  colleenk -> : Is that real?
 11:51:30  PeggyG -> : good decision Colleen--not to click on that one :-)
 11:52:13  PeggyG -> : if you browse through that getsatisfaction link you'll see lots of recent reports about twitter suspended accounts and tips on how they solved the problem
 11:52:37  MariaK -> : skype
 11:52:42  brachsmith -> : is her account suspended?
 11:52:43  PeggyG -> : come back Maria!!
 11:52:53  PeggyG -> : too funny brachsmith!!
 11:54:09  brachsmith -> : it is like your cache
 11:54:23  sroseman -> : I am on a MAC
 11:54:25  brachsmith -> : yes
 11:54:26  PeggyG -> : not sure how clearing your browser cache can solve that problem with twitter
 11:54:28  brachsmith -> : control panel
 11:54:42  brachsmith -> : not sure how that would help
 11:55:26  PeggyG -> : you can choose what you want to remove/clear in preferences on Mac (Firefox and Flock)
 11:55:39  PeggyG -> : you don't have to clear the history to clear the cache
 11:56:00  brachsmith -> : just run a scan with windows defender or something similar
 11:56:20  brachsmith -> : windows defender
 11:56:22  brachsmith -> : free
 11:56:26  brachsmith -> : oh mac
 11:56:34  sroseman -> : Disk Warrior
 11:56:36  brachsmith -> : not sure about mac with windows defender
 11:56:36  PeggyG -> : there are so many reasons your twitter account could be suspended (learned from my reading last night)
 11:56:58  sroseman -> : Disk Warrior ..not free
 11:56:58  brachsmith -> : free is key!
 11:57:16  brachsmith -> : funny
 11:57:16  PeggyG -> : that "bad" video someone hacked on your account could have caused someone to report it as inappropriate and then suspend your account until they can investigate it
 11:57:39  brachsmith -> : I remember that.
 11:57:45  sheila -> : Free for Mac - ClamXav
 11:58:24  PeggyG -> : the frustrating thing I was hearing from people was once your account is suspended you can't use it to contact twitter to report the problem
 11:58:54  sroseman -> : School on Sunday?
 11:59:19  sheila -> : Better connections at school to stream . . .
 11:59:51  PeggyG -> : I read that just today--don't use the 3rd party apps like snowball fight
 12:00:03  PeggyG -> :
 12:00:17  PeggyG -> : great advice in Cheryl's blog post!
 12:00:30  sheila -> : Thanks Peggy!
 12:00:33  sroseman -> : wow you are devoted
 12:00:52  sroseman -> : key to get tin
 12:01:03  PeggyG -> : It was Maria's experience that caused me to start researching his last night :-)
 12:01:21  PeggyG -> : awards are wonderful!!!!
 12:01:47  PeggyG -> : hooray!!!! twitter not blocked at school :-)
 12:02:14  Lisa Parisi -> : Anyone want to come on the skype call and talk about something?
 12:02:35  brachsmith -> : Must go pick up daughter's friend for playtime...thanks for the morning "conversations"!
 12:02:42  Lisa Parisi -> : Bye Shannon
 12:02:52  sheila -> : Bye Shannon, have a great day.
 12:02:53  PeggyG -> : that's a great reason--Supt. on Twitter :-) We should all send him a welcome message :-)
 12:03:11  sheila -> : Yes, we should. :)
 12:03:22  sroseman -> : can I skype in
 12:03:32  sroseman -> : talk about NECC
 12:03:50  PeggyG -> : What are you all hearing about Google WAVE? sounds really interesting!
 12:04:09  Lisa Parisi -> : Hello Joel
 12:04:40  joelz -> : Howdy
 12:04:52  PeggyG -> : Lucy-can you come on and talk about Google WAVE?
 12:05:17  joelz -> : @Maria: Your super is on Twitter? Can you share her handle?
 12:05:39  PeggyG -> : I agree with Maria--Pollyana point of view is good!!!
 12:06:17  PeggyG -> :
 12:06:26  Lisa Parisi -> : Lucy?  Want in?
 12:06:51  PeggyG -> : when a leader like a Supt starts to use a tool it helps others to want to explore how to use it
 12:07:22  PeggyG -> : look at what has happened with Skype since Oprah started using it and highlighting it!!
 12:07:25  LucyGray -> : Hi
 12:07:33  LucyGray -> : Sorry I was distracted by family
 12:07:36  Lisa Parisi -> : Lucy can you come in and talk about Wave?
 12:07:43  LucyGray -> : I honestly don't know much about wave!
 12:07:54  LucyGray -> : Yeah!
 12:08:14  LucyGray -> : Plan ahead with NECC
 12:08:22  LucyGray -> : Develop a strategy
 12:08:45  PeggyG -> : that link will give you a preview - new tool for communication and collaboration on the web-coming later this year
 12:08:48  joelz -> : @Maria: I got bumped off the chat, can you post your super's twitter handle again?
 12:09:08  Lisa Parisi -> : She didn't post it yet Joel
 12:09:13  LucyGray -> : If you are concerned about being overwhelmed... do plan ahead
 12:09:22  LucyGray -> : That was in response to the woman from Canada!
 12:09:35  LucyGray -> : Pick a theme of something you're interested in
 12:09:54  LucyGray -> : like interactive whiteboards or blogging or math oriented sessions
 12:10:05  PeggyG -> : I think it helps to use the Conference Planner even if you don't go to all of the sessions you save--just helps you to find them easily once you're there
 12:10:23  LucyGray -> : I agree, Peggy. I overbook the planner so I always have some choices
 12:10:43  PeggyG -> : me too--lots of conflicts in my planner but that's fine
 12:10:48  MariaK -> : please follow my super and asst super - tell them the connection- peterhwarburton (super) and  gpaludi  (asst super)
 12:10:55  sheila -> : I use the planner too. Have several choices for each session.
 12:11:06  LucyGray -> : Have you looked in the Global Education ning for people?
 12:11:19  LucyGray -> :
 12:11:42  LucyGray -> : There's a global ed birds of a feather at NECC too where you might find people
 12:12:13  PeggyG -> : I also sometimes sit in the Blogger's Cafe/NECC Unplugged and watch the stream from another session just to save walking :-)
 12:13:28  PeggyG -> : sounds like a great project Lisa!
 12:14:25  sroseman -> : [email protected]
 12:14:32  sroseman -> : oh no the other one
 12:14:42  sroseman -> : [email protected]
 12:15:16  LucyGray -> : You should look for someone from an international school in South America
 12:15:31  sroseman -> : or Shanghai
 12:16:06  sroseman -> : try epals
 12:16:39  LucyGray -> : Also, try TakingITGlobal for connecting
 12:17:33  LucyGray -> : Valerie Becker in Martha's Vineyard has gotten very adept at looking for partners for very specific purposes
 12:17:43  LucyGray -> : You need to contact people directly in the GEC Lisa
 12:17:59  LucyGray -> : There are two people in the GEC from Brazil, for instance, so send them a message
 12:18:06  LucyGray -> : Don't wait for people to come to you necessarily
 12:18:19  LucyGray -> : You have to dig
 12:18:27  LucyGray -> : Unfortunately
 12:18:34  LucyGray -> : Talk to Valerie... she might have some good tips
 12:18:49  LucyGray -> : Once the membership grows, it will get easier
 12:19:04  LucyGray -> : but South America has been traditionally underrepresented
 12:19:09  LucyGray -> : It's because of Bandwith
 12:19:16  LucyGray -> : they don't necessarily have the ability
 12:19:23  LucyGray -> : Look at the GEC cluster map
 12:19:29  LucyGray -> : it's really a map about bandwith
 12:19:33  LucyGray -> : lol
 12:19:38  LucyGray -> : Sure 
 12:19:45  LucyGray -> : let me find headphones
 12:19:50  MariaK -> : @joelz peterhwarburton (super) gpaludi (asst super) mifk  (district tech director)
 12:20:37  sheila -> :
 12:20:51  MariaK -> : sheila knows stuff!
 12:21:05  sheila -> : HOw to paste? yeah, right!
 12:21:14  sroseman -> : let's talk about Susan Boyle
 12:21:47  PeggyG -> : Yes--Susan Boyle!! I can't believe she didn't win!! She was amazing!!
 12:21:53  sroseman -> : I am more interested in Michelle Obama's arms
 12:22:02  LucyGray -> : Okay
 12:22:04  LucyGray -> : I'm readly
 12:22:08  LucyGray -> : I have lots of thoughts on this
 12:22:14  sroseman -> : poor performance on Susan Boyle's part
 12:22:17  PeggyG -> : too funny Sue!
 12:22:37  PeggyG -> : I thought her performance was great!
 12:22:51  sroseman -> : Not as good as her first performance
 12:22:54  LucyGray -> : oops I didn't mean to call you
 12:22:58  LucyGray -> : I was just trying to search
 12:23:16  PeggyG -> : that interview with Jen Wagner on ET Brainstorm was fantastic!
 12:23:25  spedteacher -> : I think it is possible that there are a lot of edubloggers who blog in their native languages who do not join our networks because they are not comfortable in or don't know English.
 12:23:29  MariaK -> : yes it was! yeah Jen
 12:24:12  spedteacher -> : How likely would you be to join a Japanese blogging community?
 12:24:27  Lisa Parisi -> : What about English speaking minorities?
 12:24:33  joelz -> : If all things are equal, we should aim for balanced representation.
 12:24:41  PeggyG -> : the webheads in action is an awesome group for people who speak different languages to participate--lots of wonderful sharing!!
 12:25:49  PeggyG -> : their convergence conference was excellent last weekend
 12:25:50  MariaK -> : @peggyG are you a webhead yet?
 12:26:23  MariaK -> : we do programming when we use our logo roamers - log - perfect environment for young children
 12:26:43  MariaK -> : logo not log
 12:27:05  PeggyG -> : This is the Ning Carla Arena started for webheads and it is great! She will be our guest next Sat. on Classroom 2.0 LIVE telling about EVO and Images4Education
 12:27:27  PeggyG -> : I'm sort of a webhead--on the Ning and listserv :-)
 12:28:15  MariaK -> : @peggyG - you are such a geek!  lol That's why I love you.
 12:28:31  PeggyG -> : I really am because I just love learning from everyone!!
 12:29:34  PeggyG -> : I agree with Lucy about the mindset!
 12:29:40  MariaK -> : @woodenmask - i just noticed you are here - woo hoo - hello john NH is well represented in this chat
 12:30:27  colleenk -> : @PeggyG Tim F was very thankful for the Classroom 2.0 opportunity. He really appreciated it.
 12:31:24  PeggyG -> : He was fantastic!! I've listened to his recording twice already! That was such a great show and having both you and Graeme (Math Maker) join in was a real bonus!!
 12:31:44  LucyGray -> : My daugther is at one of the most elite schools here in Chicago
 12:31:51  LucyGray -> : and there's no collaboration going on either
 12:32:02  LucyGray -> : Some teachers, some of the time
 12:32:11  LucyGray -> : but it's not an organized effort
 12:32:14  joelz -> : If it were all up to admins, don't you think things would be diffent by now?
 12:32:15  MariaK -> : @peggyG where are those Classroom 2.0 sessions archived?
 12:32:28  joelz -> : *different*
 12:32:33  LucyGray -> : Let's inspire people!
 12:32:37  LucyGray -> : I'd start with that!
 12:32:54  colleenk -> : There's very little collaboration or technology at the elite schools in Boston. Very traditional setting.
 12:33:20  PeggyG -> : there are very very poor schools that are finding ways to collaborateways to collaborate
 12:33:27  sroseman -> : same problems here in Ontario
 12:33:34  joelz -> : Who has tried and failed with bottom up change? I would love to see documentation of this.
 12:33:34  PeggyG -> :
 12:33:52  sroseman -> : school model has not changed in decades
 12:34:39  PeggyG -> : my typing is so delayed here--sorry for messy posts!!
 12:35:04  joelz -> : I'm not convinced technology by itself is a compelling reason to change
 12:35:31  sroseman -> : take a look at this
 12:35:44  PeggyG -> : technology should support the changes needed not be the reason for the change
 12:36:19  PeggyG -> : the rewards are very helpful so we can see good models of best practices!
 12:36:36  joelz -> : Who decides what "should be" in education?
 12:36:56  PeggyG -> : great question joelz!
 12:37:22  joelz -> : I stole it from Neil Postman.
 12:38:40  PeggyG -> : thanks for that link Sue-love the laptop program info there
 12:39:01  sroseman -> : can you post your model
 12:39:38  joelz -> : Maybe it's not about delivering YOUR message, but developing a vision WITH your colleagues in your school.
 12:40:04  sheila -> : Good point Joelz
 12:40:21  woodenmask -> : It was a good meeting this past Friday, Maria.
 12:40:44  joelz -> : @Lisa so the issue isn't tech use, the issue is deeply held beliefs.
 12:40:54  Lisa Parisi -> : Yes, Joel.
 12:41:19  joelz -> : Every classroom teacher has an idealist inside waiting to be stirred.
 12:41:31  MariaK -> : there you are - john - wasn't sure if the boy called you away!:p 
 12:41:36  PeggyG -> : very well said Maria-celebrate those changes! we all need encouragement to keep trying new things
 12:42:04  sheila -> : @LisaP - don't forget you inspire us!
 12:42:20  Lisa Parisi -> : I so want to believe that Joel.
 12:42:23  PeggyG -> : hilarious!!
 12:43:20  PeggyG -> : sometimes people don't get it the first time you show/share it--once they discover they have a need for it they'll come back and ask you again
 12:43:21  sheila -> : @LisaP - you got other classrooms to do Earthcast!
 12:44:00  PeggyG -> : thhis has been a great conversation!!
 12:44:14  woodenmask -> : I'm here. Just working on being a better listener. (An uphill struggle.)
 12:44:52  PeggyG -> : I'm going to NECC and can't wait to see any of you who will be there!
 12:44:57  spedteacher -> : That's the problem in my school -- no one to go to for how-to help or any kind of assistance.
 12:44:59  sheila -> : @sroseman - NECC idea - register now for BYOL.
 12:45:25  spedteacher -> : I'm becomming that guy and I have no idea what I'm doing. I just have interest and enthusiasm.
 12:45:33  PeggyG -> : so funny!!
 12:45:55  PeggyG -> : I'm going to the Constructivist Celebration on Sunday with Gary Stager
 12:46:27  PeggyG -> : Saturday is EduBloggerCon and I'm going to that
 12:46:43  PeggyG -> : Hooray Lucy!! I'll see you there
 12:47:09  colleenk -> : Are you going, Maria?
 12:47:44  LucyGray -> : Bye ladies... see you soon
 12:47:49  LucyGray -> : thanks for letting me for babbling
 12:47:55  PeggyG -> : That was such a great show you did with Gary and the NH experience with Constructing Modern Knowledge!!
 12:48:30  Lisa Parisi -> :
 12:48:30  sheila -> :
 12:48:56  PeggyG -> : thanks everyone!! fun show!!