WOW2 Show #112 with Karin Muller of Take2 Videos

Post-Show description: 

National Geographic Photojournalist Karin Muller joined us on April 28, 2009 to share her incredible initiative, Take2 Videos. Karin places herself in conflict areas to provide high-definition footage to students so that they can create documentaries and shorts.This is an opportunity for our students to interact with real people about gritty issues.

National Geographic Photojournalist Karin Muller joined us on April 28, 2009 to share her incredible initiative, Take2 Videos. Karin places herself in conflict areas to provide high-definition footage to students so that they can create documentaries and shorts. This is an opportunity for our students to interact with real people about gritty issues.


Chat text:


20:58:00 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: Tonight's Delicious Links:

21:00:01 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: hi all--getting our skype call going-starting soon :-)

21:00:38 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: our guest tonight is Karin Muller--very exciting stuff to share!!

21:01:00 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk:

21:01:20 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk:

21:02:17 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: Hi, I didn't miss WOW after all. I thought I had because I thought last night was Tuesday. I'm glad to finally be here.

21:02:26 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: Should I be hearing audio yet?

21:02:42 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: not yet  -- but soon

21:02:53 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: delicious links:

21:03:13 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: stream just starting

21:03:25 [Message] Cheri T -> -EdTechTalk: Hi everyone!!

21:03:31 [Message] Cheri T -> -EdTechTalk: can you hear us?

21:03:46 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: welcome everyone-we're so excited to hear from Karin tonight!!

21:03:58 [Message] Cheri T -> -EdTechTalk: 30 second delay ... can you hear us now?

21:04:00 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: Hi

21:04:04 [Message] Judi Wolf -> -EdTechTalk: I am not getting sound yet. Should I be?

21:04:05 [Message] Cheri T -> -EdTechTalk: hi jackie

21:04:15 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: My Real Player is spinning -says connecting, but I can't hear anything. Did I click on the right place - Ed Tech Talk A

21:04:23 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Jackie-so glad you're here! I'm talking about you again tonight in my WOW of week :-)

21:04:37 [Message] meacherteacher -> -EdTechTalk: I can hear

21:04:39 [Message] Judi Wolf -> -EdTechTalk: I am getting the same as carolTeach

21:04:41 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: WOW Peggy another wow LOL

21:04:48 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: yup!

21:05:26 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: Still nothing - help- see a message in tray about transferring data from, but no sound yet.

21:05:27 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: I am getting it via itunes

21:05:56 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: thanks for the feedback on audio!

21:06:12 [Message] Cheri T -> -EdTechTalk:

21:06:59 [Message] Cheri T -> -EdTechTalk:

21:07:24 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: clicked on Windows Media Player link, and now I have sound. Yeah!

21:08:51 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: It is so hard to toot one's own horn!

21:08:53 [Message] Cheri T -> -EdTechTalk: My latest post on Tooting Your Own Horn:

21:09:06 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk:

21:10:13 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk:

21:10:16 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk:

21:10:28 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: :D

21:10:33 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk:'-Workshop

21:10:40 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks, Peggy. I am looking to get our kids involved in a project outside our school walls. Can't wait to follow the link.

21:10:47 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks peggy!

21:11:04 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk:,8816,1568480,00.html

21:11:20 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: Will you be willing to help those of us who aren't where your guys are yet?

21:11:31 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: excellent article Jen!! Thanks!!

21:11:32 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: I am very grategul for you Peggy!

21:11:33 [Message] sharonp -> -EdTechTalk:

21:11:53 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: What do you mean Carol?

21:12:11 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @carolteach4--absolutely!! everyone is willing to collaborate! definitely connect with Jackie!

21:12:38 [Message] sharonp -> -EdTechTalk:

21:12:43 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Great resource for Moodle courses!

21:12:54 [Message] sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: is there audio

21:13:07 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: yes, Sue -- there is

21:13:20 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: some are using itunes -

21:13:25 [Message] sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: where is it

21:13:30 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: You are going so fast. We have started using some web 2.0 tools at our school but haven't connected with classes in other geographical locations. I really want us to do this, but I'm not sure how to connect. Perhaps that poetry project might be a good place to start.

21:13:45 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: I think it is the first icon -- the speaker icon??

21:14:07 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: What conference?

21:14:23 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: carolteach4 -- you are welcome to visit my NING as well....  teachers from all over the world

21:14:39 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: Jackie -- Cherie and I were both at TechForum in IL this past Friday

21:14:45 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @carolteach4--Jen's online projects are a fantastic place to start!!

21:14:51 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: OK

21:15:12 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk:

21:15:20 [Message] Cheri T -> -EdTechTalk: Here's the link to all the WOWs tonight

21:15:23 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk:

21:15:29 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: ALL TONIGHT'S LINKS ARE AT:

21:15:53 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: simple background???!!!! very powerful!!

21:16:30 [Message] Cheri T -> -EdTechTalk: very powerful

21:16:36 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks Jen

21:17:17 [Message] JohnS -> -EdTechTalk: Everyone able to get audio okay?

21:17:23 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Hi JohnS and sroseman!

21:17:42 [Message] sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: thanks, Jen the audio thro' itunes

21:18:01 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: wouldn't you love to follow Karin for a day?? she's incredible!

21:18:23 [Message] Cheri T -> -EdTechTalk: I would, Peggy

21:18:38 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: such a wonderful point!! need one enthusiastic teacher :-)

21:19:04 [Message] sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: We want to get the word out about TAke2 - so pass along this great program to the teachers in your network

21:20:00 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: what a thrilling experience for students!

21:20:15 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: :-)

21:21:25 [Message] meacherteacher -> -EdTechTalk: What age of kids are usually involved?

21:22:08 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: this is really breaking down the walls--such an exciting project!

21:22:32 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: really gives meaning to a flat world

21:22:57 [Message] meacherteacher -> -EdTechTalk: Talk about expending students' horizons!!

21:23:09 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: student voices can definitely help us to view things from a different perspective--so wonderful

21:23:18 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: @ JenW - thanks so much. I'll go there now and bookmark it.

21:23:23 [Message] sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: we have set up a ning where the students involved can interact with each other - peer review, we even have experts in the filed providing feedback about the rough cuts

21:23:51 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @sharonp-do you have a separate ning from the take2 ning?

21:24:13 [Message] sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: no...we are using the TAke2 Students' view ning

21:24:27 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: incredible story about parent involvement!

21:24:43 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I just joined that ning--amazing stuff there

21:24:52 [Message] meacherteacher -> -EdTechTalk: @sharonp - your kids are secondary.  I'm not worried about the editing skills, but in your opinion, could the footage still be appropriate for my fourth graders?

21:25:06 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: we need to tell our politicians about this site!

21:25:20 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: One of our social studies teachers got the kids involved in a fund raiser for Darfur last year. They raised enough to buy a few shelter boxes for ther refugees. This year they knitted infant caps, and we had a speaker from "Save the Children". It wasn't high tech, but the kids' awareness was raised.

21:25:58 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: What is the situation in Darfur now? I heard that most of the relief agencies had been kicked out.

21:27:00 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @carolteach4--awesome project and great example for making this work with younger kids

21:27:44 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: this is so much more powerful than a powerpoint presentation :-) the power of visuals!

21:30:26 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: it's probably no more graphic than what they see on the nightly news

21:31:25 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: what are the editing tools you recommend for the students?

21:32:43 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: amazing 8 different tools! from cheap to expensive--lots of possibilities!

21:32:48 [Message] steven.kimmi -> -EdTechTalk: What is the topic this evening?

21:33:25 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Karin Muller is our guest

21:33:52 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk:

21:34:54 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: that's a great suggestion Sharon

21:34:54 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: @steven -Thanks for asking. I kind of missed that. Now I'm feeling more comfortable.

21:34:56 [Message] steven.kimmi -> -EdTechTalk: Ooh, I like that, not failing because of failure of the hardware

21:35:29 [Message] steven.kimmi -> -EdTechTalk: @carol - no problem.

21:35:40 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: even voicethread would work as a simple starting place

21:36:48 [Message] meacherteacher -> -EdTechTalk: I love the idea of all that background information.

21:37:02 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: We use PhotoStory3 alot, and our 7th graders do fabulous projects with it.

21:37:26 [Message] meacherteacher -> -EdTechTalk: Great suggestion, sharon, to work with a more limited quantity of footage

21:38:11 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: approaching them by themes or modules is a very helpful suggestion

21:38:48 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: what is doctors without borders?

21:39:01 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: I recently bought a VadoHD from Creative, but I don't have any editing program that will import the HD video. I can change the setting to VGA, but then the definition is really poor. Any ideas?

21:39:16 [Message] jvirant -> -EdTechTalk:

21:39:32 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: thanks jvirant

21:40:00 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: Doctors Without Borders is a large organization of doctors who volunteer their skills all over the world. Unfortunately, I heard they had to leave Darfur.

21:40:08 [Message] jvirant -> -EdTechTalk: You're welcome!

21:40:17 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: @carolteach4   I have not really devoted ANY time to learning video yet.   sorry

21:40:27 [Message] sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: yes, they made the decisioin to leave Darfur bec of the violence

21:41:16 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: What a shame!

21:41:21 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I love the collaborative nature of the project!!

21:42:17 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: This is so interesting about the copyright aspect.

21:42:46 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: This sounds almost like the project at

21:43:05 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: hey y'all

21:43:10 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: How absolutely courageous!

21:43:17 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: Collaboration is one of the top skills that the forutune 500 companies want plus most of my student young and college prefer to work in groups

21:43:41 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: amazing stories!!!!!

21:44:08 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: Karin has great stories - someone should do a digital story about her

21:44:11 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: rain good luck on a wedding!

21:44:34 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: Where is Karin located - I am spending the summer in New Mexico

21:46:39 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Karin has authored 3 books that have been translated into 8 languages!

21:46:49 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: Thank goodness we have people like Karin who are willing to risk personal safety in order to effect education and change.

21:47:34 [Message] steven.kimmi -> -EdTechTalk: Has anyone had luck with video in voicethread, it seem slike the longer narrative of a video stifles the comments of others.

21:47:54 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: welcome Matt -- looks like you got stuck in the revolving door of the chat room

21:48:00 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: she is providing us with an education most of us could never get any other way-thrilling!

21:48:05 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: you may have talked about this...The Girl Effect:

21:48:32 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: Jdub...this chat behaves really weird in safari when you open new tabs...sorry 'bout that

21:48:53 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: @matt  -- no worries......   I need to try the chat room with safari to see what you are talking about

21:50:13 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: very funny!!

21:50:21 [Message] jvirant -> -EdTechTalk: Every friend I've had who has done Peace Corps, etc. discusses the bribe factor in Africa...

21:50:22 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: I ponder that question alot about "western ways/values"

21:50:31 [Message] jvirant -> -EdTechTalk: A dead chicken--novel!!

21:51:27 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: for books and DVDs of Karin's documentary series

21:51:27 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: Oh, my. What a story! I could never ever do something like this. Thank goodness for that human protection.

21:51:58 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: She is very fascinating -

21:53:23 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: thanks for that link Jackie--very interesting!

21:54:04 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: that's a great idea for the film festival with differing points of view

21:54:13 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: Karin mentioned that she isn't an educator; I beg to differ. What a wonderful educator, she is.

21:54:20 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: I've really been pondering pure capitalism in a world with a growing population and natural resource scarcity...

21:54:21 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: absolutely!!

21:54:23 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: I agree @carol

21:55:03 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: @matt   I have been thinking the same lately.

21:55:22 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: @Matt - was it you who set up the EarthCast09 voice thread?

21:55:29 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: thank you sooooo much Karin!!! What a valuable experience listening to you and learning from you!

21:55:56 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: was the Earthbridges/Earthcast team that got that voicethread going

21:56:14 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: her model of using teachers on the steering committee is outstanding!

21:56:19 [Message] sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: thanks all

21:56:37 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: Tell Karin I will give her a call when I get back to Santa Fe in a few weeks !

21:56:54 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: What a great conversation. So many links to follow. Thanks for all the inspiration.

21:57:26 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: May 12- Robin Ellis, May 26-TEachers without Borders-trip to Africa

21:57:50 [Message] jvirant -> -EdTechTalk: Maybe you've not been a "teacher" in a "classroom"...but a teacher in the global sense, absolutely, Karin.

21:58:16 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: @jvirant...great point...

21:58:40 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: the opportunities for networking at conferences is so valuable!! so glad you shared that

21:58:42 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: who can be part of the learning community now?? The possibilities are endless now!

21:59:19 [Message] meacherteacher -> -EdTechTalk: I'm really interested in trying this.  Great topic.  Thanks so much!

22:01:03 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: Is that keynote available streaming on line?

22:01:05 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I feel so fortunate to be able to learn from these online learning opportunities via stream and webcast!!

22:01:14 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: Who are we talking about again?

22:01:21 [Message] sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: Clarence Fisher

22:01:40 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: Oh, yes. I have watched one of his videos.

22:01:47 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: female keynotes??? Yeah!!!

22:02:14 [Message] Cheri T -> -EdTechTalk: thanks everyone!!

17:07:43 [Message] Pilar -> -Puentes al Mundo: Hola

17:08:33 [Message] Mònica -> -Puentes al Mundo: hola!

17:08:47 [Message] Mònica -> -Puentes al Mundo: :)

17:08:49 [Message] Pilar -> -Puentes al Mundo: asasasasas

17:16:41 [Message] monprojects -> -Puentes al Mundo: hola!

17:16:50 [Message] Mònica -> -Puentes al Mundo: ben vinguda!

17:36:12 [Message] Pilar -> -Puentes al Mundo: hola

20:52:42 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: hi jvirant! thanks for the retweet! this is going to be an exciting show!!

20:58:00 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: Tonight's Delicious Links:

21:00:01 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: hi all--getting our skype call going-starting soon :-)

21:00:38 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: our guest tonight is Karin Muller--very exciting stuff to share!!

21:01:00 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk:

21:01:20 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk:

21:02:17 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: Hi, I didn't miss WOW after all. I thought I had because I thought last night was Tuesday. I'm glad to finally be here.

21:02:26 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: Should I be hearing audio yet?

21:02:42 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: not yet  -- but soon

21:02:53 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: delicious links:

21:03:13 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: stream just starting

21:03:25 [Message] Cheri T -> -EdTechTalk: Hi everyone!!

21:03:31 [Message] Cheri T -> -EdTechTalk: can you hear us?

21:03:46 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: welcome everyone-we're so excited to hear from Karin tonight!!

21:03:58 [Message] Cheri T -> -EdTechTalk: 30 second delay ... can you hear us now?

21:04:00 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: Hi

21:04:04 [Message] Judi Wolf -> -EdTechTalk: I am not getting sound yet. Should I be?

21:04:05 [Message] Cheri T -> -EdTechTalk: hi jackie

21:04:15 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: My Real Player is spinning -says connecting, but I can't hear anything. Did I click on the right place - Ed Tech Talk A

21:04:23 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Jackie-so glad you're here! I'm talking about you again tonight in my WOW of week :-)

21:04:37 [Message] meacherteacher -> -EdTechTalk: I can hear

21:04:39 [Message] Judi Wolf -> -EdTechTalk: I am getting the same as carolTeach

21:04:41 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: WOW Peggy another wow LOL

21:04:48 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: yup!

21:05:26 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: Still nothing - help- see a message in tray about transferring data from, but no sound yet.

21:05:27 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: I am getting it via itunes

21:05:56 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: thanks for the feedback on audio!

21:06:12 [Message] Cheri T -> -EdTechTalk:

21:06:59 [Message] Cheri T -> -EdTechTalk:

21:07:24 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: clicked on Windows Media Player link, and now I have sound. Yeah!

21:08:51 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: It is so hard to toot one's own horn!

21:08:53 [Message] Cheri T -> -EdTechTalk: My latest post on Tooting Your Own Horn:

21:09:06 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk:

21:10:13 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk:

21:10:16 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk:

21:10:28 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: :D

21:10:33 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk:'-Workshop

21:10:40 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks, Peggy. I am looking to get our kids involved in a project outside our school walls. Can't wait to follow the link.

21:10:47 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks peggy!

21:11:04 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk:,8816,1568480,00.html

21:11:20 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: Will you be willing to help those of us who aren't where your guys are yet?

21:11:31 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: excellent article Jen!! Thanks!!

21:11:32 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: I am very grategul for you Peggy!

21:11:33 [Message] sharonp -> -EdTechTalk:

21:11:53 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: What do you mean Carol?

21:12:11 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @carolteach4--absolutely!! everyone is willing to collaborate! definitely connect with Jackie!

21:12:38 [Message] sharonp -> -EdTechTalk:

21:12:43 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Great resource for Moodle courses!

21:12:54 [Message] sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: is there audio

21:13:07 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: yes, Sue -- there is

21:13:20 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: some are using itunes -

21:13:25 [Message] sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: where is it

21:13:30 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: You are going so fast. We have started using some web 2.0 tools at our school but haven't connected with classes in other geographical locations. I really want us to do this, but I'm not sure how to connect. Perhaps that poetry project might be a good place to start.

21:13:45 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: I think it is the first icon -- the speaker icon??

21:14:07 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: What conference?

21:14:23 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: carolteach4 -- you are welcome to visit my NING as well....  teachers from all over the world

21:14:39 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: Jackie -- Cherie and I were both at TechForum in IL this past Friday

21:14:45 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @carolteach4--Jen's online projects are a fantastic place to start!!

21:14:51 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: OK

21:15:12 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk:

21:15:20 [Message] Cheri T -> -EdTechTalk: Here's the link to all the WOWs tonight

21:15:23 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk:

21:15:29 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: ALL TONIGHT'S LINKS ARE AT:

21:15:53 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: simple background???!!!! very powerful!!

21:16:30 [Message] Cheri T -> -EdTechTalk: very powerful

21:16:36 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks Jen

21:17:17 [Message] JohnS -> -EdTechTalk: Everyone able to get audio okay?

21:17:23 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Hi JohnS and sroseman!

21:17:42 [Message] sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: thanks, Jen the audio thro' itunes

21:18:01 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: wouldn't you love to follow Karin for a day?? she's incredible!

21:18:23 [Message] Cheri T -> -EdTechTalk: I would, Peggy

21:18:38 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: such a wonderful point!! need one enthusiastic teacher :-)

21:19:04 [Message] sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: We want to get the word out about TAke2 - so pass along this great program to the teachers in your network

21:20:00 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: what a thrilling experience for students!

21:20:15 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: :-)

21:21:25 [Message] meacherteacher -> -EdTechTalk: What age of kids are usually involved?

21:22:08 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: this is really breaking down the walls--such an exciting project!

21:22:32 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: really gives meaning to a flat world

21:22:57 [Message] meacherteacher -> -EdTechTalk: Talk about expending students' horizons!!

21:23:09 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: student voices can definitely help us to view things from a different perspective--so wonderful

21:23:18 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: @ JenW - thanks so much. I'll go there now and bookmark it.

21:23:23 [Message] sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: we have set up a ning where the students involved can interact with each other - peer review, we even have experts in the filed providing feedback about the rough cuts

21:23:51 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @sharonp-do you have a separate ning from the take2 ning?

21:24:13 [Message] sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: no...we are using the TAke2 Students' view ning

21:24:27 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: incredible story about parent involvement!

21:24:43 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I just joined that ning--amazing stuff there

21:24:52 [Message] meacherteacher -> -EdTechTalk: @sharonp - your kids are secondary.  I'm not worried about the editing skills, but in your opinion, could the footage still be appropriate for my fourth graders?

21:25:06 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: we need to tell our politicians about this site!

21:25:20 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: One of our social studies teachers got the kids involved in a fund raiser for Darfur last year. They raised enough to buy a few shelter boxes for ther refugees. This year they knitted infant caps, and we had a speaker from "Save the Children". It wasn't high tech, but the kids' awareness was raised.

21:25:58 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: What is the situation in Darfur now? I heard that most of the relief agencies had been kicked out.

21:27:00 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @carolteach4--awesome project and great example for making this work with younger kids

21:27:44 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: this is so much more powerful than a powerpoint presentation :-) the power of visuals!

21:30:26 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: it's probably no more graphic than what they see on the nightly news

21:31:25 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: what are the editing tools you recommend for the students?

21:32:43 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: amazing 8 different tools! from cheap to expensive--lots of possibilities!

21:32:48 [Message] steven.kimmi -> -EdTechTalk: What is the topic this evening?

21:33:25 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Karin Muller is our guest

21:33:52 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk:

21:34:54 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: that's a great suggestion Sharon

21:34:54 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: @steven -Thanks for asking. I kind of missed that. Now I'm feeling more comfortable.

21:34:56 [Message] steven.kimmi -> -EdTechTalk: Ooh, I like that, not failing because of failure of the hardware

21:35:29 [Message] steven.kimmi -> -EdTechTalk: @carol - no problem.

21:35:40 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: even voicethread would work as a simple starting place

21:36:48 [Message] meacherteacher -> -EdTechTalk: I love the idea of all that background information.

21:37:02 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: We use PhotoStory3 alot, and our 7th graders do fabulous projects with it.

21:37:26 [Message] meacherteacher -> -EdTechTalk: Great suggestion, sharon, to work with a more limited quantity of footage

21:38:11 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: approaching them by themes or modules is a very helpful suggestion

21:38:48 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: what is doctors without borders?

21:39:01 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: I recently bought a VadoHD from Creative, but I don't have any editing program that will import the HD video. I can change the setting to VGA, but then the definition is really poor. Any ideas?

21:39:16 [Message] jvirant -> -EdTechTalk:

21:39:32 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: thanks jvirant

21:40:00 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: Doctors Without Borders is a large organization of doctors who volunteer their skills all over the world. Unfortunately, I heard they had to leave Darfur.

21:40:08 [Message] jvirant -> -EdTechTalk: You're welcome!

21:40:17 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: @carolteach4   I have not really devoted ANY time to learning video yet.   sorry

21:40:27 [Message] sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: yes, they made the decisioin to leave Darfur bec of the violence

21:41:16 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: What a shame!

21:41:21 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I love the collaborative nature of the project!!

21:42:17 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: This is so interesting about the copyright aspect.

21:42:46 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: This sounds almost like the project at

21:43:05 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: hey y'all

21:43:10 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: How absolutely courageous!

21:43:17 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: Collaboration is one of the top skills that the forutune 500 companies want plus most of my student young and college prefer to work in groups

21:43:41 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: amazing stories!!!!!

21:44:08 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: Karin has great stories - someone should do a digital story about her

21:44:11 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: rain good luck on a wedding!

21:44:34 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: Where is Karin located - I am spending the summer in New Mexico

21:46:39 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Karin has authored 3 books that have been translated into 8 languages!

21:46:49 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: Thank goodness we have people like Karin who are willing to risk personal safety in order to effect education and change.

21:47:34 [Message] steven.kimmi -> -EdTechTalk: Has anyone had luck with video in voicethread, it seem slike the longer narrative of a video stifles the comments of others.

21:47:54 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: welcome Matt -- looks like you got stuck in the revolving door of the chat room

21:48:00 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: she is providing us with an education most of us could never get any other way-thrilling!

21:48:05 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: you may have talked about this...The Girl Effect:

21:48:32 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: Jdub...this chat behaves really weird in safari when you open new tabs...sorry 'bout that

21:48:53 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: @matt  -- no worries......   I need to try the chat room with safari to see what you are talking about

21:50:13 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: very funny!!

21:50:21 [Message] jvirant -> -EdTechTalk: Every friend I've had who has done Peace Corps, etc. discusses the bribe factor in Africa...

21:50:22 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: I ponder that question alot about "western ways/values"

21:50:31 [Message] jvirant -> -EdTechTalk: A dead chicken--novel!!

21:51:27 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: for books and DVDs of Karin's documentary series

21:51:27 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: Oh, my. What a story! I could never ever do something like this. Thank goodness for that human protection.

21:51:58 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: She is very fascinating -

21:53:23 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: thanks for that link Jackie--very interesting!

21:54:04 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: that's a great idea for the film festival with differing points of view

21:54:13 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: Karin mentioned that she isn't an educator; I beg to differ. What a wonderful educator, she is.

21:54:20 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: I've really been pondering pure capitalism in a world with a growing population and natural resource scarcity...

21:54:21 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: absolutely!!

21:54:23 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: I agree @carol

21:55:03 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: @matt   I have been thinking the same lately.

21:55:22 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: @Matt - was it you who set up the EarthCast09 voice thread?

21:55:29 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: thank you sooooo much Karin!!! What a valuable experience listening to you and learning from you!

21:55:56 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: was the Earthbridges/Earthcast team that got that voicethread going

21:56:14 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: her model of using teachers on the steering committee is outstanding!

21:56:19 [Message] sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: thanks all

21:56:37 [Message] jackiegerstein -> -EdTechTalk: Tell Karin I will give her a call when I get back to Santa Fe in a few weeks !

21:56:54 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: What a great conversation. So many links to follow. Thanks for all the inspiration.

21:57:26 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: May 12- Robin Ellis, May 26-TEachers without Borders-trip to Africa

21:57:50 [Message] jvirant -> -EdTechTalk: Maybe you've not been a "teacher" in a "classroom"...but a teacher in the global sense, absolutely, Karin.

21:58:16 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: @jvirant...great point...

21:58:40 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: the opportunities for networking at conferences is so valuable!! so glad you shared that

21:58:42 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: who can be part of the learning community now?? The possibilities are endless now!

21:59:19 [Message] meacherteacher -> -EdTechTalk: I'm really interested in trying this.  Great topic.  Thanks so much!

22:01:03 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: Is that keynote available streaming on line?

22:01:05 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I feel so fortunate to be able to learn from these online learning opportunities via stream and webcast!!

22:01:14 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: Who are we talking about again?

22:01:21 [Message] sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: Clarence Fisher

22:01:40 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: Oh, yes. I have watched one of his videos.

22:01:47 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: female keynotes??? Yeah!!!

22:02:14 [Message] Cheri T -> -EdTechTalk: thanks everyone!!

22:02:40 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: thank you all! fantastic chat room and conversations!

22:02:45 [Message] aforgrave -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks -- great experience to share!

22:02:54 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: Thank you, Peggy.

22:03:22 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: the chat and the recording will be archived for tonight so we can share it with others :-)

22:04:20 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks Dave Cormier and Jeff Lebow for Worldbridges for this fantastic learning platform!!

22:05:04 [Message] jvirant -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks to the WoW2.0 for coordinating, as always!

22:05:38 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: night all

22:02:40 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: thank you all! fantastic chat room and conversations!

22:02:45 [Message] aforgrave -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks -- great experience to share!

22:02:54 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: Thank you, Peggy.

22:03:22 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: the chat and the recording will be archived for tonight so we can share it with others :-)

22:04:20 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks Dave Cormier and Jeff Lebow for Worldbridges for this fantastic learning platform!!

22:05:04 [Message] jvirant -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks to the WoW2.0 for coordinating, as always!

22:05:38 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: night all