2009-2-19 SEEDlings NIng Conversation
Thanks to our chat room and guests Ernie Easter and Janice Stearns, we got some great ideas to take the Seedlings Ning to it's next level. Come see what's going on!
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Thanks to our chat room and guests Ernie Easter and Janice Stearns, we got some great ideas to take the Seedlings Ning to it's next level. Come see what's going on! During the first fifteen minutes there are some technical difficulties.
alice (SEEDlings) -> HI Ernie
Ernie Easter -> Hi Alice
alice (SEEDlings) -> I;ll call you in a few minutes
Ernie Easter -> Great. Borrowed a Snowball Mic from school.
alice (SEEDlings) -> Cool
alice (SEEDlings) -> THey sound great!
alice (SEEDlings) -> Ernie: Be sure to turn video off too
Ernie Easter -> Kids use it for daily announcement podcast that they put together the day before. Ok on video
Ernie Easter -> Hi John
JohnM -> Good evening
alice (SEEDlings) -> Hi JohnM
alice (SEEDlings) -> Welcome
JohnM -> I saw your tweet, and it peaked my curiousity.
alice (SEEDlings) -> We'll be right there. Just getting set up now
Ernie Easter -> He bmcnaboe
JohnM -> What it EdtechTalk?
bmcnaboe -> hello everyone
Ernie Easter -> Hi Wesley
Wesley Fryer -> greetings Ernie! :-)
alice (SEEDlings) -> Hi bmcnaboe
alice (SEEDlings) -> How's vacation going?
alice (SEEDlings) -> Can you all hear me?
bmcnaboe -> vacation is good
bmcnaboe -> ski team won states 4th year in a row!!!!
Wesley Fryer -> i am about to open the stream in itunes...
bmcnaboe -> we had a big homecoming last night with 3 police cars and a plow!
alice (SEEDlings) -> @bmcnaboe Awesome!
tim -> i can hear you
bmcnaboe -> can hear
JohnM -> I'm a total noobie. How do I listen?
JohnM -> NV - figured it out.
Wesley Fryer -> I can hear you Alice (testing)
Ernie Easter -> I'm not hearing you Alice
Wesley Fryer -> It sounds very clear at this point.
Wesley Fryer -> @Ernie did you click the audio link on http://edtechtalk.com/live
tkaminski -> I am not hearing anything either
Wesley Fryer -> Are you both listening via itunes?
Wesley Fryer -> you should have the audio stream open in a different program other than the chat
tkaminski -> No
Wesley Fryer -> Hi Cheryl!
Wesley Fryer -> Earnie I didn't realize you were joining live, I think Alice is calling you via skype
Wesley Fryer -> hey there Cyndi!
alice (SEEDlings) -> If you are trying to listen, then be sure to click the link for audio stream in the upper right hand corner
Wesley Fryer -> I am still hearing you and Earnie fine
Ernie Easter -> Hi Jim
tkaminski -> I can hear now via itunes
JimBurke -> Hi Ernie . . .
Wesley Fryer -> @tkaminski that's great!
Wesley Fryer -> Ernie what is your blog or wiki link?
tkaminski -> Hello Alice!!
JimBurke -> <==listening
JohnM -> Streaming via Windows media player works fine too.
cyndidannerkuhn -> no sound?
Wesley Fryer -> I just tweeted a link to the webcast
JimBurke -> Does the flu start with a cough?
jackiegerstein -> it was greater advertised on twitter!
Wesley Fryer -> I appreciated the heads-up email
JohnM -> I RT'd it as well.
Wesley Fryer -> Earnie is totally breaking up, can't understand him
tkaminski -> The reminder e-mail at Seedlings was nice
angela maiers -> Hello Friends!
Wesley Fryer -> @tkaminski - yes, generally I am not a big fan of email reminders but this one was great
Wesley Fryer -> @cyndidannerkuhn you're in and out tonight!
Wesley Fryer -> @angela howdy! :-)
cyndidannerkuhn -> trying to get sound working
angela maiers -> Lovin your latest posts Wes!
angela maiers -> I can hear you all great!
Wesley Fryer -> @angela thanks. That NASA video today was really fun.
Wesley Fryer -> "dragging Bob in"
Wesley Fryer -> (be careful with that process) ;-)
angela maiers -> Hey Bob!
JimBurke -> Look what the cat's dragged in . . .
Wesley Fryer -> :-)
JimBurke -> :)
Wesley Fryer -> lol
tkaminski -> :D :D :D
Wesley Fryer -> a little echo in the background but it's not terrible
Wesley Fryer -> This seems like flying....
cyndidannerkuhn -> On my comptuter the vidoe stream says off air, any suggestions, I can only seem to get the chat room
JohnM -> Is there video for this?
Ernie Easter -> Here at Seedlings -- bitbybitseedlings.ning.com/profile/ErnieEaster
cheryloakes skiing -> hello all, we are having a little technical difficulty, hang in
Wesley Fryer -> @JohnM no it is just audio
JohnM -> Ok, I'm all set then!
cheryloakes skiing -> no video for this, just audio at ETTA
Wesley Fryer -> @Earnie thanks! :-)
cheryloakes skiing -> Hey Wes, welcome!
[email protected] -> am logged in but have no sound
Wesley Fryer -> thanks Cheryl! :-) glad to be able to join you all LIVE tonight
cheryloakes skiing -> Loads of folks in the chat, welcome tonight!
JohnM -> Looking forward Cheryl. It's my first time!
angela maiers -> We are patient- worth the wait!
cheryloakes skiing -> you will find sound at ETTA, please click and see if itunes or real player works.
cyndidannerkuhn -> enjoying chat, but would love sound, any ideas
Wesley Fryer -> @cyndi did iTunes open for you?
Wesley Fryer -> @cyndi you're on your mac?
tkaminski -> Alice you sound fine
alice (SEEDlings) -> Thank you!
tkaminski -> Hello Bob
cyndidannerkuhn -> yup on a mac, but no sound,
Wesley Fryer -> @cyndi click the black audio icon on the http://edtechtalk.com/live page and iTunes should open the stream
Wesley Fryer -> @cyndi can you play one of your iTunes songs and hear it?
bobsprankle -> Hi all!
bobsprankle -> welcome doug!
cyndidannerkuhn -> yup itunes songs play fine
Doug Taylor -> Thank you Bob
bobsprankle -> hi wes!
tkaminski -> Seedlings has been awesome. It allows me to get support as a Technology integrator
JimBurke -> Transform. . . metaphorphisize . .
Wesley Fryer -> @bob howdy from Oklahoma!
angela maiers -> Repurpose is a great word!
cyndidannerkuhn -> Yah finally sound!!!
Wesley Fryer -> @Earnie you have two profiles on the Seedlings Ning
Wesley Fryer -> @cyndi Yeah! Good job.
JimBurke -> Tranmorgify. . .
cheryloakes skiing -> Hello Doug, angela maiers, cyndidanner, Jackie, JimB, JohnM, ncote,shannoninottawa,,tim, and tkaminisk and Wes., what a great crowd we have during our winter vacation.
JimBurke -> Nope
Wesley Fryer -> Earnie's voice is trying to cut through some ether fog
tkaminski -> Winter vacation!!!! Seems early for that
jackiegerstein -> Repurpose from American Heritage: To use or convert for use in another format or product
tkaminski -> Ernie, tyring using er buds and turning off your speakers
Wesley Fryer -> @earnie do you have the stream playing in the background? You will want to shut that off.
Wesley Fryer -> @tkaminski good suggestion for ear buds
cyndidannerkuhn -> His from Manhattan, Kansas
tkaminski -> I am from Cold Lake, Alberta
Wesley Fryer -> 59 degrees. Not bad for February!
JohnM -> I'm in NY - It's about 3 degrees today.
cheryloakes skiing -> We want Ernie, hold on, we are getting him by phone.
Wesley Fryer -> @JohnM outch!
tkaminski -> 20 degrees here
cheryloakes skiing -> Ernie, you will need head phones if we are in skype.
Wesley Fryer -> Is Janice is the chat?
cyndidannerkuhn -> no winter vacation in Kansas either
JohnM -> We're on Winter break as well instead of a two week Spring break.
tkaminski -> Our spring break is Mar.20-28
JimBurke -> About to do a tap dance. :)
Wesley Fryer -> Bob your audio is a lot clearer
angela maiers -> Brain cramps...so that's what they are called!
[email protected] -> cannot hear but am in chat room
Wesley Fryer -> @A-fraser we will try and reflect commentary in the chat for you, but let's troubleshoot your audio.
cheryloakes skiing -> Thanks for telling where you all are. in the chat, it helps all to put a name and place together.
Wesley Fryer -> @A-fraser which of the audio links in the upper right corner did you click on http://edtechtalk.com/live ?
JohnM -> @A-fraser: click on any of the icons under EdtechTalk A in the upper right hand corner.
cheryloakes skiing -> If you click on a clink sometimes yo u are booted out of the chat, just come back.
tkaminski -> Wesley what is your blog url?
cheryloakes skiing -> You can choose a color for your chat.
JohnM -> If you right click and open it in a new tab/window you won't be booted.
bobsprankle -> i[m green
Wesley Fryer -> @tkaminski my blog is on http://www.speedofcreativity.org
bobsprankle -> green
Doug Taylor -> Scroll down it's on the right
Wesley Fryer -> @tkaminski yours?
JohnM -> I'm using Google Chrome and it works fine for the chat and audio.
tkaminski -> @wesley Thanks. I will check it out now
cheryloakes skiing -> How do you like chrome, JohnM
Wesley Fryer -> now I am purple :-)
cheryloakes skiing -> Nice choice Wes.
Wesley Fryer -> @JohnM I wish Google Chrome would come out for mac!
JohnM -> Love it when I'm on this computer, but my main laptop runs Linux, and isn't compatible with Chrome.
JohnS -> @Wes thanks for coming to Ohio. You really set the stage for the whole conference.
cyndidannerkuhn -> Wesley's blog is the BEST ever!!
tkaminski -> @Wesley http://clhslite.blogspot.com/
Wesley Fryer -> @JohnS you are most welcome. It was a lot of fun. I wish I could have stayed for more than just day 1!
JimBurke -> <<--lives is in western hills of Maine . . and here: http://learninginmaine.ning.com/
Wesley Fryer -> @tkaminski thnaks
Ernie Easter -> No audio with ear phones???
cheryloakes skiing -> I agree cyndi, Wes has really brought many of us along in the journey. Thanks Wes.
ncote -> hello am I green here
angela maiers -> I love being pink tonight!
cheryloakes skiing -> You will see all these links later at Delcious and in the blog.
Wesley Fryer -> yeah for HP themes!
cheryloakes skiing -> Angela, it suits you.
angela maiers -> :-)))
Wesley Fryer -> @tkaminski your 1:1 journey sounds exciting! What grade levels?
JohnM -> What's the ning address?
JimBurke -> Transmutate? Is that a word?
Ernie Easter -> I've got the audio now
angela maiers -> We are SCAMPER ing Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to Use, Erase, or Replace
tkaminski -> @Wesley Strting with Gr.9 Fall 2009 then moving to Gr.10 the following year and so on. Within 4 years all Gr.9 -12 will be 1 to 1. That will be about 800 laptops
JohnS -> I thought he said transmogrifate. Reference Calvin & Hobbes.
Wesley Fryer -> @JimBurke what is the background on the learning in maine Ning?
cyndidannerkuhn -> Ning URL please
bobsprankle -> ah yes, John! calvin!
JohnS -> is it this? http://learninginmaine.ning.com/
Wesley Fryer -> @tkaminski excellent. How much delay are you having between teachers getting laptops and gr 9?
cheryloakes skiing -> http://bitbybitseedlings.ning.com/
Wesley Fryer -> "someone named Kevin" - would that be Kevin Honeycutt?
JohnM -> Thanks Cheryl.
JohnS -> ahh, thanks @Cheryl
cyndidannerkuhn -> It was Kevin Honeycutt
tkaminski -> @Wesley We gave teachers laptops Jan.2009
Ernie Easter -> http://bitbybitseedlings.ning.com
cheryloakes skiing -> You can also follow us at bobsprankle.com
Wesley Fryer -> @tkaminski excellent. I think some time before student rollout is important, but not too much time. Do you all have a good set of digital curriculum you've purchased/licensed to go with your laptops?
JimBurke -> Wesley . . . niche is to have a broader audience of people interested in education in Maine, not just not us techies. .
JohnM -> Internet EXPLODER!
tkaminski -> @Wesley No digital curriculum but a few e- textbooks
alice (SEEDlings) -> Ernie: I put note in Skype chat. Please send phone number so I can call You
JohnS -> The chatroom is java.
cyndidannerkuhn -> get a Mac!
Wesley Fryer -> @Janice try another webbrowser
JimBurke -> Attempt to gain teachers and others who aren't as comfortable with technology. .
JohnS -> I think that is a Mac.
Wesley Fryer -> I am going to have to step away for dinner for a bit....
Ernie Easter -> My audio is re-buffering -- could be the storm up here and HughesNet
JohnS -> Oh, the editing ahead... :-)
Wesley Fryer -> Alexander has prepared meat loaf :-)
cheryloakes skiing -> thanks for stopping by Wes
tkaminski -> Would love to chat with you more Wes
JimBurke -> Nings are neat.
Wesley Fryer -> i am putting the webcast on my living room speakers for my family to enjoy too... :-)
tkaminski -> We have a teacher at my school using a Ning to collaborate with a teachr and class in Arkansas re: tv production
ncote -> I agree with you about Images4Education. It had a focus. It kept me going back.
Wesley Fryer -> I am really interested in this conversation, as well as discussing how k12online should morph / change / grow in the coming year
cheryloakes skiing -> welcome jfriesen
Wesley Fryer -> the seedings ning may be a great place to do that
Wesley Fryer -> @janice welcome!
tkaminski -> K12 online has been great for the last 3 years.
cyndidannerkuhn -> Can't wait to shouw your Maine Ning to my Pre-service teachers
Wesley Fryer -> @A-fraser do you have audio now?
bobsprankle -> just kidding wes
jfriesen -> Hi Wesley
Wesley Fryer -> "back in the old days" (how many years ago was that?!)
Wesley Fryer -> :-)
JimBurke -> 2 or 3?
cheryloakes skiing -> Cyndi, thanks, let us know when you are giving the course, we can come
Wesley Fryer -> :-)
Ernie Easter -> Unfortunately, I do not have audio working
cheryloakes skiing -> hello bmcnaboe,
[email protected] -> have audio - many thanks
jfriesen -> I want to know how you guys all keep up with everything.
cheryloakes skiing -> yeah a fraser,
Wesley Fryer -> just heard that joke bob?! :-)
alice (SEEDlings) -> Oh sorry Ernie
Wesley Fryer -> the fun of delayed audio stream.... :-)
jfriesen -> I am a member of a bunch of nings.... but I just lose track...
JohnS -> @Ernie you can't get any of the stream links to work?
Wesley Fryer -> ok i am really stepping away from the chat now...
cheryloakes skiing -> bye Wes
jfriesen -> bye wes
angela maiers -> It is hard to keep the connections sustained
bobsprankle -> bye wes
JohnM -> @angela I'm finding Twitter to be great for keeping in touch.
JohnM -> Especially with teacher outside of my district.
cyndidannerkuhn -> I would love you guys to do a live video chat like this with my class
jfriesen -> I think you should still be a part of it.
ncote -> It seemed like the imges4education had many volunteers. Do you feel like you have lots of support to help you??
jfriesen -> You started it and give it personality
angela maiers -> @JohnM- Twitter is the glue that holds everything together for me! Absolutely!
tkaminski -> I keep coming back to Seedlings because I find info that is useful and any time I ask a question I get many answers that are helpful
cheryloakes skiing -> Thanks Terry!
ncote -> Why not have a focused topic every 6 months?
cheryloakes skiing -> Ncote, can you give me an idea of waht you mean?
Wesley Fryer -> a great question to ask and answer would be: How can/should the Seedlings Ning be different from Classroom 2.0?
tkaminski -> Let's use survey monkey to get a quick survey out to everyone
Wesley Fryer -> Google Forms is free for surveys
JohnM -> I think Zoho has something like that as well?
angela maiers -> We are sooo smart! :-)))
cheryloakes skiing -> Oh, Wes, good point
tkaminski -> It is Terry Kaminski
JohnM -> We're only as smart as the weakest link - so I apologize for all my shortcomings!
cheryloakes skiing -> no need to apoligize JohnM, we all support one another.
Wesley Fryer -> what is the target audience for Seedlings?
tkaminski -> I thin an Ning is more useful for ongoing discussion
Wesley Fryer -> think
cheryloakes skiing -> Hi Ernie thanporer, kcaise
cheryloakes skiing -> Hi Lorna,
ncote -> The groups in images4education each had a focus.
cheryloakes skiing -> hello jcostilla
cyndidannerkuhn -> I learn something from Twitter everyday FAST
Lorna -> Hi Cheryl and all
Wesley Fryer -> Seedings for me is the early adapter/innovator feeding trough. ;-)
Ernie Easter -> Hi - switched over to the reliable iBook
cheryloakes skiing -> gotoweb20.net is what jfriesen
JohnM -> @TKaminski where are you located? I know some Kaminskis in Buffalo.
tkaminski -> @Wes I agree
JohnS -> so back to Wes's question -- how is this different from Classroom 2.0?
cheryloakes skiing -> thanks Wes
cheryloakes skiing -> Good Ernie, back to the ibook.
tkaminski -> I live in Alberta Canada but have relatives in Toronto and NY area
alice (SEEDlings) -> @John M I grew up in Buffalo
JohnM -> Go2web20.net
cheryloakes skiing -> Hello Margo
cheryloakes skiing -> Evening mrsdurff, any coffee?
jfriesen -> Right, Thanks!
alice (SEEDlings) -> Ernie I'm going to bring you back in to Skype in a minute
JohnM -> Where at Alice in Buffalo? I'm in Amherst but grew up in Alden.
Margo Jantzi -> Howdy all
Lorna -> @tkaminiski st catharines on
Doug Taylor -> Or you could try Yojimbo
cheryloakes skiing -> hi christine, welcome
alice (SEEDlings) -> Grew up in Amherst, Brantwood Rd. Parents are now downtown
alice (SEEDlings) -> HI Margo Welcome
JohnM -> Small world! I'm just off of Millersport and Sheridan.
tkaminski -> The pay it forward idea is great!!!
Wesley Fryer -> my wife Shelly has a question for Seedlings host: Do the people at your own schools feel passionate the way you do about all this?
angela maiers -> Hi Durff!
angela maiers -> Are you recovered from the day?
cheryloakes skiing -> Thanks Terry, Bob is brilliant
mrsdurff -> hwy!
mrsdurff -> oops hey
angela maiers -> Great question Wes!
mrsdurff -> need more coffee...
Lorna -> @durff you are cut off
mrsdurff -> kevin honeycutt was great in SL last night
cheryloakes skiing -> Shelly, we wish they would try one thing and use that with their students. But, that is why we have SEEDLINGs so we support the work we do with each other.
tkaminski -> Cheryl, Alice and Bob are great models of paying it forward
cheryloakes skiing -> Thanks Terry
mrsdurff -> not at my school Wes
JimBurke -> lol
JimBurke -> Yup . . .
mrsdurff -> it is a very long path
angela maiers -> It is like existing in two different worlds!
mrsdurff -> and lonely
cheryloakes skiing -> oh, durff, that is why we have each other!
mrsdurff -> the first grade teacher is trying to integrate
ncote -> Janice, I feel the same way. I need to connect online to keep l learning.
tkaminski -> There are 2 teachers at my school that are excited. The other 30 have a long way to go
mrsdurff -> she is a few years away from retirement
cheryloakes skiing -> angela, it is like being in a parallel universe'
cheryloakes skiing -> we have to remember little steps for some people are huge!
tkaminski -> A shuffle would be nice
cheryloakes skiing -> very funny, shuffle, the 2 step!
cheryloakes skiing -> but all forward steps and shuffles
mrsdurff -> I danced last night!
tkaminski -> I can hardly wait till the start dancing in the streets
angela maiers -> Just imagine how that could influence schools if that support came to our buildings
JohnM -> I wish I could have these conversations at school with my colleagues.
mrsdurff -> I walk with a cane in RL but dance in SL!!
JohnM -> They humor my passion, but aren't really interested in sharing it.
mrsdurff -> i know what you mean John
cheryloakes skiing -> JohnM, we all wish to have these conversations with peers in our buildlings, but we need to keep having them with others so we continue with the progress.
Wesley Fryer -> so maybe finding ways to blend PD, bring more F2F colleagues into these blended and online learning circles should be a strategic goal of Seedlings?
mrsdurff -> hi cyndi
tkaminski -> I guess as long as others do not try to sabotage what some of us are trying to do then it is OK
cyndidannerkuhn -> hey Mrs. Durff
cheryloakes skiing -> Oh, Durff, I think that is just so telling, what a release to be able to dance and fly!
alice (SEEDlings) -> @Wes Great point
mrsdurff -> we will be the relevant teachers
mrsdurff -> and others will not be
cyndidannerkuhn -> I find this gap with pre-service teachers too
mrsdurff -> their jobs will be more difficult
angela maiers -> I am continually pushed, challenged, and motivated by my you all- My PLN makes me a better teacher and trainer. It worries me that so many teachers do not grow themselves in this way
cheryloakes skiing -> yes, Wes, we will add these ideas to the survey!!
tkaminski -> The students at my school are frustrated when one teacher is doing a lot of web 2.0 and the next teacher is not
mrsdurff -> exactly angela
cyndidannerkuhn -> My PLN pushes me too!!
angela maiers -> It is more than a "tech" issue- it is about the connections, conversations, and reflections...the tech is secondary
mrsdurff -> that PD I endured this afternoon is a prime example of
mrsdurff -> teachers not moving
cheryloakes skiing -> Terry, we have to be careful that all the teachers don't use voicethread, then that would defeat the purpsoe
mrsdurff -> hi margo
cheryloakes skiing -> purpose
cheryloakes skiing -> Sorry, Durff, painful.
tkaminski -> @cheryl Good point
angela maiers -> Students deserve teachers who are living a learning life themselves. How are we to model lifelong learning if we refuse to grow ourselves
cyndidannerkuhn -> there are so many tools we can use and most are FREE
JohnM -> I have a question for the hosts. Isn't this a top down problem? There are certain web 2.0 technologies that I can't used because they are blocked on the school server. How can I convince other teachers to use something when is it discouraged by the district and unknown to the administration?
alice (SEEDlings) -> @angela I like that "More: than tech
mrsdurff -> my point is the majority teach yesterday
cheryloakes skiing -> Yes, angela, it is about the conversations, which is why web 2.0 is important because we can interact
mrsdurff -> we all learn tomorrow
mrsdurff -> hi juan
Juan -> Hello
tkaminski -> @mrsdurff I agree. Most teacehrs teach yesterday
jfriesen -> JohnM-Great point!
cyndidannerkuhn -> I agree Durff!!
mrsdurff -> find a way around
cheryloakes skiing -> JohnM, that is why we start with purpose, then you need to convince your administrator to get your tech people to open them. My principal at the junior high wanted youtube opened
mrsdurff -> or through
mrsdurff -> i went through
mrsdurff -> told kids to tell parents
Wesley Fryer -> ok i am back from dinner ;)
JohnM -> I can't use Google Docs because it's blocked at school, and I can't access Edmodo.com because our web browsers haven't been updated in 4 years!
mrsdurff -> my "secret" weapon worked
cyndidannerkuhn -> change is hard but worth it in the long run
alice (SEEDlings) -> @JohnM Great point. Needs to be a conversation with ed and tech together
Wesley Fryer -> Oh Earnie, I didn't realize you are the teacher who did the Ning on the Holocaust - that was GREAT work
mrsdurff -> how was dinner?
tkaminski -> Teachers, as professionals, should not have to fight the IT guys. Education needs to drive technology not the other way around
Margo Jantzi -> Howdy Lisa---hang in there
cyndidannerkuhn -> Absolutely, IT guys should not control education content
Wesley Fryer -> @JohnM there certainly is an important leadership / top down issue
Wesley Fryer -> component
Juan -> I'm an IT Guy, How do I get Faculty to embrace technology?
Wesley Fryer -> We need to launch an initiative with a very CLEVER name which is focused on providing factual info and dispelling myths about CIPA, FERPA, bandwidth, fear, and liability concerns
mrsdurff -> can't?
cheryloakes skiing -> Yes, JOhnM, these examples of other schools need to get to your administrators. Once we opened youtube, then we could talk about how kids and teachers have to be responsible.
tkaminski -> The IT guys need to talk to the teachers. We could do the same things but for a lot less $$$
JohnM -> Skype is blocked at my school too because of bandwidth. Ridiculous!
angela maiers -> It is both top down and bottom up. If teachers are unwilling to learn, grow, push themselves, ....having access to the tools is irrelevant. It is both!
mrsdurff -> did you try putting it on a flashdrive?
Wesley Fryer -> @Juan Do you have a certified teacher who is focused on helping individual teachers integrate technology?
cyndidannerkuhn -> Get somebody a teacher like these hosts to get hold of them
angela maiers -> Can you tell- I have had a frustrating week with teachers?
JimBurke -> Yes . . . I hear you on that . why make the tools difficult?
JimBurke -> Keep it simple and open. .
cyndidannerkuhn -> Nobody could leave a staff development with Bob or Cheryl and or wes and noe get excited
Wesley Fryer -> We need to build the case nationally for certified tech integration coaches - I don't think scalable tech integration can happen without them
JimBurke -> It is ultimately a control issue . . .
mrsdurff -> we all have had challenging weeks - ready for Friday
Juan -> @Wesley I'm at the University level, we have teachers of all knowledge levels
Wesley Fryer -> @JimBurke yes it is a control issue, but also a VISION issue
tkaminski -> We need to give the $$$ to the teachers who want to inovate. NOt hold them back
cheryloakes skiing -> My biggest challenge this week Durff, was getting down the mountain in piles of snow. It was great.
JohnM -> Kids NEED to learn how to identify valuable resources from bogus ones. Blocking Youtube/wikipedia/etc does not foster real world growth.
Wesley Fryer -> @Juan university level is even harder than k12 to get innovation I think. I would emphasize blended learning benefits. Do many students come to class with laptops now?
cyndidannerkuhn -> I agree, give those that want to have the stuff to move forward, it will force many other into at least trying
Wesley Fryer -> Helping teachers as well as students (learners of all ages) become more self-directed in their learning is KEY
Wesley Fryer -> @tkaminski how do you identify the innovators?
cyndidannerkuhn -> At K-State student in College of Ed are required to have a Mac
cyndidannerkuhn -> t helps
angela maiers -> Great point- 21st Century success is far more than having access to tools and using Web app- it is about creating opportunities in ALL classrooms for kids to work on meaningful purposeful work in collaborative and creative ways
mrsdurff -> people are the security risk
JohnM -> As much as a complain about our tech people at school, I understand how difficult their job is. They are dealing with teachers like myself asking for the latest and greatest, while the teacher down the hall from me is trying to open a website address fro Microsoft Word!
Wesley Fryer -> @janice right, that language about "security risks" is why we need a project to try and dispel that type of obfuscating language. What are the FACTS about bandwidth utilization for these tools.
JohnM -> We talk about a gap with the kids, what about the gap between teachers?
Juan -> @Wesley We have 14 technology labs with atleast 25 computers. IN other rooms students do bring their own equipment
tkaminski -> @Wes The innovators identify themselves. They are asking to do things and trying to do things even though there are road blocks
mrsdurff -> i had a kid out and wanted to do the Skype thing and didn't get Admins behind me
mrsdurff -> but yet I could do ustream
Wesley Fryer -> @JohnM that point highlights a basic difference which exists between educational computing environments and business ones. Business IT departments measure success by minimizing trouble tickets. In educational contexts where innovative and creative teaching is supported, trouble tickets should be expected and welcomed.
mrsdurff -> rather confusing
cheryloakes skiing -> good point Bob, and someone from the chat for getting a focused discussion.
cyndidannerkuhn -> we need to get admin and it guys into these conversations
Wesley Fryer -> I think the regular schedule of the Seedlings shows is GREAT. This really keeps the invitation open well for people to jump in.
cheryloakes skiing -> yes cyndi,
tkaminski -> These forum discussions are very helpful
mrsdurff -> mine won't - i tried
Wesley Fryer -> Is there a way for seedlings podcasts to be available for people to listen to on their phones?
mrsdurff -> i tried with all the faculty
bobsprankle -> i'd also like to see book groups :)
JohnM -> Are these discussions at regular intervals? I'd like to spread the word and get a few more folks from my district in here with me.
tkaminski -> Book groups would be great!!!
mrsdurff -> what app would do that wes?
alice (SEEDlings) -> @Wes available on iTunes
tkaminski -> WE need reminders though to make sure we do not miss out
Wesley Fryer -> Hey here's an open invite: If anyone would like to guest blog on http://isteconnects.org I'd love to have you post. This is ISTE's blog to generate excitement and interest in NECC and edtech. I can email you the guest blogger login if you want it. I am at [email protected]
Wesley Fryer -> @durff what app functionality are you asking about?
alice (SEEDlings) -> @tkaminski Always the same time each week
jfriesen -> I would like to sometime. I have an interesting idea for NECC that I am trying to figure out how to do.
Wesley Fryer -> @alice right, I know it is podcast subscribible. My question is, is there a tool that lets people listen on their non-podcast ready phones?
tkaminski -> Loved it when Neil Stevenson guest blogged. He did a great job of describing what was going on in his classroom
mrsdurff -> t listening to podcasts on the phone
cyndidannerkuhn -> I agree teach kids how to be safe
mrsdurff -> there must be a way
alice (SEEDlings) -> @Wes Ah OK,,, no idea! But what a great concept!
Wesley Fryer -> @tkaminski right, that was awesome. I think providing ACTUAL classroom examples of innovative tech use is much more important than talking about theoretical ones.
angela maiers -> Great offer Wes!
Wesley Fryer -> @JohnM yes, Seedlings is happening every Thursday night!
alice (SEEDlings) -> @Wes would you be open to a student blogger?
mrsdurff -> Dial2Do will read RSS..../but listen to audio?
JohnM -> @Wesley Thanks! I'll be back next week!
cheryloakes skiing -> Just a reminder that , hi Lisa, we will have the podcast on bobsprankle.com and edtechtalk.com tomorrow. The links, the chat and all will be available!
LisaThumann -> Hi Cheryl - I missed the whole show, didn't I.
Juan -> @Wesley - I saw you at eTech Ohio, I have been working on spreading the word about you as much as possible.
mrsdurff -> yes but how can we go one step further
cyndidannerkuhn -> I require my students to listen to a podcast each week, I will be making this one and seedlings a requirement one week, maybe I can hook these future teachers
angela maiers -> Hi Lisa!
LisaThumann -> Hi Angeal
cheryloakes skiing -> This audience is the best! You all know that the audience makes the show. So thanks for all your questions and input.
LisaThumann -> Angela
mrsdurff -> and make podcasts listenable on phones?>
Wesley Fryer -> @janice sometimes people get hostile when truth is shared
cheryloakes skiing -> Hey Lisa,
cyndidannerkuhn -> IT folks are a different breed for the most part
mrsdurff -> indeed
cheryloakes skiing -> Hi Chrissiebutler, welcome.
JimBurke -> Some interesting guest blogging is taking place on Richard Byrne's Free Technlology for Teachers . . . http://www.freetech4teachers.com . . . Richard's gone fishing.
Wesley Fryer -> @alice YES absolutely. Guest bloggers would be GREAT.
cheryloakes skiing -> Hello Juan, welcome
ncote -> These are issues that are every where and in every school and district.
JohnM -> I like the idea of question and answer sessions between the hosts and the chatroom.
alice (SEEDlings) -> @Wes Cool... I'll be in touch
Wesley Fryer -> @Juan - amplification of good ideas is the best use of technology for sure
jfriesen -> I have a meeting that I am very late for, so I am going to hang up and listen to Geek of the week later!
Wesley Fryer -> @Bob did you download this book as a free eBook?
alice (SEEDlings) -> @JohnM Good idea
Wesley Fryer -> @janice ok thanks for joining! :-)
cheryloakes skiing -> http://text-to-speech.imtranslator.net
mrsdurff -> ah
LisaThumann -> sounds like a great book
JohnM -> @Wesley What was your email for the guest blogging again?
Wesley Fryer -> @JohnM [email protected]
chrissiebutler -> Hi everybody. This is the first time I have jumped on here.
JohnM -> Thank you. I'll drop you a line!
Wesley Fryer -> @chrissie Hi and welcome! Glad you could join!
tkaminski -> Hello Chrissie. Jump in and start chatting
LisaThumann -> W00T!
Wesley Fryer -> free ebooks - what a concept
cheryloakes skiing -> Chrissiebutler, you hit a great show for your first. Please ask questions, make comments, join in, it is about the conversations.
LisaThumann -> hehe
mrsdurff -> no wonder
Wesley Fryer -> I will post an invite to guest blog on the seedlings ning too, with the host/userid/pw
mrsdurff -> woof!
Wesley Fryer -> @mrsdurf what was the functionality of the app you were asking about earlier?
chrissiebutler -> Cheers Wes. I just checked out that vid you posted on Twitter. But gonna listen now and try to catch up with wot I've jumped into.
Juan -> Is this EdTechTalk on a regular schedule?
mrsdurff -> something to listen to podcasts on phone
cheryloakes skiing -> This is a 3 times a month.
Ernie Easter -> Skype just crashed?
Wesley Fryer -> @Juan yes this is every Thursday night at 7:30 EST
Wesley Fryer -> oh yes sorry, 3x per month
mrsdurff -> not an iPhone either
JohnM -> http://jeopardylabs.com/ is good too
mrsdurff -> the cheapo kind
Ernie Easter -> Geek of the week : All my Twitter people who feed such wonderful likes
alice (SEEDlings) -> http://jeopardylabs.com/
Wesley Fryer -> @mrsdurf - I think that would be a website that let you call in to listen to a podcast mp3 file. Haven't seen anything like that yet. Liz Kolb is using a podcasting site that may allow call-ins, but I'm not sure
Ernie Easter -> links - over 100 just today!
cyndidannerkuhn -> wow great stuff, thanks guys
mrsdurff -> Gabcast?
ncote -> Thanks everyone. Very stimulating conversations.
LisaThumann -> sorry I came in at the tail end.
mrsdurff -> Gcast?
Wesley Fryer -> @LisaThurman good news is this session will be a podcast tomorrow!
cheryloakes skiing -> Yes, excellent show!! You all made our show great.
chrissiebutler -> This is so cool. I am in NZ. fantastic.
mrsdurff -> well wes needs to invent a site
ncote -> Enjoy the remainder of your vacation.
Wesley Fryer -> @chrissie that is great! Where in NZ? I am flying there Saturday for the conference next week in Rotorua! :-)
Ernie Easter -> Building a PLN on Twitter and places like Seedlings provides such wonderful Professional Development.
angela maiers -> Twitter rocks!!!
cyndidannerkuhn -> Me too, Twitter
bobsprankle -> thanks to all!!!!
mrsdurff -> YAY TWITTER!
Wesley Fryer -> @alice nice work on Yahoo Pipes! :-) Can you share that as a post?
angela maiers -> I would love to check that out!
Ernie Easter -> For anyone not following me my twitter is ErnieEaster -- I follow all educators back
chrissiebutler -> Great me too. At Learning @school. I'm giving a workshop on Voicethread and thought I would put in your vid from Twitter
cyndidannerkuhn -> thanks everyone, enjoyed this a great deal
cheryloakes skiing -> Night all, thanks for being here!
JohnM -> This was great! See you all next week.
mrsdurff -> clap clap!!
Wesley Fryer -> @chrissiebutler ok super - please come up and say hello! I am really looking forward to seeing NZ!
JohnM -> Or sooner on Twitter! @JohnMikulski
angela maiers -> Chat room you are awesome! Night all!
chrissiebutler -> And yes yeah Twitter
Wesley Fryer -> clap clap [lots more applause]
Ernie Easter -> Thanks all - sorry for all my technical difficulties
bobsprankle -> goodnight all!
mrsdurff -> he is
alice (SEEDlings) -> @Ernie No problem It happens
mrsdurff -> bye all!
chrissiebutler -> applause applause