2009-2-5 SEEDlings with Clive Goodinson

Post-Show description: 

Clive Goodinson of Pixton Comics joins us for the show

Clive Goodinson of Pixton Comics joins us for the show

Links: Pixton Comics  and Geek of the Week


 alicebarr ->   Hi sheila
 sheila ->   Hi all!
 alicebarr ->   Can you check the stream for me?
 sheila ->   I hear you!
 sheila ->    fine
 sheila ->   All levels good!
 alicebarr ->   Thank you
 sheila ->   8:45 ? where are you?
 bobsprankle ->   hi sheila
 alicebarr ->   No I messed that up!
 sheila ->   Hi Bob!
 bobsprankle ->   hi deb!
 Clive ->   Hi everyone!
 alicebarr ->   HI Deb
 debbarrows ->   Good evening!
 sheila ->   Hi Clive!
 bobsprankle ->   http://bobsprankle.com/bitbybit_wordpress/
 sheila ->   Hi Lucy!
 alicebarr ->   Hi Lucy
 debbarrows ->   Happy 50th everyone!
 LucyGray ->   Hi Everyone! I saw the Twit!
 LucyGray ->   Who's the guest tonight?
 alicebarr ->   Clive from Pixton Comics
 alicebarr ->   Clive
 LucyGray ->   Coolness
 alicebarr ->   http://pixton.com
 sheila ->   Hi Maureen!
 Maureen ->   Hi Shelia. Cold tonight!
 debbarrows ->   I've loved listening to these shows while flying.
 sheila ->   12 degrees here!
 Maureen ->   It's 8¬? and droppping...
 alicebarr ->   @Deb :) We love going with you!
 sheila ->   @debbarrows - agreed!
 alicebarr ->   Hi linda
 sheila ->   Hi Peggy!
 PeggyG ->   Hi everyone--audio is coming through great!
 alicebarr ->   Hi  Peggy
 sheila ->   Hi LInda!
 alicebarr ->   Hello Maureen
 lindargeorge ->   Hi Everyone! Thanks, Sheila, for the reminder!
 sheila ->   http://pixton.com
 alicebarr ->   Welcome everyone!
 Maureen ->   Hi Alice and everyone!
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   I am here.
 PeggyG ->   How timely!! Lorna was just asking today about a comic creator!!
 alicebarr ->   Hi Cheryl!
 angelamaiers ->   Hello Friends! How is everyone tonight?
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   Hello, just got home from parent conferences
 sheila ->   Hi Angela!
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   hey melinda, nice new avatar on FB
 alicebarr ->   Welcome mrlosik
 mmiller7571 ->   thanks, showing a friend how this works but have 5 things going on right now
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   hello to all, deb, linda, Lucy, Maureen, mrlosik, PeggyG, shelia, angela
 PeggyG ->   Hi Cheryl!
 mrlosik ->   Thanks for the Tweet Alice. I always miss the live show.
 sheila ->   Hey Cheryl
 alicebarr ->   @mrlosik Welcome!
 Maureen ->   Hi Cheryl!
 angelamaiers ->   Hi Cheryl!
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   very good and easy for a teacher to manage
 Maureen ->   I didn't know about the educator acct- nice addition- thank you!
 PeggyG ->   You have really thought of many thinigs to support educators!! Thank you for an awesome tool! So glad to learn about it!
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   you can tell this is good software because it looks like you are all creating.
 mrlosik ->   downloading right now. This looks great.
 PeggyG ->   I can't believe we can do this without knowing how to draw!! renewed hope!!!
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   Peggy you can your grandchildren will have a ball with this.
 PeggyG ->   Oh I love Scott McCloud's book about Understanding Comics!
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   hello kimberley, welcome
 Kimberley ->   hi
 alicebarr ->   Welcome Kimberley
 Kimberley ->   Who is speaking please?
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   Clive from Pixton Comic
 Kimberley ->   aha thanks
 PeggyG ->   If you don't have a paid educator account is the site safe for kids?
 sheila ->   This looks great but will the students find different featured comics on their screen? More child-centered?
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   great questions Peggy and Shelia
 PeggyG ->   Thank you--very helpful response
 PeggyG ->   collaboration across classrooms is a great suggestion Cheryl!
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   Glad to hear that an 8th grader is the most prolific
 PeggyG ->   I was curious about the same thing Sheila mentioned-if you have a classroom page do you only see your student items featured or do you see the same "featured comics" you see on the home page?
 PeggyG ->   I'm wondering about the comic talking about booze under the boss's desk...
 Scott Shelhart ->    I just got here...liknk to the site we are discussing please.
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   http://www.pixton.com
 sheila ->   I'm making a cloud comic now for class tomorrow!
 PeggyG ->   http://pixton.com
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   of course Shelia a science comic
 alicebarr ->   HI Scott
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   thanks peggy
 sheila ->   :)
 Scott Shelhart ->   tnx
 alicebarr ->   Welcome kcaise
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   hi kcaise! welcome
 kcaise ->   hi everyone!
 PeggyG ->   Chery-we were typing at the same time and you were faster than me!
 PeggyG ->   that's very generous for school use--yearbooks, newsletters :-)
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   Isn't that great, use it for schools all around.
 PeggyG ->   I haven't had a chance to explore the site yet--are there characters of young children?
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   we can help spread the word right folks
 PeggyG ->   definitely!!
 sheila ->   Oh, I can move a leg! and arm!
 PeggyG ->   Is it OK to use the comics created by students in VoiceThreads?
 PeggyG ->   wow! multi-lingual too! Excellent!
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   will ask that in a minute peggy
 PeggyG ->   great question Chery!
 PeggyG ->   over achiever and well behaved!! not what I expected for such a creative person!!
 PeggyG ->   Yeah! Voicethread would allow it to get global interaction!
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   yes, PEggy!
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   My very bestest husband just brought me a plate of pasta and meatballs. Yummy
 PeggyG ->   right on cue!!!!
 PeggyG ->   bark-bark!
 alicebarr ->   @cheryl Yum!
 PeggyG ->   Does he have a blog for his site where people can share how they're using the tool in classrooms or is it just based on the posted comics?
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   will get that too peggyg
 Maureen ->   lot audio
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   got Clive back.
 Maureen ->   back again
 alicebarr ->   That was weird! Everything froze for a sec
 PeggyG ->   sorry I didn't hear the answer
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   he doesn't have a blog except to inform, not for educators to post, but may think of a wiki space
 PeggyG ->   Yes that is exactly what I was thinking Cheryl.
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   Clive can let the educators build his wiki!!! Rally
 PeggyG ->   with an educator account can you see creations by other classes or only those of your own class?
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   just your class peggy, unless you and another class sign in as one big class.
 sheila ->   I've been playing with this too!
 PeggyG ->   Thanks Cheryl-I think I missed that earlier
 PeggyG ->   Oh great! the lesson bank is a way for teachers to share how they are using the comics they create!
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   teachers can access lessons in the educator account.
 sheila ->   Nice!
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   smartboard flexible
 PeggyG ->   is there an iPhone app for Pixton?
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   not yet Peggyg, something to do with Flash and Apple, not compatible ,...yet
 PeggyG ->   Hooray!! I've used Comic Touch on my iPhone and that works great!
 alicebarr ->   a cartoon guide to Physics
 sheila ->   http://pixton.com/comic/8ylfcpac
 sheila ->   My masterpiece
 PeggyG ->   Look at you Sheila!! the ultimate multi-tasker! good job!
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->      thanks Shelia!
 alicebarr ->   pizap.com
 PeggyG ->   I'm your first fan Sheila!
 PeggyG ->   yes Geogebra!
 sheila ->   Well, I'm yours always!  ;)
 Kimberley ->   I am playing with the site
 PeggyG ->   rhey have been featuring geogebra on Math 247
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   http://photopeach.com/album/tv99qw
 alicebarr ->   Sheila: Great comic!
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   Geogebra is awesome.
 sheila ->   couldn't have done it without pixton !  :)
 PeggyG ->   http://math247.pbwiki.com/Number-Sense-with-GeoGebra
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   of  course shelia! I can't wait to hear about all the kids making pixton
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   PEggy thanks for the link for Math.
 PeggyG ->   there are many others on Math247 for different grade levels
 PeggyG ->   I've been wondering about iLife 09-Thanks Bob
 PeggyG ->   That's an amazing feature! might help with all of the photos I haven't labeled!
 PeggyG ->   wonder how it handles twins??? :-)
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   only you Peggy!
 Scott Shelhart ->   my PC wont let my type a lower case I :(
 PeggyG ->   @Scott-I'm having delays with typing today myself
 PeggyG ->   Brainstorm is always a fantastic show!! So glad it's back on!
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   It looks like DougSymington has a show, Brainstorm scheduled tonight.
 sheila ->   Yeah ETB is back!  :)
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   Lisa P has her show next week!! in this time slot.
 PeggyG ->   I'm so excited to learn about Pixton! Thank you so much Clive!
 Kimberley ->   Great tool
 Kimberley ->   just created my first comic
 Clive ->   You're welcome!
 sheila ->   This has been great! Now I'll stay up late playing!
 sheila ->   Thanks Clive!
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   Thanks for all for being in the chat room!
 Clive ->   Feel free to send me suggestions & feedback - [email protected]
 sheila ->   @Kimberley - where is it?
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   Thanks for being here Clive and getting suggestions from all.
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->    Hey Deb
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   Stream is going down.
 bobsprankle ->   thanks all
 PeggyG ->   Another wonderful Seedlings show-thanks!
 Kimberley ->   still a work in progress
 alicebarr ->   Thanks all for coming
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   thanks to our audience you are the best.
 sheila ->   Thanks so much Seedlings!
 PeggyG ->   Beautiful day in AZ-82 degrees!
 cheryloakes~seedlings ->   thanks, gang, see ya,
 sheila ->   Awww! Peggy! It was -4 this morning!
 Kimberley ->   and thank you
 PeggyG ->   Sorry Sheila! come and visit me!
 sheila ->   Now?
 sheila ->   :)
 PeggyG ->   Yup!
 sheila ->   teleport me!
 bobsprankle ->   goodnight all!

Clive Goodinson of Pixton Comics joins us for the show

Links: Pixton Comics and Geek of the Week


alicebarr -> Hi sheila
sheila -> Hi all!
alicebarr -> Can you check the stream for me?
sheila -> I hear you!
sheila -> fine
sheila -> All levels good!
alicebarr -> Thank you
sheila -> 8:45 ? where are you?
bobsprankle -> hi sheila
alicebarr -> No I messed that up!
sheila -> Hi Bob!
bobsprankle -> hi deb!
Clive -> Hi everyone!
alicebarr -> HI Deb
debbarrows -> Good evening!
sheila -> Hi Clive!
bobsprankle -> http://bobsprankle.com/bitbybit_wordpress/
sheila -> Hi Lucy!
alicebarr -> Hi Lucy
debbarrows -> Happy 50th everyone!
LucyGray -> Hi Everyone! I saw the Twit!
LucyGray -> Who's the guest tonight?
alicebarr -> Clive from Pixton Comics
alicebarr -> Clive
LucyGray -> Coolness
alicebarr -> http://pixton.com
sheila -> Hi Maureen!
Maureen -> Hi Shelia. Cold tonight!
debbarrows -> I've loved listening to these shows while flying.
sheila -> 12 degrees here!
Maureen -> It's 8¬? and droppping...
alicebarr -> @Deb :) We love going with you!
sheila -> @debbarrows - agreed!
alicebarr -> Hi linda
sheila -> Hi Peggy!
PeggyG -> Hi everyone--audio is coming through great!
alicebarr -> Hi Peggy
sheila -> Hi LInda!
alicebarr -> Hello Maureen
lindargeorge -> Hi Everyone! Thanks, Sheila, for the reminder!
sheila -> http://pixton.com
alicebarr -> Welcome everyone!
Maureen -> Hi Alice and everyone!
cheryloakes~seedlings -> I am here.
PeggyG -> How timely!! Lorna was just asking today about a comic creator!!
alicebarr -> Hi Cheryl!
angelamaiers -> Hello Friends! How is everyone tonight?
cheryloakes~seedlings -> Hello, just got home from parent conferences
sheila -> Hi Angela!
cheryloakes~seedlings -> hey melinda, nice new avatar on FB
alicebarr -> Welcome mrlosik
mmiller7571 -> thanks, showing a friend how this works but have 5 things going on right now
cheryloakes~seedlings -> hello to all, deb, linda, Lucy, Maureen, mrlosik, PeggyG, shelia, angela
PeggyG -> Hi Cheryl!
mrlosik -> Thanks for the Tweet Alice. I always miss the live show.
sheila -> Hey Cheryl
alicebarr -> @mrlosik Welcome!
Maureen -> Hi Cheryl!
angelamaiers -> Hi Cheryl!
cheryloakes~seedlings -> very good and easy for a teacher to manage
Maureen -> I didn't know about the educator acct- nice addition- thank you!
PeggyG -> You have really thought of many thinigs to support
educators!! Thank you for an awesome tool! So glad to learn about it!
cheryloakes~seedlings -> you can tell this is good software because it looks like you are all creating.
mrlosik -> downloading right now. This looks great.
PeggyG -> I can't believe we can do this without knowing how to draw!! renewed hope!!!
cheryloakes~seedlings -> Peggy you can your grandchildren will have a ball with this.
PeggyG -> Oh I love Scott McCloud's book about Understanding Comics!
cheryloakes~seedlings -> hello kimberley, welcome
Kimberley -> hi
alicebarr -> Welcome Kimberley
Kimberley -> Who is speaking please?
cheryloakes~seedlings -> Clive from Pixton Comic
Kimberley -> aha thanks
PeggyG -> If you don't have a paid educator account is the site safe for kids?
sheila -> This looks great but will the students find different featured comics on their screen? More child-centered?
cheryloakes~seedlings -> great questions Peggy and Shelia
PeggyG -> Thank you--very helpful response
PeggyG -> collaboration across classrooms is a great suggestion Cheryl!
cheryloakes~seedlings -> Glad to hear that an 8th grader is the most prolific
PeggyG -> I was curious about the same thing Sheila mentioned-if you
have a classroom page do you only see your student items featured or do
you see the same "featured comics" you see on the home page?
PeggyG -> I'm wondering about the comic talking about booze under the boss's desk...
Scott Shelhart -> I just got here...liknk to the site we are discussing please.
cheryloakes~seedlings -> http://www.pixton.com
sheila -> I'm making a cloud comic now for class tomorrow!
PeggyG -> http://pixton.com
cheryloakes~seedlings -> of course Shelia a science comic
alicebarr -> HI Scott
cheryloakes~seedlings -> thanks peggy
sheila -> :)
Scott Shelhart -> tnx
alicebarr -> Welcome kcaise
cheryloakes~seedlings -> hi kcaise! welcome
kcaise -> hi everyone!
PeggyG -> Chery-we were typing at the same time and you were faster than me!
PeggyG -> that's very generous for school use--yearbooks, newsletters :-)
cheryloakes~seedlings -> Isn't that great, use it for schools all around.
PeggyG -> I haven't had a chance to explore the site yet--are there characters of young children?
cheryloakes~seedlings -> we can help spread the word right folks
PeggyG -> definitely!!
sheila -> Oh, I can move a leg! and arm!
PeggyG -> Is it OK to use the comics created by students in VoiceThreads?
PeggyG -> wow! multi-lingual too! Excellent!
cheryloakes~seedlings -> will ask that in a minute peggy
PeggyG -> great question Chery!
PeggyG -> over achiever and well behaved!! not what I expected for such a creative person!!
PeggyG -> Yeah! Voicethread would allow it to get global interaction!
cheryloakes~seedlings -> yes, PEggy!
cheryloakes~seedlings -> My very bestest husband just brought me a plate of pasta and meatballs. Yummy
PeggyG -> right on cue!!!!
PeggyG -> bark-bark!
alicebarr -> @cheryl Yum!
PeggyG -> Does he have a blog for his site where people can share
how they're using the tool in classrooms or is it just based on the
posted comics?
cheryloakes~seedlings -> will get that too peggyg
Maureen -> lot audio
cheryloakes~seedlings -> got Clive back.
Maureen -> back again
alicebarr -> That was weird! Everything froze for a sec
PeggyG -> sorry I didn't hear the answer
cheryloakes~seedlings -> he doesn't have a blog except to inform, not for educators to post, but may think of a wiki space
PeggyG -> Yes that is exactly what I was thinking Cheryl.
cheryloakes~seedlings -> Clive can let the educators build his wiki!!! Rally
PeggyG -> with an educator account can you see creations by other classes or only those of your own class?
cheryloakes~seedlings -> just your class peggy, unless you and another class sign in as one big class.
sheila -> I've been playing with this too!
PeggyG -> Thanks Cheryl-I think I missed that earlier
PeggyG -> Oh great! the lesson bank is a way for teachers to share how they are using the comics they create!
cheryloakes~seedlings -> teachers can access lessons in the educator account.
sheila -> Nice!
cheryloakes~seedlings -> smartboard flexible
PeggyG -> is there an iPhone app for Pixton?
cheryloakes~seedlings -> not yet Peggyg, something to do with Flash and Apple, not compatible ,...yet
PeggyG -> Hooray!! I've used Comic Touch on my iPhone and that works great!
alicebarr -> a cartoon guide to Physics
sheila -> http://pixton.com/comic/8ylfcpac
sheila -> My masterpiece
PeggyG -> Look at you Sheila!! the ultimate multi-tasker! good job!
cheryloakes~seedlings -> thanks Shelia!
alicebarr -> pizap.com
PeggyG -> I'm your first fan Sheila!
PeggyG -> yes Geogebra!
sheila -> Well, I'm yours always! ;)
Kimberley -> I am playing with the site
PeggyG -> rhey have been featuring geogebra on Math 247
cheryloakes~seedlings -> http://photopeach.com/album/tv99qw
alicebarr -> Sheila: Great comic!
cheryloakes~seedlings -> Geogebra is awesome.
sheila -> couldn't have done it without pixton ! :)
PeggyG -> http://math247.pbwiki.com/Number-Sense-with-GeoGebra
cheryloakes~seedlings -> of course shelia! I can't wait to hear about all the kids making pixton
cheryloakes~seedlings -> PEggy thanks for the link for Math.
PeggyG -> there are many others on Math247 for different grade levels
PeggyG -> I've been wondering about iLife 09-Thanks Bob
PeggyG -> That's an amazing feature! might help with all of the photos I haven't labeled!
PeggyG -> wonder how it handles twins??? :-)
cheryloakes~seedlings -> only you Peggy!
Scott Shelhart -> my PC wont let my type a lower case I :(
PeggyG -> @Scott-I'm having delays with typing today myself
PeggyG -> Brainstorm is always a fantastic show!! So glad it's back on!
cheryloakes~seedlings -> It looks like DougSymington has a show, Brainstorm scheduled tonight.
sheila -> Yeah ETB is back! :)
cheryloakes~seedlings -> Lisa P has her show next week!! in this time slot.
PeggyG -> I'm so excited to learn about Pixton! Thank you so much Clive!
Kimberley -> Great tool
Kimberley -> just created my first comic
Clive -> You're welcome!
sheila -> This has been great! Now I'll stay up late playing!
sheila -> Thanks Clive!
cheryloakes~seedlings -> Thanks for all for being in the chat room!
Clive -> Feel free to send me suggestions & feedback - [email protected]
sheila -> @Kimberley - where is it?
cheryloakes~seedlings -> Thanks for being here Clive and getting suggestions from all.
cheryloakes~seedlings -> Hey Deb
cheryloakes~seedlings -> Stream is going down.
bobsprankle -> thanks all
PeggyG -> Another wonderful Seedlings show-thanks!
Kimberley -> still a work in progress
alicebarr -> Thanks all for coming
cheryloakes~seedlings -> thanks to our audience you are the best.
sheila -> Thanks so much Seedlings!
PeggyG -> Beautiful day in AZ-82 degrees!
cheryloakes~seedlings -> thanks, gang, see ya,
sheila -> Awww! Peggy! It was -4 this morning!
Kimberley -> and thank you
PeggyG -> Sorry Sheila! come and visit me!
sheila -> Now?
sheila -> :)
PeggyG -> Yup!
sheila -> teleport me!
bobsprankle -> goodnight all!