SEEDLINGS SHOW # 50 discussing the Horizon Report 2009
Alice, Bob and Cheryl dissected the Horizon Report 2009. The chat room contains incredible resources and responses.
Alice, Bob and Cheryl did their homework and started the discussion about the Horizon Report 2009. One question we did not answer was how do the old reports measure up a year and up to 4 years later. That will be for you to decide, otherwise we would give it all away.
Listen to the show, leave a comment and come back for more. We are so happy to Worldbridges and Edtechtalk for sponsoring this show through the 50 episodes. Thanks again.
“Geek of the Week” Links for 2009-01-29
The Chat:
19:22:08 alicebarr Hey Mike
19:22:12 alicebarr Starting in a few
19:22:15 mrichme Hi Alice
19:22:45 alicebarr Thanks for your help again today
19:23:23 mrichme I tried
19:23:35 alicebarr No it was VERY helpful!
19:24:13 alicebarr Want to join us on Skype?
19:24:21 alicebarr Show # 50!
19:24:23 mrichme I really hope we can get the cloud computing option available as that can really open up Web 2.0 tools in schools
19:24:47 mrichme I don't have a microphone. :(
19:24:59 alicebarr Yes me too. Interesting, I would like o chat more about that sometime
19:25:23 alicebarr Boo :(
19:27:00 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 Hello to all, this is show # 50
19:27:09 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 hello shelia,
19:27:24 Sheila Hi there! :)
19:27:27 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 getting ready!
19:29:31 bobsprankle hi all!
19:29:58 Sheila @mrichme - How's the family doing?
19:30:00 Scott Shelhart Is it just about to start?
19:30:22 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 Hello, to all
19:30:44 guest478 :)
19:31:06 Scott Shelhart Google cal. says 19:30 GMT start's now 00:30
19:31:19 guest478 @scott don't trust those google guys
19:31:41 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 Hi Scott, Maureen, Michael, Thursday already, Guest 478
19:31:45 Scott Shelhart ok.
19:32:02 Maureen Hello Cheryl and everyone!
19:32:04 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 Hello PeggyG
19:32:15 mrichme Hi everyone. We're doing well. Recovery is never a quick process.
19:32:34 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 Hello Kcaise!
19:32:43 guest478 i can't believe that you guys are at 50 already. Congrats everyone!
19:32:46 alicebarr Hi Peggy hi
19:32:46 kcaise hi everyone
19:32:48 kcaise hi cheryl
19:33:08 PeggyG Hi-was having trouble getting my chat bar to appear
19:33:27 PeggyG always an adventure on Seedlings!
19:34:05 PeggyG hoping to learn from all of you-I've downloaded the report but haven't read it yet
19:34:14 alicebarr
19:34:18 guest478 lol
19:34:35 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 The report is Creative Commons, license!
19:34:45 guest478 NO!
19:34:48 guest478 NO PRINTING!
19:35:10 alicebarr You're right Guest 478 :)
19:35:35 PeggyG is it only for higher education?
19:35:49 mrichme Has anyone looked at past year's reports to see how the trends played out?
19:36:52 mrichme If the President of the US has a Blackberry what message do we send to students by banning phones in schools?
19:36:59 guest478 omg
19:37:03 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 Not yet mrichme, but in the report they reference that
19:37:10 PeggyG that's a great way to explain it Cheryl. thanks
19:37:12 guest478 There doesn't seem to be a mobile ready version of the horizon report
19:37:17 guest478 how foolish is that?
19:37:55 PeggyG too bad we can't see your screen :-)
19:38:03 Maureen @mrichme But would we have to restrict their blackberries the way Obama's is?
19:38:21 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 hello barbara mclaughlin
19:38:24 alicebarr @guest476 .pdf view for mobile
19:38:39 barbara mclaughlin Hello
19:38:40 mrichme @Maureen That is better than most schools
19:38:41 PeggyG our university is starting to move into web 2.0 but many faculty are still very proprietary about their content
19:38:50 guest478 @alicebarr pdf? that's hardly a handy dandy mobile format
19:39:12 Maureen mrichme:) We take them away and lock them in the closet for the day.
19:39:36 alicebarr @guest 478 you are right, not the best, but doable
19:40:12 kcaise very good point cheryl
19:40:27 guest478 sorry... got kicked out
19:40:27 Thursday already? used my cell phone to access info in an art museum yesterday
19:40:27 techsavvygirl is there software like Poll anywhere that is more affordable
19:40:45 PeggyG poll everywhere is free
19:40:49 guest478 no defense :)
19:41:03 guest478 yay for exportability and txt versions!
19:41:37 techsavvygirl i thought it was only free for very limited us. cool.. I'll look into it further
19:42:06 techsavvygirl hi Peggy! we keep bumping into each other!
19:42:21 alicebarr @thursday Already Cool use for cell
19:42:26 PeggyG there are limitations on the free version--maybe 30 responses?
19:42:44 guest478 doh! child wakes up... hope to get back... may have to catch podcast
19:42:49 PeggyG Yes love it techsavvygirl!!
19:42:53 guest478 congrats again on THE BIG 50
19:42:58 Thursday already? why teach touch typing?
19:43:13 mrichme via Will Richardson Information technologies are having a significant impact on how people work, play, gain information, and collaborate. Increasingly, those who use technology in ways that expand their global connections are more likely to advance, while those who do not will find themselves on the sidelines. With the growing availability of tools to connect learners and scholars all over the world — online collaborative workspaces, social networking tools, mobiles, voice-over-IP, and more — teaching and scholarship are transcending traditional borders more and more all the time. (Emphasis mine.)
19:43:13 Maureen If everything goes mobile, my glasses will need to be permenantly attached to me
19:43:20 PeggyG I can type mubh better on my iphone than I could on my blackberry!
19:43:38 Thursday already? touch typing may go by the wayside before cursive writing!
19:43:42 techsavvygirl I think we absolutely STILL must teach keyboarding
19:43:46 PeggyG @mrichme--great quote!! so true!
19:44:09 alicebarr @Peggy G I have heard many say that
19:44:25 mrichme Who is to say in 5 years things aren't voice to text?
19:44:27 PeggyG when you comment on something can you tell us what page you're on?
19:44:30 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 Cursive writing is not taught in my schools.
19:44:42 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 sure thing peggyG
19:44:54 Maureen How do you think the global recession will affect the predictions in the report?
19:45:35 PeggyG that's such a great point Bob! we have a lot of power if we take advantage of student cell phones they already own :-)
19:45:36 mrichme @Bob bandwidth will become the new currency
19:45:41 Maureen Do you think the startups, the free stuff will disappear? Or is this temporary?
19:45:42 PeggyG thank you!
19:45:44 bobsprankle right, mike
19:47:50 PeggyG @Maureen--which startups are you referring to? tools that are online and free right now?
19:48:29 Maureen @ Peggy Yes. It seems that things that were in beta and free and now $ or gone. Even google is retrenching.
19:48:47 PeggyG just got a notice from my mailman today about a change in scheduled delivery times--haven't dropped Sat. yet
19:49:15 PeggyG I agree Maureen. Many seem to be retrenching.
19:49:37 Maureen @ Peggy my PO just expanded hours- I could never get my mail til Sat- now they are finally open til 7 for mailboxes.
19:49:46 PeggyG and the ads that support the free programs are getting much more intrusive!
19:49:47 mrichme Think about bandwidth in schools (as well as filters)
19:49:57 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 hello annelisewojo, cathy E, hello
19:50:36 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 techsavvygirl, welcome
19:50:37 Maureen Hate to think that Gary Stager was right about web 2.0
19:50:49 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 hey ds, welcome long time no see
19:50:56 PeggyG it's so sad when we lose tools we love!
19:50:57 Thursday already? what did gary say?
19:51:09 Cathy E I just love listening to ya'll
19:51:10 PeggyG but I don't think that's a reason not to use them
19:51:11 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 yes peggy, very sad
19:51:13 ds thanks Cheryl, it has been too long
19:51:14 mrichme EXPORT EXPORT EXPORT
19:51:18 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 thanks cathye
19:51:29 Maureen Gary was saying not to count on the betas, that free costs something
19:51:46 Thursday already? thanks, Maureen
19:51:54 bobsprankle def. maureen
19:51:55 Cathy E Didn't Jott go to pay? I loved the beta.
19:52:00 techsavvygirl American free enterprise
19:52:03 kcaise is there a way to export diigo?
19:52:41 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 I was sad to see Jott go, pay.
19:52:57 PeggyG what a great comment to target Cheryl! students are different but a lot of educational material is not!!!
19:53:24 PeggyG change is just so slow!!!!
19:53:34 alicebarr @CathyE Yes Jott went to pay
19:53:43 techsavvygirl Discovered a very interesting approach to history today that I think is a great example of Cheryl's comment
19:54:00 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 thanks techsavvy girl.
19:54:05 techsavvygirl remixing and and new video as a way to keep the new voters engaged
19:54:21 PeggyG they made exactly that point on the PBS-Classroom 2.0 show last night about Lincoln!
19:54:22 techsavvygirl sorry type.. historical and new videos
19:54:27 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 A reminder that this will be a podcast tomorrow and the chat will be availabe too, with all the great links!!!
19:54:52 annelisewojo finally I'm in and have audio, whew! too many problems for me to get here, glad i made it
19:55:05 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 glad you persevered annelisewojo
19:55:06 Maureen I have mixed feelings about "kids are different now". Yes- they can learn things in new ways, express their learning in new ways- but so many things are developmental. Smetimes they just seem precocious because of the tech stuff
19:55:11 techsavvygirl NECAP scores came out today! everyone is comparing their schools
19:56:00 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 we start with necap's next fall, in Maine
19:56:18 PeggyG we're starting to collect a lot more data but teachers need to learn how to analyze it and interpret it to improve student learning
19:57:11 techsavvygirl Peggy... its got to be more timely to be useful
19:57:21 techsavvygirl Assessment wall.. I want to see that.. please send link
19:57:31 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 look at assessment wall
19:57:33 Thursday already? wold love to see that cheryl
19:57:33 PeggyG
19:57:39 techsavvygirl thanks cheryl
19:57:39 Scott Shelhart Have to go. I can't focus on homework and listen at the same time. Will catch it on the podcast
19:57:54 ds dogs and kids, the director's nightmare :)
19:58:06 alicebarr @ds Yup
19:58:10 PeggyG that's why teachers need to learn to collect data in formative ways so it's immediate
19:58:17 bobsprankle thanks for coming scott! see you later!
19:58:59 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 hello JohnS, welcome
19:59:00 Maureen Do you have any concerns about data mining, privacy, and access with cloud computing?
19:59:03 PeggyG student portfolios are great ways to collect data but teachers need to know how to assess them
19:59:10 JohnS Hey, all.
19:59:30 techsavvygirl the under 13 limitations is really stifling this
19:59:43 bobsprankle hey john.. welcome
19:59:55 mrichme Great point @techsavvygirl
19:59:56 PeggyG students need to learn how to self-evaluate too
20:00:02 techsavvygirl too many people holding the "legal" concerns as a reason not to go there
20:00:03 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 yes, techsavvygirl, we use the [email protected] to get around
20:00:22 Maureen @techsavvygirl- I agree!
20:00:39 techsavvygirl we use Google Apps at our middle school
20:00:43 mrichme @cheryloakes What about Voicethread's latest change in policy?
20:00:50 PeggyG I wish people wouldn't focus on what they can't do and rather focus on how can they do what they need/want to do.
20:00:54 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 yes, techsavvygirl, we need to keep pushing forward
20:01:21 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 What is the VT policy change, I am not aware?
20:01:56 mrichme Didn't they change that workaround?
20:01:59 JohnS Wouldn't use that argument. Online services can go away, too.
20:02:00 Cathy E Have you tried (but out by MIT)
20:02:06 techsavvygirl what do you mean cheryl
20:02:17 PeggyG very important point Bob-have heard concerns about lack of access to google docs that were critical when server was down or docs were somehow lost
20:02:26 Maureen @CathyE what is
20:02:39 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 I think we need to push the postives techsavvy girl, there are more than negatives, I hope
20:02:45 JohnS @PeggyG offline is coming. That may help some.
20:03:13 PeggyG offline is here now for Google docs
20:03:15 techsavvygirl Google Gears important feature
20:03:34 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 thanks peggyg for the update, offline for google docs
20:03:36 JohnS yes, but I don't think it's available for Google apps for education yet (though I may be wrong)
20:03:48 mrichme sorry about that...VT doesn't allow simulataneous login under one user name
20:03:51 Cathy E =
20:04:01 PeggyG Steve H. told me how much he appreciates being able to use google docs offline on planes. :-)
20:04:02 mrichme LOVE GOOGLE GEARS!
20:04:06 techsavvygirl hmm.. JOhn.. I have not tried Google Gears with apps , yet.. will do
20:04:28 Maureen Thanks CathyE
20:05:09 techsavvygirl Peggy...for us in Vemont... we don't have broadband in many places... so Google Gears helped me survive this summer when I lived in a no cell phone; no broadband location
20:05:24 Maureen I haven't read the report yet- just skimmed the summary- but does it talk about the "semantic" web?
20:05:42 mrichme Geo-location: Google Maps now ties in photos for locations. So when you search for location it will also give you photos from panoramic (sp)
20:05:43 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 yes maureen, semantic web is coming up at the end
20:05:50 PeggyG that is great to hear!! I haven't needed google gears but am definitely going to explore it.
20:06:59 PeggyG I'm still struggling with the differences between tags and categories. Sue Waters wrote a great blog post on it but they keep overlapping for me.
20:07:45 mrichme @PeggyG I tell kids to think about tags like keywords
20:08:03 mrichme Categories would be general topics
20:08:22 techsavvygirl great links in that section... cool.
20:08:22 PeggyG I much prefer tags to categories--so many things seem to overlap categories
20:08:36 annelisewojo I agree, I'm surprised in the 2-3 years for this section
20:09:47 PeggyG I don't think teachers understand tagging yet.
20:10:11 PeggyG Many teachers are still not using social bookmarking sites and RSS feeds.
20:10:16 alicebarr Amazing links to explore in this report
20:10:33 JohnS Has anyone looked back at the old Horizon Reports to see how accurate they were in hindsight?
20:11:25 techsavvygirl I can't wait for Google Sites to be able to "embed" better
20:11:29 PeggyG @JohnS--I haven't but that would be really interesting. Like going back to last year's astrological reading to see how much of it really happened. :-)
20:12:00 Maureen Oh good- I don't really get the concept- maybe a video will help me
20:12:19 techsavvygirl Tagging (by doing it and making mistakes) students and teachers will learn how to do it
20:12:46 mrichme @Alice THat sounds like a great assignment for a summer course someone might be teaching!
20:13:04 JohnS No. They go back to 2004.
20:13:15 PeggyG I still have to think about whether my tags always help me find things when I need them. That's why I like Diigo so I can edit my tags when I need to.
20:13:20 techsavvygirl cool... what a great activity
20:13:24 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50
20:13:33 techsavvygirl thanks Cheryl
20:14:01 PeggyG thanks for that link Cheryl!
20:14:53 Sheila did I miss the link to the video?
20:14:54 PeggyG there really are a LOT of great links in that report!!
20:15:05 ds
20:15:14 Sheila Thanks DS
20:15:17 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 This report would keep you busy for a few snow days !
20:15:19 ds yw
20:15:30 techsavvygirl anyone got a good video link that shows smart objects
20:15:32 Sheila Computer hiccuped
20:15:38 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 oops
20:15:48 PeggyG can you explain smart objects?
20:15:51 techsavvygirl Cheryl... that might happen tomorrow
20:15:56 techsavvygirl (snow day)
20:16:30 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 no, where are youtechsavvy?
20:16:39 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 we just had one yesterday.
20:16:52 PeggyG so sorry for all of you cold folks!! 73 degrees tomorrow for me
20:16:55 mrichme Smart objects in education: Scan your ID card in the library and have a personalized reading list appear.
20:17:07 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 good idea thanks mrichme
20:17:37 Sheila And do you know how old the GPS satellites are?
20:17:52 annelisewojo Tonight is the 1st time I've looked at the Horizon Report. Very interesting data, loaded with links. Thanks Cheryl for tweeting this talk....I've heard of it but never took the time to read it.
20:17:52 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 that is a good trivia question.
20:18:05 JohnS They need to talk to each other, not to a central repository. Let the cars a mile back know that there's a slowdown coming up.
20:18:09 JohnS grid computing
20:18:13 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 the horizon report is a must read for educators.
20:18:15 Sheila Groups are concerned we have not updated them.
20:18:16 PeggyG I sometimes worry about the information because I depend on it to be accurate--like GPS directions. I don't print out a map because I depend on my GPS to tell me
20:18:38 annelisewojo Why is it the more I learn, the more I wonder how I was so out of the loop before?
20:18:38 JohnS We have that. It's
20:18:47 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 yes johns
20:19:11 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 i agree annelisewojo, time
20:19:21 techsavvygirl EPIC 2014 video comes to mind
20:19:34 Maureen @annelisewojo You're in good company- out of the loop... I learn more every day and get further behind
20:19:35 PeggyG @annelisewojo--that is so true! it's hard to keep up with the loop!
20:20:03 JohnS It's not even that. You just log in, and it makes suggestions for you based on what you've bought in the past. I could see libraries making suggestions like that.
20:20:05 annelisewojo whew, feeling better now that i'm not alone!
20:20:06 PeggyG oh Cheryl--a wordle!! fantastic!! what a great idea!
20:20:24 techsavvygirl
20:20:25 PeggyG do you use the full report for your wordle?
20:21:06 Maureen just fyi- wordle doens't search by name- just title,tags. Found out the hard way when I had to find 24 wordles after inauguration- labeled with first name last initial.. ugh!
20:22:31 PeggyG I didn't know that Maureen--very helpful!
20:22:33 techsavvygirl I'm really enjoying the discussion about this report.. Very timely
20:22:37 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 sorry lost my chat for a while
20:22:58 techsavvygirl I've found that has some features that I wish Wordle had
20:22:58 PeggyG it's hard for teachers to teach it when they haven't experienced it
20:23:09 Maureen @peggyg - had to go back 8 hours of pages to find my kids work... no fun!
20:23:28 techsavvygirl absolutely.... we don't teach Music by listening to music.. we learn by practing music
20:23:36 techsavvygirl pacticing
20:23:43 techsavvygirl oops.. can't spell
20:23:46 PeggyG ugh!! valuable learning experience! you saved us a bunch of time
20:23:55 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 thanks PeggyG
20:24:01 JohnS need to check out, folks. Thanks for a great show.
20:25:01 techsavvygirl Thanks sooo much for your perspectives, Seedlings
20:25:05 PeggyG what a lot of information to process from the Horizon Report!! Can't wait to get started and to have some local conversations about it!
20:25:53 alicebarr
20:26:03 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 great one Alice!
20:26:12 PeggyG I'm very interested to compare the horizon report with the conversations that took place at educon2.1
20:27:21 PeggyG awesome link Alice!
20:27:24 techsavvygirl very cool..
20:27:26 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50
20:27:33 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 hello adinasullivan!!
20:27:51 adinasullivan Hey ya
20:28:28 PeggyG that's amazing there are so many virtual worlds for kids!!
20:28:34 Lorna what a list
20:28:59 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50
20:29:25 PeggyG I started using Bella Sara with my granddaughter (6 years) after Alec Courosa mentioned it. She loves it!
20:29:39 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 great to have an endorsement PeggyG
20:29:46 techsavvygirl more needs for media literacy
20:29:51 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 Hi LindaN, welcome back
20:30:08 PeggyG I remember taking a course on speed reading :-)
20:30:10 techsavvygirl yes
20:30:11 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50
20:30:19 Cathy E OH - I so remember doing that
20:30:25 PeggyG my problem is staying awake when I read!
20:30:28 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 isn't funny how we learned!
20:30:36 techsavvygirl We're all revealing our age
20:30:44 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 yes,
20:31:05 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50
20:31:07 PeggyG My 6-year-old grandson just gave me a great explanation about how he speedreads his books. He's already reading Harry Potter. :-)
20:31:31 techsavvygirl great links
20:32:21 techsavvygirl Cheryl... what is OUR SPACE
20:32:38 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 ourspace is our 8th grade language arts ning, it private
20:32:40 PeggyG where did you put the NYTimes article?
20:32:54 techsavvygirl what a great 'name'
20:33:14 PeggyG that's not cool looks wonderful and fun!
20:33:39 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 tecysavvygirl, the teachers thought of it.
20:33:40 bobsprankle
20:34:02 PeggyG Thanks Bob!
20:34:10 Lorna nytimes link won't open need membership
20:34:29 PeggyG I had to log in to see it Lorna
20:34:35 Lorna sorry I see that it is free
20:34:35 PeggyG it's free
20:34:40 techsavvygirl video? can you send that link
20:34:40 adinasullivan Some good kid/teen level articles on as well
20:34:48 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 50 shows tonight!
20:34:50 Sheila Happy 50th!
20:34:51 PeggyG we need some birthday cake!!
20:34:55 techsavvygirl Happy 50th
20:34:56 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 You all make our show!
20:35:37 PeggyG Such a wonderful show!!! Thanks to all of you!
20:35:41 annelisewojo thanks everyone, great info, i'll be back!
20:35:56 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 we will be here next week. Teachers Talking are Feb 12.
20:36:08 Maureen Thank you- great show!
20:36:24 bobsprankle thanks all!
20:36:28 cheryloakes`Seedlings Show #50 Thanks again, awesome show.
20:36:31 PeggyG We have the Seedlings shows on our Classroom 2.0 LIVE calendar too :-)
20:36:39 Lorna I can never get over how much I can learn in 15 min with these wonderful folks
20:36:42 PeggyG adios!
20:36:48 techsavvygirl au revoir
20:36:51 PeggyG Thanks everyone!
20:36:57 adinasullivan Good night all
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