WOW2 Show #93 with a focus on K12 Online & NotK12Online: Dean Shareski and Bud Hunt

Chat Text from the Show:

008-10-14 20:55:13 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: hello
2008-10-14 20:55:19 [Message] meacherteacher -> -EdTechTalk: hello
2008-10-14 20:55:28 [Message] ParticipativeParent -> -EdTechTalk: Hello
2008-10-14 20:56:03 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: Hello and welcome
2008-10-14 20:56:29 [Message] meacherteacher -> -EdTechTalk: What's the topic tonight?  I can't remember.
2008-10-14 20:56:34 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: evenin', Jen.
2008-10-14 20:57:24 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: waiting to hear from Sharon   :)
2008-10-14 20:57:31 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: and FF just crashed on me -- sorry
2008-10-14 20:58:44 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: hmmmmm
2008-10-14 20:59:08 [Message] meacherteacher -> -EdTechTalk: is there audio yet?
2008-10-14 20:59:15 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Not yet
2008-10-14 20:59:21 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Bud -- has Sharon called you yet??
2008-10-14 21:01:08 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: well Welcome to WOW2
2008-10-14 21:01:09 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: Nope.  Not heard from her.
2008-10-14 21:01:13 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: here is our delicious for tonight
2008-10-14 21:01:15 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks.
2008-10-14 21:01:24 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Hi all!-they say 3rd time is the charm :-) Show hasn't even started and I've already restarted twice! Great to see you
2008-10-14 21:01:35 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: Hi, Peggy!
2008-10-14 21:01:55 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-10-14 21:02:05 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Bud-looking forward to hearing the latest scoop on NotK12 :-)
2008-10-14 21:02:13 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Matt -- do you need a rope???
2008-10-14 21:02:20 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: hey Jen
2008-10-14 21:02:22 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: and you are back in CA
2008-10-14 21:02:33 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: yep, back in CA...long day!
2008-10-14 21:02:42 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: welcome Dean
2008-10-14 21:02:51 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Is there audio yet? I'm not hearing anything on ETT-A
2008-10-14 21:02:51 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: It was fun meeting sharon!  She is great!
2008-10-14 21:02:58 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: we are getting the stream ready
2008-10-14 21:03:02 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: well sharon is
2008-10-14 21:03:14 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: great-no problem!
2008-10-14 21:03:24 [Message] shareski -> -EdTechTalk: Hello
2008-10-14 21:03:42 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: dean -- your phone will be ringing momentarily
2008-10-14 21:03:43 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Dean-did you figure out your USB problem?
2008-10-14 21:03:46 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Bud -- you too
2008-10-14 21:03:57 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: and again -- here is our delicious link for tonight
2008-10-14 21:04:11 [Message] shareski -> -EdTechTalk: My 3rd appearance in a week....I should start my own show:D
2008-10-14 21:04:27 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: hmmm maybe like EdTechPosse or something like that??
2008-10-14 21:04:54 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Dean -- is your phone ringing??
2008-10-14 21:04:56 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: canuck tech talk?
2008-10-14 21:05:03 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: almost kinda
2008-10-14 21:05:16 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: LOL-looks like you've taken your show on the road Dean :-)
2008-10-14 21:05:32 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Yeah! I hear typing :-)
2008-10-14 21:05:51 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: I've got sound
2008-10-14 21:06:02 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: so the stream is live??
2008-10-14 21:06:04 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: thanks
2008-10-14 21:06:06 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Jan
2008-10-14 21:06:19 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: yes the stream is live-audio is great
2008-10-14 21:07:19 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: Someone is very quiet
2008-10-14 21:07:24 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-10-14 21:07:25 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Sharon is really soft
2008-10-14 21:07:39 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-10-14 21:07:53 [Message] sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: can you drop the delicious link again, Jen?
2008-10-14 21:08:07 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-10-14 21:08:59 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-10-14 21:09:11 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: however, I will need to add Sharon's links
2008-10-14 21:09:29 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: so they are not included in delicious YET
2008-10-14 21:09:31 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome Lisa
2008-10-14 21:09:40 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Jen
2008-10-14 21:09:52 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Lisa
2008-10-14 21:09:59 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Peggy!
2008-10-14 21:10:14 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: can Sharon talk a bit louder?
2008-10-14 21:10:22 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Sharon is much lower than Jen.
2008-10-14 21:10:22 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: Sharon is still really quiet
2008-10-14 21:11:43 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I was hoping someone would mention the pre-conference keynote! It was wonderful!!
2008-10-14 21:11:44 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: FF is not nice to me tonight  --- sorry
2008-10-14 21:12:05 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: His closing remarks were very powerful!!!
2008-10-14 21:12:20 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, I wrote it down !!  as did many I am sure
2008-10-14 21:12:27 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: Shareski!!!
2008-10-14 21:12:28 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @peggy - the whole thing was powerful, wasn't it?
2008-10-14 21:12:29 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: "the death of education but the door of learning"- :-)
2008-10-14 21:12:36 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: yeppers
2008-10-14 21:12:38 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: yep another good story teller.  Great preconference keynote
2008-10-14 21:12:44 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hey Bud Hunt!!
2008-10-14 21:12:51 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: Howdy, Durff!
2008-10-14 21:13:01 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi kyle
2008-10-14 21:13:06 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Kyle
2008-10-14 21:13:07 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @Bud-absolutely! I even took notes :-) didn't want to forget!
2008-10-14 21:13:18 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Colleen
2008-10-14 21:13:20 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: when he is not shovelling snow
2008-10-14 21:13:20 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi colleen
2008-10-14 21:13:24 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: hey colleen and kyle
2008-10-14 21:13:28 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: snow?
2008-10-14 21:13:33 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Lisa and Lisa
2008-10-14 21:13:34 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: already?
2008-10-14 21:13:38 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Jen
2008-10-14 21:13:41 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Didn't you see Dean's video, Durff?
2008-10-14 21:14:11 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Hello David
2008-10-14 21:14:12 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: Ladies & Gentlemen - Jakes in the house
2008-10-14 21:14:25 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: is dean playing with his dogs? I hear a ball rolling in the background
2008-10-14 21:14:27 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi paul
2008-10-14 21:14:28 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome Paul and DJ
2008-10-14 21:14:37 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: you're late paul
2008-10-14 21:14:37 [Message] shareski -> -EdTechTalk: Johnny Money Online
2008-10-14 21:14:42 [Message] paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: @Durff Nice pic. How are you?
2008-10-14 21:14:51 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Can't read the yellow, Dean.
2008-10-14 21:14:52 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: thanks
2008-10-14 21:15:11 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: I am sorry, I was not overly moved by the keynote. The last eight minutes were great, but it took me awhile to get to the meat. I understand that it scene setting. I only did the audio, so I am going to give the video a look tomorrow
2008-10-14 21:15:20 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-10-14 21:15:33 [Message] shareski -> -EdTechTalk: I was using yellow because david jakes told me to
2008-10-14 21:15:59 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi milobo
2008-10-14 21:16:06 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @Vinnie-I was worried because the keynote got off to a slow start, but I really was motivated by it and have listened several times already.
2008-10-14 21:16:09 [Message] shareski -> -EdTechTalk: Yeah robwall...fellow posse member
2008-10-14 21:16:09 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Do you always do what David Jakes tells you to do? ;)
2008-10-14 21:16:13 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: we heard that bud
2008-10-14 21:16:22 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @durff? Which part?
2008-10-14 21:16:27 [Message] djakes -> -EdTechTalk: I didnt tell Shareski jack
2008-10-14 21:16:44 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-10-14 21:16:44 [Message] milobo -> -EdTechTalk: Evening @mrsdurff and all!
2008-10-14 21:16:47 [Message] djakes -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Paul
2008-10-14 21:16:49 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: the sarcastic part
2008-10-14 21:17:01 [Message] paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: Hey David
2008-10-14 21:17:27 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @Durff - I know not what you mean.  :)
2008-10-14 21:17:40 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: LOL
2008-10-14 21:17:49 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-10-14 21:18:10 [Message] meacherteacher -> -EdTechTalk: oops, gotta go.  back a little later
2008-10-14 21:18:43 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: @peggyg I agree that the last 10-15 minutes of the audio got to the heart and meat of the conversation. If it wasn't for the drive I was on, I may have turned it off.
2008-10-14 21:19:40 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Sharon, please boost your volume.  You are much lower than everyone else.
2008-10-14 21:19:47 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome jdbecker
2008-10-14 21:20:07 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: hi beil
2008-10-14 21:20:11 [Message] djakes -> -EdTechTalk: whats a pro cess?
2008-10-14 21:20:20 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: LOL
2008-10-14 21:20:34 [Message] djakes -> -EdTechTalk: abbbouuuuuutttttttttttttttttttt
2008-10-14 21:20:35 [Message] beil -> -EdTechTalk: hi Jen
2008-10-14 21:20:40 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: its when people get ready to share their presos
2008-10-14 21:20:41 [Message] djakes -> -EdTechTalk: sorry
2008-10-14 21:20:44 [Message] paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: Am I supposed to have sound
2008-10-14 21:20:51 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, Paul.
2008-10-14 21:20:51 [Message] djakes -> -EdTechTalk: well play JL
2008-10-14 21:20:55 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: paulrwood -- look to the right
2008-10-14 21:21:00 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: and you should see the stream
2008-10-14 21:21:01 [Message] djakes -> -EdTechTalk: yes, open up Real Player
2008-10-14 21:21:03 [Message] paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: I see no icons to click on for sound
2008-10-14 21:21:09 [Message] beil -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, click on sound option on the right
2008-10-14 21:21:16 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: Fireside Chat is when I am at work
2008-10-14 21:21:17 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: but -- it might kick you out of the room --
2008-10-14 21:21:21 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: so RIGHT MOUSE CLICK
2008-10-14 21:21:21 [Message] djakes -> -EdTechTalk: @JenWagner.  YOu should see the colors right now
2008-10-14 21:21:26 [Message] sharonp -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-10-14 21:21:35 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: will the NotK12 merge with the K12 during When Night Falls?
2008-10-14 21:21:41 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: hmmmm
2008-10-14 21:21:46 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: okay - got a color now
2008-10-14 21:22:05 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: color option is on the far left of the toolbar -- feel free to grab a color
2008-10-14 21:22:12 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: Paul must be on the merry-go-round
2008-10-14 21:22:26 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: [b]I got purple
2008-10-14 21:22:30 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: also -- on the far right -- 3rd button will expand your chat window
2008-10-14 21:22:35 [Message] beil -> -EdTechTalk: I'm green
2008-10-14 21:22:43 [Message] sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: got teal
2008-10-14 21:23:01 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Paul -- are you still without sound???
2008-10-14 21:23:10 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: I forgot what I have
2008-10-14 21:23:16 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: oh aqua
2008-10-14 21:23:20 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: Paul - use sign language
2008-10-14 21:23:22 [Message] paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: HUH?
2008-10-14 21:23:23 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome Linda!!
2008-10-14 21:23:33 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi dgrice
2008-10-14 21:23:34 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome Dennis!
2008-10-14 21:23:35 [Message] LindaN -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Jen!
2008-10-14 21:23:53 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: there is that sarcasm again
2008-10-14 21:24:04 [Message] shareski -> -EdTechTalk: @Djakes....shouldn't you be watching Dancing with the Stars?
2008-10-14 21:24:19 [Message] dgrice -> -EdTechTalk: Hello all.
2008-10-14 21:24:21 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: muting my mic
2008-10-14 21:24:25 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: welcome jon
2008-10-14 21:24:28 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi jonbecker
2008-10-14 21:24:34 [Message] jonbecker -> -EdTechTalk: hi
2008-10-14 21:24:43 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: it is not good to snort on your own show
2008-10-14 21:24:52 [Message] dgrice -> -EdTechTalk: Muting the Sox/Rays game.
2008-10-14 21:24:57 [Message] LindaN -> -EdTechTalk: Great gathering of folks here tonight!
2008-10-14 21:24:58 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: snort?
2008-10-14 21:25:02 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: fascinating to hear the thinking behind the scenes :-)
2008-10-14 21:25:07 [Message] paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: Channel A works better than Channel B
2008-10-14 21:25:09 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: i think i did that once
2008-10-14 21:25:10 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: depends on what you snort
2008-10-14 21:25:19 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi hbuchter
2008-10-14 21:25:22 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi Sue
2008-10-14 21:25:24 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: has anyone sent in a event for the NotK12??
2008-10-14 21:25:28 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: mine is ready to go
2008-10-14 21:25:29 [Message] Sue Waters -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Lisa
2008-10-14 21:25:47 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Sue
2008-10-14 21:26:00 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: jakes must be going to Dancing with the Stars
2008-10-14 21:26:01 [Message] Sue Waters -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Jan how are you?
2008-10-14 21:26:09 [Message] paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: I was so happy to see an actual picture of Lisa Durff today.
2008-10-14 21:26:09 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi mahlness
2008-10-14 21:26:13 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: Happy, kids are loving blogging!
2008-10-14 21:26:21 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: paul - i owe you
2008-10-14 21:26:25 [Message] Sue Waters -> -EdTechTalk: @Jan that is excellent news
2008-10-14 21:26:46 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi dp
2008-10-14 21:26:55 [Message] dp -> -EdTechTalk: hi
2008-10-14 21:27:35 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: the nebula? sounds like startrek
2008-10-14 21:27:52 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @Bud- I like the idea of having a place for folks who are not on K12 online to publish. It can put it in one place.
2008-10-14 21:28:10 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: I can't hear Sharon at all.  I am going to head to bed.  Will listen to the rest as a podcast.  Thanks for the show.
2008-10-14 21:28:20 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: Nite
2008-10-14 21:28:32 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: night lisa
2008-10-14 21:28:52 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: But it makes you feel part of the conference
2008-10-14 21:29:03 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: being there yet not being there
2008-10-14 21:29:50 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: is Sharon really that soft??
2008-10-14 21:30:09 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: Sharon is fine for me
2008-10-14 21:30:25 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: could we have the link again for not k12
2008-10-14 21:30:31 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: thx
2008-10-14 21:30:36 [Message] shareski -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-10-14 21:30:45 [Message] beth holmes -> -EdTechTalk: Kristie Richburg - from Georgia?
2008-10-14 21:30:45 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: thanks
2008-10-14 21:30:58 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: Sharon is softer on the iTunes feed
2008-10-14 21:31:20 [Message] LindaN -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, I can hardly hear her, but i am listening through iTunes
2008-10-14 21:31:21 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: Is any of this making sense?
2008-10-14 21:31:27 [Message] sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: thanks vinnie
2008-10-14 21:31:28 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: so part of it is responses and continuing the conversation started on k12online and part is new presentations??
2008-10-14 21:31:35 [Message] thekyleguy -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Jan
2008-10-14 21:31:43 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Kyle
2008-10-14 21:31:43 [Message] milobo -> -EdTechTalk: NotK12 Online. I'm thinking it reminds me of the best part of attending a conference - sitting in the hall and learning from the non-presenters.
2008-10-14 21:31:44 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @peggy - yep!
2008-10-14 21:31:53 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @milobo - I hope so.
2008-10-14 21:32:05 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I think I'm getting it :-)
2008-10-14 21:32:07 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: just joined.  already thinking about how to use this site.  
2008-10-14 21:32:27 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @chris - sweet - thanks!
2008-10-14 21:32:41 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: Is part of the ideas to break out of the echo chamber?
2008-10-14 21:32:45 [Message] dgrice -> -EdTechTalk: @milobo Like the Bloggers Cafe at NECC.
2008-10-14 21:32:54 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: Bud, this is making great sense
2008-10-14 21:33:14 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @vinnie - cool.  Worth folks' time, do you think?
2008-10-14 21:33:24 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: @jansmith I hope this provides a place to break out of the echo chamber
2008-10-14 21:33:29 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: touche Dean
2008-10-14 21:33:41 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: hardest thing I created in years was last years presentation
2008-10-14 21:33:49 [Message] shareski -> -EdTechTalk: but they are lasting
2008-10-14 21:34:02 [Message] shareski -> -EdTechTalk: grope away
2008-10-14 21:34:05 [Message] milobo -> -EdTechTalk: @dgrice Yup.  Kinda like when you sit in a session room long after the session is over 'cause the person you sat next to has their own great twist on what you just saw.
2008-10-14 21:34:11 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: not k12 gives me a break I think... I can come up with some ideas and present
2008-10-14 21:34:19 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: @bud, it is worth people's time for sure. between the k12 and not k12, they are great opportunities for users to connect. Now we have to drag the horse to water
2008-10-14 21:34:37 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: things I have learned in a year since I made my presentation.
2008-10-14 21:34:38 [Message] jonbecker -> -EdTechTalk: I hope I get some grace! :D
2008-10-14 21:34:45 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-10-14 21:35:01 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: @bud, hoping to be able to carve time to create a notk12 "presentation"
2008-10-14 21:35:27 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: What I will be looking for more classroom teacher voices, working with limited resources/ support, and still doing good work
2008-10-14 21:35:55 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: Sharon - you are volunteered! Who 2nds the motion?
2008-10-14 21:36:40 [Message] Sue Waters -> -EdTechTalk: Why not do an unconference online?
2008-10-14 21:36:41 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: Rats, have to make dinner --people gotta eat & it's my turn.
2008-10-14 21:36:46 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: bye
2008-10-14 21:36:57 [Message] Sue Waters -> -EdTechTalk: where you use a live classroom
2008-10-14 21:37:06 [Message] eldongermann -> -EdTechTalk: New to this, what's up?
2008-10-14 21:37:16 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: This may be a great place for those who are not quite sure whether they can do a more formal presentation
2008-10-14 21:37:19 [Message] jonbecker -> -EdTechTalk: @Bud, did you clap your hands while driving? Dangerous!
2008-10-14 21:37:30 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: don't volunteer eldongermann
2008-10-14 21:37:31 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I worry a bit that it will pull people away from the continuing conversation on k12online--especially the ed tech leaders. Newbies need the support and encouragement from the veterans.
2008-10-14 21:37:51 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: Sue you could eluminate a class unconference.... but how would you get everyone together..
2008-10-14 21:38:01 [Message] Sue Waters -> -EdTechTalk: advertise :)
2008-10-14 21:38:02 [Message] suzieboss -> -EdTechTalk: Hi all
2008-10-14 21:38:09 [Message] suzieboss -> -EdTechTalk: Late arrival...
2008-10-14 21:38:10 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: we get it but do others
2008-10-14 21:38:10 [Message] Sue Waters -> -EdTechTalk: twitter, blog not hard
2008-10-14 21:38:15 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Kathy
2008-10-14 21:38:24 [Message] Kathy Cassidy -> -EdTechTalk: Hey, Chris
2008-10-14 21:39:07 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @peggyg - I hope not.  I hope it might bring a few folks back towards the conference.  And vice versa.
2008-10-14 21:39:07 [Message] sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: Jen wagner - the uncut version!
2008-10-14 21:39:33 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome Kathy and Yooper and Lorna
2008-10-14 21:39:35 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: that was what I was thinking Jen
2008-10-14 21:39:45 [Message] Lorna -> -EdTechTalk: Hi everyone
2008-10-14 21:40:11 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @Bud-I hope you're right. Reminds me of the conversations at EduBloggerCon at NECC--too big, people wanting to go back to the core group of the first year
2008-10-14 21:40:23 [Message] jonbecker -> -EdTechTalk: don't forget leaders; not just teachers
2008-10-14 21:40:50 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: Yes that is correct dean but is this years conference not about having content for all beginners to users
2008-10-14 21:40:56 [Message] yoopertechgeek -> -EdTechTalk: Hello!
2008-10-14 21:41:40 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I think beginners look for familiar structure. What will take them from k12online to Notk12online?
2008-10-14 21:41:54 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: How many presos have been submitted not not k12?
2008-10-14 21:41:55 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: there is a link on the K12 page
2008-10-14 21:42:08 [Message] shareski -> -EdTechTalk: Good question Peggy
2008-10-14 21:42:10 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: up on the top  -- that is how I link to it
2008-10-14 21:42:15 [Message] sue -> -EdTechTalk: If the target audience is newcomers and one of the goals is to "get out of the echo chamber" then the "not" part must dropped.  It's got to be more inviting - the name itself closes the door, I feel.
2008-10-14 21:42:16 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I know the link is there--but what will make them click on it?
2008-10-14 21:42:38 [Message] Sue Waters -> -EdTechTalk: then the opposite will be what will take the experience person to the NotK12online?
2008-10-14 21:43:01 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: @sue -- I have dropped that question into our chat -- in skype
2008-10-14 21:43:08 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: I know Bud or Dean will answer it
2008-10-14 21:43:12 [Message] shareski -> -EdTechTalk: @SueWaters....great post summarized the conference today
2008-10-14 21:43:14 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: is NOT an inviting word??
2008-10-14 21:43:18 [Message] Sue Waters -> -EdTechTalk: thanks @Dean
2008-10-14 21:43:22 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: I think we need to be tour guides for other teachers to get on board.  We need to have a
2008-10-14 21:43:23 [Message] Sue Waters -> -EdTechTalk: but the feeds wrong?
2008-10-14 21:43:30 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: "shanghai" lan party
2008-10-14 21:43:40 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @sue waters At first I thoght the not meant it was for those who had content rejected from K12... but I think it's been clarified a bit.
2008-10-14 21:43:53 [Message] shareski -> -EdTechTalk: @SueWaters   yeah, we need to update the 2008 feed for itunes
2008-10-14 21:43:56 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: get people together and introduce them to the potential
2008-10-14 21:44:01 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: start with the conference metaphor--excellent point
2008-10-14 21:44:04 [Message] Sue Waters -> -EdTechTalk: @Dean thought that was the case
2008-10-14 21:44:40 [Message] Sue Waters -> -EdTechTalk: @Dean but I wanted to get that information together so could get all the new people ready for it
2008-10-14 21:44:57 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: The "not" was always 'bout "un", about "other"  never about rejection.
2008-10-14 21:45:02 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: That's an unfortunate bit of language.
2008-10-14 21:45:07 [Message] Sue Waters -> -EdTechTalk: unconference is where the people decide what is presented
2008-10-14 21:45:09 [Message] LindaN -> -EdTechTalk: Is the goal more about the conversations?
2008-10-14 21:45:10 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: I wished after last year's K12 that it was continuous... can the not K12 be this.. a portal to some of the content I might miss otherwise?
2008-10-14 21:45:22 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: goal of unconference--to be less about the schedule and more about the people-very helpful description!
2008-10-14 21:45:50 [Message] LindaN -> -EdTechTalk: Maybe the conversations and the connections?
2008-10-14 21:46:11 [Message] jonbecker -> -EdTechTalk: search Ewan McIntosh's blog for the necc tag and you'll find good links to descriptions of unconferences
2008-10-14 21:46:25 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-10-14 21:47:20 [Message] sue -> -EdTechTalk: When I first heard of "not K12 Online" I thought it was re-doing the "Lend A hand" idea from last year... what was wrong with that idea?  Perhaps Lend A hand just needed more nurturing... Sometimes I think we move too fast.
2008-10-14 21:47:33 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: will there be mentoring in the NotK12online conference?
2008-10-14 21:47:34 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @bcdtech: We've talked about that - not sure we can sustain it all year.
2008-10-14 21:47:41 [Message] shareski -> -EdTechTalk: @eldongermann click the links under Channel in the sidebard
2008-10-14 21:48:37 [Message] suzieboss -> -EdTechTalk: This is a very democratic approach--nice.
2008-10-14 21:48:48 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @sue-we were on the same wavelength
2008-10-14 21:49:30 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @suzie - thanks!
2008-10-14 21:49:38 [Message] suzieboss -> -EdTechTalk: Long tail idea here
2008-10-14 21:49:50 [Message] suzieboss -> -EdTechTalk: (Hi Bud)
2008-10-14 21:50:20 [Message] eldongermann -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks @shareski
2008-10-14 21:50:32 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: (hi, suzie - saw you in my inbox recently - but I'm behind.)
2008-10-14 21:50:48 [Message] suzieboss -> -EdTechTalk: @Bud--You've been busy
2008-10-14 21:50:49 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: the more I think of it, couldn't the notk12 allow for the content to be posted throughout the year, rather than just a small period of time? Let people who get turned on by something that heard or applied have the opportunity to share?
2008-10-14 21:51:02 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: connections, networks and audience why we know these tools work for students and teachers
2008-10-14 21:51:25 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @vinnie - yeah, we're struggling with the sustainability - but it's something we thought hard about.)
2008-10-14 21:51:30 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @bud I guess I like the idea... Like the way it could make it easier to find content/conversations. I use RSS, but somehow the K12 or maybe now the not K12 can help me find new ideas. I like to hear from "real" teachers who are actually using new ideas in the classroom. Had never heard of Kathy Cassidy until last year... now I know first graders can blog. To me it can be yet one more way to see what is happening in other places.
2008-10-14 21:51:31 [Message] suzieboss -> -EdTechTalk: Wondering how many teachers with fabulous resources think they aren't "ready to share...
2008-10-14 21:51:57 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Kathy Cassidy's presention from last year is like the #1 mentioned on the K12 site on the right side
2008-10-14 21:52:05 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: getting lots of comments
2008-10-14 21:52:19 [Message] LindaN -> -EdTechTalk: It is still unbelievable how many teachers are unwilling to share
2008-10-14 21:52:22 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Vinnie -- I don't think it has a time limit
2008-10-14 21:52:26 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @suzie-most don't feel "important" enough
2008-10-14 21:52:32 [Message] Sue Waters -> -EdTechTalk: but we already have lots of meeting ports
2008-10-14 21:52:35 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: "pushback" is the word of the year!
2008-10-14 21:52:53 [Message] beth holmes -> -EdTechTalk: As a newcomer introducing many teachers to K-12 online for the first time, I am struggling to understand how to explain NOT K-12 Online to others. Is there a structure in place - a place to see the "sharing space" that you envision?  
2008-10-14 21:52:54 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: or phrase...whatever...:)
2008-10-14 21:52:56 [Message] sue -> -EdTechTalk: For the curious... - "Take a Hand", Lend a Hand info from Last year.
2008-10-14 21:53:07 [Message] sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: I blame Siemens for the pushback phrase!
2008-10-14 21:53:08 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: @jenWagner, but it does. Presentations and Critiques need to submitted by Nov 16th
2008-10-14 21:53:24 [Message] shareski -> -EdTechTalk: @matt......yeah, gotta find a new phrase..funny how quickly these wear out their welcome
2008-10-14 21:53:35 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: they are turning off submissions but not viewing
2008-10-14 21:54:25 [Message] suzieboss -> -EdTechTalk: @bectech/Maureen Exactly--yet, typically, quite wrong. Valuable stuff staying under the radar.
2008-10-14 21:54:54 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: @bud I agree, but for newbies who are not comfortable and sure, I think it would be great to extend beyond Nov. Allow users who get excited to participate
2008-10-14 21:55:04 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: sustainability is the big challenge for all of these communities!
2008-10-14 21:55:05 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: We sometimes need time limits
2008-10-14 21:55:06 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @vinnie - yeah, I think that's interesting.
2008-10-14 21:55:15 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: and worth further thinking.
2008-10-14 21:56:05 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: @bud I may be willing/able to help if it goes beyond. I understand the time piece as well
2008-10-14 21:56:09 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: It wasn't that great.  Had a few people come to my page at the wiki and then never heard from them again.  Great idea didn't fly though
2008-10-14 21:56:30 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @suzieboss I think that most teachers need to see that what they are doing is validated by others, then are ready to expand upon it, then maybe ready to share. It's a process.
2008-10-14 21:56:30 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: The voicethread essential questions are excellent!
2008-10-14 21:56:40 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: @shareski i love that idea. It is a wonderful tool Hats off to the committee this year
2008-10-14 21:56:56 [Message] sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: I love that idea of essential questions!!
2008-10-14 21:57:05 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: watch presentation and then give feedback quickly and easily.  Love the idea and love voicethread
2008-10-14 21:57:15 [Message] sue -> -EdTechTalk: This is a great addition... I'm looking forward to it!
2008-10-14 21:57:23 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: amazing comments already at preconference keynote
2008-10-14 21:57:37 [Message] eldongermann -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, this will validate and may even entice others since it can be validated.
2008-10-14 21:57:43 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: it encourages people to use Voicethread which may be a new tool to them and is easy to give short, but thoughtful responses! Love it!
2008-10-14 21:58:11 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: glad you are back, Paul....I missed ya!!   :)
2008-10-14 21:58:14 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @peggy I liked seeing VT used for something other than a fancy ppt
2008-10-14 21:58:59 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @bcdtech/Maureen-me too. We had a Lan party last year with K12 and created a Voicethread to share our feedback with the presenter. It was a great process for us.
2008-10-14 21:59:01 [Message] sue -> -EdTechTalk: Does anybody know how VT comes across in lower bandwidth connections?
2008-10-14 21:59:27 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @sue just takes longer to load
2008-10-14 21:59:28 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: never tried it on low bandwidth
2008-10-14 21:59:50 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @sue, once loaded.. it's OK
2008-10-14 22:00:03 [Message] suzieboss -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, those extensions will be real value.
2008-10-14 22:00:20 [Message] eldongermann -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, this active style of conference is crucial in this new connected world.
2008-10-14 22:00:26 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Will the VoiceThreads always be connected to the presentations or will there be a place on the site where they will be compiled as conference VoiceThreads?
2008-10-14 22:01:24 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @peggyg: Good question.  I was imagining a wiki page or pages of them.  Might be a good NotK12 submission?
2008-10-14 22:01:24 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: they will be with each presentation link
2008-10-14 22:01:28 [Message] sue -> -EdTechTalk: "Not Online" might look to Classroom 2.0 for inviting "voice" from everyone - I'm impressed by the organic nature of this:
2008-10-14 22:01:31 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: you also get to know the presenters -- etc
2008-10-14 22:01:38 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: links -- etc
2008-10-14 22:01:55 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: I believe under where you click to hear/see the presentation
2008-10-14 22:02:20 [Message] Sue Waters -> -EdTechTalk: they obviously aren't Aussie guests :)
2008-10-14 22:02:28 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I definitely like the idea of compiling the VTs on a wikispace because it is very difficult to bookmark individual VTs because of their URLs. Diigo can't bookmark them--always takes you back to the home page.
2008-10-14 22:02:29 [Message] eldongermann -> -EdTechTalk: @jenwagner getting to know the presenters is what got me.  As a newbie, I was hooked instantly when I got instant feedback.
2008-10-14 22:02:45 [Message] sue -> -EdTechTalk: yes, I get the feeling Bud Hunt has very thick skin!!
2008-10-14 22:03:06 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: great conversation folds. Got to get going. Have a great week
2008-10-14 22:03:26 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: thanks for your insights, Vinnie!
2008-10-14 22:04:24 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: I like getting to know presenters- especially those who actually teach kids, not just those who are big names who travel around. They can give me a broader perspective- but usually relate to those who are every day teachers.
2008-10-14 22:04:53 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: yes
2008-10-14 22:04:59 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: I agree Maureen and Sue -- me too
2008-10-14 22:05:24 [Message] suzieboss -> -EdTechTalk: "here's where we blew it"=disarming honesty
2008-10-14 22:05:33 [Message] beth holmes -> -EdTechTalk: Did not seem like "knee jerk" at all but it was not entirely clear. In fact, it was a bit confusing.
2008-10-14 22:05:38 [Message] ParticipativeParent -> -EdTechTalk: some of us thought it was for those of us who are parents/supporters of K12 students and we blog but the educators in the district do not
2008-10-14 22:05:55 [Message] kcaise -> -EdTechTalk: like a slap in the face or you aren't good enough to be in the main group of presenters? would that be 'knee jerk'?
2008-10-14 22:06:08 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I think this conference extension has tremendous potential but I wish it weren't called NotK12online--too confusing.
2008-10-14 22:06:14 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: isn't it interesting how many people viewed it
2008-10-14 22:06:18 [Message] sue -> -EdTechTalk: "blew it"??? I don't think, you need to feel that way!  You had an idea, put it out there, followed through.  We need to have people try these ideas and we need conversations like this one to work around the ideas.
2008-10-14 22:06:35 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @sue - Thick skin?  Perhaps.
2008-10-14 22:07:23 [Message] sue -> -EdTechTalk: Better than a thick head, Bud! :D
2008-10-14 22:08:35 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: transparency=risk taking
2008-10-14 22:09:14 [Message] eldongermann -> -EdTechTalk: This transparency is what new people into educational technology need.  We see the "human" side of the "geek" world.
2008-10-14 22:09:35 [Message] dgrice -> -EdTechTalk: Similar to the fine line you walk in the classroom being "transparent" and real to your students.
2008-10-14 22:10:42 [Message] sue -> -EdTechTalk: The transparency dance!  has a partner with the "open door" classroom
2008-10-14 22:10:44 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I really liked Heppell's point about how audience matters--initially we take risks withint our community and then get past the "me" to "we" after some mentoring and support.
2008-10-14 22:10:53 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @peggy -it was well said, wasn't it?
2008-10-14 22:11:37 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Yes-I really connected with the concept of our own extended families that we lost touch with when they moved away.
2008-10-14 22:11:41 [Message] C Rains -> -EdTechTalk: I agree 100%
2008-10-14 22:13:07 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I so appreciate and value the openness of all of you!! You are my role models!
2008-10-14 22:13:09 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: usness.
2008-10-14 22:13:30 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Yes I loved the term "us-ness" :-)
2008-10-14 22:14:41 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I anticipate that this year's presentations will make us want to go back to previous years' stuff--fantastic that we can do that!
2008-10-14 22:14:47 [Message] eldongermann -> -EdTechTalk: Use the converter!!!
2008-10-14 22:15:07 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: I find the old stuff quite useful.
2008-10-14 22:15:14 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: "old" - two?
2008-10-14 22:15:30 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Yes the time zone converter is invaluable. The link for the first fireside chat needs to be fixed. It is Honduras time not GMT
2008-10-14 22:15:58 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: funny--definitely not old!! but great stuff!
2008-10-14 22:16:28 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks, everybody!
2008-10-14 22:16:44 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: great reminder Jen--I use the two time clocks on iGoogle :-)
2008-10-14 22:16:54 [Message] sue -> -EdTechTalk: Thank you Bud for putting your transparent self out there!
2008-10-14 22:17:13 [Message] sue -> -EdTechTalk: oh yes... great information Dean!
2008-10-14 22:17:27 [Message] paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks. Great stuff
2008-10-14 22:17:29 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I am so excited for the next few weeks of both conferences! Thanks to everyone for their hard work!! Can't wait to continue the conversation!
2008-10-14 22:17:30 [Message] dgrice -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks Bud Thanks Dean.
2008-10-14 22:17:31 [Message] ParticipativeParent -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks
2008-10-14 22:17:55 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Excellent conversation tonight!
2008-10-14 22:18:21 [Message] kcaise -> -EdTechTalk: thank you everyone - have a great night
2008-10-14 22:18:53 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: By the way, we did promote the NotK12online conference in the last EdTechTalk newsletter-thanks to Lisa Parisi! :-)
2008-10-14 22:19:07 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: good night everyone
2008-10-14 22:19:09 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: :)
2008-10-14 22:19:11 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: take care
2008-10-14 22:19:15 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Night all

2008-10-14 20:55:13 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: hello
2008-10-14 20:55:19 [Message] meacherteacher -> -EdTechTalk: hello
2008-10-14 20:55:28 [Message] ParticipativeParent -> -EdTechTalk: Hello
2008-10-14 20:56:03 [Message] JenW -> -EdTechTalk: Hello and welcome
2008-10-14 20:56:29 [Message] meacherteacher -> -EdTechTalk: What's the topic tonight? I can't remember.
2008-10-14 20:56:34 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: evenin', Jen.
2008-10-14 20:57:24 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: waiting to hear from Sharon :)
2008-10-14 20:57:31 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: and FF just crashed on me -- sorry
2008-10-14 20:58:44 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: hmmmmm
2008-10-14 20:59:08 [Message] meacherteacher -> -EdTechTalk: is there audio yet?
2008-10-14 20:59:15 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Not yet
2008-10-14 20:59:21 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Bud -- has Sharon called you yet??
2008-10-14 21:01:08 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: well Welcome to WOW2
2008-10-14 21:01:09 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: Nope. Not heard from her.
2008-10-14 21:01:13 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: here is our delicious for tonight
2008-10-14 21:01:15 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks.
2008-10-14 21:01:24 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Hi all!-they say 3rd time is the charm :-) Show hasn't even started and I've already restarted twice! Great to see you
2008-10-14 21:01:35 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: Hi, Peggy!
2008-10-14 21:01:55 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-10-14 21:02:05 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Bud-looking forward to hearing the latest scoop on NotK12 :-)
2008-10-14 21:02:13 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Matt -- do you need a rope???
2008-10-14 21:02:20 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: hey Jen
2008-10-14 21:02:22 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: and you are back in CA
2008-10-14 21:02:33 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: yep, back in CA...long day!
2008-10-14 21:02:42 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: welcome Dean
2008-10-14 21:02:51 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Is there audio yet? I'm not hearing anything on ETT-A
2008-10-14 21:02:51 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: It was fun meeting sharon! She is great!
2008-10-14 21:02:58 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: we are getting the stream ready
2008-10-14 21:03:02 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: well sharon is
2008-10-14 21:03:14 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: great-no problem!
2008-10-14 21:03:24 [Message] shareski -> -EdTechTalk: Hello
2008-10-14 21:03:42 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: dean -- your phone will be ringing momentarily
2008-10-14 21:03:43 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Dean-did you figure out your USB problem?
2008-10-14 21:03:46 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Bud -- you too
2008-10-14 21:03:57 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: and again -- here is our delicious link for tonight
2008-10-14 21:04:11 [Message] shareski -> -EdTechTalk: My 3rd appearance in a week....I should start my own show:D
2008-10-14 21:04:27 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: hmmm maybe like EdTechPosse or something like that??
2008-10-14 21:04:54 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Dean -- is your phone ringing??
2008-10-14 21:04:56 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: canuck tech talk?
2008-10-14 21:05:03 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: almost kinda
2008-10-14 21:05:16 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: LOL-looks like you've taken your show on the road Dean :-)
2008-10-14 21:05:32 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Yeah! I hear typing :-)
2008-10-14 21:05:51 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: I've got sound
2008-10-14 21:06:02 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: so the stream is live??
2008-10-14 21:06:04 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: thanks
2008-10-14 21:06:06 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Jan
2008-10-14 21:06:19 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: yes the stream is live-audio is great
2008-10-14 21:07:19 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: Someone is very quiet
2008-10-14 21:07:24 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-10-14 21:07:25 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Sharon is really soft
2008-10-14 21:07:39 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-10-14 21:07:53 [Message] sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: can you drop the delicious link again, Jen?
2008-10-14 21:08:07 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-10-14 21:08:59 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-10-14 21:09:11 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: however, I will need to add Sharon's links
2008-10-14 21:09:29 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: so they are not included in delicious YET
2008-10-14 21:09:31 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome Lisa
2008-10-14 21:09:40 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Jen
2008-10-14 21:09:52 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Lisa
2008-10-14 21:09:59 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Peggy!
2008-10-14 21:10:14 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: can Sharon talk a bit louder?
2008-10-14 21:10:22 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Sharon is much lower than Jen.
2008-10-14 21:10:22 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: Sharon is still really quiet
2008-10-14 21:11:43 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I was hoping someone would mention the pre-conference keynote! It was wonderful!!
2008-10-14 21:11:44 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: FF is not nice to me tonight --- sorry
2008-10-14 21:12:05 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: His closing remarks were very powerful!!!
2008-10-14 21:12:20 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, I wrote it down !! as did many I am sure
2008-10-14 21:12:27 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: Shareski!!!
2008-10-14 21:12:28 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @peggy - the whole thing was powerful, wasn't it?
2008-10-14 21:12:29 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: "the death of education but the door of learning"- :-)
2008-10-14 21:12:36 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: yeppers
2008-10-14 21:12:38 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: yep another good story teller. Great preconference keynote
2008-10-14 21:12:44 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hey Bud Hunt!!
2008-10-14 21:12:51 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: Howdy, Durff!
2008-10-14 21:13:01 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi kyle
2008-10-14 21:13:06 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Kyle
2008-10-14 21:13:07 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @Bud-absolutely! I even took notes :-) didn't want to forget!
2008-10-14 21:13:18 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Colleen
2008-10-14 21:13:20 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: when he is not shovelling snow
2008-10-14 21:13:20 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi colleen
2008-10-14 21:13:24 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: hey colleen and kyle
2008-10-14 21:13:28 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: snow?
2008-10-14 21:13:33 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Lisa and Lisa
2008-10-14 21:13:34 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: already?
2008-10-14 21:13:38 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Jen
2008-10-14 21:13:41 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Didn't you see Dean's video, Durff?
2008-10-14 21:14:11 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Hello David
2008-10-14 21:14:12 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: Ladies & Gentlemen - Jakes in the house
2008-10-14 21:14:25 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: is dean playing with his dogs? I hear a ball rolling in the background
2008-10-14 21:14:27 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi paul
2008-10-14 21:14:28 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome Paul and DJ
2008-10-14 21:14:37 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: you're late paul
2008-10-14 21:14:37 [Message] shareski -> -EdTechTalk: Johnny Money Online
2008-10-14 21:14:42 [Message] paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: @Durff Nice pic. How are you?
2008-10-14 21:14:51 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Can't read the yellow, Dean.
2008-10-14 21:14:52 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: thanks
2008-10-14 21:15:11 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: I am sorry, I was not overly moved by the keynote. The last eight minutes were great, but it took me awhile to get to the meat. I understand that it scene setting. I only did the audio, so I am going to give the video a look tomorrow
2008-10-14 21:15:20 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-10-14 21:15:33 [Message] shareski -> -EdTechTalk: I was using yellow because david jakes told me to
2008-10-14 21:15:59 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi milobo
2008-10-14 21:16:06 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @Vinnie-I was worried because the keynote got off to a slow start, but I really was motivated by it and have listened several times already.
2008-10-14 21:16:09 [Message] shareski -> -EdTechTalk: Yeah robwall...fellow posse member
2008-10-14 21:16:09 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Do you always do what David Jakes tells you to do? ;)
2008-10-14 21:16:13 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: we heard that bud
2008-10-14 21:16:22 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @durff? Which part?
2008-10-14 21:16:27 [Message] djakes -> -EdTechTalk: I didnt tell Shareski jack
2008-10-14 21:16:44 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-10-14 21:16:44 [Message] milobo -> -EdTechTalk: Evening @mrsdurff and all!
2008-10-14 21:16:47 [Message] djakes -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Paul
2008-10-14 21:16:49 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: the sarcastic part
2008-10-14 21:17:01 [Message] paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: Hey David
2008-10-14 21:17:27 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @Durff - I know not what you mean. :)
2008-10-14 21:17:40 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: LOL
2008-10-14 21:17:49 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-10-14 21:18:10 [Message] meacherteacher -> -EdTechTalk: oops, gotta go. back a little later
2008-10-14 21:18:43 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: @peggyg I agree that the last 10-15 minutes of the audio got to the heart and meat of the conversation. If it wasn't for the drive I was on, I may have turned it off.
2008-10-14 21:19:40 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Sharon, please boost your volume. You are much lower than everyone else.
2008-10-14 21:19:47 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome jdbecker
2008-10-14 21:20:07 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: hi beil
2008-10-14 21:20:11 [Message] djakes -> -EdTechTalk: whats a pro cess?
2008-10-14 21:20:20 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: LOL
2008-10-14 21:20:34 [Message] djakes -> -EdTechTalk: abbbouuuuuutttttttttttttttttttt
2008-10-14 21:20:35 [Message] beil -> -EdTechTalk: hi Jen
2008-10-14 21:20:40 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: its when people get ready to share their presos
2008-10-14 21:20:41 [Message] djakes -> -EdTechTalk: sorry
2008-10-14 21:20:44 [Message] paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: Am I supposed to have sound
2008-10-14 21:20:51 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, Paul.
2008-10-14 21:20:51 [Message] djakes -> -EdTechTalk: well play JL
2008-10-14 21:20:55 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: paulrwood -- look to the right
2008-10-14 21:21:00 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: and you should see the stream
2008-10-14 21:21:01 [Message] djakes -> -EdTechTalk: yes, open up Real Player
2008-10-14 21:21:03 [Message] paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: I see no icons to click on for sound
2008-10-14 21:21:09 [Message] beil -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, click on sound option on the right
2008-10-14 21:21:16 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: Fireside Chat is when I am at work
2008-10-14 21:21:17 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: but -- it might kick you out of the room --
2008-10-14 21:21:21 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: so RIGHT MOUSE CLICK
2008-10-14 21:21:21 [Message] djakes -> -EdTechTalk: @JenWagner. YOu should see the colors right now
2008-10-14 21:21:26 [Message] sharonp -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-10-14 21:21:35 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: will the NotK12 merge with the K12 during When Night Falls?
2008-10-14 21:21:41 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: hmmmm
2008-10-14 21:21:46 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: okay - got a color now
2008-10-14 21:22:05 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: color option is on the far left of the toolbar -- feel free to grab a color
2008-10-14 21:22:12 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: Paul must be on the merry-go-round
2008-10-14 21:22:26 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: [b]I got purple
2008-10-14 21:22:30 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: also -- on the far right -- 3rd button will expand your chat window
2008-10-14 21:22:35 [Message] beil -> -EdTechTalk: I'm green
2008-10-14 21:22:43 [Message] sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: got teal
2008-10-14 21:23:01 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Paul -- are you still without sound???
2008-10-14 21:23:10 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: I forgot what I have
2008-10-14 21:23:16 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: oh aqua
2008-10-14 21:23:20 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: Paul - use sign language
2008-10-14 21:23:22 [Message] paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: HUH?
2008-10-14 21:23:23 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome Linda!!
2008-10-14 21:23:33 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi dgrice
2008-10-14 21:23:34 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome Dennis!
2008-10-14 21:23:35 [Message] LindaN -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Jen!
2008-10-14 21:23:53 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: there is that sarcasm again
2008-10-14 21:24:04 [Message] shareski -> -EdTechTalk: @Djakes....shouldn't you be watching Dancing with the Stars?
2008-10-14 21:24:19 [Message] dgrice -> -EdTechTalk: Hello all.
2008-10-14 21:24:21 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: muting my mic
2008-10-14 21:24:25 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: welcome jon
2008-10-14 21:24:28 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi jonbecker
2008-10-14 21:24:34 [Message] jonbecker -> -EdTechTalk: hi
2008-10-14 21:24:43 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: it is not good to snort on your own show
2008-10-14 21:24:52 [Message] dgrice -> -EdTechTalk: Muting the Sox/Rays game.
2008-10-14 21:24:57 [Message] LindaN -> -EdTechTalk: Great gathering of folks here tonight!
2008-10-14 21:24:58 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: snort?
2008-10-14 21:25:02 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: fascinating to hear the thinking behind the scenes :-)
2008-10-14 21:25:07 [Message] paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: Channel A works better than Channel B
2008-10-14 21:25:09 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: i think i did that once
2008-10-14 21:25:10 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: depends on what you snort
2008-10-14 21:25:19 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi hbuchter
2008-10-14 21:25:22 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi Sue
2008-10-14 21:25:24 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: has anyone sent in a event for the NotK12??
2008-10-14 21:25:28 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: mine is ready to go
2008-10-14 21:25:29 [Message] Sue Waters -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Lisa
2008-10-14 21:25:47 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Sue
2008-10-14 21:26:00 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: jakes must be going to Dancing with the Stars
2008-10-14 21:26:01 [Message] Sue Waters -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Jan how are you?
2008-10-14 21:26:09 [Message] paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: I was so happy to see an actual picture of Lisa Durff today.
2008-10-14 21:26:09 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi mahlness
2008-10-14 21:26:13 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: Happy, kids are loving blogging!
2008-10-14 21:26:21 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: paul - i owe you
2008-10-14 21:26:25 [Message] Sue Waters -> -EdTechTalk: @Jan that is excellent news
2008-10-14 21:26:46 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi dp
2008-10-14 21:26:55 [Message] dp -> -EdTechTalk: hi
2008-10-14 21:27:35 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: the nebula? sounds like startrek
2008-10-14 21:27:52 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @Bud- I like the idea of having a place for folks who are not on K12 online to publish. It can put it in one place.
2008-10-14 21:28:10 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: I can't hear Sharon at all. I am going to head to bed. Will listen to the rest as a podcast. Thanks for the show.
2008-10-14 21:28:20 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: Nite
2008-10-14 21:28:32 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: night lisa
2008-10-14 21:28:52 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: But it makes you feel part of the conference
2008-10-14 21:29:03 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: being there yet not being there
2008-10-14 21:29:50 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: is Sharon really that soft??
2008-10-14 21:30:09 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: Sharon is fine for me
2008-10-14 21:30:25 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: could we have the link again for not k12
2008-10-14 21:30:31 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: thx
2008-10-14 21:30:36 [Message] shareski -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-10-14 21:30:45 [Message] beth holmes -> -EdTechTalk: Kristie Richburg - from Georgia?
2008-10-14 21:30:45 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: thanks
2008-10-14 21:30:58 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: Sharon is softer on the iTunes feed
2008-10-14 21:31:20 [Message] LindaN -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, I can hardly hear her, but i am listening through iTunes
2008-10-14 21:31:21 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: Is any of this making sense?
2008-10-14 21:31:27 [Message] sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: thanks vinnie
2008-10-14 21:31:28 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: so part of it is responses and continuing the conversation started on k12online and part is new presentations??
2008-10-14 21:31:35 [Message] thekyleguy -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Jan
2008-10-14 21:31:43 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Kyle
2008-10-14 21:31:43 [Message] milobo -> -EdTechTalk: NotK12 Online. I'm thinking it reminds me of the best part of attending a conference - sitting in the hall and learning from the non-presenters.
2008-10-14 21:31:44 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @peggy - yep!
2008-10-14 21:31:53 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @milobo - I hope so.
2008-10-14 21:32:05 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I think I'm getting it :-)
2008-10-14 21:32:07 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: just joined. already thinking about how to use this site.
2008-10-14 21:32:27 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @chris - sweet - thanks!
2008-10-14 21:32:41 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: Is part of the ideas to break out of the echo chamber?
2008-10-14 21:32:45 [Message] dgrice -> -EdTechTalk: @milobo Like the Bloggers Cafe at NECC.
2008-10-14 21:32:54 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: Bud, this is making great sense
2008-10-14 21:33:14 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @vinnie - cool. Worth folks' time, do you think?
2008-10-14 21:33:24 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: @jansmith I hope this provides a place to break out of the echo chamber
2008-10-14 21:33:29 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: touche Dean
2008-10-14 21:33:41 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: hardest thing I created in years was last years presentation
2008-10-14 21:33:49 [Message] shareski -> -EdTechTalk: but they are lasting
2008-10-14 21:34:02 [Message] shareski -> -EdTechTalk: grope away
2008-10-14 21:34:05 [Message] milobo -> -EdTechTalk: @dgrice Yup. Kinda like when you sit in a session room long after the session is over 'cause the person you sat next to has their own great twist on what you just saw.
2008-10-14 21:34:11 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: not k12 gives me a break I think... I can come up with some ideas and present
2008-10-14 21:34:19 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: @bud, it is worth people's time for sure. between the k12 and not k12, they are great opportunities for users to connect. Now we have to drag the horse to water
2008-10-14 21:34:37 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: things I have learned in a year since I made my presentation.
2008-10-14 21:34:38 [Message] jonbecker -> -EdTechTalk: I hope I get some grace! :D
2008-10-14 21:34:45 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-10-14 21:35:01 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: @bud, hoping to be able to carve time to create a notk12 "presentation"
2008-10-14 21:35:27 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: What I will be looking for more classroom teacher voices, working with limited resources/ support, and still doing good work
2008-10-14 21:35:55 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: Sharon - you are volunteered! Who 2nds the motion?
2008-10-14 21:36:40 [Message] Sue Waters -> -EdTechTalk: Why not do an unconference online?
2008-10-14 21:36:41 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: Rats, have to make dinner --people gotta eat & it's my turn.
2008-10-14 21:36:46 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: bye
2008-10-14 21:36:57 [Message] Sue Waters -> -EdTechTalk: where you use a live classroom
2008-10-14 21:37:06 [Message] eldongermann -> -EdTechTalk: New to this, what's up?
2008-10-14 21:37:16 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: This may be a great place for those who are not quite sure whether they can do a more formal presentation
2008-10-14 21:37:19 [Message] jonbecker -> -EdTechTalk: @Bud, did you clap your hands while driving? Dangerous!
2008-10-14 21:37:30 [Message] mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: don't volunteer eldongermann
2008-10-14 21:37:31 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I worry a bit that it will pull people away from the continuing conversation on k12online--especially the ed tech leaders. Newbies need the support and encouragement from the veterans.
2008-10-14 21:37:51 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: Sue you could eluminate a class unconference.... but how would you get everyone together..
2008-10-14 21:38:01 [Message] Sue Waters -> -EdTechTalk: advertise :)
2008-10-14 21:38:02 [Message] suzieboss -> -EdTechTalk: Hi all
2008-10-14 21:38:09 [Message] suzieboss -> -EdTechTalk: Late arrival...
2008-10-14 21:38:10 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: we get it but do others
2008-10-14 21:38:10 [Message] Sue Waters -> -EdTechTalk: twitter, blog not hard
2008-10-14 21:38:15 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Kathy
2008-10-14 21:38:24 [Message] Kathy Cassidy -> -EdTechTalk: Hey, Chris
2008-10-14 21:39:07 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @peggyg - I hope not. I hope it might bring a few folks back towards the conference. And vice versa.
2008-10-14 21:39:07 [Message] sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: Jen wagner - the uncut version!
2008-10-14 21:39:33 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome Kathy and Yooper and Lorna
2008-10-14 21:39:35 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: that was what I was thinking Jen
2008-10-14 21:39:45 [Message] Lorna -> -EdTechTalk: Hi everyone
2008-10-14 21:40:11 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @Bud-I hope you're right. Reminds me of the conversations at EduBloggerCon at NECC--too big, people wanting to go back to the core group of the first year
2008-10-14 21:40:23 [Message] jonbecker -> -EdTechTalk: don't forget leaders; not just teachers
2008-10-14 21:40:50 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: Yes that is correct dean but is this years conference not about having content for all beginners to users
2008-10-14 21:40:56 [Message] yoopertechgeek -> -EdTechTalk: Hello!
2008-10-14 21:41:40 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I think beginners look for familiar structure. What will take them from k12online to Notk12online?
2008-10-14 21:41:54 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: How many presos have been submitted not not k12?
2008-10-14 21:41:55 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: there is a link on the K12 page
2008-10-14 21:42:08 [Message] shareski -> -EdTechTalk: Good question Peggy
2008-10-14 21:42:10 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: up on the top -- that is how I link to it
2008-10-14 21:42:15 [Message] sue -> -EdTechTalk: If the target audience is newcomers and one of the goals is to "get out of the echo chamber" then the "not" part must dropped. It's got to be more inviting - the name itself closes the door, I feel.
2008-10-14 21:42:16 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I know the link is there--but what will make them click on it?
2008-10-14 21:42:38 [Message] Sue Waters -> -EdTechTalk: then the opposite will be what will take the experience person to the NotK12online?
2008-10-14 21:43:01 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: @sue -- I have dropped that question into our chat -- in skype
2008-10-14 21:43:08 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: I know Bud or Dean will answer it
2008-10-14 21:43:12 [Message] shareski -> -EdTechTalk: @SueWaters....great post summarized the conference today
2008-10-14 21:43:14 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: is NOT an inviting word??
2008-10-14 21:43:18 [Message] Sue Waters -> -EdTechTalk: thanks @Dean
2008-10-14 21:43:22 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: I think we need to be tour guides for other teachers to get on board. We need to have a
2008-10-14 21:43:23 [Message] Sue Waters -> -EdTechTalk: but the feeds wrong?
2008-10-14 21:43:30 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: "shanghai" lan party
2008-10-14 21:43:40 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @sue waters At first I thoght the not meant it was for those who had content rejected from K12... but I think it's been clarified a bit.
2008-10-14 21:43:53 [Message] shareski -> -EdTechTalk: @SueWaters yeah, we need to update the 2008 feed for itunes
2008-10-14 21:43:56 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: get people together and introduce them to the potential
2008-10-14 21:44:01 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: start with the conference metaphor--excellent point
2008-10-14 21:44:04 [Message] Sue Waters -> -EdTechTalk: @Dean thought that was the case
2008-10-14 21:44:40 [Message] Sue Waters -> -EdTechTalk: @Dean but I wanted to get that information together so could get all the new people ready for it
2008-10-14 21:44:57 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: The "not" was always 'bout "un", about "other" never about rejection.
2008-10-14 21:45:02 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: That's an unfortunate bit of language.
2008-10-14 21:45:07 [Message] Sue Waters -> -EdTechTalk: unconference is where the people decide what is presented
2008-10-14 21:45:09 [Message] LindaN -> -EdTechTalk: Is the goal more about the conversations?
2008-10-14 21:45:10 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: I wished after last year's K12 that it was continuous... can the not K12 be this.. a portal to some of the content I might miss otherwise?
2008-10-14 21:45:22 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: goal of unconference--to be less about the schedule and more about the people-very helpful description!
2008-10-14 21:45:50 [Message] LindaN -> -EdTechTalk: Maybe the conversations and the connections?
2008-10-14 21:46:11 [Message] jonbecker -> -EdTechTalk: search Ewan McIntosh's blog for the necc tag and you'll find good links to descriptions of unconferences
2008-10-14 21:46:25 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-10-14 21:47:20 [Message] sue -> -EdTechTalk: When I first heard of "not K12 Online" I thought it was re-doing the "Lend A hand" idea from last year... what was wrong with that idea? Perhaps Lend A hand just needed more nurturing... Sometimes I think we move too fast.
2008-10-14 21:47:33 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: will there be mentoring in the NotK12online conference?
2008-10-14 21:47:34 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @bcdtech: We've talked about that - not sure we can sustain it all year.
2008-10-14 21:47:41 [Message] shareski -> -EdTechTalk: @eldongermann click the links under Channel in the sidebard
2008-10-14 21:48:37 [Message] suzieboss -> -EdTechTalk: This is a very democratic approach--nice.
2008-10-14 21:48:48 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @sue-we were on the same wavelength
2008-10-14 21:49:30 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @suzie - thanks!
2008-10-14 21:49:38 [Message] suzieboss -> -EdTechTalk: Long tail idea here
2008-10-14 21:49:50 [Message] suzieboss -> -EdTechTalk: (Hi Bud)
2008-10-14 21:50:20 [Message] eldongermann -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks @shareski
2008-10-14 21:50:32 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: (hi, suzie - saw you in my inbox recently - but I'm behind.)
2008-10-14 21:50:48 [Message] suzieboss -> -EdTechTalk: @Bud--You've been busy
2008-10-14 21:50:49 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: the more I think of it, couldn't the notk12 allow for the content to be posted throughout the year, rather than just a small period of time? Let people who get turned on by something that heard or applied have the opportunity to share?
2008-10-14 21:51:02 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: connections, networks and audience why we know these tools work for students and teachers
2008-10-14 21:51:25 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @vinnie - yeah, we're struggling with the sustainability - but it's something we thought hard about.)
2008-10-14 21:51:30 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @bud I guess I like the idea... Like the way it could make it easier to find content/conversations. I use RSS, but somehow the K12 or maybe now the not K12 can help me find new ideas. I like to hear from "real" teachers who are actually using new ideas in the classroom. Had never heard of Kathy Cassidy until last year... now I know first graders can blog. To me it can be yet one more way to see what is happening in other places.
2008-10-14 21:51:31 [Message] suzieboss -> -EdTechTalk: Wondering how many teachers with fabulous resources think they aren't "ready to share...
2008-10-14 21:51:57 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Kathy Cassidy's presention from last year is like the #1 mentioned on the K12 site on the right side
2008-10-14 21:52:05 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: getting lots of comments
2008-10-14 21:52:19 [Message] LindaN -> -EdTechTalk: It is still unbelievable how many teachers are unwilling to share
2008-10-14 21:52:22 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: Vinnie -- I don't think it has a time limit
2008-10-14 21:52:26 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @suzie-most don't feel "important" enough
2008-10-14 21:52:32 [Message] Sue Waters -> -EdTechTalk: but we already have lots of meeting ports
2008-10-14 21:52:35 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: "pushback" is the word of the year!
2008-10-14 21:52:53 [Message] beth holmes -> -EdTechTalk: As a newcomer introducing many teachers to K-12 online for the first time, I am struggling to understand how to explain NOT K-12 Online to others. Is there a structure in place - a place to see the "sharing space" that you envision?
2008-10-14 21:52:54 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: or phrase...whatever...:)
2008-10-14 21:52:56 [Message] sue -> -EdTechTalk: For the curious... - "Take a Hand", Lend a Hand info from Last year.
2008-10-14 21:53:07 [Message] sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: I blame Siemens for the pushback phrase!
2008-10-14 21:53:08 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: @jenWagner, but it does. Presentations and Critiques need to submitted by Nov 16th
2008-10-14 21:53:24 [Message] shareski -> -EdTechTalk: @matt......yeah, gotta find a new phrase..funny how quickly these wear out their welcome
2008-10-14 21:53:35 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: they are turning off submissions but not viewing
2008-10-14 21:54:25 [Message] suzieboss -> -EdTechTalk: @bectech/Maureen Exactly--yet, typically, quite wrong. Valuable stuff staying under the radar.
2008-10-14 21:54:54 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: @bud I agree, but for newbies who are not comfortable and sure, I think it would be great to extend beyond Nov. Allow users who get excited to participate
2008-10-14 21:55:04 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: sustainability is the big challenge for all of these communities!
2008-10-14 21:55:05 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: We sometimes need time limits
2008-10-14 21:55:06 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @vinnie - yeah, I think that's interesting.
2008-10-14 21:55:15 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: and worth further thinking.
2008-10-14 21:56:05 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: @bud I may be willing/able to help if it goes beyond. I understand the time piece as well
2008-10-14 21:56:09 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: It wasn't that great. Had a few people come to my page at the wiki and then never heard from them again. Great idea didn't fly though
2008-10-14 21:56:30 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @suzieboss I think that most teachers need to see that what they are doing is validated by others, then are ready to expand upon it, then maybe ready to share. It's a process.
2008-10-14 21:56:30 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: The voicethread essential questions are excellent!
2008-10-14 21:56:40 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: @shareski i love that idea. It is a wonderful tool Hats off to the committee this year
2008-10-14 21:56:56 [Message] sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: I love that idea of essential questions!!
2008-10-14 21:57:05 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: watch presentation and then give feedback quickly and easily. Love the idea and love voicethread
2008-10-14 21:57:15 [Message] sue -> -EdTechTalk: This is a great addition... I'm looking forward to it!
2008-10-14 21:57:23 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: amazing comments already at preconference keynote
2008-10-14 21:57:37 [Message] eldongermann -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, this will validate and may even entice others since it can be validated.
2008-10-14 21:57:43 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: it encourages people to use Voicethread which may be a new tool to them and is easy to give short, but thoughtful responses! Love it!
2008-10-14 21:58:11 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: glad you are back, Paul....I missed ya!! :)
2008-10-14 21:58:14 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @peggy I liked seeing VT used for something other than a fancy ppt
2008-10-14 21:58:59 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @bcdtech/Maureen-me too. We had a Lan party last year with K12 and created a Voicethread to share our feedback with the presenter. It was a great process for us.
2008-10-14 21:59:01 [Message] sue -> -EdTechTalk: Does anybody know how VT comes across in lower bandwidth connections?
2008-10-14 21:59:27 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @sue just takes longer to load
2008-10-14 21:59:28 [Message] charbeck -> -EdTechTalk: never tried it on low bandwidth
2008-10-14 21:59:50 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @sue, once loaded.. it's OK
2008-10-14 22:00:03 [Message] suzieboss -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, those extensions will be real value.
2008-10-14 22:00:20 [Message] eldongermann -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, this active style of conference is crucial in this new connected world.
2008-10-14 22:00:26 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Will the VoiceThreads always be connected to the presentations or will there be a place on the site where they will be compiled as conference VoiceThreads?
2008-10-14 22:01:24 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @peggyg: Good question. I was imagining a wiki page or pages of them. Might be a good NotK12 submission?
2008-10-14 22:01:24 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: they will be with each presentation link
2008-10-14 22:01:28 [Message] sue -> -EdTechTalk: "Not Online" might look to Classroom 2.0 for inviting "voice" from everyone - I'm impressed by the organic nature of this:
2008-10-14 22:01:31 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: you also get to know the presenters -- etc
2008-10-14 22:01:38 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: links -- etc
2008-10-14 22:01:55 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: I believe under where you click to hear/see the presentation
2008-10-14 22:02:20 [Message] Sue Waters -> -EdTechTalk: they obviously aren't Aussie guests :)
2008-10-14 22:02:28 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I definitely like the idea of compiling the VTs on a wikispace because it is very difficult to bookmark individual VTs because of their URLs. Diigo can't bookmark them--always takes you back to the home page.
2008-10-14 22:02:29 [Message] eldongermann -> -EdTechTalk: @jenwagner getting to know the presenters is what got me. As a newbie, I was hooked instantly when I got instant feedback.
2008-10-14 22:02:45 [Message] sue -> -EdTechTalk: yes, I get the feeling Bud Hunt has very thick skin!!
2008-10-14 22:03:06 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: great conversation folds. Got to get going. Have a great week
2008-10-14 22:03:26 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: thanks for your insights, Vinnie!
2008-10-14 22:04:24 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: I like getting to know presenters- especially those who actually teach kids, not just those who are big names who travel around. They can give me a broader perspective- but usually relate to those who are every day teachers.
2008-10-14 22:04:53 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: yes
2008-10-14 22:04:59 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: I agree Maureen and Sue -- me too
2008-10-14 22:05:24 [Message] suzieboss -> -EdTechTalk: "here's where we blew it"=disarming honesty
2008-10-14 22:05:33 [Message] beth holmes -> -EdTechTalk: Did not seem like "knee jerk" at all but it was not entirely clear. In fact, it was a bit confusing.
2008-10-14 22:05:38 [Message] ParticipativeParent -> -EdTechTalk: some of us thought it was for those of us who are parents/supporters of K12 students and we blog but the educators in the district do not
2008-10-14 22:05:55 [Message] kcaise -> -EdTechTalk: like a slap in the face or you aren't good enough to be in the main group of presenters? would that be 'knee jerk'?
2008-10-14 22:06:08 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I think this conference extension has tremendous potential but I wish it weren't called NotK12online--too confusing.
2008-10-14 22:06:14 [Message] JenWagner -> -EdTechTalk: isn't it interesting how many people viewed it
2008-10-14 22:06:18 [Message] sue -> -EdTechTalk: "blew it"??? I don't think, you need to feel that way! You had an idea, put it out there, followed through. We need to have people try these ideas and we need conversations like this one to work around the ideas.
2008-10-14 22:06:35 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @sue - Thick skin? Perhaps.
2008-10-14 22:07:23 [Message] sue -> -EdTechTalk: Better than a thick head, Bud! :D
2008-10-14 22:08:35 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: transparency=risk taking
2008-10-14 22:09:14 [Message] eldongermann -> -EdTechTalk: This transparency is what new people into educational technology need. We see the "human" side of the "geek" world.
2008-10-14 22:09:35 [Message] dgrice -> -EdTechTalk: Similar to the fine line you walk in the classroom being "transparent" and real to your students.
2008-10-14 22:10:42 [Message] sue -> -EdTechTalk: The transparency dance! has a partner with the "open door" classroom
2008-10-14 22:10:44 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I really liked Heppell's point about how audience matters--initially we take risks withint our community and then get past the "me" to "we" after some mentoring and support.
2008-10-14 22:10:53 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @peggy -it was well said, wasn't it?
2008-10-14 22:11:37 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Yes-I really connected with the concept of our own extended families that we lost touch with when they moved away.
2008-10-14 22:11:41 [Message] C Rains -> -EdTechTalk: I agree 100%
2008-10-14 22:13:07 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I so appreciate and value the openness of all of you!! You are my role models!
2008-10-14 22:13:09 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: usness.
2008-10-14 22:13:30 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Yes I loved the term "us-ness" :-)
2008-10-14 22:14:41 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I anticipate that this year's presentations will make us want to go back to previous years' stuff--fantastic that we can do that!
2008-10-14 22:14:47 [Message] eldongermann -> -EdTechTalk: Use the converter!!!
2008-10-14 22:15:07 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: I find the old stuff quite useful.
2008-10-14 22:15:14 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: "old" - two?
2008-10-14 22:15:30 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Yes the time zone converter is invaluable. The link for the first fireside chat needs to be fixed. It is Honduras time not GMT
2008-10-14 22:15:58 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: funny--definitely not old!! but great stuff!
2008-10-14 22:16:28 [Message] Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks, everybody\



Thanks for sharing the Twitter4Teachers wiki. I started the wiki to help the teachers I work with easily connect with other teachers that teach in the same content area as they do. I primarily work with secondary teachers.
Gina Hartman
Educational Technology Specialist
Francis Howell School District (St. Charles, MO)