Making Connections #34

What web tools does every teacher need? 


19:00:27  sheila A - Hi
19:00:39  Cathy E - can we skype you
19:01:07  sheila A - ok
19:02:40  kingre - I don't hear anything!
19:03:24  ballardfr - I don't either
19:04:12  dougsymington - hi all
19:04:44  dougsymington - don't have voice capabilities at present, but listening on stream
19:04:52  Cathy E - sorry
19:06:55  dgoodman - hello everyone
19:07:04  dougsymington - hello
19:07:38  dgoodman - hi cathy
19:07:52  dgoodman - fell off the face of the earth, so to speak
19:09:04  dgoodman - just need a google account not gmail
19:09:36  sheila A - @dgoodman - that's what I thought too
19:09:40  dgoodman - voicethread, social bookmarking, google docs, wiki and blogs
19:09:43  dougsymington - gmail spam filters have allowed me to use accounts that had been useless due to spam
19:10:10  dougsymington - I have 5 email accounts that come in through Gmail--helps manage the deluge
19:10:18  dgoodman - our middle and high school students really need to know about diigo
19:10:35  dgoodman - yes, sunshine
19:10:38  dgoodman - sure
19:12:46  mrsdurff - hey!
19:12:50  dgoodman - hi durf
19:12:55  sheila A - Hi!
19:13:04  dougsymington - @mrsdurff "in the house"
19:13:46  mrsdurff - we could say mr symington in the house
19:13:57  mrsdurff - please don
19:14:19  mrsdurff - my mic somehow doesn't work but earing does
19:14:41  mrsdurff - this is the last USB with any sound at all
19:14:44  Cathy E - please list your top 3 web 2.0 tools
19:14:47  mrsdurff - hi!
19:15:15  dougsymington - this is perhaps a bit more "advanced" than beginner tool
19:15:25  mrsdurff - favs: Google Reader, twitter, classblogmeister
19:15:29  helenotway - Hi all
19:15:32  dougsymington - but I keep coming back to twemes
19:15:34  etalbert - Hi all!
19:15:39  mrsdurff - hi
19:15:43  dougsymington - Hi
19:15:57  etalbert - google-all apps,, slideshare
19:16:04  mrsdurff - i like wikispaces best
19:16:07  dougsymington -
19:16:09  mrsdurff - wetpaint?
19:16:22  dougsymington - haven't used wetpaint, but many like it
19:16:38  mrsdurff - it's confusing to me
19:16:40  dougsymington - keep coming back to wikispaces, myself
19:16:42  etalbert - Hard to do 3, since they have different purposes
19:16:43  dgoodman - have seen wetpaint, seems to be user friendly
19:16:54  mrsdurff - yes i like wikispaces
19:17:24  dougsymington - VoiceThread is another one that powerful, and relatively easy to use
19:17:27  dgoodman - photo shring sites are great to use as well - ovi
19:17:27  etalbert - If I did another wiki, I'd try wetpaint
19:17:30  mrsdurff - yes
19:17:41  dgoodman - @etalbert  I agree
19:17:47  mrsdurff - wetpaint is confusing
19:17:53  mrsdurff - hi jpecke
19:18:01  jepcke - Hi Durff!
19:18:25  jepcke - Who's the guest tonight?
19:18:26  etalbert - Photo sharing - I use picasa - it's google again!
19:18:34  dgoodman - twitter and edtechtalk has become my prof dev of the time
19:18:38  dougsymington - all great tools--we forget that FF an Skype are new to so many
19:18:50  dgoodman - yes tey are doug
19:18:51  etalbert - To get it all going - Firefox for browsing.
19:19:27  jepcke - We have FF on all computers, but students have to use Safari due to our proxy server easier to filter
19:19:31  etalbert - Now Twitter, but only because of a google gadget!
19:19:31  dgoodman - network is sooooo important
19:19:48  sheila A - @dgoodman - I rely on twitter and edtechtalk now too.
19:20:05  etalbert - Yep, filtering, now that's a vexed question!
19:20:55  etalbert - I like diigo groups too.
19:20:59  dgoodman - good bedside manners are important with your tech folks
19:21:29  dgoodman - and your secretary
19:21:39  jepcke - and your custodian
19:21:43  etalbert - Who has a secretary?
19:21:59  dgoodman - school secretary...
19:22:32  etalbert - We use admin. staff.
19:22:54  jepcke - Oh I love Scratch!
19:23:38  dgoodman - 21classes is like that too
19:23:57  jepcke - What's 21classes?
19:23:58  etalbert - Wordle has some interesting possibilities.
19:25:31  mrsdurff - hi mjsamberg
19:25:47  mjsamberg - Hi!
19:25:51  etalbert - What will happen with all this "intelligent chat"?
19:26:03  dougsymington - it will be archived
19:26:04  mrsdurff - it is archived
19:26:08  dougsymington - and posted with audio
19:26:13  dougsymington - hi Ben
19:26:17  mrsdurff - so anyone can view it later
19:26:21  mrsdurff - hi ben
19:26:29  Ben Hazzard - hi folks
19:26:38  Ben Hazzard - Just back from dinner!
19:26:46  Cathy E - Hello Ben
19:26:49  dgoodman -
19:26:57  dougsymington - excellent, welcome
19:27:01  dgoodman - hi ben and mark
19:27:05  etalbert - Sorry, I am new to this, view latter, for PL?
19:27:22  Ben Hazzard - Doug, Cathy, MrsDurff, dgoodman, et al... it is great to join you!
19:27:39  dgoodman - did we loose sound or is it me
19:27:50  dougsymington - still on here
19:27:53  mrsdurff - yes etalbert
19:28:04  kingre - I do not have sound
19:28:12  dgoodman - sound is very weak
19:28:19  mrsdurff - click on ETT A
19:28:21  dgoodman - that's ok
19:28:24  mrsdurff - black icon
19:28:26  dougsymington - click on the icons on the rigt side of this page
19:28:37  dougsymington - for stream
19:28:54  dgoodman - nice and loud

19:29:07  mrsdurff - there is a beta version?
19:29:16  dgoodman - wow, gotta try that
19:29:27  mrsdurff - I have 3.8
19:29:28  dougsymington - @Cathy hey, I resemble that comment
19:29:31  Ben Hazzard - loving the forms
19:29:40  mrsdurff - you resemble?
19:29:46  mrsdurff - or ?
19:29:57  dougsymington - click once, an then r-click to add to conference
19:29:58  mrsdurff - resent?
19:30:00  dougsymington - I think
19:30:11  Ben Hazzard - using google spreadsheets  with form embedded in a webpage to take RSVPs for my inlaws anniversary
19:30:14  dougsymington - oh no, it's resemble :)
19:30:23  mrsdurff - i think there i am disruptive
19:30:27  dgoodman - maybe mark can demo that for us
19:30:40  Cathy E -
19:30:46  Ben Hazzard - Also great for collecting open ended response
19:31:01  etalbert - 21classes looks interesting!
19:31:08  Ben Hazzard - Too kind
19:31:20  Ben Hazzard - thanks!
19:31:35  Ben Hazzard - not true... we get multiple takes!
19:31:39  etalbert - Finally got sound! This is pretty cool!
19:32:12  dgoodman - is it frieda making a list
19:32:42  ballardfr - yes
19:32:45  kingre - Yes......Freda is making tthe list
19:33:02  dgoodman - You are welcome to use my wiki I created for a conf   -
19:33:14  ballardfr - great, thanks
19:33:34  dgoodman - I met her cathy - she attended the Geocaching training
19:33:37  dougsymington - Cheryl Oakes had a great post today about UDL as well
19:33:41  dougsymington - brb with a link
19:33:59  dgoodman - I agree with cathy
19:34:07  mrsdurff - food? did someone mention food?
19:34:34  mrsdurff - i'll take the vegan portion please
19:34:50  dougsymington -
19:34:58  dgoodman - I think with any project-create a rubric so students know exactly what is expected and then grade accordingly
19:35:31  dgoodman - fizz is great - just joined today
19:35:31  mrsdurff - on blogs - have them write blogs, and grade online
19:35:53  jepcke - @dgoodman That is very important for the teacher too. Many don't know what they expect fromt he kids with regard to tech projects
19:35:54  etalbert - Wiki study guides - sounds good!
19:36:03  dgoodman - we are having someone in in a couple weeks to do training and then well have our own environemnt
19:36:20  mrsdurff - for audio podcasts - have them create according to rubric and have them grade each other's work
19:36:33  mjsamberg -
19:37:08  dgoodman - getting students use to reflective writing is great -will pay off as they get to higher grades - blogs are great for this
19:37:27  dgoodman - having srudents to respond to blogs first before writing their own
19:37:54  etalbert - Good point about wikis.
19:38:20  dgoodman - it has certainly made me look at roadkill in a diff light
19:38:43  dgoodman - dont you try to identify it
19:38:43  mrsdurff - roadkill? gross!
19:38:47  etalbert - Roadkill?
19:38:53  mrsdurff - yuckoo!
19:38:54  sheila A -
19:39:01  mrsdurff - not me thanks
19:39:12  dgoodman - h come on durf
19:39:16  sheila A - high roadkill # indicates # population
19:39:22  mjsamberg - Fizz sample sites:,,
19:40:22  dgoodman - @mark  first two links didn't work
19:40:35  Ben Hazzard - Did you discuss the 3 things that are web 2.0 (and popular) that should not be shared with newbies?
19:40:53  mrsdurff - hi mjsamberg
19:40:56  mjsamberg - @deborah - they worked OK for me. and
19:40:59  jepcke - @ben Really good idea!
19:41:07  etalbert - Newbie kids or newbie teachers?
19:41:26  Ben Hazzard - Newbie teachers (I think) but both would be appropriate...
19:41:35  dgoodman - its very busy for newnies
19:41:36  mrsdurff - i use jott for that
19:41:37  jepcke - @ben What are you're 3?
19:41:52  mrsdurff - on speed dial on the cell phone
19:41:53  Ben Hazzard - Twitter
19:41:58  mrsdurff - yup
19:41:59  dgoodman - links worked that time mark
19:42:03  dougsymington - funny
19:42:05  etalbert - It is the purpose not the tool.
19:42:06  mrsdurff - yes
19:42:23  dougsymington - was going to say the same thing--yes, Twitter has a tendancy to overwhelm
19:42:40  etalbert - I wouldn't pick Twitter first for any teacher.
19:43:08  Ben Hazzard - microblogging sites, animoto, wikis/blogs
19:43:11  dgoodman - so many people tell me that they just dont get twitter but after they get more comfy with web 2.o in general they go bacl and look and get it
19:43:36  sheila A - That was me Deborah!
19:43:42  Ben Hazzard - microblogging = too confusing and don't know the noise to vitamin ratio is too small
19:43:48  etalbert - I like twitter if we tweet mostly about professional matters.
19:44:02  dgoodman - its al in who you follow
19:44:04  Ben Hazzard - animoto - cool but shiny and not as well understood
19:44:06  dougsymington - Twitter makes perfect sense the first time you use it to find an answer to a particular question
19:44:21  etalbert - I wold start teachers with an igoogle page and go from there.
19:44:50  Ben Hazzard - blogging and wikis - without a good idea of the possibilities it is not going to take hold
19:44:59  dgoodman - same as you cathy
19:45:25  etalbert - This is definately where web filtering policies come in.
19:45:40  Ben Hazzard - My question when picking what people should do first: what do they already do in real life?
19:45:53  etalbert - A lot of what we are mentioning are blocked in my state in Oz.
19:45:58  dgoodman - gotta check out animoto more closely - have heard it mentioned quite a bit lately
19:46:13  Ben Hazzard - Do they have a digital camera? Then picasa, Flickr!
19:46:23  dgoodman - how about flip video camera
19:46:36  mjsamberg - What about the flip?
19:46:44  jepcke - Don't think I'd show a newbie Second Life.
19:46:45  mjsamberg - Really cool piece of hardware.
19:46:49  mjsamberg - No.
19:46:58  dgoodman - no no no second life for newbie
19:47:15  etalbert - Media creation and sharing appeals to teachers and kids.
19:47:23  dgoodman - @mark loving the flip
19:47:25  Ben Hazzard - jepcke - excellent! stay away from SL... back up from the mouse!
19:47:33  jepcke - We are having great success with newbies and Moodle
19:47:41  etalbert - moodle is becoming popular here too.
19:47:43  jepcke - Newbies to tech that its
19:47:44  Ben Hazzard - loving the flip as well
19:47:45  mjsamberg - A few tools - I worry sometimes that we overwhelm teachers by showing them a ton of tools so that they dont' know where to start.
19:47:51  jepcke - and we have an inhouse Moodle expert
19:48:00  dgoodman - @mark  I agree
19:48:34  etalbert - Identify the purpose and learning need and then pick tool, product etc
19:48:38  dgoodman - highlight a few at a time-show real application o the tool and then move on
19:48:48  Ben Hazzard - @mjsanberg - a multitude of options does not overcome knowing the professionals we work with.  INstead of rapid fire do the more individualized approach
19:49:05  jepcke - show them a site/tool that will help them solve a problem
19:49:16  mjsamberg - I'm going to do new teacher training differently - separate them by discipline and grade level to work with them in a less general setting.
19:49:30  Ben Hazzard - As what do you want to know?  What do tools do you use in your personal life?
19:49:32  jepcke - differentiate for techers too
19:49:46  Ben Hazzard - amen jepcke
19:50:00  etalbert - Yes, relevance to teaching subject is important.
19:50:17  jepcke - many mid-range tech users get turned off when things are always so basic
19:50:37  jepcke - and the hig-end users just check out
19:51:03  etalbert - The late majority need coaxing! What's in it for me!
19:51:03  sheila A - Years ago, we used a rubric for our technology skills. Is there anything out there that has Web 2.0 concepts on rubric/continuum
19:51:10  jepcke - Some teachers think I've taught with it for so many years so I don't need it now
19:51:14  sheila A - for staff
19:51:21  dgoodman - good discussion as usual -thanks cathy
19:51:26  jepcke - @etalbert Very true
19:51:36  dgoodman - Intel has a datbase of rubrics for blogs, wikis, etc
19:51:47  dgoodman - its been great
19:51:59  mrsdurff - I did nothing
19:52:06  mrsdurff - but it was fun
19:52:11  sheila A - Thanks!
19:52:20  jepcke - @durff your presence is always reassuring
19:52:27  mrsdurff - coolcatteacher has good rubrics
19:52:31  kingre - Thanks Cathy!
19:52:44  ballardfr - Thanks everyone!
19:52:49  Ben Hazzard - Thanks!
19:52:53  sheila A - thanks for the rubric leads!
19:52:54  etalbert - Bye all!
19:53:01  mrsdurff - i was trying to re-attach a resume to an email
19:58:46  dgoodman - I heard about that at NECC
19:59:46  mrsdurff - audio gone - anyone else or just me?
20:00:03  dgoodman - i still hear
20:00:29  dgoodman - i think teachers teaching teachers discuss that last week
20:00:34  mrsdurff - then i need a browser restart-thanks
20:01:01  dgoodman - i am
20:01:03  Cathy E -
20:01:45  dgoodman - he is a great presenter